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French far right in 'earthquake' win as EU votes


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Eurosceptic 'earthquake' rocks EU elections

(BBC) Eurosceptic and far-right parties have seized ground in elections to the European parliament, in what France's PM called a "political earthquake".

While the French National Front and UK Independence Party both appear headed for first place, the three big centrist blocs in parliament all lost seats.

The outcome means a greater say for those who want to cut back the EU's powers, or abolish it completely.

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-27559714

-- BBC 2014-05-26

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Some EU creators are nazilike and in bed with Bilderberg, illuminati or how ever you want to call it. Let's say not supporting "us" the people. Peacefully, I will do what ever I can to stop the EU, 1 world government and multinationals supporting war.

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The EU parliament should be very interesting with 23 new MEP's from the UK's new "Official Monster Raving Loony Party" hell bent on the destruction on the EU.

Call then what you will they tried calling them racist to bring them down IT DID NOT WORK in fact is made us even more resolute to vote UKIP

The political elite have ignored the people for too long and finally they have received a MASSIVE SLAP IN THE KISSER to wake them up and take notice THE PEOPLE WILL BE HEARD

The sooner the UK is out of the EU the better and that is the VIEW OF ALL THOSE THAT VOTED UKIP its not that they want the destruction of the EU its that they want the UK out of it and back to governing itself trading and controlling its borders as well as making it own laws basically back to being an INDEPENDANT SELF GOVERNING NATION.

WELL DONE UKIP now start the work for the 2015 Election

The very racist with all there racist wars use it against us. Like for example with criticizing Obama I'm a racist even do my "black" friends agree. They abuse anti Semitism the same way. With Hillary I will be sexist. But heey, it's to late, people are waking up. We are winning the information war. Don't think small, it's not just about leaving the EU, it's about justice and lock up the people who crashed the world.

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The EU parliament should be very interesting with 23 new MEP's from the UK's new "Official Monster Raving Loony Party" hell bent on the destruction on the EU.

The EU is designed to destruct Europe first of all. Unless you lived under a rock the last years, it's clearly to see we pay for regime change in (Ukraine, Greece) and out (Syria, Egypt) the EU. It's clearly they forced us into the bank way that destroyed the USA from inside out. The EU is designed to overthrow governments and take over surrounding Russia, build more army bases and get the resources cheap. They always know they can't pay back the loan and the "help to rebuild" the country. The loan mostly end up as investments and for the lobbyists and never the people who really need it. Those lobbyists also advice what the politics should decide. There for exactly we don't live in democracies in the EU and USA. Theocracy is what we have, and it's religion is MONEY. No money = fear, so we suck up the BS and pretend to May vote as long as we can pay to eat and live. But we all can be next you know? How many countries are doing better after the EU was created?

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From the Dreyfus affair to Vichy to Le Pen, France has always been a sinister country.

But overall in Europe, the citizens have spoken out against the waste, corruption and arrogance of the Brussels regents. People want more direct democracy, accountability, safer neighbourhoods and protection of individual freedoms. A new broom in Brussels ... hooray!

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The EU parliament should be very interesting with 23 new MEP's from the UK's new "Official Monster Raving Loony Party" hell bent on the destruction on the EU.

Call then what you will they tried calling them racist to bring them down IT DID NOT WORK in fact is made us even more resolute to vote UKIP

The political elite have ignored the people for too long and finally they have received a MASSIVE SLAP IN THE KISSER to wake them up and take notice THE PEOPLE WILL BE HEARD

The sooner the UK is out of the EU the better and that is the VIEW OF ALL THOSE THAT VOTED UKIP its not that they want the destruction of the EU its that they want the UK out of it and back to governing itself trading and controlling its borders as well as making it own laws basically back to being an INDEPENDANT SELF GOVERNING NATION.

WELL DONE UKIP now start the work for the 2015 Election

I would have voted ukip if living in England. I get fed up of listening to immigration crap, and i havent lived in uk for 11 years. No memorial stopne for the squaddie who got decapitated by extreme muslims, because it might upset muslims, i say xxxx em, the abide by the uk rules.

Another one here that hasn't lived in the UK for donkey's years but also would have voted UKIP. When I used to vote, the Referendum Party used to get my vote although I knew they'd be lucky to get their deposit back. It didn't matter as my vote wasn't wasted on one of the "forever promising the moon on a stick but failing to deliver" parties.

I'm just glad that people all across Europe are sick to the back teeth with the EU and their meddling. They have helped in giving everyone man and his dog "human rights" at the expense of native inhabitants.

