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Israeli air strikes target Syria after Golan death


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"Remember the Israelis are Jews who will be reluctant to waste weapons unless it is required."


Stereotype much?

Israel spends a ton on military and is a world military power. It has to do that because it is surrounded by people in nearby countries who have vowed to destroy it.

Israel has air superiority over all of those backwards terrorist countries as evidenced by it's ability to strike without retaliation. Israel won't deny or acknowledge that it is actually the sixth country on the world's exclusive list of nuclear powers. To be on that list they have to have ICBMs on land, ICMBs in submarines, and conventional nukes that can be dropped as bombs from an aircraft. No one else in the ME or N. Africa can come close.

Pakistan may be the only ME Muslim country that has nukes, and they are more worried about their eternal foe, India. India has them too.

If you don't know, google and read about the Six Day War to see how hard Israel is willing to fight. After WWII Israel was homeless and was given back the land it occupies by international decree. In 1967 a bunch of countries which hate Israel decided it would be a good idea to knock out Israel and rid themselves of the nuisance They struck.

In just six days, Israel knocked out the militaries of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. Religious people could find no answer other than it was a miracle. Whatever, it will go down in world history as perhaps the greatest military victory of all time.

NOW DURING THE SIX DAY WAR Israel captured the Old City of Jerusalem, The Wall, and The Temple Mount. This is the first time Israel had its holiest site back for more than 2,000 years. Unfortunately in the interim, Muslims had built what to them was a very important temple on the site, which is believed by many to be the site where the temple was that is mentioned as a Jewish temple at the time of Christ.

Wanna fight? Muslims would give anything to get back in there and recapture that temple and temple site. Jews would give anything to keep it. So far all the Muslims can do is commit acts of terrorism against Israel, and quite regularly Israel gets tired of it and uses air strikes.

That got little to do with the bigoted line quoted or with the topic at hand.

Have to say that so far the prevailing attitude shown by the Israeli government is to avoid getting pulled in to the current Syrian mess. Not nearly as Gung-ho as your post sounds. The several instances Israel did carry out attacks in Syrian territory lately, were connected with weapon transfers from Syria to the Hezbollah, or in response to attacks from the Syrian side in the border area.

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If Israel doesn't know the source of the alleged attack then what the hell were IDF attacking in response ? Most probably totally unrelated targets. As usual. Israel flying off the deep end with no facts and in a totally disproportionate manner. bah.gif

Would you prefer Israel to respond by firing into Syria without aiming or targeting?

DO you also think it should be rocket for rocket?

Oh please. facepalm.gif

Seriously, why would it be Israel's responsibility to monitor and police an area supposedly under the control of the Syrian

army? If a government claims sovereignty, as the Syrian regime does, it goes hand in hand with certain obligations.

Some reports on local news say that the missile itself was shot from a position within (or very near) to a Syrian army post

(which was one of the targets attacked). Less clear if the shooting was done by renegade soldiers or local pro-govrenment

militias supported by Hezbollah.

If the IDF did get the location right, which I have every reason to believe they did - than the shooting can be attributed either

to renegade pro-Assad elements (in uniform or otherwise), or to a rather lax attitude by the Syrian army.

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"Remember the Israelis are Jews who will be reluctant to waste weapons unless it is required."


Stereotype much?

Israel spends a ton on military and is a world military power. It has to do that because it is surrounded by people in nearby countries who have vowed to destroy it.

Israel has air superiority over all of those backwards terrorist countries as evidenced by it's ability to strike without retaliation. Israel won't deny or acknowledge that it is actually the sixth country on the world's exclusive list of nuclear powers. To be on that list they have to have ICBMs on land, ICMBs in submarines, and conventional nukes that can be dropped as bombs from an aircraft. No one else in the ME or N. Africa can come close.

Pakistan may be the only ME Muslim country that has nukes, and they are more worried about their eternal foe, India. India has them too.

If you don't know, google and read about the Six Day War to see how hard Israel is willing to fight. After WWII Israel was homeless and was given back the land it occupies by international decree. In 1967 a bunch of countries which hate Israel decided it would be a good idea to knock out Israel and rid themselves of the nuisance They struck.

In just six days, Israel knocked out the militaries of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. Religious people could find no answer other than it was a miracle. Whatever, it will go down in world history as perhaps the greatest military victory of all time.

NOW DURING THE SIX DAY WAR Israel captured the Old City of Jerusalem, The Wall, and The Temple Mount. This is the first time Israel had its holiest site back for more than 2,000 years. Unfortunately in the interim, Muslims had built what to them was a very important temple on the site, which is believed by many to be the site where the temple was that is mentioned as a Jewish temple at the time of Christ.

Wanna fight? Muslims would give anything to get back in there and recapture that temple and temple site. Jews would give anything to keep it. So far all the Muslims can do is commit acts of terrorism against Israel, and quite regularly Israel gets tired of it and uses air strikes.

You have a strange interpretation of history. The Arab forces did not attack Israel, the Six Way War was a surprise attack by Israel. Israel did not knock out the armed forces of Pakistan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, only relatively small elements of their armed forces who tried to assist the resistance against the Israeli armed forces.

I am somewhat confused by some of your statements, the State of Israel did not come into being until 1948 and the vast majority of land in today's Israel was actually owned by Muslims, Jewish land ownership was very minimal


You say Israel started the war. I say Israel attacked Egypt when Egypt mobilized along the Israel border, ready to attack. Same link.

