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French far right in 'earthquake' win as EU votes


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One thing UKIP have not said is their position on the EEA (European Economic Area).

Whilst all member states of the EU are also members of the EEA (except Croatia whose EEA membership has yet to be ratified), not all EEA member states are also members of the EU.

The freedom of movement regulations apply to nationals of all EEA member states, not just the EU ones.

So, if the UK were to leave the EU but remain in the EEA then the ability of EEA nationals to exercise their freedom of movement rights in the UK, and vice versa, would not change.

As the EEA also has free trade agreements with the EU, this would not change either.

Leaving the EU without also leaving the EEA would change nothing.

The EU does need reform, but leaving it is not the answer.

Even the pro independence Scots want EU membership for Scotland.

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One thing UKIP have not said is their position on the EEA (European Economic Area).

Whilst all member states of the EU are also members of the EEA (except Croatia whose EEA membership has yet to be ratified), not all EEA member states are also members of the EU.

The freedom of movement regulations apply to nationals of all EEA member states, not just the EU ones.

So, if the UK were to leave the EU but remain in the EEA then the ability of EEA nationals to exercise their freedom of movement rights in the UK, and vice versa, would not change.

As the EEA also has free trade agreements with the EU, this would not change either.

Leaving the EU without also leaving the EEA would change nothing.

The EU does need reform, but leaving it is not the answer.

Even the pro independence Scots want EU membership for Scotland.

UKIP have also stopped talking about some of their crazier manifesto promises, like all taxi drivers should be forced to wear suits!!

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Do you live in Thailand?

If so, whether you are a visa runner, work permit holder or have a non immigrant visa of some kind; you are an immigrant.

Regardless of the legalese.

A guest is someone who plans to stay for a short period.

How long do you plan to remain in Thailand?

Bernard Flint says he has not lived in the UK for 11 years; obviously he is not living for a short period outside the UK!

An immigrant, by definition, is someone who moves to another country to live permanently.

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The Idea of Europe was a good one - the implememtion of the Euro as done was a failure. And who pays for it? The Germans, while living under a parlamentarian Dictatorship. Where the Revenue Office stays above every Law, when they come then you do not have any rights anymore.

Germany has become over the Years a mixture of Gestapo and Stasi. French banking law? Check the one in Germany and you know what it means to be totally controlled by the government.

The Euro would have made sense as an overall european currency where the members can borrow from regarding to their financial standing, that would have prevented the banking crisis and the billions and billions of euro the germans have pumped in to it.

yes the people are wake up and rightly so to get of the political crap which rules us.

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The EU parliament should be very interesting with 23 new MEP's from the UK's new "Official Monster Raving Loony Party" hell bent on the destruction on the EU.

With Nick Farage leading the charge. I only wish we had someone like Nick in the US.

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The EU parliament should be very interesting with 23 new MEP's from the UK's new "Official Monster Raving Loony Party" hell bent on the destruction on the EU.

With Nick Farage leading the charge. I only wish we had someone like Nick in the US.

Don't you mean Nigel Clegg....?whistling.gif

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Do you live in Thailand?

If so, whether you are a visa runner, work permit holder or have a non immigrant visa of some kind; you are an immigrant.

Regardless of the legalese.

A guest is someone who plans to stay for a short period.

How long do you plan to remain in Thailand?

Bernard Flint says he has not lived in the UK for 11 years; obviously he is not living for a short period outside the UK!

An immigrant, by definition, is someone who moves to another country to live permanently.

Which is, is it not, the intention of many of the members of this forum who do live in Thailand?

If not permanently, then at least long term.

Furthermore, your definition means that the majority of immigrants from the EEA currently living in the UK are not immigrants at all, as they intend to return to their home country at some point in the future.

Which makes Bernard Flint's post somewhat redundant.

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Do you live in Thailand?

If so, whether you are a visa runner, work permit holder or have a non immigrant visa of some kind; you are an immigrant.

