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Why do Farangs love to Hate Thailand ?


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I don't think its Thailand per se, there seems to be large numbers of farangs living in Thailand who would be whinging irrespective of were they lived, they are not happy unless they are complaining, they are just miserable ba@tards

Have to agree, and the worst thai bashing is when politics are involved,followed closely behind by the Bangkok faggots v the rest of Thailand, superiorty compleax and all that is bad.

One has to reply to some of the racist/bigots posts,which creats more problems, so i believe the real issue is the nastiness of Bangkok expats

Can you provide a factual basis for these statement's Bernard, or are you just pulling "facts" out your butt hole as usual ?

I dont need to pull anything from my butt hole, thank you very much sir.If you read the posts on here, and cannot see the terrible comments by Bangkok residents, then there is no hope for you.

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Being a 68 year old Brit' i know all about moaning. When i was kid after the war and things were very austere i constantly heard my family and others moaning about just about every aspect of life. When i was at school , a state school being from a Military and working class family, i heard parents (and teachers alike) moaning about the education system being crap and school dinners being rubbish and too expensive. The only thing nobody moaned about was the free daily milk. When i became a teenager and the 'Swinging Sixties' arrived shortly after 'Teddy Boys' with winkle pickers and skin tight jeans, cut throat razor's as weapons as well as noisy guitars; i heard parents complaining all day and night about loud 'selfish' music and unruly behaviour by young people ruining other people's peace and quiet. When i started dating as a teenager my parents and grandparents moaned that i was far too young to be thinking about 'girls' and i should not contemplate such things until i was at least 25. Meanwhile; i had started a five year apprenticeship in an engineering workshop and what did i hear from the older men at every hour ? Moans and groans about almost anything to do with work in general, the company we worked for, wages, 'her indoors', their 'bloody kids wasting all their money' and most importantly...the price of beer ! All through the next 48 years of my working life i worked among people who had no job satisfaction whatsoever and spent almost every day moaning about everything from the 'tea didn't taste right this morning when i got up', 'didn't get it up last night', 'had a rubbish nights sleep', 'the train was late', 'passengers filling the train with smoke', 'clocking in clock is a minute fast', 'bastards in the upstairs office', 'my mrs is a cow', 'kids are just a cash drain', 'roll on friday at 5pm' and ' just had a shit weekend and i hate monday's. Many weekends i would help out a pal who had a Pub and i did a good few nights bar work. Guess what i heard almost every session ? No prizes for guessing the No1 topic...moans and groans about the 'bloody Government', work, football and how their team were crap, useless cricketer's, poll tax, the price of fags, the mrs wanting more money, and you name it and they were moaning about it.

I could go on a lot further and tell you what my wive's and kid's used to moan about but it would fill too many pages. Small wonder then that now i live in Thailand and am peacefully retired i do have the odd whinge about something, most often something to do with my host country because it's where i live and want to be as comfortable as possible in what is at best a second world country, and appears sometimes to be slipping back toward the third world. No where is perfect but surely as normal Human Beings (hopefully) we are allowed the odd moan; especially us Brit's who come from a moaning culture; i mean, where can we go that there is nowt to moan about ?

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Another theory is that (true in my case) is that in order to feed my addiction to random, beautiful girls who will sleep with me, I am forced to live in a country that requires me to interact with some pretty low class people. I would much rather stay in my own country if I had the same access to young, beautiful girls available in Thailand.

Take the girls out of Thailand and you would see a huge drop in tourism.

Another way to look at it is why do so many foreigners choose to live in Thailand when Malaysia has so much more to offer (without the girls)? Why don't they choose to live there instead?

Take te girls away and you would have almost no tourism at all. Neither would you have as many multinationals here.

The entirety of Thai modernisation has been from the benefits of having pretty girls.

Thai culture has exactly 0 other worthwhile characteristics.

Some dufus will object and say he loved the temples

I'm pretty sure all the gay farang guys that come to Thailand would disagree with you guys. And all the farang women. And all the farang couples. And the Chinese women and couples. And all the mix couples. I can list a few dozen more, but it should be clear that you guys have no idea what you're talking about. As usual.