All of the armies I mentioned were involved in that war and none of them could take out Israel, even though they tried. SIX DAYS

"The first appearance of the name "Israel" in the historic record is the Merneptah Stele (circa 1200 BCE) which mentions an ethnic group located in the northern part of the central highlands between the Mediterranean and the Jordan valley and south of Mount Carmel."

"Upon the defeat of the Babylonian Empire by the Achaemenid Empire under Cyrus the Great, the Jewish elite returned to Jerusalem and the Second Temple was built. (Babylon defeated around 500 BC. Temple is the one I mentioned.)
In 165 BCE, the independent Hasmonean Kingdom was established. It lasted 99 years and was destroyed after the Romans captured Jerusalem in 66 BCE.
Since then, the Jewish people have maintained both physical and religious ties with the land of Israel." LINK
So The Jews were there in 1200 BC, returned around 500 BC and built the temple I mentioned.
About 500 years later they were run off by the Romans, and got the land back after WWII. The nation of Israel has a long history, right there.
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"Remember the Israelis are Jews who will be reluctant to waste weapons unless it is required."


Stereotype much?

Israel spends a ton on military and is a world military power. It has to do that because it is surrounded by people in nearby countries who have vowed to destroy it.

Israel has air superiority over all of those backwards terrorist countries as evidenced by it's ability to strike without retaliation. Israel won't deny or acknowledge that it is actually the sixth country on the world's exclusive list of nuclear powers. To be on that list they have to have ICBMs on land, ICMBs in submarines, and conventional nukes that can be dropped as bombs from an aircraft. No one else in the ME or N. Africa can come close.

Pakistan may be the only ME Muslim country that has nukes, and they are more worried about their eternal foe, India. India has them too.

If you don't know, google and read about the Six Day War to see how hard Israel is willing to fight. After WWII Israel was homeless and was given back the land it occupies by international decree. In 1967 a bunch of countries which hate Israel decided it would be a good idea to knock out Israel and rid themselves of the nuisance They struck.

In just six days, Israel knocked out the militaries of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. Religious people could find no answer other than it was a miracle. Whatever, it will go down in world history as perhaps the greatest military victory of all time.

NOW DURING THE SIX DAY WAR Israel captured the Old City of Jerusalem, The Wall, and The Temple Mount. This is the first time Israel had its holiest site back for more than 2,000 years. Unfortunately in the interim, Muslims had built what to them was a very important temple on the site, which is believed by many to be the site where the temple was that is mentioned as a Jewish temple at the time of Christ.

Wanna fight? Muslims would give anything to get back in there and recapture that temple and temple site. Jews would give anything to keep it. So far all the Muslims can do is commit acts of terrorism against Israel, and quite regularly Israel gets tired of it and uses air strikes.

You have a strange interpretation of history. The Arab forces did not attack Israel, the Six Way War was a surprise attack by Israel. Israel did not knock out the armed forces of Pakistan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, only relatively small elements of their armed forces who tried to assist the resistance against the Israeli armed forces.

I am somewhat confused by some of your statements, the State of Israel did not come into being until 1948 and the vast majority of land in today's Israel was actually owned by Muslims, Jewish land ownership was very minimal


You say Israel started the war. I say Israel attacked Egypt when Egypt mobilized along the Israel border, ready to attack. Same link.

All of the armies I mentioned were involved in that war and none of them could take out Israel, even though they tried. SIX DAYS

"The first appearance of the name "Israel" in the historic record is the Merneptah Stele (circa 1200 BCE) which mentions an ethnic group located in the northern part of the central highlands between the Mediterranean and the Jordan valley and south of Mount Carmel."

"Upon the defeat of the Babylonian Empire by the Achaemenid Empire under Cyrus the Great, the Jewish elite returned to Jerusalem and the Second Temple was built. (Babylon defeated around 500 BC. Temple is the one I mentioned.)
In 165 BCE, the independent Hasmonean Kingdom was established. It lasted 99 years and was destroyed after the Romans captured Jerusalem in 66 BCE.
Since then, the Jewish people have maintained both physical and religious ties with the land of Israel." LINK
So The Jews were there in 1200 BC, returned around 500 BC and built the temple I mentioned.
About 500 years later they were run off by the Romans, and got the land back after WWII. The nation of Israel has a long history, right there.

Israel was on its knees until the US resupplied them with weapons and munitions. Fact. wink.png

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"Remember the Israelis are Jews who will be reluctant to waste weapons unless it is required."


Stereotype much?

Israel spends a ton on military and is a world military power. It has to do that because it is surrounded by people in nearby countries who have vowed to destroy it.

Israel has air superiority over all of those backwards terrorist countries as evidenced by it's ability to strike without retaliation. Israel won't deny or acknowledge that it is actually the sixth country on the world's exclusive list of nuclear powers. To be on that list they have to have ICBMs on land, ICMBs in submarines, and conventional nukes that can be dropped as bombs from an aircraft. No one else in the ME or N. Africa can come close.

Pakistan may be the only ME Muslim country that has nukes, and they are more worried about their eternal foe, India. India has them too.