Regardless of the legalese.

A guest is someone who plans to stay for a short period.

How long do you plan to remain in Thailand?

Bernard Flint says he has not lived in the UK for 11 years; obviously he is not living for a short period outside the UK!

An immigrant, by definition, is someone who moves to another country to live permanently.

Not necessarily. An immigrant is strictly anyone who enters a different country in order to live there.

The timescale does not have to be permanent nor does the expectation of the immigrant. Are Poles working/living in the UK immigrants? Some are as they intend to live and work there and establish their family in the UK. Others intend to work there for a while before heading home. Some of the latter change their minds and settle in the UK. Some who intend to live there permanently change their minds and head home, as many Poles did when the recession crushed the construction industry and other parts of the economy.

Emigration is the act of leaving one's home country. Immigration is the act of entering another country.

Immigration has been and will continue to be essential in matching supply and demand. Knee-jerk restrictions and bans are utterly counter-productive and have economic and social costs.

Over 5million Brits are currently immigrants. They have made the choice, why should we deny the same right to others?

Obviously immigration needs controlling in every country but the concept of blanket bans is plain silly. The ludicrous situation re foreign students being restricted from studying in the UK has been a classic case of blowing off one's own foot to satisfy "uninformed" public opinion. The reason it is uninformed is that politicians have been too terrified of the tabloids to outline the benefits of immigration for both potential domestic emigrants and foreign immigrants.

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The EU parliament should be very interesting with 23 new MEP's from the UK's new "Official Monster Raving Loony Party" hell bent on the destruction on the EU.

With Nick Farage leading the charge. I only wish we had someone like Nick in the US.

Don't you mean Nigel Clegg....?whistling.gif

No, I meant Nick Farage. I, like many, can only hope that the guillotines make a comeback for the globalist banksters and corrupt politicians that tout socialism as the way forward. Does that ring a bell?

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Electing far right, racist, xenophobic, anti-semitic MEPs is truly shocking. Something is very wrong in Le Republic.

UKIP are xenophobic but have done very well in trying to get rid of the racists and anti-semites that support them. Farage is entertaining, but in all reality they are a joke party and a protest vote against the mainstream ineffectual parties.

The turn-out in the UK says it all. Some earthquake!!

Abject nonsense. UKIP won the European election in the UK. They've done pretty well in the local elections too. I don't see any joke. They are on their way to the Westminster.

European Elections: UKIP Tops British Polls

sky_174244.gifSky News – 1 hour 16 minutes ago


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a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence.

Note 'usually' not 'always.'

A side issue of semantics, anyway.

I'm sure that most Thais consider foreigners living in Thailand to be immigrants, regardless of their actual visa status.

The same as most Brits consider my wife to be an immigrant, even though our intention has always been to retire to Thailand.

And most Brits consider EU/EEA migrants to be immigrants, even though most of them intend to return home at some point in the future.

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a person who migrates to another country, usually for permanent residence.

Note 'usually' not 'always.'

A side issue of semantics, anyway.

I'm sure that most Thais consider foreigners living in Thailand to be immigrants, regardless of their actual visa status.

The same as most Brits consider my wife to be an immigrant, even though our intention has always been to retire to Thailand.

And most Brits consider EU/EEA migrants to be immigrants, even though most of them intend to return home at some point in the future.

Actually it is more than just semantics.

The whole debate, or absence thereof, re immigration is beset by unintentional or wilful misunderstanding and confusion.

Demographic challenges require immigration. How would LOS cope without immigrants from neighbouring countries?

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Sorry, folium, I meant that the meaning of the word 'immigrant' and whether westerners living in Thailand are immigrants or guests was a side issue of semantics.

Not the subject itself.

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The EU parliament should be very interesting with 23 new MEP's from the UK's new "Official Monster Raving Loony Party" hell bent on the destruction on the EU.

With Nick Farage leading the charge. I only wish we had someone like Nick in the US.

