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Chiang Mai residents reminiscing about BKK coffee shop...


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....and it would appear that a lot of those same people are now living in Chiang Mai ....... maybe most of them smartened up ... Sorry to hear that you never made it there...... you may have enjoyed it and it would no doubt left a lasting memory........ you could have contributed to the discussion

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I really think topics that chiang mai posters want to talk about specifically with other chiang mai posters are and should be relevant to this forum.

Clearly there are some old thai hands who are now older but when younger spent their thailand days living and playing in bangkok, which after all, at least before 2000, lived up to its name.

Big cities are mainly for young people, and in bangkok's case, single too.

And often when we get older we get a bit weary of living in the big city, and migrate out to smaller places.

That thermae was an institution and symbolised for many bangkok residents what bangkok was all about. Until thaksin came along and astonishingly made the legal going home time 2am, while staid old singapore could party all night.

And then of course he limited the time one could buy booze from shops. I'm glad i was young when i was young!

Edited by femi fan
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If you missed Thermae I, you missed a legend, it's akin to flying into Kai Tak.

Apparently so. But I've trekked over deep snow covered high altitude passes in Zanskar, dodged a scud missile landing a few hundred metres from my house in saudi, sat on top of a train in Ecuador descending through the Andes, & spent many a night in Nice Illusion here in Chiang Mai. Life hasn't been too dull. Almost forgot to mention evenings in Mad Dog bar w00t.gif

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Thermae was amazing, but before that, and I mean way before, at that location there were dinosaurs and teradactyls and all that kind of stuff. Now THOSE were the days. Maybe I'm showing my age, but for those who missed it due to being too young, well it'll never happen again. Too bad you missed it.

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The topic was about a Bangkok hangout, and the fact that chiang Mai residents are discussing it doesn't make it chiang Mai related. If that logic was applied then so long as a topic is discussed by chiang Mai expats ,which they all are, then it's relevant. I don't care either way, but I do think your logic is flawed.

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The topic was about a Bangkok hangout, and the fact that chiang Mai residents are discussing it doesn't make it chiang Mai related. If that logic was applied then so long as a topic is discussed by chiang Mai expats ,which they all are, then it's relevant. I don't care either way, but I do think your logic is flawed.

Agree. "Chiang Mai Residents Discussing Edward Snowden"

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The topic was about a Bangkok hangout, and the fact that chiang Mai residents are discussing it doesn't make it chiang Mai related. If that logic was applied then so long as a topic is discussed by chiang Mai expats ,which they all are, then it's relevant. I don't care either way, but I do think your logic is flawed.

then flawed it is. Your perception.

Mine is that if i'm in a bar or restaurant talking to friends or strangers, then topics are open, not limited to chiang mai matters. The link is that we are in chiang mai. Different on a bulletin board is it?

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Assume that the said korfee Shop under milk wood is ref the old Therme....in through the back door via those stinking bogs...urgg.

At least the new one was a bit more functional...up to date and even..modern.....Never actually had a coffee there...?

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....and it would appear that a lot of those same people are now living in Chiang Mai ....... maybe most of them smartened up ... Sorry to hear that you never made it there...... you may have enjoyed it and it would no doubt left a lasting memory........ you could have contributed to the discussion

what are you people on about. You are making as much sense as I would if I started talking about Snuffy's Café in Seattle 55 years ago. I won't as this is 2014 and Chiang Mai and none of you would know any thing about it any how.

Mods maybe you could set up a thread for old timers to reminisce about things and not let the new comers in on what they are talking about.

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Personally I see nothing wrong of mentioning Thermae, which was in Bangkok, in the CM Forum. It's reminiscing an old entertainment place in Bangkok and giving a perspective and a comparison to such places in CM. I thought it's interesting, not to mention broadening our horizon with respect to these places.

I passed Thermae a few hundred times back in 69 when I was going to an international school in Soi 15. Also, my good friends lived about 100m up the soi where Miami Hotel was situated at the mouth. I was underage going in there, plus there was no bird hunting spirit in my blood then; and plese don't ask me if I have it nowwink.png

In any event, back in those days, I didn't think there were any decent looking Thai girls anyway. They most had feet like a duck, with toes spreading out... certainly not so nowadays! However, I do miss seeing modern Thai girls wearing salong which was more frequent then. The more decent looking girls then were surprisingly from Taiwan whom I saw in night clubs on Rachadanoem, Suriwong when my FIL took us to these places out for an evening after bowling at the Star Bowl on Petchaburi Road.

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....and it would appear that a lot of those same people are now living in Chiang Mai ....... maybe most of them smartened up ... Sorry to hear that you never made it there...... you may have enjoyed it and it would no doubt left a lasting memory........ you could have contributed to the discussion

Oh yes........Oh Yes........Oh bloody Yes!!!