If you don't know, google and read about the Six Day War to see how hard Israel is willing to fight. After WWII Israel was homeless and was given back the land it occupies by international decree. In 1967 a bunch of countries which hate Israel decided it would be a good idea to knock out Israel and rid themselves of the nuisance They struck.

In just six days, Israel knocked out the militaries of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. Religious people could find no answer other than it was a miracle. Whatever, it will go down in world history as perhaps the greatest military victory of all time.

NOW DURING THE SIX DAY WAR Israel captured the Old City of Jerusalem, The Wall, and The Temple Mount. This is the first time Israel had its holiest site back for more than 2,000 years. Unfortunately in the interim, Muslims had built what to them was a very important temple on the site, which is believed by many to be the site where the temple was that is mentioned as a Jewish temple at the time of Christ.

Wanna fight? Muslims would give anything to get back in there and recapture that temple and temple site. Jews would give anything to keep it. So far all the Muslims can do is commit acts of terrorism against Israel, and quite regularly Israel gets tired of it and uses air strikes.

You have a strange interpretation of history. The Arab forces did not attack Israel, the Six Way War was a surprise attack by Israel. Israel did not knock out the armed forces of Pakistan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, only relatively small elements of their armed forces who tried to assist the resistance against the Israeli armed forces.

I am somewhat confused by some of your statements, the State of Israel did not come into being until 1948 and the vast majority of land in today's Israel was actually owned by Muslims, Jewish land ownership was very minimal


His interpretation of history is a lot more accurate than yours. The Arab armies had been threatening to attack for months and Egyptian troops had began moving into the Sinai and massing near the Israeli border. Nasser ordered the UN Emergency Force, stationed in the Sinai since 1956, to withdraw and Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to all Israeli shipping. President Johnson declared the blockade illegal.

Nasser challenged Israel to fight over and over again. “Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight,” he said. The following day, he added: “We will not accept any . . . ​coexistence with Israel . . . ​Today the issue is not the establishment of peace between the Arab states and Israel. . . . The war with Israel is in effect since 1948.”

President Abdur Rahman Aref of Iraq joined in: “The existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is our opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948. Our goal is clear—to wipe Israel off the map.” On June 4, Iraq joined the military alliance with Egypt, Jordan and Syria. The Arab forces were mobilized. Approximately 250,000 troops, more than 2,000 tanks and 700 aircraft ringed Israel.

If a bully attacks you with a baseball bat, you don't wait for him to actually hit you before knocking him out.

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Israel was on its knees until the US resupplied them with weapons and munitions. Fact.

Wrong again. The USA did not help Israel until the 1973 sneak attack in which the USSR trained and supplied the Arabs, told them how to fight the war and supplied them with intelligence. If the Arabs had not lied to each other about all the mistakes they were making and ignored instructions from the USSR, they might have had a chance that time. Israel won 3 major wars completely on their own, before that, as well as defeating numerous terrorist attacks.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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Israel was on its knees until the US resupplied them with weapons and munitions. Fact.

Wrong again. The USA did not help Israel until the 1973 sneak attack in which the USSR trained and supplied the Arabs, told them how to fight the war and supplied them with intelligence. If the Arabs had not lied to each other about all the mistakes they were making and ignored instructions from the USSR, they might have had a chance that time.


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"Remember the Israelis are Jews who will be reluctant to waste weapons unless it is required."


Stereotype much?

Israel spends a ton on military and is a world military power. It has to do that because it is surrounded by people in nearby countries who have vowed to destroy it.

Israel has air superiority over all of those backwards terrorist countries as evidenced by it's ability to strike without retaliation. Israel won't deny or acknowledge that it is actually the sixth country on the world's exclusive list of nuclear powers. To be on that list they have to have ICBMs on land, ICMBs in submarines, and conventional nukes that can be dropped as bombs from an aircraft. No one else in the ME or N. Africa can come close.

Pakistan may be the only ME Muslim country that has nukes, and they are more worried about their eternal foe, India. India has them too.

If you don't know, google and read about the Six Day War to see how hard Israel is willing to fight. After WWII Israel was homeless and was given back the land it occupies by international decree. In 1967 a bunch of countries which hate Israel decided it would be a good idea to knock out Israel and rid themselves of the nuisance They struck.

In just six days, Israel knocked out the militaries of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. Religious people could find no answer other than it was a miracle. Whatever, it will go down in world history as perhaps the greatest military victory of all time.

NOW DURING THE SIX DAY WAR Israel captured the Old City of Jerusalem, The Wall, and The Temple Mount. This is the first time Israel had its holiest site back for more than 2,000 years. Unfortunately in the interim, Muslims had built what to them was a very important temple on the site, which is believed by many to be the site where the temple was that is mentioned as a Jewish temple at the time of Christ.

Wanna fight? Muslims would give anything to get back in there and recapture that temple and temple site. Jews would give anything to keep it. So far all the Muslims can do is commit acts of terrorism against Israel, and quite regularly Israel gets tired of it and uses air strikes.

You have a strange interpretation of history. The Arab forces did not attack Israel, the Six Way War was a surprise attack by Israel. Israel did not knock out the armed forces of Pakistan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, only relatively small elements of their armed forces who tried to assist the resistance against the Israeli armed forces.

I am somewhat confused by some of your statements, the State of Israel did not come into being until 1948 and the vast majority of land in today's Israel was actually owned by Muslims, Jewish land ownership was very minimal


You say Israel started the war. I say Israel attacked Egypt when Egypt mobilized along the Israel border, ready to attack. Same link.