Don't you mean Nigel Clegg....?whistling.gif

No, I meant Nick Farage. I, like many, can only hope that the guillotines make a comeback for the globalist banksters and corrupt politicians that tout socialism as the way forward. Does that ring a bell?

Who is "Nick Farage"? Nigel's brother??

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Electing far right, racist, xenophobic, anti-semitic MEPs is truly shocking. Something is very wrong in Le Republic.

UKIP are xenophobic but have done very well in trying to get rid of the racists and anti-semites that support them. Farage is entertaining, but in all reality they are a joke party and a protest vote against the mainstream ineffectual parties.

The turn-out in the UK says it all. Some earthquake!!

Abject nonsense. UKIP won the European election in the UK. They've done pretty well in the local elections too. I don't see any joke. They are on their way to the Westminster.

European Elections: UKIP Tops British Polls

sky_174244.gifSky News – 1 hour 16 minutes ago


Try reading their manifesto and their policies then you might see the joke! Yes, they won the Euro election on a tiny turnout and as an anti-EU/immigrant protest. They have zero chance of winning a General Election. Zero.

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there was never any 'need' for the UK to be in the EEC, It could have negotiated mutual co-operation on, trade, anti-crime, military, energy issues etc

without signing away 1000 years of independence, we are simply at the behest of a small political elite who broadly have the same or similar self interest

in the creation of an European super state, a sort of 'mind set' that they (the political elite) learned in their formative years usually in universities and then in

administrative positions in government both local and national.

a pox on them

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The EU parliament should be very interesting with 23 new MEP's from the UK's new "Official Monster Raving Loony Party" hell bent on the destruction on the EU.

The EU is designed to destruct Europe first of all. Unless you lived under a rock the last years, it's clearly to see we pay for regime change in (Ukraine, Greece) and out (Syria, Egypt) the EU. It's clearly they forced us into the bank way that destroyed the USA from inside out. The EU is designed to overthrow governments and take over surrounding Russia, build more army bases and get the resources cheap. They always know they can't pay back the loan and the "help to rebuild" the country. The loan mostly end up as investments and for the lobbyists and never the people who really need it. Those lobbyists also advice what the politics should decide. There for exactly we don't live in democracies in the EU and USA. Theocracy is what we have, and it's religion is MONEY. No money = fear, so we suck up the BS and pretend to May vote as long as we can pay to eat and live. But we all can be next you know? How many countries are doing better after the EU was created?

Man do you believe any of that horse muck? The USA caused the USA banking crisis and has zip all to do with the EU - some EU countries were hurt because of national banking rules that allowed them to invest - France's rules for example did NOT allow it, so they were broadly unhurt - again, these were national banking rules and not EU banking rules. The EU is NOT designed for any of the crap you waffle on about, it was designed for two things: to ensure that another world war in Europe does not happen (by making it economically a disaster to do so, hence the single currency); and to allow for easier trade and buying power able to take on the mighty USA (i.e. to help curtail the USA trade bullying that has been abound since WW2). There is no impetus to take over land - that makes no sense. What was an aim was to get all of Europe in - to allow for those two prime directives to happen - lifting ex-soviet states, and other economic light weights, up and into trading partnership - Russia has a lot of resources (coal, natural gas, oil), so is always wanted as a partner, but is unlikely to be a member of the EU - the EU can offer protection from Russian bullying of those small ex-soviet states and economic health.

Every country is now consumerist - even the last stronghold of socialism, China. Russia went that way decades ago now. Get over it!

L oL, I give you a"like"

Call everything I mention BS like you do proves why we're in a lot of trouble. There is no reason to so make a list of propaganda from multinatiol influenced "knowledge". If it all was that simple we would have fixed the problem you're so blinded. Invest? Not sure what you talk about if we understand the meaning of this word. France is broke too fighting all this wars. You think the riots in France and all those burning cars come from no humanitarian problems what so ever? I bet some of the youngsters in those riots have roots to these warn out places. There is no difference pretty much, it's banks and there business is war and depopulation. Why police let neo nazis riot and kill in Ukraine and Greece? Where do these orders come from if we overthrown the government already and install a new puppet government in debt of the mega banks?

