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OK. You win. We will all go home with all of our dosh!


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I think over time, I've found something (often many things) I didn't like about every place I've ever lived, including my home

country. However, the more I traveled, and the more I learned about myself, I started to see that a lot of my problem adjusting

to places and things was my attitude. I must say, I agree wholeheartedly with earlier commenters who said they are quite happy

here. Sure, there are things here that, if I let them, would drive me bonkers. I chose to "turn down the volume" on that shit and turn up the volume on the stuff that makes me feel good. It's not denial. It's a conscious choice to be happy.

I think I have finally found a place I can call home, not only in Thailand, but in myself as well.


That is it in a nut shell, happiness is only found inside yourself

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The Op Makes highly valid points, albeit in a somewhat inflammatory manner for those of us sensitive enough not to enjoy having our choices questioned.

And there it is... IMO - the OP is right... Bang on the Money.... Why can't we own land ? etc etc...

Yes, we know about it, we accept it. But, if we were to have a vote or a choice in the matter would we not choose or vote in the same manner as the Ops opening post ?

He's right !... there is no denying that. But so are the many posters who in as many other words unimaginatively suggest if you don't like it... ... ... we know the rules so why b!tich about them?...

It wouldn't be too much of an issue for the powers to award 'limited' land ownership rights to foreigners in Thailand... i.e. 1 Rai permitted per foreigner... I don't see any harm in allowing that measure.

As far as the use of the word Farang... that topic has gone full circle more times that I care to remember.

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What do you mean 'we'? By all means take yourself and the money you think so much of back to where you came from. I think you'll find the Thais don't even notice. We long-stayers really do not contribute that much to the economy here.

For me, I'm staying. I've got a comfortable life here and I find that on the whole, the Thai people and government are very welcoming. They do keep us under some restriction, but this is understandable. After all, we spent hundreds of years trying to take over the country by military and economic means as well as by subterfuge. The Thai nation has racked up an awful lot of experience at engaging with Westerneres without allowing us to overrun the place. I don't expect them to surrender their sovereignty now.

'Farang' is not a racist term, any more than 'European', 'white', or 'Caucasian' is. It's simply the term (for hundreds of years if not longer) for a Westerner, cognate with similar words in languages from North Africa through Persia and India. Can it be made into a term of derision by usage or tone? Sure, just as you can (and I can see that you do) say 'Thai person' such that it sounds like the world's worst insult.

I encounter a *lot* of racisim here, entirely on the side of Farang expats. In my book, the Thais are putting up with a lot. Almost certainly, quite a few resent our presence. In the reverse situation, I know I would.

If there were ever a law passed that made dissing the Thai people and nation a crime in the way that disrespecting the monarchy is, an awful lot of us would be in serious trouble.

Bon yoyage!

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There are certainly, as people have pointed out, many more hospitable, more beautiful, less corrupt, less polluted places around this planet with kinder, more gentle people and just about every superlative you can think of....than Thailand....but as also pointed out, many of us have decided to make it our base... plenty of places that have an upper hand to Thailand with just about it all.

I will eventually make it to those places and leave this country far behind, but in the interim? I am over complaining and ranting about the negatives this place and its people have, I'm just trying to weather the storm like the rest of us

Let's face it, for the most part, the honeymoon period with the naivety and all that goes along with it, doesn't last that long when living here anyway...for a large portion of the expats

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Why should we stay in a country where we, westerners are not welcome by the Thai government.

A Thai, in Europe! if sufficiently funded can buy anything from a caravan to a football club,

This is not reciprocated here.

I want the same "rights" as a Thai property owner in London.

I am sick of the overt racism that is endemic here!

I am sick of the term "farang" used in this forum.

It is just a racist slur!

Anybody who uses the term upon themselves is self deprecating or a Thai

I want to invest here, create wealth and employment .

But there is a problem! I am not American or Japanese!

I do not get their limited r privileges?

Again. I ask you,!

Why should we stay?

Vote with your wallet!

It is the only language they understand

Get the frog out of here today. no more to say. Vote with your brain and enjoy cold winters and people who can't smile.-coffee1.gif

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I know what you mean I’m American and after 8 years voted with my feet, I left 3 months ago. I knew I could not really work there or own a house when I came and I thought I would be alright with that but it gets frustrating. All the ideas I had for business while I was there and could not act, I felt like I was wasting away in Thailand, not enough to do to occupy my mind and the people are not the most intellectual. I spent my time studying the language, I can speak, read and write Thai now which was fun and made life a lot easier, and more enjoyable but it wasn’t enough for me.

So I did as you suggested and voted with my feet. I’m back in the US, reopened my real estate company and I’m already closing in on some serious money and I must admit it’s beautiful here in the US. To be honest I don’t know how I lasted that long in Thailand, it’s just too restrictive with too much corruption, thievery, jealousy and racism. I think it was my love of their language that kept me there, I find it am absolutly fascinating language and learning it was challenging and fun.

