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Split in half: Man credits Thai amulet for walking away from Lamborghini crash


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Is this the same idiot that crashed his Lambo last year, claiming his 5 (I think 5) amulets saved him? Maybe outlaw amulets while behind the wheel, as they seem to think if have right ones need pay no attention to laws or plain common sense.... as if that law would be enforced.

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Spiritual claptrap.

I've seen bus drivers overtake on blind bends on country roads thinking the amulets swinging from the rear view mirror (and blocking their view) will save them. What's next? Pixies and fairies at the bottom of their gardens? Gold at the end of the rainbow?

This upper class, hi so prat should be clapped in irons and hauled off to jail.

Pity he wasn't split in half, too! dry.png

In the end it works for him

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He called his insurance company and he said that he crashed while he was speeding (150kph) in heavy rain?

I can't imagine the insurance company will give him 36 million after they know this info.

They might,if he gives them the amulet, it could save the company a fortune,no more car crashes if you are insured with this company.

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Great story..he walked away. Most people can and do drive stupidly at some point or another. Bugger the machine, I would be smiling too if I walked away from that. I'm sure his pucker factor was working as well as his amulet.

Live and learn..if he repeated the act then he would truly deserve the diatribe being flung. Hopefully he realises he is wrong and hopefully someone else learns from his mistake too.

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Slightly off topic but I presume this guy has family wealth or something? Surely a US based company wouldnt be paying over the odds for a chap like this?

I understand as president he`ll have a good salary, but one that enables him to buy a $1 million car, i doubt it.

I find it disturbing in a country where so many struggle by on 6000 or 7000 baht a month you have idiots like this living a life most of us here can dream of.

He has the concession in Thailand to distribute the American company's wares. Mostly 'health' products like diet tea. Having that in Thailand is like a license to print money so I'm not surprised at his wealth.
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they will have it clipped and welded and it wi will be for sale again in 3 weeks....thai body men can work magic....

Yes we often see the "Thai bodies" hanging out and strewn over the road, never mind they will come back even better or go to heaven or get a 100 virgins or any other such drivel

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Great story..he walked away. Most people can and do drive stupidly at some point or another. Bugger the machine, I would be smiling too if I walked away from that. I'm sure his pucker factor was working as well as his amulet.

Live and learn..if he repeated the act then he would truly deserve the diatribe being flung. Hopefully he realises he is wrong and hopefully someone else learns from his mistake too.

Now youre really being stupid, he will learn nothing, NOTHING AT ALL!

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This accident doesn't surprise me at all, put a thai driver behind a steering wheel and he will become a psychopath who want to pass every car in front of him. coffee1.gif

yes but have you seen how normally?? very veryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy slowly, so slow its like watching paint dry in the Arctic.

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Half a car, half a brain

You are far too generous on the percentage of brain.

Genetically born with half a brain to start with

There are genetic freaks everywhere. This guy is probably one or his brain has shrunk considerably over the years.

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He called his insurance company and he said that he crashed while he was speeding (150kph) in heavy rain?

I can't imagine the insurance company will give him 36 million after they know this info.

I reckon people that can afford 36m baht sports cars don't bother with insurance; they just go and buy another one. Insurance is for plebs that can't afford to fix the 'tuna after the wifey rear-ends someone.

If I was the CEO or HR of the US MNC that employs him, the guy would be fired. The employer would be liable for any deaths, injuries or property damage caused by this reckless driver who was acting within the course and scope of his employment (respondeat superior). Moreover, if they continue to employ him, and he causes another collision such as this, the employer would probably be liable for punitive damages.

Umm... he is the President of the company.

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I think if you took a look at the chassis, it will be one of these 'stitched together' dubious imports. Quite common to cut them in half and re-weld them in chop shops to avoid lots of cost. MLM, he nearly became a bit multi leveled himself, car, body, amulet, car.


because of course, its real easy to weld a carbon fibre monocoque chassis back together. im sure the 3m tape down at homepro will do the job just fine......

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Oh all you naysayers have missed the point.

The amulet saved the lives of all the innocent people around him. Good amulet that one. No one else was hurt.

The cars engineers saved him.

An amulet cannot save a fool from himself. He lost the car.

If he had of crashed into the tree and the car came out in one piece then the amulet would be the only explanation.


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I don't think it's because they can't drive per se..

Try driving in Indonesia....terrifying and the Muslim areas are hairier than the Christian part because their mindset is..Inshallah god willing I will survive...Medan is crazy

Drive in Vietnam..they make Thais look absolutely great. It's like watching lemmings on scooters

Drive in the Congo..where giving way is a last millisecond decision....

Drive in Manila..where giving way is a crime in itself.

I've driven in all of those places ...

I learnt to drive in Iraq...also crazy because they believe a higher authority ( Mohamed) is covering their ass.

It's just cultural norm..when we rage and get totally pissed with them they have no idea why we are being aggressive because it's the norm.

Not right to drive like they do, but it's a bigger issue than the driver..

Thank god that in the west they teach us that driving comes with moral responsibility, not just an amulet.

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You would have thought he had some level of intelligence to make that sort of money to buy a car like that, but then you hear he was exceeding the speed limit by a very long way in the rain and believes in voodoo magic - what a dumb ass !! Just doesn't make sense does it. Proof there is no God and no justice in this world.....

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You would have thought he had some level of intelligence to make that sort of money to buy a car like that, but then you hear he was exceeding the speed limit by a very long way in the rain and believes in voodoo magic - what a dumb ass !! Just doesn't make sense does it. Proof there is no God and no justice in this world.....

Being involved on a high level of MLM will make you this kind of money. MLM is swindle at its worst. The only skill needed is the skill to cheat gullible people of their hard-earned money. Basically you need to be a stealing bastard.

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