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Germany is also not going to fall for fascinations again. There is a lot of resistance. When Germany leaves the EU this whole obsession is finished.

I just hope we stand strong and bring the war criminals to justice just like some lobbyists, bankers and politicians. Not hope, we have to work for it and keep talking. It's ok to disagree on some points. In the end, most of us all did not vote for war and drama. On the other hand, technically speaking you do when you vote pro EU.

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Being a good orator is good for a public speaker - it does not make his policies sound. Hitler and Goebbels were great orators! A party is also more than the head man - move down a step and look at the morons that inhabit that party. Farage spouts much the same as those war time fascists, though not as extreme of course, blaming the ills on immigration etc, when the numbers just don't stack up. This is why he and his party is seen as a joke - a dangerous joke, sure, but a joke just the same. It makes no sense - is emotive crap that pulls at the bigot in us - listen to the people on the streets that vote for him when interviewed - its always the same, "immigrants". Britain NEEDS immigrants ( especially from the EU where they tend to go home after providing skilled, cheap, labour ), it has the worlds most expensive (per head of capita) welfare system in the world and an aging community of baby boomers that blew most of the country's wealth in the 80s. WRT Immigrant benefit scroungers: pregnant wives and sick relatives that get free NHS, when the husband/son comes on a work visa - are rarely from the EU - they are from old Commonwealth countries like India and Pakistan. People from Eire come to the UK and claim unemployment benefit - often whilst working in the construction industry - that was until the Poles replaced them for skills and cost and without the dole money! The Irish come not because of EU free movement, but because of agreements made back in the 1920s.

The UKIP does one thing, it helps Labour. It waters down the Tory vote. Farage would be better as a Tory candidate, and push for reform in Europe rather than trying to isolate the UK. The EU is ripe for change (Merkel showed willingness to discuss this when she visited Britain in a joint televised address with Cameron - within reason of course), but it is silly to destroy it or jump ship - that only pays the Americans and Chinese. Britain would be the loser.

You keep mentioning the 'Poles' yeah hardworking, I know a few who still work in the UK, but you fail to mention that all the money they earn over and above living expenses goes straight back to Poland. Immigrants? all a matter of where you hail from mate, I'm from Manchester and I can tell you right now the place where I was born and bred (was a white working class area) in the last 8 years has been turned into a Ghetto, all empty properties get snapped up by buy to let landlords, next minute you have 2 family's of black African immigrants moved in (Nigeria, Senegal) this is fact not made up scare mongering nonsense , they speak their own language, our Local high street which once thrived with shops of all sorts of fayer is now just Western Union, Al-Hal butchers/supermarkets, African Cafes (see Shabeens) and gangs of these people (men) hanging out in groups of 20 outside these places. The place is now a $hit hole thanks the the local Labour councils free door attitude and the Governments open door immigration policy, yep don't tell me abouty immigration pal I am living it, My house is now worth about half of what it was. On a plus note you can buy Talipia Fish 24/7 and cooking oil - and what was once the local is now a CAB which will ensure you can claim any benefits you are entitled too and get a property, register with a local GP and Dentist, is all for free....

UKIP and Proud!

