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I think this will force some peoples hand. As in if they are working under the table will have to go every 30 days to renew.

This was the right thing to do for those with out proper work docs/work visa should be made to do this.

one month ago...phnom pen...despite top documentation & proof of funds called for interview and refused double/multiple entry and told in very certain terms not to come back and.... "tell your friends not to come to my consulate to get visa"....ended up with single entry after 25 min. interview...amazing thailand...unfortunately i don't know of any alternatives to live at.....have tried several places around the world...any suggestions?

PP has been shaking people down for years who have been living in thailand more than a year on visa runs and/or tourist visas. the 1st thing they do when you apply is print out your passport history. then they pull you aside with printout in hand and tell you to get a proper visa followed by a warning that this is the last 60 day that they will give you. This is how it went for me there in early '03

I think this will force some peoples hand. As in if they are working under the table will have to go every 30 days to renew.

This was the right thing to do for those with out proper work docs/work visa should be made to do this.

I'm shocked it took 31 posts before seeing one as above. In the early days of threads like this, the post above was all you would see


I think this will force some peoples hand. As in if they are working under the table will have to go every 30 days to renew.

This was the right thing to do for those with out proper work docs/work visa should be made to do this.

I'm shocked it took 31 posts before seeing one as above. In the early days of threads like this, the post above was all you would see

My Opinion Only O.k

Do you disagree and why? Or do you agree? :o

This was the right thing to do for those with out proper work docs/work visa should be made to do this.

It would make the situation much worst then. Ask any agency in Bangkok if they are short of teaching staff and they will say yes. Many schools cannot get any teachers as there is a drastic shortage. Look at Ajarn and see the amount of ads being placed over the last month. This in the middle of the school semester.

Odd. :o


This was the right thing to do for those with out proper work docs/work visa should be made to do this.

It would make the situation much worst then. Ask any agency in Bangkok if they are short of teaching staff and they will say yes. Many schools cannot get any teachers as there is a drastic shortage. Look at Ajarn and see the amount of ads being placed over the last month. This in the middle of the school semester.

Odd. :D

Then the work visa rules should be eased not ignored. :o


Oh I totally agree that no one should be working in this country illegally. I could not agree with this point any more than you or anyone else who lives by the letter of the law. However, we cannot paint everyone with the same brush. There are many of us who are retired and living off assets and/or pensions and are under the retirement visa age of 50, who do not have or wish to plow 3 mill baht into a thai acct for the investment visa. Thus, the tourist visa option is all we got (we just say no to marriage also). I dont know what percentage of tourist visa users we make up

Oh I totally agree that no one should be working in this country illegally. I could not agree with this point any more than you or anyone else who lives by the letter of the law. However, we cannot paint everyone with the same brush. There are many of us who are retired and living off assets and/or pensions and are under the retirement visa age of 50, who do not have or wish to plow 3 mill baht into a thai acct for the investment visa. Thus, the tourist visa option is all we got (we just say no to marriage also). I dont know what percentage of tourist visa users we make up

ANd I agree with you. You argument is valid and my reference was not aimed at you and there should be a better set of rules for people doing what you do.

More at those who work under the rules with no taxes and think that it is fine as it is their right.

:o Khop Khun Khrap


Then the work visa rules should be eased not ignored. :D

The work permit rules eased? :D I don't see that happening! Labour Department, Education Department, Immigration. I don't think they talk to each other. :o Do it again for your extention of the work permit. Round and round. Most schools refuse to pick up the tabs, they expect the teachers to pay for everything. Most don't even know how to get the work permit going. So it becomes a stale mate where it is "up to you". :D


Folks ---

The original poster noted he spoke to "agents" including one "in front of the swiss hotel."

NOTE: These people do not work for the consulate (embassy). They do not speak for the consuilate, and more than likely their problem has more to do with their usual "inside man" being on vacation or having been transfered than any new consulate policy. These "agents" have an associate who works at the consulate which they hand off the visa to. What they do is technically illegal.