So now I’m gone and the money I contributed to the economy, probably 20 times or more what the average Thai would inject is gone as well. I guess that’s the way they want it and it’s really up to them it’s not my place to say what laws they should adopt. I have a feeling they are afraid of us, we are a formidable group of businessmen to compete with and most are not used to competing at that level.

It was hard for me to leave but I'm happy I made the move out. I’m planning to work for a few years and then try and see if I can retire "again", for good and this time I’ll try some ware in Latin America I want to learn Spanish any way.

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Anyone that comes to live in a country and doesn't do any research on the rules of living there, deserves what he gets.

I don't object to the use of Farang why should I, it's not always used in a derogatory fashion.

There's no point in complaining if you don't like the setup you are free to leave any time.

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You are 1000% correct-dont let the idiots comments get you down,It is obvious that Thailand has a very long way to go to bring itelf up to international standards-I myself after living here in Thailand five years am looking for a better place.

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You are 1000% correct-dont let the idiots comments get you down,It is obvious that Thailand has a very long way to go to bring itelf up to international standards-I myself after living here in Thailand five years am looking for a better place.

I hear Burma is doing quite well currently

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the real history of thailand-

" the british very unhappy with the way they were betrayed by the thai's offloaded almost all their suplus bombs onto the thai captial.The americans did almost the same soon after.The message was clear.Thailand was sent a warning and then became a colony of the west"

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the real history of thailand-

" the british very unhappy with the way they were betrayed by the thai's offloaded almost all their suplus bombs onto the thai captial.The americans did almost the same soon after.The message was clear.Thailand was sent a warning and then became a colony of the west"

I'm off to bed within the next half hour.

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I've been here eight years, have had enough, and plan on leaving within the next year or so. I still NEVER whinge to those wishing to stay here. I left what I consider a God-forsaken place called Seattle to come here, and the same thing applies there. Plenty of people love Seattle, and the same for Thailand. Last time I checked, there were absolutely NO locks on the exits, so feel free to use one in a quiet and respectful manner.

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the real history of thailand-

" the british very unhappy with the way they were betrayed by the thai's offloaded almost all their suplus bombs onto the thai captial.The americans did almost the same soon after.The message was clear.Thailand was sent a warning and then became a colony of the west"

Did your lawyer tell you this, after you had beaten up the Policeman?

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Can agree to the OPs general frustration wanting to invest, create wealth and employment in Thailand.

It certainly seems like Thailand has rather limited interest in such things.

But Thailand does in fact welcome westerner's investments for the purpose of providing for the extedended families of poor farmer's daughters.

This is a way for Thailand to obtain foreign investment into the development of rural Thailand, especially the north east.

Doesn't necessarily help the OP though... :-)

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What do you mean 'we'? By all means take yourself and the money you think so much of back to where you came from. I think you'll find the Thais don't even notice. We long-stayers really do not contribute that much to the economy here.

For me, I'm staying. I've got a comfortable life here and I find that on the whole, the Thai people and government are very welcoming. They do keep us under some restriction, but this is understandable. After all, we spent hundreds of years trying to take over the country by military and economic means as well as by subterfuge. The Thai nation has racked up an awful lot of experience at engaging with Westerneres without allowing us to overrun the place. I don't expect them to surrender their sovereignty now.

'Farang' is not a racist term, any more than 'European', 'white', or 'Caucasian' is. It's simply the term (for hundreds of years if not longer) for a Westerner, cognate with similar words in languages from North Africa through Persia and India. Can it be made into a term of derision by usage or tone? Sure, just as you can (and I can see that you do) say 'Thai person' such that it sounds like the world's worst insult.

I encounter a *lot* of racisim here, entirely on the side of Farang expats. In my book, the Thais are putting up with a lot. Almost certainly, quite a few resent our presence. In the reverse situation, I know I would.

If there were ever a law passed that made dissing the Thai people and nation a crime in the way that disrespecting the monarchy is, an awful lot of us would be in serious trouble.

Bon yoyage!

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As for 'owning land' issues, I believe the Thais have it right. Foreign ownership of land, especially in a country as small as Thailand is NOT a good thing. Perfect example would be Australia. They have allowed foreign investment to swoop in and make large land purchases and that country has significant problems with the cost of housing, locals have been well and truely priced out of the market by wealth foreign investors. I'm not complaining though as I am a land owner that made serious profit by selling land for multiple amounts of what it was really worth, so three cheers to me wink.png.

yes i agree, be careful what you wish for.

one reason you can afford to live at low cost in thailand is because the international slush money isnt allowed to invest in thai land. the international money requires an interest on its investment and it is you who would be paying that interest. its compound up the chain through higher capital cost of all production which the consumer must then pay.

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I think one of the biggest problems with the racism here, towards Westerners is that we Westerners ourselves not only accept being called the "whitey" (farang), but actually enjoy being called "farang".

If I got 1 thai baht every time I see and hear a foreigner proudly calling himself "whitey" (farang), I would be very rich by now.