Edited by Lokie
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Being a good orator is good for a public speaker - it does not make his policies sound. Hitler and Goebbels were great orators! A party is also more than the head man - move down a step and look at the morons that inhabit that party. Farage spouts much the same as those war time fascists, though not as extreme of course, blaming the ills on immigration etc, when the numbers just don't stack up. This is why he and his party is seen as a joke - a dangerous joke, sure, but a joke just the same. It makes no sense - is emotive crap that pulls at the bigot in us - listen to the people on the streets that vote for him when interviewed - its always the same, "immigrants". Britain NEEDS immigrants ( especially from the EU where they tend to go home after providing skilled, cheap, labour ), it has the worlds most expensive (per head of capita) welfare system in the world and an aging community of baby boomers that blew most of the country's wealth in the 80s. WRT Immigrant benefit scroungers: pregnant wives and sick relatives that get free NHS, when the husband/son comes on a work visa - are rarely from the EU - they are from old Commonwealth countries like India and Pakistan. People from Eire come to the UK and claim unemployment benefit - often whilst working in the construction industry - that was until the Poles replaced them for skills and cost and without the dole money! The Irish come not because of EU free movement, but because of agreements made back in the 1920s.

The UKIP does one thing, it helps Labour. It waters down the Tory vote. Farage would be better as a Tory candidate, and push for reform in Europe rather than trying to isolate the UK. The EU is ripe for change (Merkel showed willingness to discuss this when she visited Britain in a joint televised address with Cameron - within reason of course), but it is silly to destroy it or jump ship - that only pays the Americans and Chinese. Britain would be the loser.

You keep mentioning the 'Poles' yeah hardworking, I know a few who still work in the UK, but you fail to mention that all the money they earn over and above living expenses goes straight back to Poland. Immigrants? all a matter of where you hail from mate, I'm from Manchester and I can tell you right now the place where I was born and bred (was a white working class area) in the last 8 years has been turned into a Ghetto, all empty properties get snapped up by buy to let landlords, next minute you have 2 family's of black African immigrants moved in (Nigeria, Senegal) this is fact not made up scare mongering nonsense , they speak their own language, our Local high street which once thrived with shops of all sorts of fayer is now just Western Union, Al-Hal butchers/supermarkets, African Cafes (see Shabeens) and gangs of these people (men) hanging out in groups of 20 outside these places. The place is now a $hit hole thanks the the local Labour councils free door attitude and the Governments open door immigration policy, yep don't tell me abouty immigration pal I am living it, My house is now worth about half of what it was. On a plus note you can buy Talipia Fish 24/7 and cooking oil - and what was once the local is now a CAB which will ensure you can claim any benefits you are entitled too and get a property, register with a local GP and Dentist, is all for free....

UKIP and Proud!

Well, I was born and bred in the East End of London (Bow) - the 70s turned it into a ghetto, so I feel you there. However, Nigerians, Senegalese etc are not from the EU. There is a work shortage in the UK for certain skilled jobs - and this will continue - coming out of the EU will simply mean that more Africans an Asians filling the jobs - and they do not go home. Yes Poles etc take home the extra money - we can't have it both ways - we either want them to stay or we don't - we can't expect them to come for short term and leave without the money - there would simply be no incentive.

The Tories tied to push for anti-immigration policies the last time Blair won - it was a major failure (and declared as racist). The Tories still push for controlling immigration and have made it harder. Even Labour are talking about limits these days. It does not take a UKIP vote to limit immigration.

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Germany is also not going to fall for fascinations again. There is a lot of resistance. When Germany leaves the EU this whole obsession is finished.

I just hope we stand strong and bring the war criminals to justice just like some lobbyists, bankers and politicians. Not hope, we have to work for it and keep talking. It's ok to disagree on some points. In the end, most of us all did not vote for war and drama. On the other hand, technically speaking you do when you vote pro EU.

Can't see Germany pulling out - you are right, without Germany, there is no EU. I think if it starts to look dire, the big three will get together and make necessary reforms that appeases all (well those 3 anyway) - this is likely to happen anyway. The EU is stronger than individual counties, that is a fact. There is plenty wrong with it, but there is also plenty right with it. It needs fixing rather than destroying - baby, bathwater.