All of the armies I mentioned were involved in that war and none of them could take out Israel, even though they tried. SIX DAYS

"The first appearance of the name "Israel" in the historic record is the Merneptah Stele (circa 1200 BCE) which mentions an ethnic group located in the northern part of the central highlands between the Mediterranean and the Jordan valley and south of Mount Carmel."

"Upon the defeat of the Babylonian Empire by the Achaemenid Empire under Cyrus the Great, the Jewish elite returned to Jerusalem and the Second Temple was built. (Babylon defeated around 500 BC. Temple is the one I mentioned.)
In 165 BCE, the independent Hasmonean Kingdom was established. It lasted 99 years and was destroyed after the Romans captured Jerusalem in 66 BCE.
Since then, the Jewish people have maintained both physical and religious ties with the land of Israel." LINK
So The Jews were there in 1200 BC, returned around 500 BC and built the temple I mentioned.
About 500 years later they were run off by the Romans, and got the land back after WWII. The nation of Israel has a long history, right there.

Israel was on its knees until the US resupplied them with weapons and munitions. Fact. wink.png

Just curious. Where did you study "history"? There wouldn't have been time in just 6 days for the Israelis to run low, the US to load and send more weapons and munitions 6,000 miles, get them unloaded an into battle, and then for Israel to finish that war.

6 days. That war was over almost as soon as it started.

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"Remember the Israelis are Jews who will be reluctant to waste weapons unless it is required."


Stereotype much?

Israel spends a ton on military and is a world military power. It has to do that because it is surrounded by people in nearby countries who have vowed to destroy it.

Israel has air superiority over all of those backwards terrorist countries as evidenced by it's ability to strike without retaliation. Israel won't deny or acknowledge that it is actually the sixth country on the world's exclusive list of nuclear powers. To be on that list they have to have ICBMs on land, ICMBs in submarines, and conventional nukes that can be dropped as bombs from an aircraft. No one else in the ME or N. Africa can come close.

Pakistan may be the only ME Muslim country that has nukes, and they are more worried about their eternal foe, India. India has them too.

If you don't know, google and read about the Six Day War to see how hard Israel is willing to fight. After WWII Israel was homeless and was given back the land it occupies by international decree. In 1967 a bunch of countries which hate Israel decided it would be a good idea to knock out Israel and rid themselves of the nuisance They struck.

In just six days, Israel knocked out the militaries of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. Religious people could find no answer other than it was a miracle. Whatever, it will go down in world history as perhaps the greatest military victory of all time.

NOW DURING THE SIX DAY WAR Israel captured the Old City of Jerusalem, The Wall, and The Temple Mount. This is the first time Israel had its holiest site back for more than 2,000 years. Unfortunately in the interim, Muslims had built what to them was a very important temple on the site, which is believed by many to be the site where the temple was that is mentioned as a Jewish temple at the time of Christ.

Wanna fight? Muslims would give anything to get back in there and recapture that temple and temple site. Jews would give anything to keep it. So far all the Muslims can do is commit acts of terrorism against Israel, and quite regularly Israel gets tired of it and uses air strikes.

You have a strange interpretation of history. The Arab forces did not attack Israel, the Six Way War was a surprise attack by Israel. Israel did not knock out the armed forces of Pakistan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, only relatively small elements of their armed forces who tried to assist the resistance against the Israeli armed forces.

I am somewhat confused by some of your statements, the State of Israel did not come into being until 1948 and the vast majority of land in today's Israel was actually owned by Muslims, Jewish land ownership was very minimal


His interpretation of history is a lot more accurate than yours. The Arab armies had been threatening to attack for months and Egyptian troops had began moving into the Sinai and massing near the Israeli border. Nasser ordered the UN Emergency Force, stationed in the Sinai since 1956, to withdraw and Egypt closed the Straits of Tiran to all Israeli shipping. President Johnson declared the blockade illegal.

Nasser challenged Israel to fight over and over again. “Our basic objective will be the destruction of Israel. The Arab people want to fight,” he said. The following day, he added: “We will not accept any . . . ​coexistence with Israel . . . ​Today the issue is not the establishment of peace between the Arab states and Israel. . . . The war with Israel is in effect since 1948.”

President Abdur Rahman Aref of Iraq joined in: “The existence of Israel is an error which must be rectified. This is our opportunity to wipe out the ignominy which has been with us since 1948. Our goal is clear—to wipe Israel off the map.” On June 4, Iraq joined the military alliance with Egypt, Jordan and Syria. The Arab forces were mobilized. Approximately 250,000 troops, more than 2,000 tanks and 700 aircraft ringed Israel.

If a bully attacks you with a baseball bat, you don't wait for him to actually hit you before knocking him out.

Does not change the fact Israelis launched a surprise attack.

There are competing theories that Israel carried out a number of provocations as they wanted war, others say not true. it is interesting to note .senior Israeli figures, who held powerful positions at the time, have gone on the public record that they did not believe the Egyptians were actually planning to attack.

Yitzhak Rabin, who served as the Chief of the General Staff for Israel during the war stated: "I do not believe that Nasser wanted war. The two divisions he sent into Sinai on May 14 would not have been enough to unleash an offensive against Israel. He knew it and we knew it."

