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New resolution on transgender rights

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New resolution on transgender rights
The Nation

BANGKOK: -- The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand has issued a resolution advising universities to revise regulations, permitting students to cross-dress at their graduation ceremony.

The NHRC has reportedly considered a student petition from an unnamed university in a case involving transgender students being unable to receive their diplomas while cross-dressing. Complainants claim that male students who live as females were part of the university and were being unfairly treated.

They feel like their rights are restricted and that they are being deprived of freedom and, as a result, are under stress.

The NHRC said universities that did not allow transgender students to receive a diploma under the premise that their clothes conflicted with the university dress code were disrespecting human dignity and violating human rights.

The organisation called on universities to revise their regulations to clearly specify dress codes for class attendance, exam-taking and graduation in order to foster human rights, freedom and equality.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/New-resolution-on-transgender-rights-30237291.html

-- The Nation 2014-06-28

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"The NHRC said universities that did not allow transgender students to receive a diploma under the premise that their clothes conflicted with the university dress code were disrespecting human dignity and violating human rights."

Good move. Universities need to be more concerned about what is going on inside of the students' heads than how they appear on the outside. If people are living their lives as a particular gender, it is not really a case of cross dressing. They are dressing as who they truly believe they are. Perhaps the universities need to implement courses on "diversity" to better help their graduates function in a world with many cultures, philosophies and customs.

Not quite sure the motive for dressing as/becoming a woman are always that clear cut (no pun intended) in Thailand. Sometimes it can be purely financial as they think they can make more money as a female copy. That being said, don't really see how it matters too much as far as graduation goes. People should be able to dress as they want.

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amazing place,

this is a country, that in 2014, still put people into slavery and... and ....and .......Their National Human Rights Commission of Thailand

has nothing more to do, than advice university to allowed guy to dress like girl at their graduation.laugh.png

What a strange world <banana> country we live.

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I see no problem with it if they declared they preferred to be referred to as female when they enrolled into the uni. If they signed up as male then they should receive their degree as a male, if they signed as female then as a female, pretty simple really. You take responsibility for who you are, if you dress and act as a female everyday then that is who you should be accepted as, if you dress and act like a male then again that is who you are, after all, these people know exactly what they want to be for many years before going to uni.

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amazing place,

this is a country, that in 2014, still put people into slavery and... and ....and .......Their National Human Rights Commission of Thailand

has nothing more to do, than advice university to allowed guy to dress like girl at their graduation.laugh.png

What a strange world country we live.

Oh yeah. Another "know it all" talking down Thailand as being primitvo. Safe money says you never lived in a banana country or anywhere else before coming here.

BTW, whether or not they fall short in other responsibilities it is idiotic to criticise them fo doing their job in other situations. Your post is pointless.

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amazing place,

this is a country, that in 2014, still put people into slavery and... and ....and .......Their National Human Rights Commission of Thailand

has nothing more to do, than advice university to allowed guy to dress like girl at their graduation.laugh.png

What a strange world <banana> country we live.

I'm sure they have lots of other things to do and are in fact doing them. That does not mean they should not also be acting over this issue. They received a complaint and have responded to it. What's wrong with that?

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A step in the right direction.

I wonder why the same rules don't apply to all forms of education in Thailand, why just stop with Universities.

What about Transgender rights to obtain loans from banking institutions or work within the government sector. What about their rights to marry or adopt children.

Its amazing that its 2014, yet living in Thailand for Transgendered men and women is still like living in the dark ages. So much for equality.

Actually Thai society as a whole is more open and accepting of transgender than most. You can site specific institutions with conservative policies but simply using your eyes as you move through a day in a city will prove you wrong. Even on TV series ladyboys are acknowledged as part of Thai society in that they play numerous popular roles.

I will go a bit further- and please take note that you are the one that took discussion beyond the universities.

I think that there has recently been much bias applied in hiring transgenders into jobs, on the basis of their sexuality rather than qualifications.

Example: Just go into many food service franchises- or even Starbucks and you will find them now inundated with gay males- and they are thoroughly incompetent! They incessantly screw up orders, or you need to repeat orders several times, or you stand around waiting to be served and not noticed while they are having such a tiddly time giggling and jabbering away with one another behind the counter.

The more I think about it the further convinced I become that your complaints are based on the whim of a malcontent rather than reality.

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Seems a triviality. Give those who are legit trans people the legal right to change their I.D. cards and passports.

re; triviality

Actually JT, I find that a little bit surprising coming from you, as I respect you as a person who is open minded and reasonable when it comes to equality.

I have know several ladyboy's who have found it rather confronting that they are forced to wear a male uniform when attending University exams and Graduations. At these graduations their names are called out, Mr X and they have to awkwardly present themselves as male people. Their photographs of their graduations are taken with them looking as if they are men. They don't like it and its not fair, many of these people have presented as female for many years.

Having said that, Im not, gay, lesbian or transgendered but I support the entire movement for equality, its long overdue that people in the categories suffer discrimination on such basic rights.

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I see no problem with it if they declared they preferred to be referred to as female when they enrolled into the uni. If they signed up as male then they should receive their degree as a male, if they signed as female then as a female, pretty simple really. You take responsibility for who you are, if you dress and act as a female everyday then that is who you should be accepted as, if you dress and act like a male then again that is who you are, after all, these people know exactly what they want to be for many years before going to uni.