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You keep mentioning the 'Poles' yeah hardworking, I know a few who still work in the UK, but you fail to mention that all the money they earn over and above living expenses goes straight back to Poland. Immigrants? all a matter of where you hail from mate, I'm from Manchester and I can tell you right now the place where I was born and bred (was a white working class area) in the last 8 years has been turned into a Ghetto, all empty properties get snapped up by buy to let landlords, next minute you have 2 family's of black African immigrants moved in (Nigeria, Senegal) this is fact not made up scare mongering nonsense , they speak their own language, our Local high street which once thrived with shops of all sorts of fayer is now just Western Union, Al-Hal butchers/supermarkets, African Cafes (see Shabeens) and gangs of these people (men) hanging out in groups of 20 outside these places. The place is now a $hit hole thanks the the local Labour councils free door attitude and the Governments open door immigration policy, yep don't tell me abouty immigration pal I am living it, My house is now worth about half of what it was. On a plus note you can buy Talipia Fish 24/7 and cooking oil - and what was once the local is now a CAB which will ensure you can claim any benefits you are entitled too and get a property, register with a local GP and Dentist, is all for free....

UKIP and Proud!

Well, I was born and bred in the East End of London (Bow) - the 70s turned it into a ghetto, so I feel you there. However, Nigerians, Senegalese etc are not from the EU. There is a work shortage in the UK for certain skilled jobs - and this will continue - coming out of the EU will simply mean that more Africans an Asians filling the jobs - and they do not go home. Yes Poles etc take home the extra money - we can't have it both ways - we either want them to stay or we don't - we can't expect them to come for short term and leave without the money - there would simply be no incentive.

The Tories tied to push for anti-immigration policies the last time Blair won - it was a major failure (and declared as racist). The Tories still push for controlling immigration and have made it harder. Even Labour are talking about limits these days. It does not take a UKIP vote to limit immigration.

Hang on, I ain't bothered where immigrants are from, I Do Not Want Them! I want to look after our own people first whether they are white, black, yellow does not matter, I am not Racist, just fed up of free-loaders taking all and giving nothing, your argument relates to hard working immigrants, lets not BS here. The average one is here for a free handout - Period. As Farage says in the speech attached to my op, if immigrants have skills we need and they are coming to contribute to our society and they are free of criminal convictions with no long term health effects and can support them selves then hey Welcome Brother, if not then *deleted* OFF!

Edited by Scott
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You keep mentioning the 'Poles' yeah hardworking, I know a few who still work in the UK, but you fail to mention that all the money they earn over and above living expenses goes straight back to Poland. Immigrants? all a matter of where you hail from mate, I'm from Manchester and I can tell you right now the place where I was born and bred (was a white working class area) in the last 8 years has been turned into a Ghetto, all empty properties get snapped up by buy to let landlords, next minute you have 2 family's of black African immigrants moved in (Nigeria, Senegal) this is fact not made up scare mongering nonsense , they speak their own language, our Local high street which once thrived with shops of all sorts of fayer is now just Western Union, Al-Hal butchers/supermarkets, African Cafes (see Shabeens) and gangs of these people (men) hanging out in groups of 20 outside these places. The place is now a $hit hole thanks the the local Labour councils free door attitude and the Governments open door immigration policy, yep don't tell me abouty immigration pal I am living it, My house is now worth about half of what it was. On a plus note you can buy Talipia Fish 24/7 and cooking oil - and what was once the local is now a CAB which will ensure you can claim any benefits you are entitled too and get a property, register with a local GP and Dentist, is all for free....

UKIP and Proud!

Well, I was born and bred in the East End of London (Bow) - the 70s turned it into a ghetto, so I feel you there. However, Nigerians, Senegalese etc are not from the EU. There is a work shortage in the UK for certain skilled jobs - and this will continue - coming out of the EU will simply mean that more Africans an Asians filling the jobs - and they do not go home. Yes Poles etc take home the extra money - we can't have it both ways - we either want them to stay or we don't - we can't expect them to come for short term and leave without the money - there would simply be no incentive.

