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A few people have said it gets boring.

We are all different

I'm not bored of it yet but I guess if I lived in thailand 24/7 365 days I would get a bit bored with it too.

But if I had a condo I would have my own kitchen

Where i'd be a chef

I like indian food too; fantastic cuisine




A few people have said it gets boring.

We are all different

I'm not bored of it yet but I guess if I lived in thailand 24/7 365 days I would get a bit bored with it too.

But if I had a condo I would have my own kitchen

Where i'd be a chef

I like indian food too; fantastic cuisine

Ah yes - India - with the highest colon cancer rates in the world.

GF - get your facts straight!....and your head!



Get your head straight

Dear friend dont get aggressive on this friendly forum.

Colon cancer

I merely said I love the taste of indian food.

The population of india is over 1 billion people they would have high rates of everything with 1 billion people.



Get your head straight

Dear friend dont get aggressive on this friendly forum.

Colon cancer

I merely said I love the taste of indian food.

The population of india is over 1 billion people they would have high rates of everything with 1 billion people.

Rates are "ratios" and usually expressed as percentages and the size of population is irrelevant - like most of your other comments.


looks like I am on the high risk register[colon cancer]

55yrs of alcohol abuse,

30yrs.of obesity,

60yrs of high fat,pork dripping my fav. lamb fat,beef fat ect,

55yrs of plenty of red meat [meatboy],

physical activity last 25yrs.not much just arm exercise lifting cans up and down,

as for smoking never in all my life.

so now I have found a great supplier of indian curries,how much time have I left?


Thai food for me gets a little boring after a while, especially as I don't like seafood... Can't beat a Vindaloo in my opinion!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

i think a very hot spiced Rogan Josh can wink.png then there is Mutton Korma, Mutton Madras, Gosht Saagwala... YUM!



Thanks for your reply.

Yes common sense is indeed needed.

But suppose the people we trust are not our friends?

Suppose the people who give advice wish us harm?

All I hear in the uk is by 2020 47% of the population will have cancer.(whats 47% of 65 million?)

By 2020 5 million people will have diabetis (thats actually on the news today)

By 2020 35% of the population will have dimentia.

I never hear what "they" are doing to prevent these calamities.

Then there was a report about giant rats that will swamp the uk this year.

Then by some miracle I read on big brother tv show, giant rats invaded the house!

Coincidence or deliberate?

perhaps you need a hearing aid? whistling.gif



Quality ingrediants?

I guess you know better than me being from australia

Which is the same part of the world

But all the foods i've eaten In thailand tasted healthy to me.

I live most of the time in london uk

You have to watch everything you eat and drink here!

No-one drinks tape water because of the sodium flouride thats added to it.

If you come to the uk from a country that doesnt have flouridated water and start drinking uk tape water, you'll need a kidney transplant.

I heard of a few people this happened to

But knew 2 perzonally.

One was a keen runner, drinking lots of water

Next thing you know, kidney failure.

Most soft drinks and chewing gums, sweets, contain aspartame.

Some chocolate bars contain apartame and fructose corn syrup

No damned good

If you come to the uk from a country that doesnt have flouridated water and start drinking uk tape water, you'll need a kidney transplant."

For heavens sake get some therapy or at least learn to check your facts before posting this constant stream of subjective claptrap.


Australia thinksbits vfoos is great because most Australians haven't eaten anything else. Until recently Aussie cuisine was a joke...... In fact Atlantic seafood makes most Aussie seafood look lame.

I do agree however that Thai seafood is pretty unimpressive.....and as for PRAWNS/SHRIMPS......please! Give us a break!


Thanks for your reply

What kind of dishes do aussies create?

well considering we have some of the best tasting seafood in the world(unlike here it is from CLEAN water) and some of the best farming country in the world, some pretty bloody good ones. I love great food, every country has great dishes but it all depends on the quality of the ingredients, if the ingredients are below standard the dish may be nice but can be a whole lot better in another country with better ingredients, thai over seas can be a whole lot better than thai in Thailand, same with all the other countries dishes.


Hearing aid

No I dont need a hearing aid

Some of my information I read and some of it comes from youtube videos.

People dont want to hear bad news so they switch off.

Some good sources of information on youtube: karen hudes, alex jones, deborah tavares, dr rima laibow, webster tarpley, max keiser, lindsey williams, david lory,



Hearing aid

No I dont need a hearing aid

Some of my information I read and some of it comes from youtube videos.

