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Have you tried Fascino's in Pattaya? North Pattaya Road near City Hall (same side of the road about 100m further from the beach)

No, but a neighbour gets his from Fascinos, opposite Tescos behind Numchai on Sukhumvit, and with the card discount he pays 1350 baht.

Nope, my mistake, he says he goes to the big one near city hall and pays 1350 baht. How does the Fascinos in Chiang Mai manage to sell the same medication 300 baht cheaper?

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My friend had that surgery done in Pattaya at the smaller of the 2 hospitals and all went well and he said the price was not so bad.

I do hope you priced it relative to India and the travel costs.

Good luck.


My friend had that surgery done in Pattaya at the smaller of the 2 hospitals and all went well and he said the price was not so bad.

I do hope you priced it relative to India and the travel costs.

Good luck.

Few years now I did request few estimates for urgent surgery at high/low cost hospitals around Pattaya. Already armed with results of MRI scans, and the way forward, the lowest quote being $20,000 plus plus (room etc)

Decided to spread the net resulting in having it done in india for $700. Since then I have felt far more comfortable with any form of surgery/treatment there,language skills are a major plus too.

Travel costs are minimal, £60 return at times, just the visas are a problem,but will ease from October 1


To quote an old Benny Hill skit.

Interviewer: Is it true that you live life with a big L?

Benny Hill: Yes, and sometimes I have problems with a big P.



There are a few posts from members (no pun intended), who seem fearful of having a doctors finger check their prostate.

I had mine checked yesterday by ultrasound, costs a bit more, but is painless. If you think you have prostate problems get it checked out, don't delay.


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There are a few posts from members (no pun intended), who seem fearful of having a doctors finger check their prostate.

I had mine checked yesterday by ultrasound, costs a bit more, but is painless. If you think you have prostate problems get it checked out, don't delay.

Where did you have the ultrasound and how much?


Ultra sound will reveal size of prostate,need finger up the ass to feel if smooth, no hardness etc.

There are massage shops around that advertise prostate massages,thrill a minute I should guess


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Sorry, took me awhile to get a price as I am working offshore at the moment. The price of Doxazosin 2mgs x 100 (aka Pencor 4) is around 380 baht.

Do you have to get the Pharmacy to order it or do they carry it in stock, and where did you buy it for that price?


Saw Palmetto works for me, too. Before, I had to get up twice during the night. After one week of one tablet a day, just once. After another few days, zero times during the night, and when I go the flow is good. It is supposedly good for stopping hair loss in men and women as well, but I can't vouch for that and I don't care if I'm completely bald as long as the plumbing works.


I found that doxazosin can be very helpful to get rid of BPH symptoms. Only problem is I get so tired!! I am now trying terazosin (a slightly more modern alpha blocker than doxazosin), in the hope that I won't get the side effect of feeling so tired. It costs a bit more as it is a UK import - 1300thb for a month supply. Worth it if I get my energy back.

I too had an ultrasound - at RAM in Chiang Mai. I forget how much it cost, but I think about 2000thb. Showed I had a largish prostate, but I still had to have the finger up the bum to feel for differences that indicate suspicious changes in shape and hardness. Add a PSA of 4.5 and it is a reasonably accurate picture of an enlarged, but probably not cancerous, prostate. I am trying to avoid the biopsy!


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I found that doxazosin can be very helpful to get rid of BPH symptoms. Only problem is I get so tired!! I am now trying terazosin (a slightly more modern alpha blocker than doxazosin), in the hope that I won't get the side effect of feeling so tired. It costs a bit more as it is a UK import - 1300thb for a month supply. Worth it if I get my energy back.

I too had an ultrasound - at RAM in Chiang Mai. I forget how much it cost, but I think about 2000thb. Showed I had a largish prostate, but I still had to have the finger up the bum to feel for differences that indicate suspicious changes in shape and hardness. Add a PSA of 4.5 and it is a reasonably accurate picture of an enlarged, but probably not cancerous, prostate. I am trying to avoid the biopsy!

I've been taking Harnal 0.4mg (Tamsulosin) for nearly three weeks with no beneficial effects as yet. I also find it makes me very tired and has reduced my sex drive, also gives retrograde ejaculation which I find strange..


You do understand that prostate surgery will most likely leave you impotent.

Thinking about this too.

I take Thyroid,and Statins ,do not want to take any more,that is why I am looking for a permanent fix.

No point in being in Thailand excepting bashing the bishop on a frequency that at my advancing years surprises even me. I am here all on my lonesome,got great pensions,do not play golf or smoke so my only vice is ...vice.

