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Suthep cancels fundraising dinners after Prayuth order

Lite Beer

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The fund raiser was to raise funds to help those injured during the demonstrations who are still in hospital.

And now they won't get any help at all. That cruel, nasty general, denying hurt people proper health care.

Seriously, this is just the sort of thing that makes the honeymoon end sooner rather than later. Prayuth went directly for Suthep's throat after Suthep's absolutely stupid bragging that he had been controlling Prayuth for four years. But telling Suthep to shut up now is a bit of barn-door locking, and every one of those pro-coup, discipline loving yellow shirts is going to go, "hmmm, I thought he only meant Jatuporn and Yingluck".And every coup, no exception, comes to this. The general wants 65 million privates who "krap pom" and obey orders like Douchelanders..

But 65 million Thai people want to say what they darn well please. It's a problem.

But if you think Suthep organised his SECOND self-congratulatory dinner (now cancelled) just to raise money for wounded yellow warriors, you are really, really naive. If you think he needs a dinner to raise funds he could reach into the top drawer of his desk and pull out, you are also naive.


Edited by wandasloan
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But if you think Suthep organised his SECOND self-congratulatory dinner (now cancelled) just to raise money for wounded yellow warriors, you are really, really naive. If you think he needs a dinner to raise funds he could reach into the top drawer of his desk and pull out, you are also naive.

Totally agree. This was not for 'wounded yellow warriors'. The money to be raised was for anti-government protesters and innocent bystanders who just happened to get killed, maimed or just simply injured by mostly cowardly night attacks.

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Should have arrested him for trying to organise a gathering of more than 5. Martial law is for everyone.


Add to that: the General categorically denied to have colluded with anyone as El Suthepo claimed.

Isn't that spreading false information? Others get penalized. Even the adoring Media are under the Junta's thumb.

Why Suthep gets a free pass?

Just asking....

Please, Be civil and respectful.

Yellows, Reds, Green or whatever colours you fancy, remember we are all Farangs. Cannot vote, our opinions are worth zero and will never get to the ears of the powers that be. We only have duties and no rights. If you flame you will be flaming yourself.

I tell you what.

Instead of being a keyboard warrior why don't you ask for an appointment with he General and explain to him that you know he is telling lies and spreading false information?

The result of that appointment shoud be very interesting.

Just asking......

What part of being civil you did not understand?

What take a dialogue ad hominem?

Your post is a non sequitur. Look it up.

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Should have arrested him for trying to organise a gathering of more than 5. Martial law is for everyone.

As you're so much concerned about the obeying to martial law, I hope you refrain from visiting bars and/or other events that are attended by more than 5 people.

By the way, wasn't it announced 3 weeks ago already that the fund raising was canceled and those that had participated would be refunded ?

I don't attend bars anyway and spend all my time with my family.

Going to a bar, hasnt anything to do with politics. Suthep has a habit of collecting money in tesco bags.

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Some reports state that Suthep collected over 1 BILLION dollars on the day of his largest turnout. Any accounting for that money? No, I didn't think so. BUT with his bank accounts frozen at the time, he DID pay a few million for some property that just happened to be right next to his? Anyone investigating that? No, I didn't think so.

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Should have arrested him for trying to organise a gathering of more than 5. Martial law is for everyone.

As you're so much concerned about the obeying to martial law, I hope you refrain from visiting bars and/or other events that are attended by more than 5 people.

By the way, wasn't it announced 3 weeks ago already that the fund raising was canceled and those that had participated would be refunded ?

I don't attend bars anyway and spend all my time with my family.
Good that you aren't a bar fly. Spending time with family is much more enjoyable for me, however, I can't say that I spend "all my time" with them. Some of my time is spent on TVF...not much, but some.
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Should have arrested him for trying to organise a gathering of more than 5. Martial law is for everyone.

As you're so much concerned about the obeying to martial law, I hope you refrain from visiting bars and/or other events that are attended by more than 5 people.