Funny. Seems we've all heard the repetitive calls for improved classes of tourists to the Kingdom. This has included targeting of couples and families, etc. The reality is still that most of the tourists who come here are not of the type you mention. The vast majority indeed are not. So, stop please with the silly anecdotes representing 3 percent of the tourist population here.

Thailand has a undisputable reputation for certain things. It's a well-earned reputation and one that has not changed really at all over the last 30-40 years and the reason is not because TAT doesn't do enough propaganda or because Farangs don't understand Thailand.

It's because 99 percent of tourists who ever come here can very clearly and immediately see what this country is great at: girls, food and general relaxation.

Anyone who thinks otherwise is probably a national or has been here entirely too long without spending enough time in more realistic, open, knowledge-driven places.

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I don't think the OP's referring to the normal gripes people have about minor annoyances here because, let's face it, we ALL have them. Tradesmen's punctuality problems, booming music at stupid o'clock etc

I think he's referring to the disgusting attitude that so many TV posters have towards Thais and their country.

Saying crap like they're all greedy, cheating so-and-sos, writing graphic insults about Thai sex workers while deliberately grubbing around at the lowest end of the social spectrum to find a woman willing to take them on long term or to get their short-term carnal needs met.

People can think and say what they like but if they despise the people and the country so much, they should at least have the courage of their convictions and vote with an airline ticket out.

I'd have far more respect for someone that did that instead of bitching the Thais up incessantly on the forum.

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The endless whinging and whining, the constant Thai bashing, yet you still stay here, so It can't be that bad can it ?

Yet it seems that many ThaiVisa Farangs really dislike Thailand, a country they are free to leave at any time, but they don't, they stay, and complain.

Or they continue to come here on their annual holidays, ( I think most TV members fall into this catagory ), why would they come to a country they have such contempt for , let alone live here ?

It's really strange, to the people who never stop whining, why do you stay ?

To the whiners who are tourists, why do you keep coming back ?

Why do Thais hate farangs?

I think the OP "Banzai99" a slobbering Thai apologist hates farangs, but has a condo in Pattaya. Why does he not live in a remote area where there are no farangs, so he can suck up to the Thais 24/7 ?

Best reply yet, cheers Munger. smile.png

You did not answer. So again why do you have a condo in Patttaya where there are many farangs ? Why do you not live with the Thais so you can brown nose, wai, bend, blow, kiss, suck them 24/7 ?

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Nobody, that lives here, or comes back as a tourist, hates Thailand.

It's just expressing there miserable selves to an anonymous forum.

Situations from the past have made them miserable and by posting here negative comments, let the steam escape.

We all love this place......but please, let us have some fun, reading the answers on TVF.

I love thailand but hate the useless 99 percent of falangs that dwell there

You mean 99% of the company that YOU keep.

Ever considered that 100% of the company you keep think that you are in that 99% ?

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The endless whinging and whining, the constant Thai bashing, yet you still stay here, so It can't be that bad can it ?

Yet it seems that many ThaiVisa Farangs really dislike Thailand, a country they are free to leave at any time, but they don't, they stay, and complain.

Or they continue to come here on their annual holidays, ( I think most TV members fall into this catagory ), why would they come to a country they have such contempt for , let alone live here ?

It's really strange, to the people who never stop whining, why do you stay ?

To the whiners who are tourists, why do you keep coming back ?

Why do Thais hate farangs?

The Thais don't hate farangs. They just hate YOU.

one reason why Thais hate the Irish because hardly any Thai can speak / understand Gaeilge (Gaelic) ermm.gif

You need to seriously take a crash course on your use of English grammar mate before you attempt to criticise anyone else. Lol
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if you were a fat ugly western non dyke woman what could you possibly find to like about thailand?

The food.

Men not pestering me.




yeah men in the west who dont know about thailand have to be pretty desperate,

Edited by troglodyke
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I don't think the OP's referring to the normal gripes people have about minor annoyances here because, let's face it, we ALL have them. Tradesmen's punctuality problems, booming music at stupid o'clock etc

I think he's referring to the disgusting attitude that so many TV posters have towards Thais and their country.