If one goes to the consulate, as anothyer poster noted that their friend got a double entry visa just two days ago, I think the situation is quite different.

FYI: Issuance policies for different visa types, surprisingly is not mandated by the Thai government, or at least not enforced because individual consulates make their own policies, and also are more lenient if you come from a nation their local government is on good terms with, or sometimes if you are a native.

I suspect that the powers at be finally said to Penang, "get with the program". I mean it's like every embassy/consulate in the region has clamped down on the multiple entries so why should Penang be allowed to be a rogue consulate. I am also certain that the agents and guesthouses would say this thing is only temporary as they are going to lose some business over this as customers branch out to other consulates that offer the same as Penang. I notice that this topic is quite popular at the moment with 132 users viewing. I think this is some pretty large news. I cant say I'm overly surprised though; each time I have gone to Penang, I have wondered whether it would be the time of some kind of change
It seems evident that the government (or some people in it) do not like the 'visa run' group of ex-pats.

This particular restriction does nothing to prevent visa runs, in fact it encourages even more of them.

Does seem a bit strange as all the rumblings over the last few months has been about trying to stop the habitual "30 dayers". Maybe the immigration is now going to start keeping a closer eye on expats border hopping, which will be easier if they have to do it EVERY month!

Not too sure about the thinking behind this one to be honest, it will be interesting to see how it pans out!

Then the work visa rules should be eased not ignored. :D

The work permit rules eased? :D I don't see that happening! Labour Department, Education Department, Immigration. I don't think they talk to each other. :o Do it again for your extention of the work permit. Round and round. Most schools refuse to pick up the tabs, they expect the teachers to pay for everything. Most don't even know how to get the work permit going. So it becomes a stale mate where it is "up to you". :D

AH yes the dreaded Up to you! I hate that. What it really means is that its to much work you do it :D

No I do not expect the rules to be eased by the way that would be too simple :D


Hi, kinda long way to go but the friendly Hull (UK) Thai Consulate are still offering up to 4 visas on thier website now, any news yet on Singapore?

NOTE: These people do not work for the consulate (embassy). They do not speak for the consuilate, and more than likely their problem has more to do with their usual "inside man" being on vacation or having been transfered than any new consulate policy. These "agents" have an associate who works at the consulate which they hand off the visa to. What they do is technically illegal.

The Embassy is in Kuala Lumpur. Penang is a Consulate. The service of a travel agent to obtain visas for there clients is not illegal. They turn the passports over to the same people you see; at the same desk. They may have other arrangements for fast service for overtime pay; but for normal processing there is nothing dark and sinister. That we do not have full details is obvious and I have seen times when the Consulate required all applications to be made in person (but only for brief periods). With the high interest rate shown so far I suspect we will know more soon.


Dont count on Laos even giving a single entry tourist visa. A friend of mine was refused there because he already had 2 in his passport.

If you want any more than 2 and you need to show proof of 1/2 a million baht :o


Question: Does this also apply to B visa holders?

Secondly, I have been told that the closest place in Asia to get the multiple, is in Sri Lanka. Apparently there is a flight that lands in the morning and you can catch the evening flight out with the multiple re-entry.

I was in Vancouver recently and went into the Thai consulate armed with all the documents needed for a WP, a B visa and multiple re-entry. I was told that I could not get a multi (despite seeing a pricequoted at the window for the multi). After a long friendly chat with the Consul General she agreed to give me one. Therefore, I can conclude that Consulates have been instructed to deny multi's unless the applicants can prove that they are "worthy" of them. Perhaps there is an unoffical effort going on to weed out the "undesirables" from entry into Thailand? Just my observation.