Have to give it some thought though,but I like getting checked out medically wise in India,it is a great place for any procedures

HI Loppylugs

yes we all naturally have a big concern about impotence it's very scary to a man.

As i have said on the thread about "prostate....which way to go?" though, I have two friends who feel that being de-androgenised and completely uninterested in sex has not lost them anything they both think they have happier and much more contented lives, seem to have plenty of energy and smiles.

Maybe useful thread to help weigh up odds:


Just in case you're not yet informed don't panic if you get a cancer diagnosis (well try not to):

About half of men aged 65 have some form of prostate cancer.


Only about 3% of western men die of PC.......and of those the mortality/age curve is well weighted up to higher ages.


You do understand that prostate surgery will most likely leave you impotent.

Thinking about this too.

I take Thyroid,and Statins ,do not want to take any more,that is why I am looking for a permanent fix.

No point in being in Thailand excepting bashing the bishop on a frequency that at my advancing years surprises even me. I am here all on my lonesome,got great pensions,do not play golf or smoke so my only vice is ...vice.

Have to give it some thought though,but I like getting checked out medically wise in India,it is a great place for any procedures

HI Loppylugs

yes we all naturally have a big concern about impotence it's very scary to a man.

As i have said on the thread about "prostate....which way to go?" though, I have two friends who feel that being de-androgenised and completely uninterested in sex has not lost them anything they both think they have happier and much more contented lives, seem to have plenty of energy and smiles.

Maybe useful thread to help weigh up odds:


Just in case you're not yet informed don't panic if you get a cancer diagnosis (well try not to):

About half of men aged 65 have some form of prostate cancer.


Only about 3% of western men die of PC.......and of those the mortality/age curve is well weighted up to higher ages.

For me,it is very scary. I have had a sniff and I quite like it, thank you.

Nothing left in life anymore,friends ,family all dead and gone,my three score and ten rapidly approaching,to be uninterested in sex would be tantamount to saying "oh! death where is thy victory" stuff. Got great pensions gold plated index related stuff,plus ,plus and if I can spread a little pleasure and happiness to one and all so be it

Anyway it is a form of exercise,just returned from gym,like to get the HR up to around 140ish,have to have a check as I am bonking,bet it gets up to 160 at least


To whomever said prostate surgery will leave you impotent I know it's often true for prostatectomy (though I personally have a friend with a successful outcome with nerve-sparing surgery) is that in fact true for BPH size reduction?

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Impotence is a risk with such surgery but by no means certain.

Its incidence does vary with the type of surgical procedure but it is not zero with any of them (nor is it anywhere near 100% with any of them).


Impotence is a risk with such surgery but by no means certain.

Its incidence does vary with the type of surgical procedure but it is not zero with any of them (nor is it anywhere near 100% with any of them).

Do you know if they use the da Vinci remote machines in Thailand Sheryl....which I believe are more accurate around tiny nerves?

Do you happen to know if there's a go-to guy for nerve -sparing surgery either for reduction or removal of prostate?

I would certainly go out of my way to get this and so would Loppylugs I reckon.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app


No the surgery will not leave you impotent unless you have cancer in which case they snip your tubes running to your testicles. I had this operation over 12 yrs. ago in Mexico. They give you a spinal and you lay on the table and you watch the operation on a TV screen. They will also give you a video of the procedure. Prior to the operation they take small plugs through your rectum for cancer screening and you also drink a low level nuclear cocktail and after half an hour they do a full body scan to see if the nuclear material has lit up any cancerous spots. Prior to the operation you sign an agreement saying they can go further if cancer is detected. They also take a tissue sample for biopsy while you are on the table. I heard that the operation only lasts about 10 yrs. and you must have it done again. After the operation the doctor checked me out in the bathroom and I was peeing like a race horse. Now it has slowed down considerably.

Lucky you. In fact, the surgery for freeing up the urine flow for those with an enlarged prostate (TURPS) frequently has severe side effects, including impotence, incontinence & retrograde ejaculation. And it often needs to be re-done - which seems may be so in your case if you have considerable slowing of flow. An online discussion where men identify their problems can be found at : http://www.healthcentral.com/prostate/c/6814/9650/3-turps/. If you read this site and think it is all a disaster, remember that the posters are usually men for whom things went wrong. Those who didn't have a problem don't tend to find their way to such sites, so this is not a representative sample of experiences. But a significant number of men DO have severe side effects.

And "snipping the tubes running to your testicles" is basically what a vasectomy is - so will have no effect on erections.

