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Buffet Staff Attempt to limit me to Three Plates?

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I hate to admit it, but he has a legitimate beef. The whole point of a buffet is that one can eat as much as they want. Personally, I rather go somewhere with better food and order a reasonable amount.

UG, don't you find this whole thread a little on the bizarre side? Has it happened to you? I've been to countless buffets in Thailand and never, I mean NEVER has anyone ever questioned how many times I go back for a dish. Was it a miscommunication? Perhaps. It's puzzling to me how farangs in Thailand find themselves in such bizarre situations that most of us folks don't. It's not just this thread, but various others. That's why I question many of the things that people say on this and other Thailand forums.

No it has never happened to me or anyone that I know. You may be right. wai.gif

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Was the buffet as good as this one?


I love some Vegas and Lake Tahoe buffets. They used to be dirt cheap as casinos used them to draw gamblers. Haven't noticed a really cheap one for a long time. They are good value though.

If you pre-qualify as a high roller, you can get almost anything from limo to room to food etc. for free.


Can I politely ask how much you paid for the buffet?

Also, perhaps you made a typo, but did you actually mean to write that you typically refill your buffet plate 7 or 8 times?

Thank-you for clarifying this.



This reminds me of an occasion at a buffet in Ayutthaya. There were three grossly obese Americans sitting at the next table - two of them so large they could only walk with quad canes. They spent the whole time grumbling about how dreadful Thai food was - too spicy - whilst repeatedly refilling their plates, piling them high. Utter gluttony. And they accompanied all this with diet Coke!

Did you check their passports to verify the nationality? Just curious how you came to this conclusion.

they were probably just talkin'the'walk.

Not that hard to discern really - just the same for Ozzies over there, in our own little ways...

funny, back in '82, all these girlies were out on the prowl as the USNavy carrier was in port.

Us ozzies were approached, as all farangs look alike, the

girlie sidles up to me and asks:

'Are you american?"

Smiles all around, and I quickly reply " well hell garddam no, we're garddam canadians" in the best lingo I could manage...

They walk off...

geez, was I unpopular with the boys or what!!!


This reminds me of an occasion at a buffet in Ayutthaya. There were three grossly obese Americans sitting at the next table - two of them so large they could only walk with quad canes. They spent the whole time grumbling about how dreadful Thai food was - too spicy - whilst repeatedly refilling their plates, piling them high. Utter gluttony. And they accompanied all this with diet Coke!

Did you check their passports to verify the nationality? Just curious how you came to this conclusion.

No need for passports. Could tell from their accents. From somewhere in the south.


Aren't you the guy who broke the chair?


This is the same guy from the broken chair dispute thread?cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

This is great, possibly the funniest thing I've read here at TVF.

Nearly pissssed myself, wait on, maybe I did piiissss myself.

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This reminds me of an occasion at a buffet in Ayutthaya. There were three grossly obese Americans sitting at the next table - two of them so large they could only walk with quad canes. They spent the whole time grumbling about how dreadful Thai food was - too spicy - whilst repeatedly refilling their plates, piling them high. Utter gluttony. And they accompanied all this with diet Coke!

Did you check their passports to verify the nationality? Just curious how you came to this conclusion.

No need for passports. Could tell from their accents. From somewhere in the south.

Southern US accent. Pretty easy to spot.

Even easier is identifying someone from <deleted> England.

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Back in Canada a few years ago a new chinese buffet restaurant opened up near my place. They added an interesting spin to the buffet, they allowed customers to walk in and take away 1 styrofoam box full of instead of sitting to eat.

I don't know how many times I would see somebody walk in and take the box and overstuff it with shrimp and only shrimp to the point where the box would not close. Shrimp in canada ain't cheap.

Eventually they ended their take away buffet policy. Some people just don't quite get the spirit of arrangements, but just see the loopholes.

Is this guy for real with his posts? Last post he suggested that a couple hundred pounds was not overweight, now is suggesting 6 to 7 returns the buffet is normal.

Add to that the gay Muslim factors, and I think he's all got us going on a ride. If not, then him and his significant other should be the stars of the next reality TV show back in America. Maybe called, "How dare they honey, my Muslim gay homie", utilizing hidden cameras of course.