People dont want to hear bad news so they switch off.

Some good sources of information on youtube: karen hudes, alex jones, deborah tavares, dr rima laibow, webster tarpley, max keiser, lindsey williams, david lory,

QED - you really,really need to learn how to be more critical of you sources of information......or are you just a troll?



In a previous message you asked me to go away!!

Now i've gone away, you are still asking me questions.

Do you want me to eff off or not?

Information scourses

My information scorses are great!

Infact uk news today is they are gonna rush forward privacy spying laws (the snoopers charter) to read peoples emails, texts etc etc

Also they dont want people to excersize their democratic rights to protest anymore.

Boris has now got his water canon and they are practicing to use them "this summer"

So now if you want to peacefully protest you'll be blasted by water canon.

Add to the list: gerald celente, alan watt, suzanne posel, lord monckton, brian gerrish,



Fast food outlet?

Personally I dont believe the story about giant rats because they are eating lots of fast food.

I believe "they" specially breed them in the laboritory and then unleash them on the public.

I know it sounds crazy but thats just what I believe.

All of a sudden uk citzens can no longer afford food, or to heat our homes, or to put petrol in our cars, or to afford to buy a house, all of a sudden they are closing down maternity wards, all of a sudden police officers are not needed anymore, fire stations are being closed down, midwives will soon start doing abortions???, all of a sudden we will have power outages, all of a sudden the school leaving age has gone to 18 years old,

The passport fiasco? Seems like they are doing everything they can to keep uk citzens from leaving the country, are we prisoners or something? People cant get their passports, channel tunnel closed down, then they started a campaign for holidaying in the uk.(coincidense?)

Sorry for the rant!

When did you last actually spend time in the UK?



Fast food outlet?

Personally I dont believe the story about giant rats because they are eating lots of fast food.

I believe "they" specially breed them in the laboritory and then unleash them on the public.

I know it sounds crazy but thats just what I believe.

All of a sudden uk citzens can no longer afford food, or to heat our homes, or to put petrol in our cars, or to afford to buy a house, all of a sudden they are closing down maternity wards, all of a sudden police officers are not needed anymore, fire stations are being closed down, midwives will soon start doing abortions???, all of a sudden we will have power outages, all of a sudden the school leaving age has gone to 18 years old,

The passport fiasco? Seems like they are doing everything they can to keep uk citzens from leaving the country, are we prisoners or something? People cant get their passports, channel tunnel closed down, then they started a campaign for holidaying in the uk.(coincidense?)

Sorry for the rant!

When did you last actually spend time in the UK?

Don't think he's actually spent much time on this planet!



In a previous message you asked me to go away!!

Now i've gone away, you are still asking me questions.

Do you want me to eff off or not?

Information scourses

My information scorses are great!

Infact uk news today is they are gonna rush forward privacy spying laws (the snoopers charter) to read peoples emails, texts etc etc

Also they dont want people to excersize their democratic rights to protest anymore.

Boris has now got his water canon and they are practicing to use them "this summer"

So now if you want to peacefully protest you'll be blasted by water canon.

Add to the list: gerald celente, alan watt, suzanne posel, lord monckton, brian gerrish,

"In a previous message you asked me to go away!!

Now i've gone away, you are still asking me questions." .... did I?

Could you please define your idea of "gone away"?


Grateful farang, on 08 Jul 2014 - 22:24, said:snapback.png



A few people have said it gets boring.

We are all different

I'm not bored of it yet but I guess if I lived in thailand 24/7 365 days I would get a bit bored with it too.

But if I had a condo I would have my own kitchen

Where i'd be a chef

I like indian food too; fantastic cuisine

Ah yes - India - with the highest colon cancer rates in the world.

GF - get your facts straight!....and your head!

@Wilcopops, what a load of tosh, have a look at yourself lad... anyway, smoking gives you cancer, but alot still do it.

Vindaloo`s give you cancer? whatever next... gave me a chuckle though so cheers!



Conjealed blood

Thanks for the information

Why on earth would anyone like to eat conjealed blood?

Unless you are a vampire

The soup also had small boiled egg in it, please dont tell me it was a pigeon egg?

If it was small, most likely it was a Quail egg. They are delicious, an popular in Thailand and other countries in that part of the world. You can find them in the markets .. like Sunday Walking Street in Chiang Mai... and other night markets.

