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'anti-red' Miss Universe Thailand concedes crown


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Isnt it great, the same posters who have been calling Suthep, Buddah Issara and other protesters much worse over the last few months are now coming out and condemning this lady for saying what she thinks.

And they have the cheek to talk about the armys censorship, what do you think this young ladys been subject to ?

Yea right, censorship, no freedom of speech for her, only abuse and apparently threats to her family.

That abuse and threats has only proved that what she said was true.

Instead of apologising she should have said "Here take it stick it up your gunga, I will say whatever I feel is true"

Just thought it deserved a repost. So right on.

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Isnt it great, the same posters who have been calling Suthep, Buddah Issara and other protesters much worse over the last few months are now coming out and condemning this lady for saying what she thinks.

And they have the cheek to talk about the armys censorship, what do you think this young ladys been subject to ?

Yea right, censorship, no freedom of speech for her, only abuse and apparently threats to her family.

That abuse and threats has only proved that what she said was true.

Instead of apologising she should have said "Here take it stick it up your gunga, I will say whatever I feel is true"

I don't think people are denying her right to have an opinion, radical as it is.

As a private person, it is certainly her right.

Different if she wishes to represent Thailand, and the Thai people.

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She gave her open and honest opinion about how she feels about Thailand. Why should she kow down to people that do not like her views? This is the problem now, no one can have a different thought apart from the herder of the flock............not all people are sheep. If I were her I would have kept the title and said F U to the rest of them.

Employers have the right to unemployment people who bring disrepute to the company


Her opinion doesn't extend to her professional persona. Simple.

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Wasn't she right?

Since when is it not allowed to call an idiot an idiot, or a thug a thug?

Since when wasn't she allowed?

Back in the days when Thailand had freedom of speech, she used it. No one stopped her from using it. No one tried to stop her. No thinking person (sorry, General) would ever try to stop her. What's the problem?


Your little tin pot demi god in dubai suppressed freedom of speech for 2 years!!

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.....You failed to mention the " Ms. Weluree wrote. "I'm so angry at these evil activists. They should all be executed." bit didn't you?

Thailand's Miss Universe representative advocating killing 10 or 20 million of the population clap2.gif

Lovely girl whistling.gif

Oh sorry - i thought red shirts LIKED genocide - i can think of 28 victims in the last 3 months!!! they don't however like it when the boot is on the other foot - at least she was only `talking about it - your tin pot Dubai demi god pays for it to happen in real life - who is worse!!
Why do you have to put thaksin in your every single post.

You are simple a troll

Why do you have to support his philosophies and beliefs and lust for power in YOUR every post and attack those that hate him!!

You are SIMPLY an illiterate troll!! Go back to school

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Isnt it great, the same posters who have been calling Suthep, Buddah Issara and other protesters much worse over the last few months are now coming out and condemning this lady for saying what she thinks.

And they have the cheek to talk about the armys censorship, what do you think this young ladys been subject to ?

Yea right, censorship, no freedom of speech for her, only abuse and apparently threats to her family.

That abuse and threats has only proved that what she said was true.

Instead of apologising she should have said "Here take it stick it up your gunga, I will say whatever I feel is true"

What she is advocating is violent, murderous and illegal. It has no place in the public domain. Advocating that a group should be executed for their political opinions is immoral and illegal.

Other than that, she is obviously a bit pudgy to be miss Thailand, so she definitely won't be missed.

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"Self confessed Thai housewife" - Im quite proud of that label - so you have a problem with women in general - maybe once your MOTHER was a housewife - shame she didn't teach you better manners!!- pay your bar bill then go back to your own country - Thailand doesn't need anymore like Y~OU!!

This is a forum for foreigners living in thailand and associated. You claim to be thai, yet you come here with your extreme political propaganda which is simple trolling, and try to tell forum users, who disagree with you, to shut up, pack up and leave.

On top of it, you are being personal, trying to involve mothers and the way people behave. That is being rude.

I really think, that you should be banned from here, not the other members, who you treaten with banning from tv.

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She gave her open and honest opinion about how she feels about Thailand. Why should she kow down to people that do not like her views? This is the problem now, no one can have a different thought apart from the herder of the flock............not all people are sheep. If I were her I would have kept the title and said F U to the rest of them.

You mean similar to the Army general.

The lady got what she deserved, If i gave my honest and open view about things on here, i would be banned for life. One has to keep one,s gob shut if one is in public. She was a stupid little girly

Looking back at your last 20 posts i think your very lucky to be still posting on here. if it was Thaksins country you wouldn't be!!

You took the hour to read his last 20 posts, and then threw in an anti-red jab? Wow. You must not have a real life.