Saying crap like they're all greedy, cheating so-and-sos, writing graphic insults about Thai sex workers while deliberately grubbing around at the lowest end of the social spectrum to find a woman willing to take them on long term or to get their short-term carnal needs met.

People can think and say what they like but if they despise the people and the country so much, they should at least have the courage of their convictions and vote with an airline ticket out.

I'd have far more respect for someone that did that instead of bitching the Thais up incessantly on the forum.

Very well said. Agree 100%. Every time these sorts of threads come up, people will bring up all kinds of stuff that's not really relevant. Like their right to complain, everyone complains, they would complain back home, no place is perfect, etc. But the point of this thread is not about people complaining, it's about people who hate the Thais and Thailand. Why is it so difficult for people to understand?

I especially agree with your last couple of sentences.

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Very well said. Agree 100%. Every time these sorts of threads come up, people will bring up all kinds of stuff that's not really relevant. Like their right to complain, everyone complains, they would complain back home, no place is perfect, etc. But the point of this thread is not about people complaining, it's about people who hate the Thais and Thailand. Why is it so difficult for people to understand?

I especially agree with your last couple of sentences.

Can you give a few examples of people who hate Thais and Thailand?

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Maybe its best explained the same way that a lot of men behave - mental abuse dished out by their partner on a regular basis but they will not leave because they "love" their partner.

What about the Thai lady who is getting assaulted on the street by her lover...someone interferes to help her and she wants to then start fighting the good Samaritan and declines to press charges on her partner.

Same mentality. Some people honestly enjoy / accept abuse. I can't explain it.

Another theory is that (true in my case) is that in order to feed my addiction to random, beautiful girls who will sleep with me, I am forced to live in a country that requires me to interact with some pretty low class people. I would much rather stay in my own country if I had the same access to young, beautiful girls available in Thailand.

Take the girls out of Thailand and you would see a huge drop in tourism.

Another way to look at it is why do so many foreigners choose to live in Thailand when Malaysia has so much more to offer (without the girls)? Why don't they choose to live there instead?

Take te girls away and you would have almost no tourism at all. Neither would you have as many multinationals here.

The entirety of Thai modernisation has been from the benefits of having pretty girls.

Thai culture has exactly 0 other worthwhile characteristics.

Some dufus will object and say he loved the temples

You are a complete idiot, it has to be said.

The girls in Thailand are obviously part of Thai culture, being 50% of the population!

Thais enjoy life, they have fun, they go out in groups with their friends and their families, sanuk is in built.

Thailand has developed economically rapidly over the last 40 years because of various factors:

1. a bulwark against communism in the 60s and 70s

2. plenty of natural resources

3 a great location, strategically, between China and the Indian ocean

4. an open,tolerant society

Multinationals have plenty of reasons to be here and stay here.

As for tourists, what about all the families and couples?,Somehow I don't think they are here for the girls.

I know many "couples" who like to meet the pretty young girls and have some fun and let me tell you the young girls love to play with "Madame" better then some 20 stone smelly monster.

I agree the beautiful young girls of Thailand are a big big part of Thailand tourism and the Thai gover_ _ _ _ know that - why do you think nothing is ever done about it?

Anybody agree and long may it stay the samewub.png

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I don't think its Thailand per se, there seems to be large numbers of farangs living in Thailand who would be whinging irrespective of were they lived, they are not happy unless they are complaining, they are just miserable ba@tards

Have to agree, and the worst thai bashing is when politics are involved,followed closely behind by the Bangkok faggots v the rest of Thailand, superiorty compleax and all that is bad.

One has to reply to some of the racist/bigots posts,which creats more problems, so i believe the real issue is the nastiness of Bangkok expats

Can you provide a factual basis for these statement's Bernard, or are you just pulling "facts" out your butt hole as usual ?

I suppose Bernard's fact that he is pulling out of his butt hole, is better than pulling a gerbil out of it. Although neither are particularly right.

