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How to track your girlfriend


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An absolutely brilliant post, i really enjoyed reading about the "tracking" of a "girlfriend" just to put you right on one thing, there is no such thing as a "GIRLFRIEND" in Thailand, he he, seems like you have learned Jack Sh*t during your time here.

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An absolutely brilliant post, i really enjoyed reading about the "tracking" of a "girlfriend" just to put you right on one thing, there is no such thing as a "GIRLFRIEND" in Thailand, he he, seems like you have learned Jack Sh*t during your time here.

Got to be one of the best threads in recent TV history, well done OP

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People angry because i tell them how they can know if there girlfriends are faithful??

oh cmon. you can do better

Do you realise that most of us on this forum have been living here for many years and therefore

have seen what the girls get up to first hand, by using our eyes, ears and in the flesh, if you know what i mean.

If your sending your hard earned money to these girls while your working in Europe, then my advice

to you is, save yourself the frustration of having to track them and stop sending them money.

They earn their money from the guys who are physically here in Thailand with them.

Next time you land in the LOS don't leave your brain at the airport. facepalm.gif

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You cain't turn a HOE into a HOUSEWIFE!

You could probably apply that to junky western whores... but not to the bulk of Thai whores. Haven't been here long, have you?

That applies to every country I'm sorry. Guess I stepped on your toes - good luck with that LOL.

Err..no. You didn't step on my toes. I'm currently "In between" a long line of non-ho Gfs. I DID have a bargirl GF when I first arrived years ago.

As for the "every country". We live in a "gray" world. Not black and white. It's all a matter of degrees. The degree of Thai whores doing the job out of pure desperation instead of greed is MUCH higher than in Western countries with social security support.

Many, many, many..DREAM of being a housewife, you nonce.

Like I said. You haven't been here long. blink.png

Any relation to Rolf? whistling.gif

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Im a fast learner and this is just a little guide on how you can track your girlfriend if shes still in bar or in Udon Thani as she says.

Who says romance is dead. It's easy to see why she finds you a real catch.

Another less technical way to ensure her fidelity dating back to medieval times pictured below. Nothing says "I love you" like a chastity belt with a sturdy padlock.


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This is just a wonderful thread! So many issues coming up from so many sides, everyone weighing in with their own wisdom - so here goes mine - I agree with the OP in principal and in some ways sympathize with him having recently been burned big time in the Philippines. Having met the perfect girl in a remote village on a remote island both myself and my friend agreed that this girl was the 'one'. Unable to stick around as we had to move on with our trip she and I continued our relationship online and by phone. I sent some funds for her university. A year later I finally was able to return to see her. She expressed a of great deal of excitement in emails and phone calls prior to my arrival but someone flailed to mention the fact that she was 5 months pregnant in any of our correspondence!!!

This was not a bar girl, I met the family, went to the home and was sure she was the 'one'. The staff at the resort near her town informed me that she never even went to university so she even faked the photos she sent me.

So if the OP feels a need to check up on his girl prior to marriage or a long term commitment in whatever clandestine way he sees fit, I feel that he may have some justification in doing so. However as posted already just because you are bringing a girl from the Philippines to Thailand does not in any way guarantee that as soon as the jet returns to Manila she is not in the arms of her cousin Pedro. The Filipinos just have different scams and they are very good at them…

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very good advice, but the best advice that you can give , is to be never involve with a bar girl, a trash, a low life, a junky.... unless you are one yourself.

Of course some people with a heart too big get also trapped, so the best advice is : dont waste your time/life with a whore. And you will not need to track them

Nearly all my friends are married to ex bargirls, and they seem nice people to me, and most of my friends are happy with them. None of them are trash or lowlifes.

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wasn't the OP filo there simply as a cheep cheep sx buddy?

...and as far as your filipina 'hatyaiair', you'll never get a straight story out of anyone close to her, for as long as she is anywhere nearby to attack them for spilling her beans to you.

Rather fortuitous the 'resort staff', being not related or close to her, were feeling open enough to let you in to the secret...

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Plant a GPS transponder chip beneath her skin and you can pinpoint her 24/7!

Offer to pay for boob job & get the quack to install GPS receivers - then you work out how to plug her in for re-charge

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Make one side a sonar/fish finder and charter a boat.

Good day out that!

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Lady friend of mine today told me today she always switches off Location Services on her iPhone when she is out 'late' at night so her sponsor doesn't worry about her. Considerate girl. If you think these girls don't know about smartphone tracking, well .....

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Sead, to be able to track someone is one thing trusting her is another thing, if you or anyone else has trust issues dont date her full stop.

I dont need that sort of info because i feel comfortable within myself and i trust my judgment, to this point in life im unaware i have ever been 2 timed. i also dont date bar or village girls or shop assistants.

The lower to the floor you trawl the more dirt you will pick up.

By the way flying Filipinos over is no improvement in the quality of female either, the rest is better left unsaid.

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Im a fast learner and this is just a little guide on how you can track your girlfriend if shes still in bar or in Udon Thani as she says.

Who says romance is dead. It's easy to see why she finds you a real catch.

Another less technical way to ensure her fidelity dating back to medieval times pictured below. Nothing says "I love you" like a chastity belt with a sturdy padlock.


I was waiting for this onesmile.png it only came post140...

But if you allow me I'm sure you could have found a more comfortable onewink.png

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So you are telling us that you need to 'tap/monitor' your bar girlfriends' phone..facebook and bank details in order to find out if she is faithful and telling the truth?A woman that has/had sex with that many multiple partners she'd have lost count how many..let alone remember their name!

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Man...what a wonderful life...she has to look forward to...she might write a book later entitled: "My life with a control freak amature CIA operative..."

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