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Thai Lateness. Your reaction?


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I'm chronically setting up meetings/dates with Thais and they routinely come a little or very late. Never early but some and only some, right on time.

Whether for business or pleasure, this lack of respect is a terrible way to start things off. Do I have to teach an adult to come on time? Am I expecting too much?

I now double book so there's 2 people booked at 10am (example). If one arrives on time (rare), the other must wait. Since neither usually come on time, this method works smoothly.

I cannot imagine them coming for a job intereview at the bank or hospital late so I don't believe in the Thai culture malarky excuse.

Why do they dissrepect me so much?

What do you say or do if/when this happens?

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They possibly may have stopped for something to eat on the way,using your example if it was 10 am,well they may not have eaten since 8,so by then they would be starving,and food would become more important than getting to the meeting on time,as a rule they seem to eat at least every 2 hours.

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I read an article about people's sense of time. This writer said there are two types of people; "In time" and "Out of time"

The "in time" people live in the moment and have very little feeling for the future (and ironically for the name, are never in or on time). The "out of time" people are always looking ahead and thus are punctual.

If we consider this as a reasonable hypothesis, and take into account the apparent lack of future planning and forethought of many Thais, perhaps many Thais are "in time" people?

I have a good mate who I've known for 35 years. He is "in time" and not once in 35 years has he ever been on time. Everything is always a last minute scramble, and he is ALWAYS late. It does not take away from the fact that he is intelligent and an all-round good guy. Just bluddy frustrating!

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Gsxrnz, my wife's the same, after some difficulties when we first got together some long years ago....

Also long years ago, when I first got to Laos, my farang boss, a retired U.S. Marine O-6, told me to maintain my cool, he said just remember that "bo pen nyang (mai pen lai in Thai) makes manana~ sound like a war cry."


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Agree with the point that if they were meeting the king or royalty they would be on time

So does that mean if they are late without a very valid reason, then they are just being disrespectful or Is it just culture

I could imagine a girl who is going on a first date in Thailand and is super keen, and is dressing her best and choosing the best perfume, but being on time doesn't even register in her mind

So is this disrespect? Or cultural differences

If the Thai girl on a first date was 15 mins late, and the guy was another 30 mins later, would she be annoyed?

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They are not tied to a clock or watch like in the West, traditionally they got up when it was bright, if there was work to be done they did it when it was there to be done, then went to sleep when it got dark.

I remember some 20 + years ago in Ireland a CEO of a German company was leaving after approx 15 years working in Ireland. In his farewell speech he said(in a lighthearted manner) that there were three things he learned not to believe in Ireland.

1. The meeting starts at 10.00

2. The cheque is in the post

3. Lets go for a Pint


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Had a dinner meeting in BKK arranged once with a Thai friend.
I arrived at the venue slightly ahead of time and got settled, ordered a beer and some nibbles knowing very well this Thai trait regarding punctuality.
30 minutes pass and he calls to inform me traffic is bad, will be another 30 mins.
30 mins later he calls again, "nearly there, crazy traffic, dunno whats happening, about 10 mins more!"
I call him back 30 mins later...phone closed.
I call again after 10 more mins....phone still closed
I pay the bill and go home.
Turns out he was in Chiang Mai when he spoke to me, but could not bring himself to tell me earlier that day that our appointment needed to be rescheduled. He was happy to spin some yarn until the 'loss of face' was too much to bear, then he turned off his phone!
Truly amazing. Still shake my head trying to work that one out to this day. Said event took place 17 years ago.

This should go in the face thread

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My wife is Thai and she is always on time. Her business associates are always on time. I went to immigration yesterday and they opened on time. I had an appointment with the doctor and he was on time. I have Thai TV and all the programs today were on time. I have a Thai dog and every day at exactly 4 PM she comes to the front door to wait for her food.

If anyone would look at an average day in Thailand I think they will find most things happen on time.

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"Why do they dissrepect me so much?"

If you genuinely think that ... you have a lot to learn about Thais and their laissez faire attitude to many things (excpet food ... laugh.png).

Tis you not, don't over think the situation.


Then perhaps the OP should just invite them for lunch :-)
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My first reaction was to moan about it, then after a few years laugh about it, now I know the way the average Thai thinks is very different from the way the average Westerner thinks. It's a cultural thing due to the Buddhism, IMHO. Thai people don't care if the person they meet is late as they a lot more comfortable enjoying the moment than Westerners, who are not taught "samadtee" or meditative techniques at school.

They will reply, "I am here 'now'", so what's the problem.

They are actually right as time IS an illusion.

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I could never understand why people will give a precise time for an appointment and then be late. Tell me you will turn up some time tomorrow, that's ok. Tell me you'll turn up at 08.15 and THEN turn up some time tomorrow, I just lose it.

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After spending all my working life with the unwritten motto "hurry-up and wait", I have always been a punctual person.

Now after 3 years here, I have found the Thai attitude more relaxing and to never expect things to be on time.....I find it less stressful that way....but that's just me.


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My first reaction was to moan about it, then after a few years laugh about it, now I know the way the average Thai thinks is very different from the way the average Westerner thinks. It's a cultural thing due to the Buddhism, IMHO. Thai people don't care if the person they meet is late as they a lot more comfortable enjoying the moment than Westerners, who are not taught "samadtee" or meditative techniques at school.

They will reply, "I am here 'now'", so what's the problem.

They are actually right as time IS an illusion.

correct all made up by jumped up humans to pretend they rule the bloody show. Try asking a monkey in the jungle for the time - they'll laugh you in the face !.

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When i came back to los after 3 month's in Australia,i told my now wife,when i was landing,eta through immigration ,etc,i had a car booked,after 20 mins no show i called her,"oh much traffic on motorway" i could hear talking in the background and plates and cutlery clinking,"where are you " i asked."oh,we nid noy hiw,stop for noodle" she replied,i just smiled and said "okay see you when you get here" 40 mins later she arrived over an hour late,i was a little angry but did not say anything as she was so happy to see me ,did not want to spoil the moment,but she forgot her bag with her clothes in the rush and as we were holidaying for a few days,she had to get a new set of clothes or several as it turned out,but we had a good time and i still joke about thai time with her to this day,i think better not to get to stressed,try and go with the flow.

Edited by marko kok prong
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