By the way, wasn't it announced 3 weeks ago already that the fund raising was canceled and those that had participated would be refunded ?

I don't attend bars anyway and spend all my time with my family.

Going to a bar, hasnt anything to do with politics. Suthep has a habit of collecting money in tesco bags.
I have not seen him collecting money in bags, but I hope he recycles his bags. :).
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I think you will hear more and more little indiscretions from the many people that were involved in the recent debacles leading to the coup.

Simply can't keep their mouths shut. Just think of all those mercenaries that surrounded Suthep and all that they will know and they are just one potential source.

Interesting times ahead.

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Exactly chooka this bloke is either telling the truth about conspiring with the general to seize power or is a bald face liar and should be arrested!

It's just shows you rules for one person and rules for another!

The bloke sitting in a park reading a book and eating a sandwich and gets arrested because they don't like the book yet this bloke thumbs his nose at the regime he brought about with immunity.

It stinks!

Not unlike the past 3 years of administration who of course never had double standards that stank?????

A regime where people could murder children with complete impunity???

I could nail up a list of double standards a mile long from the Thaksin regime... But of course,didn't you defend all these 'double standards' at the time?

What stinks more is your hypocrisy.

A harmless charity event dinner party to raise funds for families of those murdered by the Thaksin regime and its supporters, and you are so much against it. What a quality chap you are..... NOT!!!

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10,000 baht to hear that moron talk:? Its disgusting that my brother in law earns that a month for driving 60 hours a week in a lorry yet these leeches will splurge it on a dinner to hear the corrupt mouthpiece of the establishment.

As well as an issue we cannot talk about, what also lies at the heart of this conflict is the gross inequality in Thailand. Until some efforts are made to address this, troubled times lie ahead.

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Should have arrested him for trying to organise a gathering of more than 5. Martial law is for everyone.

As you're so much concerned about the obeying to martial law, I hope you refrain from visiting bars and/or other events that are attended by more than 5 people.

By the way, wasn't it announced 3 weeks ago already that the fund raising was canceled and those that had participated would be refunded ?

Edit : I just read that this was another event, to raise money for the victims killed or wounded by the red shirts, as the one canceled earlier .

Having a few soups in a bar is not a political gathering, is it now? Come on, poor analogy that if i say so myself. Anything Suthhep organised is politically motivated. Unless it is a fund raising dinner for the Thai Palm oil growers associations who where ripped of for over a billion Baht by yours truly when in power.

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Some reports state that Suthep collected over 1 BILLION dollars on the day of his largest turnout. Any accounting for that money? No, I didn't think so. BUT with his bank accounts frozen at the time, he DID pay a few million for some property that just happened to be right next to his? Anyone investigating that? No, I didn't think so.

Never seen reports about figures being that high. Would you have a link or source for that?

Even a billion baht sounds far fetched.

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Some reports state that Suthep collected over 1 BILLION dollars on the day of his largest turnout. Any accounting for that money? No, I didn't think so. BUT with his bank accounts frozen at the time, he DID pay a few million for some property that just happened to be right next to his? Anyone investigating that? No, I didn't think so.

Keep sprouting some more drivel, why not make it a Trillion dollars. /

Sutheps bank accounts have never been frozen, thos e from the PDRC have.

Suthep never paid for land during that period, his son did.

Back under the bridge with you.

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10,000 baht to hear that moron talk:? Its disgusting that my brother in law earns that a month for driving 60 hours a week in a lorry yet these leeches will splurge it on a dinner to hear the corrupt mouthpiece of the establishment.

As well as an issue we cannot talk about, what also lies at the heart of this conflict is the gross inequality in Thailand. Until some efforts are made to address this, troubled times lie ahead.


exactly right

Massive inequality threatens Thailand, the Elite want everything, but when some one steals from them, they get all arsy hahahahahhaha. I can imagine where most of the 10,000 bahts will go,and i dont suppose he will have to pay tax as this is for charity, pull the other one.