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clap2.gif I just won my bet she'd be out on her ass within 3 month of her moronic outburst, career over done.. thank you very much for winning me a free dinner miss ex thailand ... and tbh she was a minger anyway like the other finalists... if thats considered beauty here now the place really needs a reality check..

I hope shes learnt a lesson if you cant take it dont give it... or better put, treat others with respect as you expect to be treated, if you dont expect no better in return... naaa shes probably learnt nothing but at least shes in disgrace ... good

Som nom naa

If shed made the same comments about yellow shirts you'd be saying what a beautiful young lady she was and how articulate intelligent and a pure treasure for Thailand she was sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.png Does treating people with respect mean firing M79 grenades at them?? Yeeurgh!! Im glad some of us balance out your red one sided clap trap!!

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She gave her open and honest opinion about how she feels about Thailand. Why should she kow down to people that do not like her views? This is the problem now, no one can have a different thought apart from the herder of the flock............not all people are sheep. If I were her I would have kept the title and said F U to the rest of them.

You mean similar to the Army general.

The lady got what she deserved, If i gave my honest and open view about things on here, i would be banned for life. One has to keep one,s gob shut if one is in public. She was a stupid little girly

Looking back at your last 20 posts i think your very lucky to be still posting on here. if it was Thaksins country you wouldn't be!!

You took the hour to read his last 20 posts, and then threw in an anti-red jab? Wow. You must not have a real life.


hahaha!!! You read it what does that say about your life - is the bar closed ?

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I am taking a different tack here,the other girl,the runner up was clearly more attractive,and miss wallaree,did not have a great bod,as i remember from the previous pictures.personally i think it could have been a revote by the commitee, along the lines of "if we send this hieffer into the international comp,we will be laughed at',so pressure was quietly applied with compensation for her to give up the crown,TIT>

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Weluree's publicized vicious comments about Redshirt supporters and the ensuing controversary does not reflect the spirit of Gen. Prayuth's reconciliation efforts nor appropriate as a representative of Thailand AS A WHOLE. Her concession was a reasonable act.

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Phuket: Controversial Miss Universe Thailand steps down in tears

BANGKOK: Miss Universe Thailand winner, Weluree “Fai” Ditsayabut today (June 9) relinquished her crown following public criticism of perceived inappropriate remarks she made on social media, including anti-Red Shirt comments, and criticism of her “chubby” appearance.

A tearful Fai told a press briefing at a Bangkok hotel that she had decided to unconditionally surrender her title.

“I also want to thank the people who made comments about me, both good and bad ones, through the media,” said the 22-year-old actress and former host of the teen television show Strawberry Cheesecake.

When reporters asked whether she would regret giving up this opportunity, Fai said she was not sorry at all.

“At first, my family was happy for me when I was crowned. But there’s no more happiness following waves of criticism from the society,” Fai said.

She had initially decided to perform her duty as Miss Universe Thailand but later resigned after seeing her mother losing sleep because of her.

Organisers of Miss Universe Thailand told reporters that they will have to review other criteria, such as social media, when screening and selecting contestants in the future.

Asked who will replace Fai as Miss Universe Thailand, after photos of first runner-up Pimbongkod “Ellie” Chankaew kissing a man surfaced on the internet, the organisers said they will have to talk with each individual contestant.

Fai was crowned this year’s Miss Universe Thailand on May 17. The result came as a surprise to many viewers, as the favourites were Ellie and third-placed Sunnanipa “Namphet” Krissanasuwan.

When Fai was crowned many members of the audience at the show repeatedly shouted “Ellie, Ellie” and “Keep on fighting Ellie”, amid boos and jeers.

On May 19, Fai apologised publicly for her use of words on social media and promised to get in shape before going to the international pageant.

On social media, many netizens wrote messages expressing their shock and disappointment at the outcome of the national beauty pageant. Internet users posted photos of Fai and Ellie, comparing their looks, while others shared “inappropriate” comments made on Fai’s Twitter account (@fyiiee) before she was crowned. Some of her comments:

“Hmmm, monitor lizard, ha ha ha.”

“Actually I’m fat, you animal!”

“Animal! Women with big breasts are f*#%ing halfway to victory”.

According to a report in Khao Sod newspaper, Fai on Facebook in November accused pro-government Red-Shirt supporters of being anti-monarchist, and said that the country would be cleaner without them.

Consequently, her crowning as Miss Universe Thailand was not well-received by the red-shirt group, who questioned whether she was the appropriate choice to represent Thailand.