Also, operations on the prostate for cancer do not require surgery on the testicles. The removal of the testicles was done in the belief that the hormone testosterone (produced in the testicles) worsened prostate cancer. This is being questioned in medical circles, as recent research indicates that the evidential basis for this belief was a a bit of an old wives' tale, and that there seems little if any connection between prostate cancer and levels of testosterone. (see for example: http://li123-4.members.linode.com/files/Testosterone%20Replacement%20Endorsed%20by%20Harvard%20Scientists.pdf)

The prostate has only become popular in the past 10 years. Before then health policy makers and the medical establishment didn't really care too much about a bunch of old men dying from yet another form of cancer. Very little was spent on research into the prostate for decades. Now all that has changed and the medical world is playing catch-up, so it may be some time before there are effective drug or surgical treatments that do not have severe side effects.


I had Turp surgery 6 months ago with absolutely no side effects not even bleeding.There are a few factors for this as my doctor explained.

1. There is now new equipment available for this surgery which the hospital just received

2. My doctor explained the reasons for retrograde ejaculation and other problems comes from the surgeon cutting too much of the prostrate or too deep winch happens 70% of the time. He said it all deepens on the skill of the surgeon..

3. He also explained there are different calibers of the cutting tool and it my case he used the smaller caliber which takes more skill and is more time consuming but leaves the patient with no pain or bleeding..

If anyone would like more information or advice please feel free to pm me.


Informative post CBR250

....always noted that it seems odd to blame testosterone when men tend to get prostate cancer when their testosterone is falling, not rising.

I shall make your reference about that my light reading today!

Fact is though that that goes to the heart of the matter.

There may be the first hints of changing minds a bit now but fact is T reduction or de-androgenisation or chemical castration is standard fare and as T supplementation has such a range of beneficial influence....not just about sex but mood, energy, sleep, body tone, vigour etc......one would expect T reduction to be the opposite ( though strangely as I said one friend in particular seems to very much enjoy life with extremely low T......but that may just be him.

Thing is, a study of the cost/benefit of de androgenisation only needs interviews and inspection of medical records and should be easy and cheap to do, and has big ramifications.

It really is worth clearing up.....does testosterone really promote cancerous growth or not?

Let's subdivide that:

1. Does normal/ high T promote beginning of PC and vice versa?

2. Does normal/high T fuel existing PC and vice versa? (Looks like this is accepted without question by working urologists so far)

Better get on and read yr article.

EDIT Your Second link didn't work, but a search with TESTOSTERONE and CANCER both entered brings two relevant results.


I had Turp surgery 6 months ago with absolutely no side effects not even bleeding.There are a few factors for this as my doctor explained.

1. There is now new equipment available for this surgery which the hospital just received

2. My doctor explained the reasons for retrograde ejaculation and other problems comes from the surgeon cutting too much of the prostrate or too deep winch happens 70% of the time. He said it all deepens on the skill of the surgeon..

3. He also explained there are different calibers of the cutting tool and it my case he used the smaller caliber which takes more skill and is more time consuming but leaves the patient with no pain or bleeding..

If anyone would like more information or advice please feel free to pm me.

I'm really pleased for you - and I hope such success stories become more commonplace. Is it possible that you could mention the Doctor and Hospital where you had your good experience? (I'm on my phone, can't figure out how to PM, and feel sure that lots of men reading this thread would be interested).


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I had Turp surgery 6 months ago with absolutely no side effects not even bleeding.There are a few factors for this as my doctor explained.
1. There is now new equipment available for this surgery which the hospital just received
2. My doctor explained the reasons for retrograde ejaculation and other problems comes from the surgeon cutting too much of the prostrate or too deep winch happens 70% of the time. He said it all deepens on the skill of the surgeon..
3. He also explained there are different calibers of the cutting tool and it my case he used the smaller caliber which takes more skill and is more time consuming but leaves the patient with no pain or bleeding..
If anyone would like more information or advice please feel free to pm me.

I'm really pleased for you - and I hope such success stories become more commonplace. Is it possible that you could mention the Doctor and Hospital where you had your good experience? (I'm on my phone, can't figure out how to PM, and feel sure that lots of men reading this thread would be interested).

I did PM steveb6 as he asked but got no response.