Israeli Foreign Minister Abba Eban wrote in his autobiography that he found "Nasser's assurance that he did not plan an armed attack" convincing, adding that "Nasser did not want war; he wanted victory without war".[As Abba Eban put it, Nasser wanted victory without a war.

Some analysts suggest that Nasser took actions aimed at reaping political gains, which he knew carried a high risk of precipitating military hostilities. On this view, Nasser's willingness to take such risks was based on his fundamental underestimation of Israel's capacity for independent and effective military action.

According to historian Abd al-Azim Ramadan, Nasser mistaken decisions to expel the international peacekeeping force from the Sinai Peninsula and close the Straits of Tiran in 1967, led to a state of war with Israel, despite the lack of military preparedness

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Does not change the fact Israelis launched a surprise attack.

How do you launch a "surprise" attack on numerous Arab armies surrounding and threatening to slaughter you? cheesy.gif

"The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are poised on the borders of Israel . . . ​to face the challenge, while standing behind us are the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab nation. This act will astound the world. Today they will know that the Arabs are arranged for battle, the critical hour has arrived. We have reached the stage of serious action and not declarations."

-Egyptian President Nasser

Edited by Ulysses G.
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"Remember the Israelis are Jews who will be reluctant to waste weapons unless it is required."


Stereotype much?

Israel spends a ton on military and is a world military power. It has to do that because it is surrounded by people in nearby countries who have vowed to destroy it.

Israel has air superiority over all of those backwards terrorist countries as evidenced by it's ability to strike without retaliation. Israel won't deny or acknowledge that it is actually the sixth country on the world's exclusive list of nuclear powers. To be on that list they have to have ICBMs on land, ICMBs in submarines, and conventional nukes that can be dropped as bombs from an aircraft. No one else in the ME or N. Africa can come close.

Pakistan may be the only ME Muslim country that has nukes, and they are more worried about their eternal foe, India. India has them too.

If you don't know, google and read about the Six Day War to see how hard Israel is willing to fight. After WWII Israel was homeless and was given back the land it occupies by international decree. In 1967 a bunch of countries which hate Israel decided it would be a good idea to knock out Israel and rid themselves of the nuisance They struck.

In just six days, Israel knocked out the militaries of Egypt, Syria, Jordan, Iraq, Pakistan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia. Religious people could find no answer other than it was a miracle. Whatever, it will go down in world history as perhaps the greatest military victory of all time.

NOW DURING THE SIX DAY WAR Israel captured the Old City of Jerusalem, The Wall, and The Temple Mount. This is the first time Israel had its holiest site back for more than 2,000 years. Unfortunately in the interim, Muslims had built what to them was a very important temple on the site, which is believed by many to be the site where the temple was that is mentioned as a Jewish temple at the time of Christ.

Wanna fight? Muslims would give anything to get back in there and recapture that temple and temple site. Jews would give anything to keep it. So far all the Muslims can do is commit acts of terrorism against Israel, and quite regularly Israel gets tired of it and uses air strikes.

You have a strange interpretation of history. The Arab forces did not attack Israel, the Six Way War was a surprise attack by Israel. Israel did not knock out the armed forces of Pakistan, Libya, Algeria, Morocco, Kuwait, and Saudi Arabia, only relatively small elements of their armed forces who tried to assist the resistance against the Israeli armed forces.

I am somewhat confused by some of your statements, the State of Israel did not come into being until 1948 and the vast majority of land in today's Israel was actually owned by Muslims, Jewish land ownership was very minimal


You say Israel started the war. I say Israel attacked Egypt when Egypt mobilized along the Israel border, ready to attack. Same link.

All of the armies I mentioned were involved in that war and none of them could take out Israel, even though they tried. SIX DAYS

"The first appearance of the name "Israel" in the historic record is the Merneptah Stele (circa 1200 BCE) which mentions an ethnic group located in the northern part of the central highlands between the Mediterranean and the Jordan valley and south of Mount Carmel."

"Upon the defeat of the Babylonian Empire by the Achaemenid Empire under Cyrus the Great, the Jewish elite returned to Jerusalem and the Second Temple was built. (Babylon defeated around 500 BC. Temple is the one I mentioned.)
In 165 BCE, the independent Hasmonean Kingdom was established. It lasted 99 years and was destroyed after the Romans captured Jerusalem in 66 BCE.
Since then, the Jewish people have maintained both physical and religious ties with the land of Israel." LINK
So The Jews were there in 1200 BC, returned around 500 BC and built the temple I mentioned.
About 500 years later they were run off by the Romans, and got the land back after WWII. The nation of Israel has a long history, right there.

I find it intriguing that people support "turn back the clock" with the forcible acquisition of territory against the wishes of a vast majority of the incumbent population, who actually owned / resided on the land for centuries. Then go on to say its unreasonable for the population not to accept or resist the imposition of rule, by in effect, foreigners.

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Does not change the fact Israelis launched a surprise attack.

How do you launch a "surprise" attack on numerous Arab armies surrounding and threatening to slaughter you? cheesy.gif

"The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are poised on the borders of Israel . . . ​to face the challenge, while standing behind us are the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab nation. This act will astound the world. Today they will know that the Arabs are arranged for battle, the critical hour has arrived. We have reached the stage of serious action and not declarations."

