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Whats up with Thai ladies getting married to much older men?


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Guys historically marry younger ladies. This is nothing new! In Thailand Thai ladies get tired of young men (boys) playing around and not being responsible. They have little to offer other than having young bodies, motorbikes and cheap beer. Older guys have more to offer and young girls love them for providing.... yes, i said Love !!! Love and lust are not the same thus ladies can be attracted to older men based on security and not sex. Ladies think much different then men.

I hope you are not saying that it is possible that the young attractive Thai girl genuinely loves the old beer bellied, facial haired guy covered in Tattoos she is walking with, that you often seen here in LOS. with his big fat wallet bulging in his shorts.

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A lot of people here are quite cynical and or offensive about this topic. Yes it is true to say that in some cases money is at the root of the woman's choice. But not all.

Many women in asia genuinely do not like men of their age/near their age. That's because of the behaviour of those men who do not settle down to one woman after marriage.

One poster observes that the older man is seen as more reliable and trustworthy - some Thai wives I know are just kidding themselves and in many cases it is true.

My wife is half my age. She's not interested in money at all - she is much more enamoured of emotional security.

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Trolllllll post but I'll bite Grrrrr Does Anna Nicole Smith ring any bells? Sge was like 22 her husband 90? MONEY!!!! oR Hugh Hefner has banged more beutiful girls probably than any other man in the world--because he is so young and handsome? In his day he was ok but now its because of his money and ability to make a girl famous.

How many well off girls want to marry a poor guy? well if he's built , real handsome and a studd she might keep him around for awhile.biggrin.png

Edited by Tony125
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Guys historically marry younger ladies. This is nothing new! In Thailand Thai ladies get tired of young men (boys) playing around and not being responsible. They have little to offer other than having young bodies, motorbikes and cheap beer. Older guys have more to offer and young girls love them for providing.... yes, i said Love !!! Love and lust are not the same thus ladies can be attracted to older men based on security and not sex. Ladies think much different then men.

I hope you are not saying that it is possible that the young attractive Thai girl genuinely loves the old beer bellied, facial haired guy covered in Tattoos she is walking with, that you often seen here in LOS. with his big fat wallet bulging in his shorts.

i thought it was the multiple orgasme these girls are able to get with these neanderthal types...........lol.

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Better in bed

You may be right...In Brazil it is a say.....

"When men are young can have all the women they want...but...they don't know exactly what to do with them.

When they get older...they know exactly what to do with them...but doesn't have all the women they want"

Thanks God...Brazilian women knows that..but...in any case, we "seniors" have the choice to come to Thailand later....to "teach"....

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One word MONEY.

With the laughter lines increasing, I'm as cynical as the next aging bod on TV, and what you say is true for many, but not all I would opine. I have to push my wife to accept money from me, and her family have never asked for anything, I occasionally help them out, but not with wads.

And before all the real cynics that don't see any good in anyone chip in, during 20 years in the mob I saw all versions of good and bad, male and female and I've also lived in several Asian countries. There are good and bad in every culture and among both genders. I'm far gentler and more caring now the years have caught up as there isn't, and of course never really was, any need to dominate the fairer sex. Treat your partner well and you will be a happy man.

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Most of my friends - including me have a large age gap......the couples I know are well matched personality wise and the gals feel appreciated and genuinely happy to be treated well and willingly want someone to care for that the feelings go both ways......most have had miserable experiences with Thai men.......I think the comment about the soccer shirt & video games is legit......I have also had one Thai lady tell me that Thai men are usually not virile after 50 years of age and the young ones are roll on roll off in bed so the women enjoy getting treated like a women during those times too.....

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Older guys don't have to be old farts; unless they want to be! Sean Connery was voted "Sexiest Man of the Century" in 1999, when he was a sprightly 69-year old!

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i thought those older thai men with hot young thai girls were their grandfather.............lol.

They have a wife and the younger girl is his GIG as they call it in Thai.

And so can you!!

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Older guys don't have to be old farts; unless they want to be! Sean Connery was voted "Sexiest Man of the Century" in 1999, when he was a sprightly 69-year old!

People must be mad, Sean Connery wore a wig and had false teeth in 1969 let alone 1999!!!!!