There is talk about them being very high in cholesterol, and not to eat too many at a time. They are higher in cholesterol..... but it turns out to be HDL cholesterol.... the "good" cholesterol...

I would say... like any eggs..... good for you in moderation... like many things... I never had Quail eggs until I went to Thailand.... . now I like them. Check them out online. I've seen them in North America also, in some stores... Like any eggs... just make sure they are fresh.



Quails eggs!

Thanks for your response.

I guess if I had put some salt on the egg it would have tasted nicer.


Like you say cholestial is important! (but not too much)

I believe it is actually lack of cholestrials that causes dimentia and alzeimers desease.

Apparently the brain is made up of 95% cholestrial.


I thought we were made up 95% water?

But anyhows - back to food:

I reckon all thai food is bluddy great - but I wish they would refrain from drowning it in MSG.

Good cooks don't need to use the stuff, if they have any level of confidence in their own abilities.

Leave the MSG TO kfc and maccas



95% water

Thats probably the body.

I'm talking about the brain is supposed to be 95% cholestrial fat.

some "experts" say thats why kids are encouraged to eat cerials for breakfast?

But cheese, eggs, bacon, sausages are more condusive for learning.

I saw a documentary about kellogs in the 1990's

Apparently he wanted to reduced the population so invented cornflakes to less sexual appetite?



95% water

Thats probably the body.

I'm talking about the brain is supposed to be 95% cholestrial fat.

some "experts" say thats why kids are encouraged to eat cerials for breakfast?

But cheese, eggs, bacon, sausages are more condusive for learning.

I saw a documentary about kellogs in the 1990's

Apparently he wanted to reduced the population so invented cornflakes to less sexual appetite?

wiki - "

Fat and cholesterol[edit]

The makeup of the brain is about 12% fat, most of which is located in myelin (which itself is 70-80% fat).[9] Specific fatty acid ratios will depend in part on the diet of the animal it is harvested from. The brain is also very high in cholesterol. For example, a single 140 g serving of "pork brains in milk gravy" can contain 3500 milligrams of cholesterol (1170% of the USRDA).[10]"


Grateful farang, on 08 Jul 2014 - 22:24, said:snapback.png



A few people have said it gets boring.

We are all different

I'm not bored of it yet but I guess if I lived in thailand 24/7 365 days I would get a bit bored with it too.

But if I had a condo I would have my own kitchen

Where i'd be a chef

I like indian food too; fantastic cuisine

Ah yes - India - with the highest colon cancer rates in the world.

GF - get your facts straight!....and your head!

@Wilcopops, what a load of tosh, have a look at yourself lad... anyway, smoking gives you cancer, but alot still do it.

Vindaloo`s give you cancer? whatever next... gave me a chuckle though so cheers!

There is more than one kind of cancer!
  • 8 years later...
On 6/20/2014 at 5:30 AM, Grateful farang said:

Is thai cuisine the best food in the world?

Indian food, chinese food and thai food are my favourite.

But I think thai food is best.

What do you think?

Well, I suppose it's all about personal taste.


My list goes something like this:


1. British (meat n two veg, stews, soups, pies, roasts, fry up breakfasts, fish n chips, haggis, black pudding, good bread, UK style Chinese)


2. Lebanese (hummus, salads, flat breads, falafel, tasty healthy veggie options, shawarma)


3. Indian (love a good curry, amazing breads and rice, dopiaza, tikka, bhoona, daal, delicious veggie curries, amazing lamb)


4. Mexican (the burritos, the tacos n nachos, jalapenos, beans, salsa, sour cream, guacamole, amazing spices n flavors)


5. Thai (Isaan grilled meats, sticky rice, papaya salad, massaman curry, pad Thai, fried chicken, chicken cashew, good duck, noodle soups)


6. Greek (moussaka, salads, breads, goat's cheese, grilled meats, lots of healthy and tasty options)


7. French (pate, breads, cheeses, cold meats, pastries, cakes, French onion soup, wine, coffee, baguettes)


8. American ( mainly for the sandwiches, burgers, and hotdogs)


9. Italian ( love spaghetti, lasagne, pizza)


10 Japanese (good sushi, ramen, healthy options and tasty)


It is the only food in the world I can eat nearly every day, without getting sick of. I love Japanese and Italian. I could not even eat it 3 days in a week. Same applies to Chinese, Vietnamese and Indian. Good Thai food is sublime. 

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