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the biggest problem among farangs is the lack of initiative to learn thai to communicate with thai people, having the mentality that english is superior than thai.

I personally don't think its even the language thing, some farangs come into Thailand thinking they are going to be as bwana to the natives, its the "only gay in the village" mentality in a lot of cases

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the biggest problem among farangs is the lack of initiative to learn thai to communicate with thai people, having the mentality that english is superior than thai.

I personally don't think its even the language thing, some farangs come into Thailand thinking they are going to be as bwana to the natives, its the "only gay in the village" mentality in a lot of cases

hi there, is just my opinion. btw i'm not a farang but personally i do take an initiative to learn thai although it's quite difficult. Thai people do appreciate if foreigners like their language.

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the biggest problem among farangs is the lack of initiative to learn thai to communicate with thai people, having the mentality that english is superior than thai.

I personally don't think its even the language thing, some farangs come into Thailand thinking they are going to be as bwana to the natives, its the "only gay in the village" mentality in a lot of cases

hi there, is just my opinion. btw i'm not a farang but personally i do take an initiative to learn thai although it's quite difficult. Thai people do appreciate if foreigners like their language.

Ah you may not get my "only gay in the village" comment, look up a comedy series called little Britain and you will understand what I am getting at :D

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the biggest problem among farangs is the lack of initiative to learn thai to communicate with thai people, having the mentality that english is superior than thai.

I personally don't think its even the language thing, some farangs come into Thailand thinking they are going to be as bwana to the natives, its the "only gay in the village" mentality in a lot of cases

hi there, is just my opinion. btw i'm not a farang but personally i do take an initiative to learn thai although it's quite difficult. Thai people do appreciate if foreigners like their language.

Ah you may not get my "only gay in the village" comment, look up a comedy series called little Britain and you will understand what I am getting at biggrin.png

i do know mr bean though !

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Maybe its best explained the same way that a lot of men behave - mental abuse dished out by their partner on a regular basis but they will not leave because they "love" their partner.

What about the Thai lady who is getting assaulted on the street by her lover...someone interferes to help her and she wants to then start fighting the good Samaritan and declines to press charges on her partner.

Same mentality. Some people honestly enjoy / accept abuse. I can't explain it.

Another theory is that (true in my case) is that in order to feed my addiction to random, beautiful girls who will sleep with me, I am forced to live in a country that requires me to interact with some pretty low class people. I would much rather stay in my own country if I had the same access to young, beautiful girls available in Thailand.

Take the girls out of Thailand and you would see a huge drop in tourism.

Another way to look at it is why do so many foreigners choose to live in Thailand when Malaysia has so much more to offer (without the girls)? Why don't they choose to live there instead?

Take te girls away and you would have almost no tourism at all. Neither would you have as many multinationals here.

The entirety of Thai modernisation has been from the benefits of having pretty girls.

Thai culture has exactly 0 other worthwhile characteristics.

Some dufus will object and say he loved the temples

let me guess, youre from surrey?

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the biggest problem among farangs is the lack of initiative to learn thai to communicate with thai people, having the mentality that english is superior than thai.

I personally don't think its even the language thing, some farangs come into Thailand thinking they are going to be as bwana to the natives, its the "only gay in the village" mentality in a lot of cases

hi there, is just my opinion. btw i'm not a farang but personally i do take an initiative to learn thai although it's quite difficult. Thai people do appreciate if foreigners like their language.

On the surface...yes. With many..not all...foreigner is foreigner....not thai.

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the biggest problem among farangs is the lack of initiative to learn thai to communicate with thai people, having the mentality that english is superior than thai.

I personally don't think its even the language thing, some farangs come into Thailand thinking they are going to be as bwana to the natives, its the "only gay in the village" mentality in a lot of cases

hi there, is just my opinion. btw i'm not a farang but personally i do take an initiative to learn thai although it's quite difficult. Thai people do appreciate if foreigners like their language.

On the surface...yes. With many..not all...foreigner is foreigner....not thai.

so what? just because someone isnt thai doesnt mean thais dont appreciate someone learning their language

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