A qualified candidate might find it useful to ask for a meeting with the Consul General at Penang (and other closer consulates) and describe to him/her the purpose of your stay. The Thai government is clearly open to offering help to individuals that are promoting tourism, exports, investment, retirement etc. I fear that for the English teachers and long stay visitors (the lady lovers), you are out of luck. :o


I dont really see what all the fuss is about? If you have a tourist visa only then you play by the tourist rules. There are many reasons why you would be refused multiple entry visa's. I had a multiple entry application turned down 2 years ago. The reason was over stay and the concequence was that I was black listed. No more multiple entry's ment more visits to the border, but so what. After all, is only money! :o

Thai people are slaves to there counrty. Thinking about how difficult it is for the Thai's to even obtain a visa so they can go visit another country or what ever reason.

Ive noticed in no uncertain terms how cheap Europe is getting for consumer products especially electrical and computer products amounst many other things. So is it possible the hard working common thai are restricterd to there country so they dont get to see how cheap the rest of the world is and how living is easy in European countrys and how they are all getting ripped of by the high and mighty. Thai politics is b*****ks, and i feel sorry for the Thai's, in the way they do everything. There are hugh amounts of wealth in thailand but its not distributed evenly. Its all taken out of the country and spent abroad by the wealthy because they know its cheaper. Example: Last month my father met the Thai prime minister Mr Taksin. He pulled up in a Mercedes SLR, (350'000 GBP) after admiring its beauty and bragging over its top speed and splendid handling he mentioned the other 2 cars he just bought from Maranello's. "Please could you keep an eye open for 2 other cars for my guests, they should be arriving early morning around 7:30am". What do you know bang on 7:30am 2 others cars arrive in the car park purchased by Mr Taksin (thai prime minister) a Ferrari Enzo, and a Ferrari F1. :D

You make your own conclusions..........

When I was in Vientienne in July 2004, they only offered the single-entry visa. I doubt much has changed.

Yo are right, I am right back from Vientiane, took every singele document with me exept my mothers birth certificate :o

I have Co Ltd tax ID's house , land , income , bankbook, workpermit ect, No multiple non imm B.

They gave me a 3 month only, first timer after 17 years doing bussines in Thailand.


There are hugh amounts of wealth in thailand but its not distributed evenly. Its all taken out of the country and spent abroad by the wealthy because they know its cheaper.


90% of Thailand's wealth is held by 10% of the population!



well I just got my passport back from the Thai Consulate in Dublin, no problem getting double entry tourist visa PLUS whereas before on the visa they gave me 3 months to use it, on the stamp from the consulate in Dublin they've allowed 6 months to use it.

PS Naturally I was in Ireland when I applied to the Consulate, it weren't your country-next-door visa run thing.

After a long friendly chat with the Consul General she agreed to give me one. Therefore, I can conclude that Consulates have been instructed to deny multi's unless the applicants can prove that they are "worthy" of them. Perhaps there is an unoffical effort going on to weed out the "undesirables" from entry into Thailand? Just my observation.

A qualified candidate might find it useful to ask for a meeting with the Consul General at Penang (and other closer consulates) and describe to him/her the purpose of your stay. The Thai government is clearly open to offering help to individuals that are promoting tourism, exports, investment, retirement etc. I fear that for the English teachers and long stay visitors (the lady lovers), you are out of luck. :o


I have also done a lot of visa runs to Penang in the 80s and 90s but only for Non-Imm-O or B, always applied in person! sometimes had to talk my way out of requirements I could not fulfill but got what I applied for every time. Now I'm on an annual Non-Imm-O visa since '98.

DON'T use agents!!!! go in person!

Embassy/consular staff can not evaluate the sincerity of an applicant if the application has been submitted by an agent. They obviously have the policy: if in doubt - reject application.



This was the right thing to do for those with out proper work docs/work visa should be made to do this.

It would make the situation much worst then. Ask any agency in Bangkok if they are short of teaching staff and they will say yes. Many schools cannot get any teachers as there is a drastic shortage. Look at Ajarn and see the amount of ads being placed over the last month. This in the middle of the school semester.

Odd. :o

That's got to be the funniest thing I've ever heared. There's absolutley NO shortage of Thai English teacher who would take pride in thier job, do thier best by the students and actually bother to mark the kids work. Unfortunately all that dedication and passion means NOTHING when you compare it to white skin: I mean who'd wanna send thier kid to a school with a dedicated hard-working Thai school when the school down the road has a Farrang?!!!