OP ... I have read a number of posts on this thread... I see those promoting Saw Palmetto and a few who consider taking 'herbs' to be heresy to the practice of medicine. Please take note - aside from having an extensive health and medical education and my first career was in the health and medical field covering nearly half of my adult life -- I am also a man who has had an enlarged prostate - Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy / Hyperplasia for a number of years. In this regard - I heartily endorse the daily use of Saw Palmetto Extract (SPE). The Extract is a concentration of the ground up Saw Palmetto Berries and works extremely well - If you take it in the dosage I recommend from many years of use. SPE under various brand names taken daily will relieve the swollen prostate and allow near normal urinary flow. I do not recommend surgery - even in the best of American hospitals with good surgeons it is risky. Surgery may well correct the problem - but a significant side effect can be impotence. It is up to you to risk that outcome.

Saw Palmetto Extract taken daily will effectively 'manage' the problem of poor urinary flow -- but not cure it. This is also coupled with the fact there are no side effects that I have experienced in 15 years of taking SPE under various brands.

Saw Palmetto Extract is available in Thailand. You can find it at local pharmacies under the imported brand name Blackmores - called Proseren. This Blackmores product is the best preparation of SPE that I have ever taken. Two capsules a day manages the problem. Starting out - I recommend that you take at least three the first few days morning - noon - night - then back off to morning and night - one each time. The other brand found in Thailand is by Mega - a well known Thai pharmaceutical company. Their product is called Sametto ... I recommend 2 capsules in the morning and 2 at night. In the first few days take an extra two midday. The plant phytols in Saw Palmetto Extract are harmless according to the best information I can find.

Please do not use the NON Extract of Saw Palmetto - it is just ground up berries and will do little good. The ground up berries are probably what the AMA used in testing SP and one could have predicted the poor outcome.

OP I am healthy living proof that SPE can manage an enlarged prostate to the point that one can be relieved of most of the need for getting up at night to go pee and using it allows one to have a complete emptying of the bladder upon urination. SPE may - work for you ... I say it will. SPE action - temporary shrinking of the prostate gland - relieving the constriction of the urethra.

Don't listen to the naysayers OP... Try one of these products first before getting surgery. Yes - you will have to take SPE the rest of your life as with any Herb or Vitamin or Health Supplement that provides a health benefit -- but for me it is worth it. Both products I mentioned are somewhat expensive - but compared to drug costs where I come from (America) they are quite reasonably priced. The Blackmores Proseren is about 700 Baht for a bottle of 60 capsules and about 600 Baht for a box of Mega's Sametto - 30 capsules. Name brand pharmacies in the malls may have these but the price will be very high. Find a good local pharmacy - I like the Chinese run pharmacies ... if they do not have them try to get them to order the product. If after you try SPE and it works for you - you may be able to make a large - bulk purchase and get a significant discount.


JDGruen If you already have an enlarged prostate and difficulty in peeing, how long before the benefits (if any) of Saw Palmetto take effect? I just received a bottle of Nature's Bounty 450mg, 250 capsules of Saw Palmetto from iHerb, cost $14.00 delivered.


JDGruen If you already have an enlarged prostate and difficulty in peeing, how long before the benefits (if any) of Saw Palmetto take effect? I just received a bottle of Nature's Bounty 450mg, 250 capsules of Saw Palmetto from iHerb, cost $14.00 delivered.

If the preparation you bought is an Extract - the concentrated form versus just the ground up berries - you should have relief in a few days ... you can take extra - I have never experienced a side effect even from heavy doses. The 450 mg sounds like you have just the ground up berries... Check out the bottle and see if you can find the term Extract. And are the capsules a gel cap - with liquid or does it look like ground up berries? The Extract usually comes in dosage of 160 mg or 320 mg capsules - gel caps liquid.

The berry form of SP may work for you - but you will likely have to take much more than is called for on the bottle.

If you have the berry form I suggest you go look for the two brands I suggest...


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JDGruen If you already have an enlarged prostate and difficulty in peeing, how long before the benefits (if any) of Saw Palmetto take effect? I just received a bottle of Nature's Bounty 450mg, 250 capsules of Saw Palmetto from iHerb, cost $14.00 delivered.

If the preparation you bought is an Extract - the concentrated form versus just the ground up berries - you should have relief in a few days ... you can take extra - I have never experienced a side effect even from heavy doses. The 450 mg sounds like you have just the ground up berries... Check out the bottle and see if you can find the term Extract. And are the capsules a gel cap - with liquid or does it look like ground up berries? The Extract usually comes in dosage of 160 mg or 320 mg capsules - gel caps liquid.

The berry form of SP may work for you - but you will likely have to take much more than is called for on the bottle.

If you have the berry form I suggest you go look for the two brands I suggest...

It says on the bottle "Natural whole herb" so I guess it's the ground up berries, and they are gel caps with brown powder inside.


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Give them a try Giddyup .. but if it were me I would go look for the others

Will do.

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