-Egyptian President Nasser

Did you actually read the quotes I provided from some of the Israeli leaders at the time? You well know politicians often make declarations to be consumed by their domestic audience, with no intention to implement the threats; some in the Israeli leadership understood.

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Does not change the fact Israelis launched a surprise attack.

How do you launch a "surprise" attack on numerous Arab armies surrounding and threatening to slaughter you? cheesy.gif

"The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are poised on the borders of Israel . . . ​to face the challenge, while standing behind us are the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab nation. This act will astound the world. Today they will know that the Arabs are arranged for battle, the critical hour has arrived. We have reached the stage of serious action and not declarations."

-Egyptian President Nasser

Did you actually read the quotes I provided from some of the Israeli leaders at the time? You well know politicians often make declarations to be consumed by their domestic audience, with no intention to implement the threats; some in the Israeli leadership understood.

OK, I agree with Scott that we've gotten off topic, interesting as some things might be.

I hope it's on topic to say the the OP air strikes are an indication that Israel isn't afraid of any or all of the Arab countries, has a strong military capacity, and not only will but can fly about and bomb anyone who commits acts of terrorism against it. It's not afraid to "make an example" of any country.

Israel just bombed essentially what the US Congress recently denied Obama permission to bomb - in Syria. Notice the difference. Israel doesn't wait for public opinion or permission, they don't take polls first, Their history has been to strike without warning and then sit back and lick their chops while the rest of the world jawbones about it - just what's happening now.

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Does not change the fact Israelis launched a surprise attack.

How do you launch a "surprise" attack on numerous Arab armies surrounding and threatening to slaughter you? cheesy.gif

"The armies of Egypt, Jordan, Syria and Lebanon are poised on the borders of Israel . . . ​to face the challenge, while standing behind us are the armies of Iraq, Algeria, Kuwait, Sudan and the whole Arab nation. This act will astound the world. Today they will know that the Arabs are arranged for battle, the critical hour has arrived. We have reached the stage of serious action and not declarations."

-Egyptian President Nasser

Did you actually read the quotes I provided from some of the Israeli leaders at the time? You well know politicians often make declarations to be consumed by their domestic audience, with no intention to implement the threats; some in the Israeli leadership understood.

OK, I agree with Scott that we've gotten off topic, interesting as some things might be.

I hope it's on topic to say the the OP air strikes are an indication that Israel isn't afraid of any or all of the Arab countries, has a strong military capacity, and not only will but can fly about and bomb anyone who commits acts of terrorism against it. It's not afraid to "make an example" of any country.

Israel just bombed essentially what the US Congress recently denied Obama permission to bomb - in Syria. Notice the difference. Israel doesn't wait for public opinion or permission, they don't take polls first, Their history has been to strike without warning and then sit back and lick their chops while the rest of the world jawbones about it - just what's happening now.

Well, it can look like that from the outside, yes.

While the chain of command in Israel is much shorter than the USA, the current Israeli prime minister rarely does anything without an watchful eye on public relations, mostly domestic. If this was a first time incident, quite probable that the reaction would not have been as swift, and that there would have been more deliberation. On this note, Israeli media reported that the IDF will re-deploy artillery and observation units near the border to facilitate even quicker response in the future (sort of what is being done vs. mortar/rocket launches from the Gaza Strip). Same reports also say that now they have confirmation the firing was by Syrian soldiers, although not clear if under orders or some local initiative (I would guess the latter, though).

The Syrian army camps attacked have nothing to do with the targets not bombed by the USA. Regardless of the political constrains and other factors, the targets back then were more to do with Syria's chemical weapons, not regular army camps. If these were "hot" targets, they wouldn't be attacked so fast, not even by Israel.

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I'm not at all sure what you're saying. I just made the points that Israel isn't afraid to bomb anyone, and that unlike the US which recently declined to bomb Syria after much political wrangling, Israel strikes before talking about it to the whole world or waiting for public opinion.

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I'm not at all sure what you're saying. I just made the points that Israel isn't afraid to bomb anyone, and that unlike the US which recently declined to bomb Syria after much political wrangling, Israel strikes before talking about it to the whole world or waiting for public opinion.

Well, now I'm not sure which part of what I'm saying you're not at all sure about, NeverSure smile.png.

The Israeli PM's decision making issues have been discussed on almost every Israeli and Arab media outlet, in various context. Decisive he is not. Talks the talk, yes.

A good example of this (which I hope will not derail the topic further) is the whole saga of a possible Israeli strike against Iran. A lot of talk, a lot of posturing, but no cigar. Exactly the same thing with the last round of hostilities in the Gaza Strip - ground troops were held up for days, reserves called, tough talking, no ground move.

Attacking these Syrian army camps wasn't going to make a whole lot of noise world wide, didn't carry much risk of hitting civilians or placing Israeli troops in harms way and played nicely for domestic consumption. Plus Assad Junior might have a talk with local commanders to make sure all are on the same page.

Israel got zero interest to make things worse, the attack was a response and a message that a line was crossed.

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If Israel doesn't know the source of the alleged attack then what the hell were IDF attacking in response ? Most probably totally unrelated targets. As usual. Israel flying off the deep end with no facts and in a totally disproportionate manner. bah.gif

Israel targeted Syrian Army camps. If the Syrian regime claims to be sovereign, then it is responsible.