Just take a look at this forum. Every other foreigner calls himself the Whitey. Why should Thais stop discriminating and objectifying us, when we,even do it to ourselves??

We even have a "whitey" forum here on Thaivisa, created by other whiteys.

So how can we expect Thais to not behave racists towards us??

It's clear some forum members will not be satisfied until they are addressed as 'Massa'...

Farang is simply what we are in the local language. It's not a pejorative term at all.

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Can agree to the OPs general frustration wanting to invest, create wealth and employment in Thailand.

It certainly seems like Thailand has rather limited interest in such things.

But Thailand does in fact welcome westerner's investments for the purpose of providing for the extedended families of poor farmer's daughters.

This is a way for Thailand to obtain foreign investment into the development of rural Thailand, especially the north east.

Doesn't necessarily help the OP though... :-)

I really do hope your joking. This type of comment is always bantered about by those who were unable to score any pussy in their home country. Usually because they were too ugly, stupid or poor....not you though, your the exception.

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I think one of the biggest problems with the racism here, towards Westerners is that we Westerners ourselves not only accept being called the "whitey" (farang), but actually enjoy being called "farang".

If I got 1 thai baht every time I see and hear a foreigner proudly calling himself "whitey" (farang), I would be very rich by now.

Just take a look at this forum. Every other foreigner calls himself the Whitey. Why should Thais stop discriminating and objectifying us, when we,even do it to ourselves??

We even have a "whitey" forum here on Thaivisa, created by other whiteys.

So how can we expect Thais to not behave racists towards us??

I am proud to call myself whytey but only because my surname is Whyte and whytey has been my nickname since I was 6 or 7 years old. I can't say that the word farang bothers me. It is just a word. It is the context in which it is used that counts.

Sent from my KFTT using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by whytey13
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I think one of the biggest problems with the racism here, towards Westerners is that we Westerners ourselves not only accept being called the "whitey" (farang), but actually enjoy being called "farang".

If I got 1 thai baht every time I see and hear a foreigner proudly calling himself "whitey" (farang), I would be very rich by now.

Just take a look at this forum. Every other foreigner calls himself the Whitey. Why should Thais stop discriminating and objectifying us, when we,even do it to ourselves??

We even have a "whitey" forum here on Thaivisa, created by other whiteys.

So how can we expect Thais to not behave racists towards us??

Farang is just the word foreigner in Thai, I speak Thai and most of the time I hear Thai’s using the word it is not derogatory. I have heard it used in an inflammatory degrading context sometimes but not often. Usually they are just saying the person is a foreigner.

I will be the first to admit there is incredible racism and envy from Thai’s directed at foreigners but I don’t hear it much personally in their words, I see it in their actions. “By his actions you shall know him”, I’m not that concerned with the use of words but I see their actions and it’s not good.

I am proud to call myself whytey but only because my surname is Whyte and whytey has been my nickname since I was 6 or 7 years old. I can't say that the word farang bothers me. It is just a word. It is the context in which it is used that counts.

Sent from my KFTT using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Farang is just the word foreigner in Thai, I speak Thai and most of the time I hear Thai’s using the word it is not derogatory. I have heard it used in an inflammatory degrading context sometimes but not often. Usually they are just saying the person is a foreigner.

I will be the first to admit there is incredible racism and envy from Thai’s directed at foreigners but I don’t hear it much personally in their words, I see it in their actions. “By his actions you shall know him”, I’m not that concerned with the use of words but I see their actions and it’s not good.

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To be honest I don’t know how I lasted that long in Thailand, it’s just too restrictive with too much corruption, thievery, jealousy and racism. I think it was my love of their language that kept me there, I find it am absolutly fascinating language and learning it was challenging and fun.

You could try Cambodia, at least the business visas allow you to setup almost any kind of company without needing to employ locals. Thailand should learn from them when it comes to business visas.

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To be honest I don’t know how I lasted that long in Thailand, it’s just too restrictive with too much corruption, thievery, jealousy and racism. I think it was my love of their language that kept me there, I find it am absolutly fascinating language and learning it was challenging and fun.

Thailand should learn from them when it comes to business visas.

They have done. That's why they have a GDP of 365 billion dollars compared to Cambodia's 14 billion laugh.png

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OP. You are free to leave the country and this site anytime you like...nobody is holding you back. What you complain about has been to my knowledge the last 15 years. If you just got to know you are a retard and a very bad coordinator. :-/

You are obviously very angry and grumpy and I think the country would be much better off without you and your negative waves.

You go back to Europe where everything is going down and everybody is full of racist and hate. You will fit nicely in there.

Have a nice trip..... grumpy :-(

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I've been here eight years, have had enough, and plan on leaving within the next year or so. I still NEVER whinge to those wishing to stay here. I left what I consider a God-forsaken place called Seattle to come here, and the same thing applies there. Plenty of people love Seattle, and the same for Thailand. Last time I checked, there were absolutely NO locks on the exits, so feel free to use one in a quiet and respectful manner.

This is a classy way to make an exit. Unlike the OP and those like him.

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