When we have places like yankee land and the uk, it seems there is anarchy to the elitists and all the crap about new world order and illuminati,whatever that dung is,but when it comes to Thailand the elitists are goody goodies,when their intention is to own the country,and keep education down to the masses

Edited by Bernard Flint
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Some reports state that Suthep collected over 1 BILLION dollars on the day of his largest turnout. Any accounting for that money? No, I didn't think so. BUT with his bank accounts frozen at the time, he DID pay a few million for some property that just happened to be right next to his? Anyone investigating that? No, I didn't think so.

Keep sprouting some more drivel, why not make it a Trillion dollars. /

Sutheps bank accounts have never been frozen, thos e from the PDRC have.

Suthep never paid for land during that period, his son did.

Back under the bridge with you.

If I had the inclination and desire to do so, I could do some research and quite easily post solid links to the things I've said. But I really don't fell like making idiots look even more idiotic. I've been around for a while, and one thing I definitely DO NOT DO, is spout "drivel". I comment on things I've read from reliable sources, and actually DO read more than TVF. Perhaps some of you should try it. You might be surprised at the things you learn. Until then, continue with your childish, school yard comments all you want, if it makes you feel better.

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Some reports state that Suthep collected over 1 BILLION dollars on the day of his largest turnout. Any accounting for that money? No, I didn't think so. BUT with his bank accounts frozen at the time, he DID pay a few million for some property that just happened to be right next to his? Anyone investigating that? No, I didn't think so.

Keep sprouting some more drivel, why not make it a Trillion dollars. /

Sutheps bank accounts have never been frozen, thos e from the PDRC have.

Suthep never paid for land during that period, his son did.

Back under the bridge with you.

Hm, 1 Billion Bath (23 Mio. Euro) would also sound a lot. But I remember vaguely that there was this Bangkok Post article about some honorable persons and companies that supposedly donated a bit more than the ordinary 100/500/1000 Bath that the ordinary yellow supporter gave. So, it sounds a lot, but impossible?

While Yingluck and the rest of her family were under the thumb of Thaksin (would not argue that) S. Thaugsubans son is an independent person, doing his own little thingy here? Possible, but for a strange reason I doubt it.

And the PDRC money was managed by whom? A committee composed of independent bank accountants? I have no idea. Does anybody know? I would not be surprised, if the lines between S. Thaugsuban and the PDRC were at least blurry. But again, I would not know.

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The man should be in prison , not giving dinner parties.

There are lots of politicians who some here feel should be in prison. Mind you when a politician is charged and granted bail, or even sentenced and granted bail waiting for the appeal to be followed through, they cannot be allowed to stay in prison.

Keep in mind that a politician refusing bail would set a very bad example, unheard of even in real democracies.

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Some reports state that Suthep collected over 1 BILLION dollars on the day of his largest turnout. Any accounting for that money? No, I didn't think so. BUT with his bank accounts frozen at the time, he DID pay a few million for some property that just happened to be right next to his? Anyone investigating that? No, I didn't think so.

Keep sprouting some more drivel, why not make it a Trillion dollars. /

Sutheps bank accounts have never been frozen, thos e from the PDRC have.

Suthep never paid for land during that period, his son did.

Back under the bridge with you.

Hm, 1 Billion Bath (23 Mio. Euro) would also sound a lot. But I remember vaguely that there was this Bangkok Post article about some honorable persons and companies that supposedly donated a bit more than the ordinary 100/500/1000 Bath that the ordinary yellow supporter gave. So, it sounds a lot, but impossible?

While Yingluck and the rest of her family were under the thumb of Thaksin (would not argue that) S. Thaugsubans son is an independent person, doing his own little thingy here? Possible, but for a strange reason I doubt it.

And the PDRC money was managed by whom? A committee composed of independent bank accountants? I have no idea. Does anybody know? I would not be surprised, if the lines between S. Thaugsuban and the PDRC were at least blurry. But again, I would not know.