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If only some of you guys knew what these girls really said about you when you where not about or what they did when you are not about.

I guess if you dont know it doesnt matter..

Got a good example.. Old english farang at least mid 60's in my condo has a very hot misses... I am guessing mid 20's. My neighbour a mate of mine has a thing going with her.. She comes down almost daily while the old guy is out.. Lol even buying my neighbour presents.. Far out. He has some funny stories.

Sent from my c64

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Perhaps they are just looking for someone who has grown out of minecraft video games and driving around on motorbikes wearing premier league football shirts - about mid to late 30's

Its they know they are sad lonely old men that have been given the boot by there farang wife potter about no hair fat very unfit and if the thai girl tell him a few things he wants to hear she can have a bar, false tits, new car or motor bike/house and he will die quickly then she will have the lump sum behind her she will still be young enough to get on with her life and forget the next day that she the farang ever walk the streets of this earth, when i had my bar i used to speak to these girls they would all tell me do you think i am not shy walking out of this bar with old man but remember in a thais mind buddha says nothing is for ever.

Edited by Itsnotreal
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Well, since I am an "older" guy with several girls half (or more) my age, here is my experience. This is NOT an Asian experience having a gal who is younger who wants to be with you. I have personal friends back in the US who have gals who are half their age. However, they are worth $100 million or less.

If you have a RR or F vehicle, then not a problem to get young gals in the West. However in Thailand, your net worth is less of a requirement. Just providing a monthly minimal amount for her and family and any children, is enough.

The world over, I have found this to be the same, in that women require lifetime security, which is far more important than love. They are always concerned about stability and security, unlike most men who always think we will live forever and prosper. Just our DNA and women have a different DNA. I personally like taking care of a Thai woman, since their demands are far less than in the USA with higher benefits personally.

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Well, since I am an "older" guy with several girls half (or more) my age, here is my experience. This is NOT an Asian experience having a gal who is younger who wants to be with you. I have personal friends back in the US who have gals who are half their age. However, they are worth $100 million or less.

If you have a RR or F vehicle, then not a problem to get young gals in the West. However in Thailand, your net worth is less of a requirement. Just providing a monthly minimal amount for her and family and any children, is enough.

The world over, I have found this to be the same, in that women require lifetime security, which is far more important than love. They are always concerned about stability and security, unlike most men who always think we will live forever and prosper. Just our DNA and women have a different DNA. I personally like taking care of a Thai woman, since their demands are far less than in the USA with higher benefits personally.

Its they know they are sad lonely old men that have been given the boot by there farang wife potter about no hair fat very unfit and if the thai girl tell him a few things he wants to hear she can have a bar, false tits, new car or motor bike/house and he will die quickly then she will have the lump sum behind her she will still be young enough to get on with her life and forget the next day that she the farang ever walk the streets of this earth, when i had my bar i used to speak to these girls they would all tell me do you think i am not shy walking out of this bar with old man but remember in a thais mind buddha says nothing is for ever.

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University of the Buffalo Rule #256 The age of your Thai girlfriend is inversely proportional to your age + personal wealth wink.png

Its they know they are sad lonely old men that have been given the boot by there farang wife potter about no hair fat very unfit and if the thai girl tell him a few things he wants to hear she can have a bar, false tits, new car or motor bike/house and he will die quickly then she will have the lump sum behind her she will still be young enough to get on with her life and forget the next day that she the farang ever walk the streets of this earth, when i had my bar i used to speak to these girls they would all tell me do you think i am not shy walking out of this bar with old man but remember in a thais mind buddha says nothing is for ever.

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sometimes but its more about security IMO even in west I've known ladies in early 20's with a lot or money and earnings marry men in 50's or 60's who have far less although it is more common here and here not considered wrong. Of course theirs a lot of old poor western men who marry bar girls etc and some of the men are vile but quite often if marriage works lady is happy for security. Of course with no social security here and difficult to earn a lot nearly all ladies do not want to be lumbered with a man weather forang or This and irrespective of age who can't give a decent lifestyle.

Its worked for me for 30+ years and I'm 30 years older than my wife. She always said she simply liked older men since younger ones were mostly no good weather thai or forang.

ITs not always just money but these days same as west is often.

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