The Tories tied to push for anti-immigration policies the last time Blair won - it was a major failure (and declared as racist). The Tories still push for controlling immigration and have made it harder. Even Labour are talking about limits these days. It does not take a UKIP vote to limit immigration.

Hang on, I ain't bothered where immigrants are from, I Do Not Want Them! I want to look after our own people first whether they are white, black, yellow does not matter, I am not Racist, just fed up of free-loaders taking all and giving nothing, your argument relates to hard working immigrants, lets not BS here. The average one is here for a free handout - Period. As Farage says in the speech attached to my op, if immigrants have skills we need and they are coming to contribute to our society and they are free of criminal convictions with no long term health effects and can support them selves then hey Welcome Brother, if not then

So how does pulling out of the EU make a difference to you and your beliefs? It is simply swapping one foreigner for another, no?

//Edit: You Farage quote is exactly the same sentiment as the Tories were saying election before last - move to a points system (like Oz) and cap the numbers. The problem is that often it is not the primary person that makes the difference - its when they get citizenship and over comes the relatives.

Edited by Scott
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You keep mentioning the 'Poles' yeah hardworking, I know a few who still work in the UK, but you fail to mention that all the money they earn over and above living expenses goes straight back to Poland. Immigrants? all a matter of where you hail from mate, I'm from Manchester and I can tell you right now the place where I was born and bred (was a white working class area) in the last 8 years has been turned into a Ghetto, all empty properties get snapped up by buy to let landlords, next minute you have 2 family's of black African immigrants moved in (Nigeria, Senegal) this is fact not made up scare mongering nonsense , they speak their own language, our Local high street which once thrived with shops of all sorts of fayer is now just Western Union, Al-Hal butchers/supermarkets, African Cafes (see Shabeens) and gangs of these people (men) hanging out in groups of 20 outside these places. The place is now a $hit hole thanks the the local Labour councils free door attitude and the Governments open door immigration policy, yep don't tell me abouty immigration pal I am living it, My house is now worth about half of what it was. On a plus note you can buy Talipia Fish 24/7 and cooking oil - and what was once the local is now a CAB which will ensure you can claim any benefits you are entitled too and get a property, register with a local GP and Dentist, is all for free....

UKIP and Proud!

Well, I was born and bred in the East End of London (Bow) - the 70s turned it into a ghetto, so I feel you there. However, Nigerians, Senegalese etc are not from the EU. There is a work shortage in the UK for certain skilled jobs - and this will continue - coming out of the EU will simply mean that more Africans an Asians filling the jobs - and they do not go home. Yes Poles etc take home the extra money - we can't have it both ways - we either want them to stay or we don't - we can't expect them to come for short term and leave without the money - there would simply be no incentive.

The Tories tied to push for anti-immigration policies the last time Blair won - it was a major failure (and declared as racist). The Tories still push for controlling immigration and have made it harder. Even Labour are talking about limits these days. It does not take a UKIP vote to limit immigration.

Hang on, I ain't bothered where immigrants are from, I Do Not Want Them! I want to look after our own people first whether they are white, black, yellow does not matter, I am not Racist, just fed up of free-loaders taking all and giving nothing, your argument relates to hard working immigrants, lets not BS here. The average one is here for a free handout - Period. As Farage says in the speech attached to my op, if immigrants have skills we need and they are coming to contribute to our society and they are free of criminal convictions with no long term health effects and can support them selves then hey Welcome Brother, if not then

Your comments, Lokie, show that you have a total lack of knowledge regarding both the UK's immigration rules and the UK's EEA freedom of movement regulations.

I suggest that you read up on both before displaying your ignorance on these matters again; especially the parts relating to what public funds immigrants from both within the EEA and outside it are entitled to; i.e. damn all.

If any immigrant, whether from the EEA or not, is coming to the UK for a free hand out; they will be very disappointed as they aren't going to get it!

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