What about those that enrolled as a male and finally got the freedom and inner strength to make the change full time? Are they any less deserving than t hose who made their decision earlier? Answer; No.

Many young people of what ever sexuality only come to terms with their true selves in the middle university years.

In any case this is simply removing an older group's ingrained prejudice. Dressing as a woman within the schools dress code should be considered properly dressed, no matter the gender of the wearer.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Seems a triviality. Give those who are legit trans people the legal right to change their I.D. cards and passports.

re; triviality

Actually JT, I find that a little bit surprising coming from you, as I respect you as a person who is open minded and reasonable when it comes to equality.

I have know several ladyboy's who have found it rather confronting that they are forced to wear a male uniform when attending University exams and Graduations. At these graduations their names are called out, Mr X and they have to awkwardly present themselves as male people. Their photographs of their graduations are taken with them looking as if they are men. They don't like it and its not fair, many of these people have presented as female for many years.

Having said that, Im not, gay, lesbian or transgendered but I support the entire movement for equality, its long overdue that people in the categories suffer discrimination on such basic rights.

I don't think you understood JT.

I read that as a relative triviality compared to a serious issue like their legal public identification.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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What transgender rights?

Given the constant harassment they seem to get every night on Pattaya Walking Street, both from the BiB and the Blackshirts, I didn't know they had any.

My live-in of 8 years, who just happens to be of the TV persuasion, and who is as honest as the day is long, won't even go down there any more after nearly being carted off to the monkey house, while sitting talking to me in a well know Walking Street bar last month. She/he was upset enough to insist we go home.

Almost everyone else in the bar got lifted although they were all off the street and causing no problem to anyone. The &lt;deleted&gt; who lifted them said he had to make a report of who were the good ladyboys, whatever they might be, but they all knew it was just a cover for a pee test in soi 9.

When I pointed out to my chum that as she never took drugs of any sort she had nothing to fear her response was that she had no desire to be humiliated in a public spectacle and anyway the Pattaya police could do anything they wanted.


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Seems a triviality. Give those who are legit trans people the legal right to change their I.D. cards and passports.

re; triviality

Actually JT, I find that a little bit surprising coming from you, as I respect you as a person who is open minded and reasonable when it comes to equality.

I have know several ladyboy's who have found it rather confronting that they are forced to wear a male uniform when attending University exams and Graduations. At these graduations their names are called out, Mr X and they have to awkwardly present themselves as male people. Their photographs of their graduations are taken with them looking as if they are men. They don't like it and its not fair, many of these people have presented as female for many years.

Having said that, Im not, gay, lesbian or transgendered but I support the entire movement for equality, its long overdue that people in the categories suffer discrimination on such basic rights.

I don't think you understood JT.

I read that as a relative triviality compared to a serious issue like their legal public identification.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Fair enough, if thats the case I apologise JT.

I will say however, and I am sure JT will agree, its all about babysteps. Slowly and surely each little bigoted rule, each bias guideline and misguided law needs to be revoked and revamped.

Eventually and I hope in my day, there will be fair and equal laws that relate to all people, irregardless of sexual orientation or identity.

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What transgender rights?

Given the constant harassment they seem to get every night on Pattaya Walking Street, both from the BiB and the Blackshirts, I didn't know they had any.

My live-in of 8 years, who just happens to be of the TV persuasion, and who is as honest as the day is long, won't even go down there any more after nearly being carted off to the monkey house, while sitting talking to me in a well know Walking Street bar last month. She/he was upset enough to insist we go home.

Almost everyone else in the bar got lifted although they were all off the street and causing no problem to anyone. The <deleted> who lifted them said he had to make a report of who were the good ladyboys, whatever they might be, but they all knew it was just a cover for a pee test in soi 9.

When I pointed out to my chum that as she never took drugs of any sort she had nothing to fear her response was that she had no desire to be humiliated in a public spectacle and anyway the Pattaya police could do anything they wanted.


Thats what Im talking about and thats the sort of thing you don't see in the Thailand brochures. Its not just this way in Pattaya either.

I also have family members that are transgendered. None of them have every worked in the 'scene' and yet at various points in their lives they have been confronted with this sort of harassment.

I am sorry to hear that your 'live in' was treated in this manner, its not acceptable.

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If men masquerade as females every other day of the year, why not on graduation day? Might as well be consistent.

I think you are confusing drag queens from persons with legitimate gender identity issues.

I favor letting either one dress up as women on graduation day. Why not?

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amazing place,

this is a country, that in 2014, still put people into slavery and... and ....and .......Their National Human Rights Commission of Thailand

has nothing more to do, than advice university to allowed guy to dress like girl at their graduation.laugh.png

What a strange world <banana> country we live.

sad.png If you do not like it then feel free to take the first flight out.

Just be careful of the doorwhistling.gif

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Quite right too.

No quite wrong, the University should fully focus on the quality of their graduates. Not on their uniforms or gender. That should be totally scrapped.

It shouldn't matter if someone comes with this or that uniform or naked....only performance matters. So the that discussion is the wrong discussion.....

No we should not care about the transgenders rights and uniforms.....We should care about quality and performance only at university....

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