People have short memories but I hope they won't forget the empty promises from the Tories after they lurch to the anti EU side.

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I would have voted ukip if living in England. I get fed up of listening to immigration crap, and i havent lived in uk for 11 years.

So it's ok for you to be an immigrant living in a foreign country, but not for foreigners to do the same in the UK?

No memorial stopne for the squaddie who got decapitated by extreme muslims, because it might upset muslims

Really? No.

From the Daily Mail

A bronze memorial is being built in Fusilier Rigby’s home town of Middleton, near Rochdale, and his name will be inscribed on a monument for fallen servicemen at the National Memorial Arboretum, Lichfield.

But nothing has been planned to commemorate the soldier in Artillery Place, where he died.

More than 12,000 people have signed a petition organised by the Memorial For Lee Rigby campaign to raise money to build a plinth there.

A number of religious groups, including the Islamic Society of Britain and the Conservative Muslim Forum, have supported the campaign.


Yesterday a (Greenwich) council spokesman said it had conducted its dealings through the Army after receiving a number of bogus letters claiming to be from Fusilier Rigby’s relatives.

The spokesman added: ‘The leader of the council is writing to Lee’s family today to establish direct contact with them and to ensure we can work alongside them as they continue to remember Lee and the sacrifice he made for his country.’

But what this has to do with the European Parliament elections, only you know.

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From the Dreyfus affair to Vichy to Le Pen, France has always been a sinister country.

But overall in Europe, the citizens have spoken out against the waste, corruption and arrogance of the Brussels regents. People want more direct democracy, accountability, safer neighbourhoods and protection of individual freedoms. A new broom in Brussels ... hooray!

Dreyfus was eventually released then cleared, in any other country at that time he would just have spent his life in jail if not been executed on the spot, Vichy was an occupation regime and Le Pen though I can't say I'm a fan would look like a shy leftist in most countries, US included.

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I would have voted ukip if living in England. I get fed up of listening to immigration crap, and i havent lived in uk for 11 years.

So it's ok for you to be an immigrant living in a foreign country, but not for foreigners to do the same in the UK?

Personally, I wouldn't be against them having guest status with exactly the same rights we have here.

Do you pay income tax in Thailand?

What about the Thai equivalent of NICs (is there such a thing)?

The vast majority of immigrants to the UK, whether from the EU/EEA or from elsewhere, either pay both themselves because they are working or if they are not working then they are family members of people, usually British citizens, who do.

Do you know that one of UKIP's policies is to ban all immigration from anywhere for at least 5 years.

How would that effect you if you wanted or had to return to the UK? If you are married to a Thai then you would have to leave your spouse behind.

I urge all those thinking of supporting UKIP to have a very good look at all their policies. despite the name, they are not just an anti EU party; they have other, more sinister agenda.

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I would have voted ukip if living in England. I get fed up of listening to immigration crap, and i havent lived in uk for 11 years.

So it's ok for you to be an immigrant living in a foreign country, but not for foreigners to do the same in the UK?

Personally, I wouldn't be against them having guest status with exactly the same rights we have here.

Do you pay income tax in Thailand?

What about the Thai equivalent of NICs (is there such a thing)?

The vast majority of immigrants to the UK, whether from the EU/EEA or from elsewhere, either pay both themselves because they are working or if they are not working then they are family members of people, usually British citizens, who do.

Do you know that one of UKIP's policies is to ban all immigration from anywhere for at least 5 years.

How would that effect you if you wanted or had to return to the UK? If you are married to a Thai then you would have to leave your spouse behind.

I urge all those thinking of supporting UKIP to have a very good look at all their policies. despite the name, they are not just an anti EU party; they have other, more sinister agenda.

You're comparing immigrants to guests.

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Do you live in Thailand?

If so, whether you are a visa runner, work permit holder or have a non immigrant visa of some kind; you are an immigrant.

Regardless of the legalese.

A guest is someone who plans to stay for a short period.

How long do you plan to remain in Thailand?

Bernard Flint says he has not lived in the UK for 11 years; obviously he is not living for a short period outside the UK!

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Electing far right, racist, xenophobic, anti-semitic MEPs is truly shocking. Something is very wrong in Le Republic.

UKIP are xenophobic but have done very well in trying to get rid of the racists and anti-semites that support them. Farage is entertaining, but in all reality they are a joke party and a protest vote against the mainstream ineffectual parties.

The turn-out in the UK says it all. Some earthquake!!


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