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Outrageous behavior! Cinema Chair broke & they ask me to pay for damage

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Anyway how was the movie? I haven't seen it yet.

I really enjoyed it. Clearly SF is Cruise's forte.

However, like Oblivion, the film shamlessly steals bits of other well known SF films. Enjoy counting all the copy cat bits as you watch the movie.

I would of thought something like that would be Haram. Not a single beheading or stoning?

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120kg? Holy good lord.

Let's see you are a farang if not they wouldn't have called you one. At 120kg you should be fat unless you're like what 7ft upwards and even then you would be considered fat. Doubt you are a bodybuilder but then again thai ppl call anyone that looks big regardless if it's muscle or blubber fat.


Should have ended the conversation with the manager with 'Sorry for taking up your time. Let me compensate you'. Then give them a 1 baht coin.


Go ahead and yuk it up folks but you all might find yourselves in a similar situation some day.

Is your patron bigger than theirs? :)


No where is it written that if you break a chair from sitting then you are responsible if you are just sitting in it .

True. But I doubt the seats were designed and manufactured to withstand 120 kilograms. Not casting aspersions, but it would be interesting to see a video of how the OP lowered himself into the seat. Was it a normal, slow movement, or did he flop down into it quickly? Just wondering.

I know a guy who swears he only weighs 120kg who can rip toilet seats off, break rear motorcycle suspension & I'm sure could do the same to a cinema seat like the op.


I can see why they were laughing. I mean how do you actually break a cinema chair just by sitting on it? It isn't one of those chairs with legs mind you cos those are easier to break it's cinema chairs with the folded in seats and they are sturdy as hell and it still broke.

Might i ask OP is your missus tiny next to you? I can imagine her like a 3 yr old kid next to you i doubt she's big.


I can see why they were laughing. I mean how do you actually break a cinema chair just by sitting on it? It isn't one of those chairs with legs mind you cos those are easier to break it's cinema chairs with the folded in seats and they are sturdy as hell and it still broke.

Might i ask OP is your missus tiny next to you? I can imagine her like a 3 yr old kid next to you i doubt she's big.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeer, his "Mrs" is a "he".....................coffee1.gif

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I take no offence Mon Cheri.

As a practising Muslim and openly gay man I have had a lifetime of jokes at my expense. My skin is as thick as a Rhinos.

My partner has been with me for a very very long time and spent much time in the West. Far from being shamed or embarrassed he was possibly more outraged than myself and willingly took up the casue without prompting or unease. A true keeper and life partner this one.

How do you manage to handle the abstinence in your relationship as you are a practicing Muslim ?

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No where is it written that if you break a chair from sitting then you are responsible if you are just sitting in it .

True. But I doubt the seats were designed and manufactured to withstand 120 kilograms. Not casting aspersions, but it would be interesting to see a video of how the OP lowered himself into the seat. Was it a normal, slow movement, or did he flop down into it quickly? Just wondering.

You make a good point...... heavy guys rarely lower themselves gently but thump down heavily, as anybody who has been behind one in an aircraft probably knows.

And when they are behind you, they pull themselves up using your headrest.

Fancy using cronyism to get out of your obvious responsibility. (TIC)

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" Cinema chairs have to be rated to regularly hold strong loads."

This is true. The "standards" however are different for western countries as opposed to the standards for asian countries. Asians weigh far less than westerners....as for yourself, you are the weight of 3 asians. Technically you are liable for the broken chair because you subjected the chair to an "over capacity static bearing load".

Glad you were not hurt....and glad you did not pay. Hope you can see the forest through the trees.

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Large people do have a habit of underestimating their weight. Next time buy two seats. One for each ass cheek.

One for each ass cheek??????? Then you really will break the seat by having to remove the arm rest.


laugh buddy...its funny. cannot take Thais seriously most of them are racist...an event like thi happens to me every week no sweat..goes with living here.


The OP may have forgotten during all the commotion where he was. He was in Thailand.


