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Ex-PMs Thaksin Shinawatra, Yingluck Shinawatra to establish government in exile

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They not say anything about the weapons found in Khon Kaen from red shirts to be used in terrorist attack in Khon Kaen? The weapons found at Aksa road at the Red shirt rall y ? And the US and other countries will support this and recognize this government in exile .?I thought Thailand had already 2 years a government in exile in Dubai nothing news this

The US along with the UK and France are supporting Thaksin all in the name of the New World Order. I would imagine that over the near future we may well read or hear about a few unfortunate accidents.

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Government in exile is a fantasy. Even so, I don't think I'd want my lawyer spouting off about it while I'm in custody of the military.

Thaksin is part of the New World Order. If his buddies at the Carlyle Group wants him to take over Thailand so they can finish carving up the country, then that's what's going to happen. I believe this is the first step in their attempt to regain control through force and the Thai military is trying to preempt those efforts, which unfortunately, is playing into their hands.

The people of Thailand need to realize that they're being used! If outside forces can engineer a civil war that can be transformed into an occupation by peacekeepers, then all will be lost. These outside forces will install "Their Guy," and his newly formed government just like they did in Iraq, Afghanistan, Libya and maybe, Syria (Free Syrian Army). Then the dismantling of the country can continue. GMO-Sum-Tum anyone? Yummy!


Infowars. cheesy.gif

Thaksin still has friends in high places.....Tik-Tok Mofo's!

Thaksin, former Prime Minister of Thailand (twice), former member of the Carlyle Asia Advisory Board until 2001 when he resigned upon being elected Prime Minister.

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I can assure all on this board that TRUE Americans support a freely and fairly elected government.

Those spouting all the vitriol are also likely Fox News and Republican Tea Party fanatics (i.e. loonies). Those people are not true Americans. They are zealots and bigots.

Well spoken by a zealot and bigot.

Over the years America supported ( instigated/partcipated ) in the overthrow or attempted of so many many Governments around the world I would need all day to list them.

But I will list a few by CIA

Iran 1953

Guatemala 1954

Congo 1960

Dominican Republic 1961

South Vietnam 1963

Brazil 1964

Chile 1973

And a famous fail

Bay of Pigs, Cuba l

The CIA taking unilateral clandestine action and "Americans supporting this or that overthrow" is more than a mild stretch my friend, but then again you are just attempting to make a slanted political point, so carry on with your hyperbole smile.png As far as zealots and bigots are concerned, they fall on both sides of the political spectrum fairly evenly, actually some of the biggest bigots and hypocrites I have encountered in my life have been liberals who tout themselves as open minded and intellectual and yet they have often been the most narrow minded people I have ever encountered wink.png


Well, I think he has just assured an extended period of detention for all PTP members currently in custody, and I now envisage an all-out effort to get KhunT back to Thailand to face the music. This has to be the craziest thing Thaksin has ever set out to do, and it will certainly prove to be his undoing...!!

Great brotherly love, throw your sister under the bus for your own ends.

I think the brother's name was misspelled, it is TOXIN, not Thaksin... Truly a man suffer from dementia..... cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

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This is politics, pure and simple and could be one step closer to igniting a civil war. Regardless what you think it could be serious.

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Thaksin is a crafty, cunning, amoral political beast. Imagine it: The military will know that if they keep Yingluck in custody, she will now become an international martyr. BUT: If they release her, there is a very real chance that someone on the Red side would seek to do her harm -- maybe even very serious harm -- in order to make her even MORE of a martyr. Anticipating this possibility, the military might then decide to release her from custody but then expel her from Thailand. At least she would be physically safe in Dubai. But she's such an international "darling" that Thaksin could then take her from national capital to national capital, paying for her to meet with world leaders and testify tearfully before parliaments and congresses about the endangerment of Thai democracy. And there is no doubt whatsoever that she would be a sympathetic character abroad. Remember how smitten Obama seemed to be when he met with her. But it's not just males. Even Hillary Clinton, who could very well become the next US president, treated Yingluck as an elder sister would treat a younger sister.