When the Pheu THai spokesman Prompong accused Suthep of using donated money to buy some property and demanded he prove the accusation incorrect, it was suggested that he was trying to drive a wedge between wealthy sponsors and Suthep/PDRC.

It would seem till now the only ones who make suggestions or insinuations on these matters are those who might be against Suthep/PDRC.

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Some reports state that Suthep collected over 1 BILLION dollars on the day of his largest turnout. Any accounting for that money? No, I didn't think so. BUT with his bank accounts frozen at the time, he DID pay a few million for some property that just happened to be right next to his? Anyone investigating that? No, I didn't think so.

Keep sprouting some more drivel, why not make it a Trillion dollars. /

Sutheps bank accounts have never been frozen, thos e from the PDRC have.

Suthep never paid for land during that period, his son did.

Back under the bridge with you.

If I had the inclination and desire to do so, I could do some research and quite easily post solid links to the things I've said. But I really don't fell like making idiots look even more idiotic. I've been around for a while, and one thing I definitely DO NOT DO, is spout "drivel". I comment on things I've read from reliable sources, and actually DO read more than TVF. Perhaps some of you should try it. You might be surprised at the things you learn. Until then, continue with your childish, school yard comments all you want, if it makes you feel better.


Dont let the bully boys keep you from speaking the truth

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Some reports state that Suthep collected over 1 BILLION dollars on the day of his largest turnout. Any accounting for that money? No, I didn't think so. BUT with his bank accounts frozen at the time, he DID pay a few million for some property that just happened to be right next to his? Anyone investigating that? No, I didn't think so.

Keep sprouting some more drivel, why not make it a Trillion dollars. /

Sutheps bank accounts have never been frozen, thos e from the PDRC have.

Suthep never paid for land during that period, his son did.

Back under the bridge with you.

If I had the inclination and desire to do so, I could do some research and quite easily post solid links to the things I've said. But I really don't fell like making idiots look even more idiotic. I've been around for a while, and one thing I definitely DO NOT DO, is spout "drivel". I comment on things I've read from reliable sources, and actually DO read more than TVF. Perhaps some of you should try it. You might be surprised at the things you learn. Until then, continue with your childish, school yard comments all you want, if it makes you feel better.

Some reports state Suthep collected a billion DOLLARS on the day of his largest turnout ?

Now that is some real money, allegedly that is, as some reports stated it we're told, but those who tell can't be bothered to provide some links to 'reliable' sources on this, but it's stated.

Makes me think of Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong who accused Suthep of buying property with donated money and demanded Suthep prove the accusation was untrue.

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Some reports state that Suthep collected over 1 BILLION dollars on the day of his largest turnout. Any accounting for that money? No, I didn't think so. BUT with his bank accounts frozen at the time, he DID pay a few million for some property that just happened to be right next to his? Anyone investigating that? No, I didn't think so.

Keep sprouting some more drivel, why not make it a Trillion dollars. /

Sutheps bank accounts have never been frozen, thos e from the PDRC have.

Suthep never paid for land during that period, his son did.

Back under the bridge with you.

Hm, 1 Billion Bath (23 Mio. Euro) would also sound a lot. But I remember vaguely that there was this Bangkok Post article about some honorable persons and companies that supposedly donated a bit more than the ordinary 100/500/1000 Bath that the ordinary yellow supporter gave. So, it sounds a lot, but impossible?

While Yingluck and the rest of her family were under the thumb of Thaksin (would not argue that) S. Thaugsubans son is an independent person, doing his own little thingy here? Possible, but for a strange reason I doubt it.

And the PDRC money was managed by whom? A committee composed of independent bank accountants? I have no idea. Does anybody know? I would not be surprised, if the lines between S. Thaugsuban and the PDRC were at least blurry. But again, I would not know.

When the Pheu THai spokesman Prompong accused Suthep of using donated money to buy some property and demanded he prove the accusation incorrect, it was suggested that he was trying to drive a wedge between wealthy sponsors and Suthep/PDRC.