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The topic was about a Bangkok hangout, and the fact that chiang Mai residents are discussing it doesn't make it chiang Mai related. If that logic was applied then so long as a topic is discussed by chiang Mai expats ,which they all are, then it's relevant. I don't care either way, but I do think your logic is flawed.

then flawed it is. Your perception. Mine is that if i'm in a bar or restaurant talking to friends or strangers, then topics are open, not limited to chiang mai matters. The link is that we are in chiang mai. Different on a bulletin board is it?

Those are your rules, and relate to talking in a bar, but Thaivisa rules are that Chiang Mai forum is for chiang Mai related topics. As I said, I don't care what topics are raised, I can scroll down with the best of them. BTW, not my perception, TV mods perception.

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For me, I like to see the CM Forum more lively. Comparatively, our CM Forum is doing better than the other regional forums. Why are some people so cynical which may affect the mods to censor due to their actions? Please, please, let's be more open-minded and not to put a burden on the mods in our local forum!

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Oop, I goofed and gave a like to Post #12 by Chiangmaijoe. I read it wrongly!

My personal feeling was expressed in my Post #17!

So you don't like me! I won't sleep tonight.

No, Chiangmajoe, I don't dislike you at all. Nothing personal! I was just making my opinions known like everyone else.

To me, reminiscing is good, and I said, the mention of Thermae in Bangkok offers a comparision to what we have or have had in CM. Why be so strict? It does no good to our CM community here.

I reminisce that I was reading my textbook, American Constitution, when my wife was in the labor room at the Mission Hospital being taken care b an American doctor. She came out from the delivery room looking like a pressed duck! This reminiscene has kept me away from all the temptation! In the same context, the Thermae case is about remimiscene, though in a different category, which we sometimes can reflect on ourselves and behavior!

No, Chiangmaijoe, I don't dislike you or any others in here! It makes no difference anyway.

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Oop, I goofed and gave a like to Post #12 by Chiangmaijoe. I read it wrongly!

My personal feeling was expressed in my Post #17!

So you don't like me! I won't sleep tonight.

No, Chiangmajoe, I don't dislike you at all. Nothing personal! I was just making my opinions known like everyone else.

To me, reminiscing is good, and I said, the mention of Thermae in Bangkok offers a comparision to what we have or have had in CM. Why be so strict? It does no good to our CM community here.

I reminisce that I was reading my textbook, American Constitution, when my wife was in the labor room at the Mission Hospital being taken care b an American doctor. She came out from the delivery room looking like a pressed duck! This reminiscene has kept me away from all the temptation! In the same context, the Thermae case is about remimiscene, though in a different category, which we sometimes can reflect on ourselves and behavior!

No, Chiangmaijoe, I don't dislike you or any others in here! It makes no difference anyway.

So now that I'll be able to sleep tonight, I'll put in a quick "I told you so" before the mods close it. I saw there's one in the area already.

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The topic was about a Bangkok hangout, and the fact that chiang Mai residents are discussing it doesn't make it chiang Mai related. If that logic was applied then so long as a topic is discussed by chiang Mai expats ,which they all are, then it's relevant. I don't care either way, but I do think your logic is flawed.

then flawed it is. Your perception. Mine is that if i'm in a bar or restaurant talking to friends or strangers, then topics are open, not limited to chiang mai matters. The link is that we are in chiang mai. Different on a bulletin board is it?

Those are your rules, and relate to talking in a bar, but Thaivisa rules are that Chiang Mai forum is for chiang Mai related topics. As I said, I don't care what topics are raised, I can scroll down with the best of them. BTW, not my perception, TV mods perception.

Rules rules rules. Why do you have to be so boring an a thread such as this one? Can you not see the irony? If you don't care, go elsewhere to talk on other threads. Why do you want to cut this thread down?? Why are you interfering? Spoilsport.

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And then what was the name of that great place in chiang mai which shut down about ten years ago? Walk along loy kroh road, go over the night bazaar junction and it was along there on the right hand side. About three or four stories high. Had plush (!) leather sofas in it, run by a friendly but sharp female operator?

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Obviously I don't think there was a problem with the original Thermae post, and I disagree with it being closed. If it was felt by the mod that it was about Bangkok and not CM related, why not just move it like has been done hundreds of times with other so deigned threads. Obviously it was an interesting topic as here we are on the 2nd page of a spin off thread. Bangkok may have been a better location and place of interest for the topic. Yes.


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There's nothing wrong with a bit of nostalgia, especially in these difficult times. I recently had the pleasure of meeting up with a few very old pals from way back who wanted to see the old Plague Spot and were staggered by the changes since our 'golden days'.

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Something else must have been going on for people to remember a coffee shop?


Google/read Stickman and Thermae, comes complete with pictures, including one of that instantly recognizable old hag who had been a feature of the place since it was built.

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