The only hope is that Obama, Clinton, and other world leaders will see through the Thaksin move and recognize how manipulative and cynical it shockingly is. World publics won't see through it -- they mindlessly consider Thaksin already to be a martyr for democracy. But world leaders might recognize the diabolical move for what it is.

All that American bashing amuses me. No one mentions that Obama was invited from H M the King for one hour. Yes he came here just to see Yingluck lol. Name me please other heads of states that H M the King invited for 1 hour.

LOL right back at 'cha, dude, because I'm an American, and I'm not America-bashing. You're so ridiculously sensitive to "your Country" being insulted that you missed the major point, which is that Thaksin has made a clever if cold and calculating move. Possibly he wants to try to turn Yingluck into the next Aung San Suu Kyi. This is a BIG development, and whoever suggested that it probably has some very big backers co-strategizing is, I suspect, right.

Speculations again. Maybe you have a Texan mentality? You love Fox network too?


The banner should read "Thaksin and Yingluck the comedy duo appearing daily".

yeah, and with participant morons Suthep and Abhisit

Yeah, losers can get nasty.................clap2.gif


The US, UK and other countries were fairly quick to distance themselves from Thaksin shortly after he was deposed - I think it highly unlikely that they would entertain supporting him now. If the Junta want to resolve this they will plan and organise free elections very soon and invite a task force from the UN to control and manage the elections so that they can be seen to be fair. If they impose sanctions it will be because the army has taken over and prevented democratic rule and not because they support Thaksin or other parties involved. It is time for Thailand to climb down of the face saving pedestal and admit that the current official structures are incapable of running a free election. Anyone directly involved in the protests on either side must be banned from standing in the elections because the biggest mistake that most countries make is allowing the people who organise protest to benefit from it in any way. Does anyone know if the PDRC leader has been detained and, if not why not? If the army is to have any credibility it must maintain complete impartiality and govern for as little time as possible.

People here are very smug about their feelings against Thaksin but I think what everyone is afraid of is that even a fair and free election might still see people who support him elected - otherwise why is everyone so scared of letting the public decide?

Is a fair and free election including vote-buying?


I don't buy this, or anything Amsterdam says. He's a pimp of the worst order. Even the man in Dubai is smarter than to actually try this; especially with the members of this putative "government in exile" being hosted by the Army right now.

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Thaksin Shinawatra's lawyer says a number of states have made offers to host the government in exile.

Going from Yinglucks current location, I assume that an army base somewhere in this country will host the government in exile.


What would a Govt in exile be able to accomplish? Other than keeping the hate fires burning brightly.

I think the objective is that - in the case of international intervention - the government in exile would be allowed to return to power if the junta were overthrown. Memory may fail me but I think that's happened in other countries with "governments in exile". (No, I can't provide an example but I think it's occurred, historically speaking.)

What country would be crazy enough to invade Thailand and overthrow the junta? Syria's leader has been murdering his own people yet no one has dared intervene. It's all just a pipe dream.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


If I were YS, I would turn state witness and reveal all. All she needs to do is some hard thinking and reflect on what her brother has done to her and put her in harms way. She doesn't even need to think about the country and the people, just think for herself as her brother has done.

Lose a bit of wealth and still live a rich life and most important of all, she doesn't need to be in exile.

Think really hard YS, you can still save yourself. Your big brother don't give a crap about you.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


They not say anything about the weapons found in Khon Kaen from red shirts to be used in terrorist attack in Khon Kaen? The weapons found at Aksa road at the Red shirt rall y ? And the US and other countries will support this and recognize this government in exile .?I thought Thailand had already 2 years a government in exile in Dubai nothing news this

That may be one way of putting it. Another way might be they are patriots trying to restore (flawed) democracy over military dictatorship (that is what it is now). American revolution was started by folks with weapons, deemed traitors by British (don't think label terrorist was used back then).


This may have already been mentioned, but I think it's a smart move on Thaksin's part to announce this while Yingluck is still in custody. If the junta keeps her, they end up looking like Myanmar who wouldn't release Aung Suu Kyi.

The international community would not stand for it. The possibility of military intervention even from the now paper tiger United States could not be ruled out.


I don't buy this, or anything Amsterdam says. He's a pimp of the worst order. Even the man in Dubai is smarter than to actually try this; especially with the members of this putative "government in exile" being hosted by the Army right now.