It would seem till now the only ones who make suggestions or insinuations on these matters are those who might be against Suthep/PDRC.

Well, that's politics, right? And yellow supporters jumping onto these allegations and demanding clarification would be a bit much to ask, so off course, only people against him are interested in hearing something about it.

Still, S. Thaugsuban collected a lot of money and obviously is trying to continue this behavior (I know, I know, for good deeds only, no doubt, not the slightest bit of mistrust on my or anybody's side, just curious). Well, the yellow supporters reached their goal, so most of them will probably think that it was money well spent and if S. Thaugsuban spent a bit of it on private matters, so what?

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When the Pheu THai spokesman Prompong accused Suthep of using donated money to buy some property and demanded he prove the accusation incorrect, it was suggested that he was trying to drive a wedge between wealthy sponsors and Suthep/PDRC.

It would seem till now the only ones who make suggestions or insinuations on these matters are those who might be against Suthep/PDRC.

Well, that's politics, right? And yellow supporters jumping onto these allegations and demanding clarification would be a bit much to ask, so off course, only people against him are interested in hearing something about it.

Still, S. Thaugsuban collected a lot of money and obviously is trying to continue this behavior (I know, I know, for good deeds only, no doubt, not the slightest bit of mistrust on my or anybody's side, just curious). Well, the yellow supporters reached their goal, so most of them will probably think that it was money well spent and if S. Thaugsuban spent a bit of it on private matters, so what?

You forget that the sponsors were not just 'yellows' but people from all over the social divide. Furthermore you keep on 'suggesting' that even if something was wrong with a 'win' that doesn't matter to those who sponsored. Following some character assassination on someone who doesn't need help in that.

All in all it seems only Pheu Thai spokesmen and farang posters seem to want to be proven wrong. Well, as the saying goes fools can ask more questions than wisemen can even fantom to answer.

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When the Pheu THai spokesman Prompong accused Suthep of using donated money to buy some property and demanded he prove the accusation incorrect, it was suggested that he was trying to drive a wedge between wealthy sponsors and Suthep/PDRC.

It would seem till now the only ones who make suggestions or insinuations on these matters are those who might be against Suthep/PDRC.

Well, that's politics, right? And yellow supporters jumping onto these allegations and demanding clarification would be a bit much to ask, so off course, only people against him are interested in hearing something about it.

Still, S. Thaugsuban collected a lot of money and obviously is trying to continue this behavior (I know, I know, for good deeds only, no doubt, not the slightest bit of mistrust on my or anybody's side, just curious). Well, the yellow supporters reached their goal, so most of them will probably think that it was money well spent and if S. Thaugsuban spent a bit of it on private matters, so what?

You forget that the sponsors were not just 'yellows' but people from all over the social divide. Furthermore you keep on 'suggesting' that even if something was wrong with a 'win' that doesn't matter to those who sponsored. Following some character assassination on someone who doesn't need help in that.

All in all it seems only Pheu Thai spokesmen and farang posters seem to want to be proven wrong. Well, as the saying goes fools can ask more questions than wisemen can even fantom to answer.

I disagree. If in Europe a politician publicly made a connection between donated money and a rival politicians family member buying land there would be reactions from all sides. It would not simply be dismissed as politics (what this actually is). In a country well known for "reliable accounting" and, lets say, "strong family ties" it should be even more important to at least look at the matter.

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Well, that's politics, right? And yellow supporters jumping onto these allegations and demanding clarification would be a bit much to ask, so off course, only people against him are interested in hearing something about it.

Still, S. Thaugsuban collected a lot of money and obviously is trying to continue this behavior (I know, I know, for good deeds only, no doubt, not the slightest bit of mistrust on my or anybody's side, just curious). Well, the yellow supporters reached their goal, so most of them will probably think that it was money well spent and if S. Thaugsuban spent a bit of it on private matters, so what?