So far, the Syrian Army made an effort to keep control of the areas near the border, I think the Israeli response

has more to do with keeping that effort going.

I would find it very hard to believe the Syrian Army had anything to do with it. They are too busy fighting Jihadists and terrorists. The last thing Assad wants right now is a fight with Israel. My bet is that it was some rogue Muslim extremist group or just some Muslim street thugs that got hold of some weapons [not hard ATM]. Attacking Syrian forces is just ridiculous on Israel's part. Like it or not Assad's' regime is Israel's friend right now. Fighting perhaps Israel's most dangerous enemy right now. If ISIS/ISIL does succeed in creating an Islamic State that borders Israel then they will have BIG problems.

One thing the arab spring has not been about is Israel. This is Muslim against Muslim, ISIS and hezbolah could have easily oprened up a front along the israeli border with Lebanon. But hezbolah are to busy fighting Assads war. Even ISIS have prefered to try their luck in Iraq. rather than try anything against Israel.

To say Assad is a friend to Israel is just nonesense. If he tried to involve Israel, It would be the quickest way to him losing control of Syria, They would destroy his army and the civil war would be over with him hanging from a lamppost.

Israels reprisal in the Golan sends a message to Assad control your border or we will! Chances are it was the Syria army that fired first. No chance that Assad would let insurgents attack Israel from the Golan. It would be the end of his regime.

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If Israel doesn't know the source of the alleged attack then what the hell were IDF attacking in response ? Most probably totally unrelated targets. As usual. Israel flying off the deep end with no facts and in a totally disproportionate manner. bah.gif

Israel targeted Syrian Army camps. If the Syrian regime claims to be sovereign, then it is responsible.

So far, the Syrian Army made an effort to keep control of the areas near the border, I think the Israeli response

has more to do with keeping that effort going.

I would find it very hard to believe the Syrian Army had anything to do with it. They are too busy fighting Jihadists and terrorists. The last thing Assad wants right now is a fight with Israel. My bet is that it was some rogue Muslim extremist group or just some Muslim street thugs that got hold of some weapons [not hard ATM]. Attacking Syrian forces is just ridiculous on Israel's part. Like it or not Assad's' regime is Israel's friend right now. Fighting perhaps Israel's most dangerous enemy right now. If ISIS/ISIL does succeed in creating an Islamic State that borders Israel then they will have BIG problems.

One thing the arab spring has not been about is Israel. This is Muslim against Muslim, ISIS and hezbolah could have easily oprened up a front along the israeli border with Lebanon. But hezbolah are to busy fighting Assads war. Even ISIS have prefered to try their luck in Iraq. rather than try anything against Israel.

To say Assad is a friend to Israel is just nonesense. If he tried to involve Israel, It would be the quickest way to him losing control of Syria, They would destroy his army and the civil war would be over with him hanging from a lamppost.

Israels reprisal in the Golan sends a message to Assad control your border or we will! Chances are it was the Syria army that fired first. No chance that Assad would let insurgents attack Israel from the Golan. It would be the end of his regime.

You need not have posted. You preach with If he tried to involve Israel, It would be the quickest way to him losing control of Syria, after I stated "The last thing Assad wants right now is a fight with Israel."

Just looking for an argument for the sake of an argument. And by looking at the time of your post you may well have been one too many alcoholic beverages into your night. In the end your post is a lot of hot air,rhetoric and nonsense. Your mission is a failure. whistling.gif

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I'm not at all sure what you're saying. I just made the points that Israel isn't afraid to bomb anyone, and that unlike the US which recently declined to bomb Syria after much political wrangling, Israel strikes before talking about it to the whole world or waiting for public opinion.

Israel got zero interest to make things worse, the attack was a response and a message that a line was crossed.

Not the right message to send I am afraid. It is just telling lunatic militants that attacking Israeli targets in the region is a good thing. By way of attracting an Israeli response which is attacking Assad's forces. Playing into the hands of these militant thugs. Essentially have Israel do the militants dirty work for them. Do you see ?

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I'm not at all sure what you're saying. I just made the points that Israel isn't afraid to bomb anyone, and that unlike the US which recently declined to bomb Syria after much political wrangling, Israel strikes before talking about it to the whole world or waiting for public opinion.

Well, now I'm not sure which part of what I'm saying you're not at all sure about, NeverSure smile.png.

The Israeli PM's decision making issues have been discussed on almost every Israeli and Arab media outlet, in various context. Decisive he is not. Talks the talk, yes.

A good example of this (which I hope will not derail the topic further) is the whole saga of a possible Israeli strike against Iran. A lot of talk, a lot of posturing, but no cigar. Exactly the same thing with the last round of hostilities in the Gaza Strip - ground troops were held up for days, reserves called, tough talking, no ground move.

Attacking these Syrian army camps wasn't going to make a whole lot of noise world wide, didn't carry much risk of hitting civilians or placing Israeli troops in harms way and played nicely for domestic consumption. Plus Assad Junior might have a talk with local commanders to make sure all are on the same page.

Israel got zero interest to make things worse, the attack was a response and a message that a line was crossed.

I seriously can't understand you. You're rambling about things I never said. This quoted post you are so worried about never says that Israel is decisive - you came up with that topic by yourself. I simply said that they strike without telling the world about it first, unlike a recent event in the US where the POTUS' desire to bomb Syria was widely debated first.