Don't get me wrong I'm not having a dig at genine teachers. Qualified or not you can be a good teacher as long as you have a passion for the job. Unfortunately passionate farrang teachers are few and far between and so schools are now full of backpackers who've run out of money and want an easy way to stay without having to go home. So they "teach".

There's absolutley NO shortage of Thai English teacher
Are you a Thai English teacher?



The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place. — George Bernard Shaw


one month ago...phnom pen...despite top documentation & proof of funds called for interview and refused double/multiple entry and told in very certain terms not to come back and.... "tell your friends not to come to my consulate to get visa"....ended up with single entry after 25 min. interview...amazing thailand...unfortunately i don't know of any alternatives to live at.....have tried several places around the world...any suggestions?

Brazil. Not the big cities of course but anywhere up the coast from Rio have dozens of places just like Pattaya. You'll have to learn Portuguese, the Brazilians are not generally very good with English and you'll have christmas in the middle of the summer but other than that everything else will be much simpler. Visa's are easy to get, no need for work permits, nobody care and easy to get if you prefer. Costs of living similar. Great food, muchachas. US timezone. Stay away from the big cities such as Rio and Sao Paulo, high crime rates, traffic and pollution.

There are hugh amounts of wealth in thailand but its not distributed evenly. Its all taken out of the country and spent abroad by the wealthy because they know its cheaper. Example: Last month my father met the Thai prime minister Mr Taksin. He pulled up in a Mercedes SLR, (350'000 GBP) after admiring its beauty and bragging over its top speed and splendid handling he mentioned the other 2 cars he just bought from Maranello's. "Please could you keep an eye open for 2 other cars for my guests, they should be arriving early morning around 7:30am". What do you know bang on 7:30am 2 others cars arrive in the car park purchased by Mr Taksin (thai prime minister) a Ferrari Enzo, and a Ferrari F1. :D

You make your own conclusions..........

Strewth...cry me a river! not the jelous type are you? :o

So what if Taksin arrived in a Merc.My mates got a top of the line Merc, a BMW and a bloody Maserati to boot.What does this tell you about him???


At first glance, it appears abusive if you only have a tourist visa and keep getting them renewed back to back, so you obviously aren't really a tourist. But as another poster points out, the requirements for retirees under age 50, or men with Thai wives, or men with Thai boyfriends, or teachers making less than 50K per month, the refusal of the three ministries to talk with each other, the general xenophobia, etc., make it difficult to get a non-tourist visa.

The shortage of reasonable well-qualified true native speakers of English is endemic throughout Thailand, and the new school year started less than five weeks ago. However, working conditions in 89.643% of the schools are unreasonable and unbearable. So you've got all kinds of disfunction in a market that does not obey the law of supply, demand, and price.

Uhm, we haven't done the Penang consulate many favors by broadcasting how they had a reasonably lenient policy, and that Penang is the closest such consulate. We should probably be discreet about which other consulates in the US, UK, Australia, etc., are so lenient, or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs might crack down on them, too.

Indeed, many farang in Thailand are between a rock and two hard places: Immigraton Police, Labour, and the industry you might work in.

For some good workers, farang or Burmese, it's far more difficult to simply be 100% legal than many retired expats can imagine.

:o Sorry to be the one with bad News, Hans Brix, but Laos will be most the same as your Visa run to Penang. Good Luck to all MAYBE, just maybe some postive feedback from the Embassies could get them to lightin up a bit. LOL
Hopefully, if this is true then it will only apply to tourist visas!

I was surprised that I got last year September after more than ten years the first time a non-O with only one entry (Seoul Embassy).

So I switched to the one year permit issued by the PTTY Immigration and a multiple rentry. It's easy and uncomplicated, just follow the rules and you'll have it within 4 hours (mult re-entry next day, I was too late)

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