Aren't you the guy who broke the movie theater seat?

Perhaps the theater manager contacted the ASEAN Society of Smorgasbords (ASS) and told them you were likely coming.


I think it has been established the op is the alter ego of a well know gay jewish polster.... a little clue in his nick and local.

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I do go to the buffet 7, 8, or even 10 times. But then I do not like to mix my starter, mains, and dessert all on one plate. Never been stopped from doing that.


How dare they limit your food intake in one sitting to that of a small family. Shoulda smashed the person in the face with a house brick.

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7 or 8 refills, eh?

Maybe this post should be added to the antisocial behavior thread?

Or how to live from a 500 Buffet 1 week.


The original concept of a buffet was have a small plate take a little at a time, now we have get the biggest plate, fill it high and and do as may runs as possible until you make yourself sick.

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Really! Some posters need to read what I wrote!

I have 7 or 8 plates but I do not overfill these plates.

It is a buffet. That is the idea of a buffet. Go back and help yourself as many times as you wish.

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You can add Troll to your list of peculiarities.

If you are not a Troll you are in desperate need of psychoanalysis because you have a need to draw attention to yourself like a child. You take pleasure in flaunting your gayness, religion, weight and overindulgence and probably non whiteness to boot.

There are plenty of people exactly the same as you that get on with their lives without feeling the need to upset social norms. Your folly will will most likely land you in hospital or worse someday.

Madam, I apologise if I have offended your delicate sensibilities! wai.gif

For the less sensitive poster out there...

This is a public forum, the idea is to share your experiences and add comments. I am no shrinking violet and why shoud I be?

I am proud of who I am so why should I hide this fact, on an anonymous forum no less!!!!!!

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Several posts removed.

7) Respect fellow members by posting in a civil manner: do not launch personal attacks, or be hateful or insulting towards other members, ie No flaming

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9) Do not post inflammatory messages on the forum, or attempt to disrupt discussions to upset its participants, or trolling.Trolling can be defined as the act of purposefully antagonizing other people on the internet by posting controversial, inflammatory, irrelevant or off-topic messages with the primary intent of provoking other users into an emotional response or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion.

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to some, the subjective difference, or line drawn,

between the word written: Fill and

the later-qualifying word: Overfill, can become a little blurred.

One man's mountain is another's molehill, so it's good the air gets cleared a little (or is that - a lot wai.gif )

To the miniscule amongst us, 7 or 8 (Saucers) of food is a Lot


Aren't you the guy who broke the chair?

The chair broke. I did not break it.

Aren't you the guy who broke the chair?


This is the same guy from the broken chair dispute thread?cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20> cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20> cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif alt=cheesy.gif width=32 height=20>

Why does this matter? EVERY day in Thailand something unique and wonderful and sometimes bizarre happens. I just happen to re-tell the story

They (the staff) should understand as it is now ramadan the OP had not eaten all day !

This was a small while back before ramadan


When the guy said 'filling his plate' ... maybe it wasn't in a heaped fashion, but placed the desired food items, enjoyed them, then went to try another delicacy?

Five and seven course meals are still considered the height of culinary enjoyment in French cuisine.

The serving sizes aren't large, each one designed to be a different taste sensation.

But for me ... Buffets are wasted on me ... when I'm full ... that's it, I push away ... you need room for beer!

Thankyou Sir!

Finally somone who read my OP and understood that my plate portions are reasonable and fair!

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

The original concept of a buffet was have a small plate take a little at a time, now we have get the biggest plate, fill it high and and do as may runs as possible until you make yourself sick.

Sir, you must be a great deal older than myself!

My first memory of a restaurant buffet is circa 1975, America. There were people queued at the door for opening time!! Queued! once the doors opened it was almost a stampede to the serving bays. Customers were filling their plates to ridiculous heights, clearing out entire food types.

I consider most buffets these days to be sedate affairs

Perhaps they thought your were a health risk to yourself and had your best interests at heart.

Buffets are now medical practitioners?

Following that odd logic of yours, they would not have many customers

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