I myself have learned a lesson. My weight is only 62 kilo, but wherever I go in the future, be it cinema, restaurant or hotel: I will bring my own chair !



Had a similar thing with a hotel in Sriricha. Had gone to bed and sleep with gf when there was an almighty crash from the bathroom and then the spraying of water. The heavy ceramic sink had crashed to the floor. After the palaver of the staff coming and getting the water turned off and cleaning up the china, it was evident from the remaining bits of rusty metal still in the wall that the screws holding it up had rusted and perished through.

In the morning though the manager comes and tells me that I broke it as I was staying in the room. we had a long argument/discussion about this, where I pointed out the obvious reason for the fall and how they were lucky there wasn't a small child in the bathroom as it fell etc. She knows I'm right but tells me the owner says it has to be paid for or else it will come out of her wages.

I get to speak to the owner on the phone and we have the same discussions and arguments. He insists I must pay.

I had found his hotel from the Lonely Planet guide book, so in my best Liam Neeson in Taken style, I told him yes I would pay for the damage, but that I would then go onto the LP website and tell everyone how unsafe and bad his hotel was and how a small child might get hurt staying there, I would also visit every other website I could find reviewing his hotel and do the same. "ok, ok I can discount damage 50%", I told him no no, I was happy to pay 100% and let everybody know how unsafe it was there. He eventually pleaded me down to a nominal amount of 200 baht which was less then 10% of original asking amount (2500)

The managers face was a picture has she listened to him tell her the news on the phone :)

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As a practising Muslim and openly gay man

​Mate,if you win a weekend for two in ISIS...a word of warning...don't take it!!!!

What is being a Muslim and homosexual got to do with breaking a seat?


If i saw this in the cinema I would be p1ssing myself laughing.

If you break a chair and you are a fat farang move to the next one... To a little thai the chair broke because you are fat.

Sent from my c64


@ OP

Fight for your Right, do not back up if it is not your fault, and if it is! then accept it manly, you should be asking for a new luxurious seat afterwards.clap2.gif


man some tv people are simply losers,

the guy watches a film, 120kg is heavy but not, ridciulously heavy,

and gets asked to pay for a chair which could have been half broken in the first place, which is ridiculous

and then comes on here and gets ridiculed for it

I have a friend who is 6ft 5, and is built like a chopstick and he weighs 95kg

i just wonder if the average TV loser represents every farang in LOS, i certainly hope not

I have a friend who is 6ft 5, and is built like a chopstick and he weighs 95kg

You should really know the answer to your question already....you have read many posts by now.


Kudos OP! Really nicely written post.

I am heavy myself and never had the slighted problem with a cinema seat. Guess yours had previous damage.


Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


For some reason this mid-level petty functionary sought to score points with her staff by messing with the OP. Glad she got strung up in her own over-reach. Hope she lost face with her staff and Thai on-lookers. Good story, OP. Well played!

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Muslim, gay, hefty AND a farang? You MUST be guilty. Case closed!

Great OP. Enjoyed it, thanks.

Mrs T, a hefty woman herself, would have sat herself down on the manager to prove that while she could arguably break a few bones, there's no way she could break a properly functioning cinema seat.


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Seriously, seats in your average modern cinema are designed to take much more weight and punishment than 120 KG. But over time they get fatigued, and fail, especially if the theater (theatre for you Englanders) is getting on in years.

Anybody who says the guy should have paid, that's insane.


Best approach would have been "mai pen rai" and moved to an other seat. Back in the west it would have been polite to report the broken chair.


The heavy ceramic sink had crashed to the floor.

Off-topic (slightly): Be very careful with hotel ceramic sinks/basins. The wall fixings may be strong when the unit was initially installed, but those fixings are notorious for coming loose, with the result that you'll pull the unit right off the wall! (I know - I have done this).

[DIY builder tip #128):

The basins in my hotel businesses are fixed with 6 inch long bolts that go right through the supporting wall to the exterior of the building. You would have to pull the whole wall down before the basin falls off that wall...

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