I also said they aren't afraid of anyone in the ME, and they aren't. If they choose not to bomb someone, it's not going to be out of fear.

That's all I said, and keep repeating. Where do you get all of this other stuff???

Edited by NeverSure
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A good example of this (which I hope will not derail the topic further) is the whole saga of a possible Israeli strike against Iran. A lot of talk, a lot of posturing, but no cigar.

IMO. that means almost nothing. Striking Iran's nuclear facilities is a very big deal and the US could do it a lot more effectively. Netanyahu has to let Omama try to negotiate or he will never cooperate on a nuclear facility strike and Israel stands a good chance of losing any cooperation from him at all - on anything. They don't trust him and for good reason. However, if Israel has to do it on their own, my guess is that they will, but at a time of their choosing.

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A good example of this (which I hope will not derail the topic further) is the whole saga of a possible Israeli strike against Iran. A lot of talk, a lot of posturing, but no cigar.

IMO. that means almost nothing. Striking Iran's nuclear facilities is a very big deal and the US could do it a lot more effectively. Netanyahu has to let Omama try to negotiate or he will never cooperate on a nuclear facility strike and Israel stands a good chance of losing any cooperation from him at all - on anything. They don't trust him and for good reason. However, if Israel has to do it on their own, my guess is that they will, but at a time of their choosing.

Some say that Israel has the best intelligence in the world. They have mid-air refueling and bombers that can carry US bunker busters, which they have. They'd be willing to overfly Jordan and Iraq and there's nothing those countries could do about it.

If they thought Iran was right there with the nuke program and a rocket to carry it, I don't think they'd wait for Obama. Iran has repeatedly vowed to blow Israel off the map.

I wouldn't worry about Israel.

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Israel targeted Syrian Army camps. If the Syrian regime claims to be sovereign, then it is responsible.

So far, the Syrian Army made an effort to keep control of the areas near the border, I think the Israeli response

has more to do with keeping that effort going.

I would find it very hard to believe the Syrian Army had anything to do with it. They are too busy fighting Jihadists and terrorists. The last thing Assad wants right now is a fight with Israel. My bet is that it was some rogue Muslim extremist group or just some Muslim street thugs that got hold of some weapons [not hard ATM]. Attacking Syrian forces is just ridiculous on Israel's part. Like it or not Assad's' regime is Israel's friend right now. Fighting perhaps Israel's most dangerous enemy right now. If ISIS/ISIL does succeed in creating an Islamic State that borders Israel then they will have BIG problems.

One thing the arab spring has not been about is Israel. This is Muslim against Muslim, ISIS and hezbolah could have easily oprened up a front along the israeli border with Lebanon. But hezbolah are to busy fighting Assads war. Even ISIS have prefered to try their luck in Iraq. rather than try anything against Israel.

To say Assad is a friend to Israel is just nonesense. If he tried to involve Israel, It would be the quickest way to him losing control of Syria, They would destroy his army and the civil war would be over with him hanging from a lamppost.

Israels reprisal in the Golan sends a message to Assad control your border or we will! Chances are it was the Syria army that fired first. No chance that Assad would let insurgents attack Israel from the Golan. It would be the end of his regime.

You need not have posted. You preach with If he tried to involve Israel, It would be the quickest way to him losing control of Syria, after I stated "The last thing Assad wants right now is a fight with Israel."

Just looking for an argument for the sake of an argument. And by looking at the time of your post you may well have been one too many alcoholic beverages into your night. In the end your post is a lot of hot air,rhetoric and nonsense. Your mission is a failure. whistling.gif

What total rubbish. To suggest Assad is a friend to Israel is Bullshit. That is all. That you have to say I may have had one too many and belittle my post shows you have no idea of what you are talking about. Attack the post not the poster.

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I wouldn't worry about Israel.

I agree with everything that you have said, but one thing they don't have - unless I have missed it somehow - is America's latest bunker-busters and most people feel that is what is needed to destroy every nuclear facility completely. They might not have bombers that can deliver them easily either. I forget.

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I'm not at all sure what you're saying. I just made the points that Israel isn't afraid to bomb anyone, and that unlike the US which recently declined to bomb Syria after much political wrangling, Israel strikes before talking about it to the whole world or waiting for public opinion.

Israel got zero interest to make things worse, the attack was a response and a message that a line was crossed.

Not the right message to send I am afraid. It is just telling lunatic militants that attacking Israeli targets in the region is a good thing. By way of attracting an Israeli response which is attacking Assad's forces. Playing into the hands of these militant thugs. Essentially have Israel do the militants dirty work for them. Do you see ?

The Syrian crisis been ongoing for about three years now. Considering the relative violence reported around most of the country, the border with Israel has been generally quiet, with very few incidents. This can be attributed mainly to Syria's regime's reluctance to open another front (vs. Israel), and an effort to keep a lead on things near the border area.

The IDF seems to be positive that the attack (a rather advanced version of an anti-tank missile) originated from a Syrian army post, and was carried out by Syrian soldiers. Now, that doesn't mean that they were under orders to carry out the attack, just an indication that Assad's grip on the army is not perfect.

I do understand your point, and there is some merit to it. But if Israel's claims that the attacks did come from the Syrian army, well...there's no other address, really. The current situation in Syria being what it is, doubt that going thorough the usual indirect diplomatic channels alone would have sufficed.

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