The ideas for a Govt in exile were released BEFORE Yingluck was "detained" . . .


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You don't need an article like that to connect the dots, but it certainly does make it easy biggrin.png The military overthrow of the Thai government was a given once a certain someone passes, this current action just pushes things up a bit. I actually feel quite sad for HRH having to see all of this unfold, he has been such a strong, influential and positive force for Thailand over all these years wai2.gif


Interesting! A famous and well respected Thailand mordoo (sp?) Otherwise known as a monk that speaks to dead spirits about the future was told to tell the Thai people that a farang would completely control Thailand within 8 years time. That was about 7 years ago that he made that statement as I best recall. Can't recall hia name though. I will have my wife find a link if she can.

It's also in line with what the book Revelation has to say about Thailand along with every other country in the world. Could this thai monk be right? Time will tell I suppose. At least we all have a front seat...


Wouldnt be surprised to see USA back Thaksin. They backed Bin Laden at first didnt they? And we all know how that turned out.

Yes, the USA has a long proud history of backing the wrong people.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

You don't need an article like that to connect the dots, but it certainly does make it easy biggrin.png The military overthrow of the Thai government was a given once a certain someone passes, this current action just pushes things up a bit.



What a joke,this bloke really has foot in mouth disease.Wouldnt you wait for YS to be released,and out of the country,before you made that statement.She should make the statement herself with puppetmaster in the background,give the woman some credibility,she probably doesnt even know about this wonderful opportunity to be banned from Thailand for life as she is in lockdown.As she is facing more criminal procedings,ie,rice scam,she will definetly be a flight risk,so if she still has her passport it wont be for long,maybe she wants to go to Brazil for the World Cup.She may have been released in a few days but i can see a lot longer stay for her and friends now.Lets hope she thinks for herself,its her life after all,her brother DGAF. Making statements like this clearly show his continued lack of judgement,and diminished mental capacity.


Government in exile is a fantasy. Even so, I don't think I'd want my lawyer spouting off about it while I'm in custody of the military.

Yeah that was my first thought .... and she will probably be banned from leaving the country after release anyway.


Well, Thaksin's nineteenth retirement from politics didn't last very ( though perhaps longer than most - three days ). As always, Thaksin shoots from the hip and thinks later. It never occurred to him he might be putting his sister in a very delicate position - as she's still in detention ! ( One can almost imagine her reaction to her brother's announcement - assuming she has access to that - " Gee, thanks a lot, bro ! " ) Needless to say, Robert Amsterdam isn't listing what countries could possibly be interested in such a vaudevillian spectacle ( Kazakhstan ? ) but one gets the feeling that good old Hun Sen would lend a hand, having such a first-hand knowledge of human rights and free expression.

It is understood that the Shinawatra-led Red Shirts protest movement was anxious to make the government in exile decision public ahead of a widely anticipated statement from the Palace giving direct or veiled support of the monarchy to the military take-over. "

This seems entirely credible, because that would ( and will ) severely undercut Thaksin's stand. Thaksin is clearly trying to inspire international sympathy, and he may very well indeed see some lip service to that regard. But in the end, no country of any reasonable stature in going to step into this mess. Thaksin is more emotional in his decisions than rational. But at some point some one may need to point out to him that -

- Prayuth holds all the cards. Yingluck is detained, and Thaksin's announcement is not likely to speed up her release. All the top leaders of the UDD are detained. Chief of police Adul has been relieved. CAPO is gone. UDD radio stations are down, all UDD rallies disbanded. Prompong is under detention. There is a curfew and a resolve at the borders to contain any violent movements. All the cards are in Prayuth's hands.

Which means - at the end of the day - it will be he - and not Thaksin - who sets the terms.

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Government in exile is a fantasy. Even so, I don't think I'd want my lawyer spouting off about it while I'm in custody of the military.

Yeah that was my first thought .... and she will probably be banned from leaving the country after release anyway.

Which is exactly what Thaksin wants. Then she ends up looking good, like Aung Suu Kyi and the Thai military junta ends up looking like the old Myanmar military junta. The international community, already on Thaksin's side, might take real action.

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