-- Phuket News 2014-06-09

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She gave her open and honest opinion about how she feels about Thailand. Why should she kow down to people that do not like her views? This is the problem now, no one can have a different thought apart from the herder of the flock............not all people are sheep. If I were her I would have kept the title and said F U to the rest of them.

'Open and honest'. Wishing your fellow citizens to be wiped away. I will do some genealogy research tomorrow. Pretty sure her grand grand parents came from the Isan (otherwise she wouldn't be pretty). IQ of a Bangkokian trafficlight.

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clap2.gif I just won my bet she'd be out on her ass within 3 month of her moronic outburst, career over done.. thank you very much for winning me a free dinner miss ex thailand ... and tbh she was a minger anyway like the other finalists... if thats considered beauty here now the place really needs a reality check..

I hope shes learnt a lesson if you cant take it dont give it... or better put, treat others with respect as you expect to be treated, if you dont expect no better in return... naaa shes probably learnt nothing but at least shes in disgrace ... good

Som nom naa

If shed made the same comments about yellow shirts you'd be saying what a beautiful young lady she was and how articulate intelligent and a pure treasure for Thailand she was sick.gif.pagespeed.ce.tVTSNn-2vr.png Does treating people with respect mean firing M79 grenades at them?? Yeeurgh!! Im glad some of us balance out your red one sided clap trap!!

Her comments were about human beings no different than you and was a total disgrace I dont care about the colour of the politics involved so yes stating the same hate and wishes on any group id say the same, you do not blame millions for a few radicals action. Its no different than declaring all Muslims evil or all Catholics pedos.

You may like it all to be neatly wrapped in a coloured flag, the truth is its the same old rhetoric Thailand has had about.." the other " side since before 1932 and they are still bickering about it now.

May your relatives fall in love and marry red northerners and you all have to learn tolerance. :)

Because many of us are against the way things are being imposed does not mean they are red, then again the whole world is quite obviously red to you if they dont tow your opinion line and im sure you have a problem dealing with being wrong or admitting when you are. How very Thai of you.

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At least now she will be able to devote even more time to the welfare of animals and children. rolleyes.gif

.......personally, I thought the headline was that shed resigned for criticising them

"she accused Redshirts of being "dirty," "anti-monarchy" dissidents and that Thailand would be cleaner without." Don't see how she can be criticised for that!!

So the Red shirt's can't afford to wash, big deal.

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"In one "public" comment from November, Ms. Weluree accused Redshirts of being "dirty," "anti-monarchy" dissidents and that Thailand would be cleaner without."

"I am not neutral. I am on the side of His Majesty the King," Ms. Weluree wrote. "I'm so angry at these evil activists. They should all be executed."

She managed to bring HMK into the discussion as if he were on her side. I am no fan of the Shinawats and I am no enemy of the people who call themselves 'Red shirts" I happen to disagree with the Thaksinisation of them and the way they've been used and abused.

Most red shirts are decent hardworking people as are most of the other color coded members of Thai society. This color coded animosity is totally destructive and I believe most Thais want to live in a society where everyone has a chance of a better life.

This airhead used her position in the worst possible way describing them as dirty and evil and advocating their execution. What the hell was she thinking when she made that bizarre statement. She brings shame to herself, family and friends by making such outrageous statements in public. She obviously has led a rather sheltered self centered life.

A good thing she has quit.

Youngsters like she proof Thailand isn't fit and ready to be a Democracy. 'I am soo angry at those activists'. Let ber work a paddy for 2 months without electricity nor running water. Nor beauty case.

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"In one "public" comment from November, Ms. Weluree accused Redshirts of being "dirty," "anti-monarchy" dissidents and that Thailand would be cleaner without."

"I am not neutral. I am on the side of His Majesty the King," Ms. Weluree wrote. "I'm so angry at these evil activists. They should all be executed."

She managed to bring HMK into the discussion as if he were on her side. I am no fan of the Shinawats and I am no enemy of the people who call themselves 'Red shirts" I happen to disagree with the Thaksinisation of them and the way they've been used and abused.

Most red shirts are decent hardworking people as are most of the other color coded members of Thai society. This color coded animosity is totally destructive and I believe most Thais want to live in a society where everyone has a chance of a better life.

This airhead used her position in the worst possible way describing them as dirty and evil and advocating their execution. What the hell was she thinking when she made that bizarre statement. She brings shame to herself, family and friends by making such outrageous statements in public. She obviously has led a rather sheltered self centered life.

A good thing she has quit.

I agree, implying that the red shirts are anti-monarchy is foolish; the whole of Thailand loves the King.

I don’t really understand Thai politics very well but there is no doubt in my mind that universally all the Thai people have the utmost respect for the King.

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