You forget that the sponsors were not just 'yellows' but people from all over the social divide. Furthermore you keep on 'suggesting' that even if something was wrong with a 'win' that doesn't matter to those who sponsored. Following some character assassination on someone who doesn't need help in that.

All in all it seems only Pheu Thai spokesmen and farang posters seem to want to be proven wrong. Well, as the saying goes fools can ask more questions than wisemen can even fantom to answer.

I disagree. If in Europe a politician publicly made a connection between donated money and a rival politicians family member buying land there would be reactions from all sides. It would not simply be dismissed as politics (what this actually is). In a country well known for "reliable accounting" and, lets say, "strong family ties" it should be even more important to at least look at the matter.

But this is Thailand we talk about you know rolleyes.gif

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Well, that's politics, right? And yellow supporters jumping onto these allegations and demanding clarification would be a bit much to ask, so off course, only people against him are interested in hearing something about it.

Still, S. Thaugsuban collected a lot of money and obviously is trying to continue this behavior (I know, I know, for good deeds only, no doubt, not the slightest bit of mistrust on my or anybody's side, just curious). Well, the yellow supporters reached their goal, so most of them will probably think that it was money well spent and if S. Thaugsuban spent a bit of it on private matters, so what?

You forget that the sponsors were not just 'yellows' but people from all over the social divide. Furthermore you keep on 'suggesting' that even if something was wrong with a 'win' that doesn't matter to those who sponsored. Following some character assassination on someone who doesn't need help in that.

All in all it seems only Pheu Thai spokesmen and farang posters seem to want to be proven wrong. Well, as the saying goes fools can ask more questions than wisemen can even fantom to answer.

I disagree. If in Europe a politician publicly made a connection between donated money and a rival politicians family member buying land there would be reactions from all sides. It would not simply be dismissed as politics (what this actually is). In a country well known for "reliable accounting" and, lets say, "strong family ties" it should be even more important to at least look at the matter.

But this is Thailand we talk about you know rolleyes.gif

Yes, and is it supposed to stay like that forever? smile.png

On a more pressing matter and completely off topic: football tonight? smile.png

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So will his indictment ever be prosecuted for his role in the temple slayings of protestors in 2010? Will Abhisit 's

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Exactly chooka this bloke is either telling the truth about conspiring with the general to seize power or is a bald face liar and should be arrested!
It's just shows you rules for one person and rules for another!

The bloke sitting in a park reading a book and eating a sandwich and gets arrested because they don't like the book yet this bloke thumbs his nose at the regime he brought about with immunity.

It stinks!

Get used to it, lot more coming down the pike. Get out now while the getting is good.

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do you think he need to hold dinner to raise funds? seriously?

He collected millions from the people during his 6 months of chaos surely he didn't spend it all on restaurants, massages and the presidential suites at top hotels.

He spend those collected moneys, together with a lot more fundings, on the organizing of the protests.

Lucky he had the funding, otherwise he maybe would have had to resort to looting Central world, like that other organization.

Then, rather than face reprisals for causing riots, violence and arson he could look forward to a kushy government job and follow in the footsteps of Arisman, Nuttawat, Jatuporn and the other terrorist 'leaders'. Thank goodness PDRC were peaceful ( mostly ).

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10,000 baht to hear that moron talk:? Its disgusting that my brother in law earns that a month for driving 60 hours a week in a lorry yet these leeches will splurge it on a dinner to hear the corrupt mouthpiece of the establishment.

As well as an issue we cannot talk about, what also lies at the heart of this conflict is the gross inequality in Thailand. Until some efforts are made to address this, troubled times lie ahead.

You think that 10,000 baht is a disgusting price to pay but niobody is forced to go. Try the prices that US ex Presidents charge or perhaps Tony Blair ex PM of the UK or any other leaders charge.

What skills does your brother in law have other than driving a truck?

Even I can do that as well as many other things. Could your brother in law drive an Australian road train like these.

My mate does and he gets far more money for it.

Try comparing like skills that are alike and not apples and oranges.


By the way your jealousy and bias are showing up again.

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