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Long timers - Is Thailand better or worse than 10 years ago?

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Thailand can be an awesome place to live and enjoy a nice life but you have to plan it as such. I never went all in. I spend time back in the US and return home to Thailand. My wife does not care much for the U.S at all. We get a fill of what we need and exit. While people debate this over and over on this site, my money typically goes 6-8x further than it would in the U.S. and I have way less constraints to my personal freedom. If all people can complain about is having to check in, move to the U.S. I think your view would change dramatically.

"...my money typically goes 6-8x further than it would in the U.S."

The topic is about better or worse over 10 years. Your statement today of course isn't true. For it to be true, you'd need to have $1,000 month buy as much in Thailand as would 6 - 8,000 in the US. There are SO many reasons that's not true. For one thing, there is so much difference in the quality of what you could buy in Thailand as opposed to the US.

Why don't you buy THIS house just outside of Atlanta Georgia for less than 2.5 mil bht, and own the land? Full blown Western kitchen, 2 Western baths, 1st world underground utilities with safe drinking water and uncensored blazing fast internet. Garage, safe water, sanitary sewer...

And you get almost 4 rai that's all yours.

Almost every manufactured consumer item will be much cheaper as will quality food.

Thailand used to be a lot cheaper IF you settled for Thai standards in everything. I don't think that's true today. Not at all.

The poster stated, "...my money goes 6-8x further...". The keyword here is "my". Not mine, yours or anyone elses.

Perhaps it does go much further for him. His lifestyle, needs and spending habits may have something that supports his statement. It is certainly is beyond my ability to dispute a persons budget from a mere post. Most importantly, it's not my business.

Live and Let Live

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I hear you, loud and clear. As one of the people who are working for less than 30,000 B a month, I noticed a relentless drive by school directors to save money.

An American got fired. He had been earning 30 k when I came along, accepting 25 k. Next, they found a guy who hadn't been a single day at university. But hey, @ 20 k, they held on to him for dear life! Who cares if he is just 1 or 2 years older than the Mathayom 6 students?!

Fast forward to this school year. The director is over the moon. He found 2 Cameroonians who work for 15 k. clap2.gif


Take TOT: months ago, they promised that they would install "fiber optic" cable at my new development. Can't even get them to say when they will do it.

At my workplace, the internet has been iffy for many moons. Does anyone take ownership of an issue? Nope!

And employers are increasingly resorting to cons. Promising this and that (like 12 months' contracts), then presenting 10 months' contracts, to give an example.

since you are financially independent, this is a great life - just find some other place to stay a few months a year. Get the best of both worlds!


Masses come for the women, sun and cheap beer. ( Not you, I know. You came for the culture ! ). Of the many that came for the women and booze, lots are still here, 5,10 or 20+yrs down the line, and good luck to them, they're happy. Others get tired of it, for the billion reasons that are explained in other threads, and announce time to move on when they realise Thailand has nothing else to offer them. Some are fortunate enough to still be able to move on, go back home or wherever, and if they get bored there, can move again. I feel sorry for the man who has invested everything here, and cant get out even when he wants to. He has two options, vent anger on here against anyone who announce they want to leave, or swan dive it off the top of the Pattaya Hilton.

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I don't remember those days of smiling and jokes at Don Muang tbh.

I tend to agree. Many things have changed in Thailand in the last 10 years (mostly for the worse), but the attitude of immigration has been a constant - surly and arrogant. I hate Heathrow, but the immigration are always civil there, and some even smile. An immigration officer in Bangkok saying Thailand is not LOS is ironic, to say the least. rolleyes.gif

I was physically threatened with assault by one of those "nice" men checking the bags, and one of those "nice" ladies was having a hissy fit because an English person made a joke she was too ignorant to understand. Then there was the woman sweeping my bag with the bomb detector rag that had a meltdown because I couldn't look at her for laughing so much. Of course none of them were actually British.

Then there was the english customs guy that detained me for 4 hours searching for non existent kiddy porn because I was a single man coming from Thailand.

I can't agree that they are "always" civil.


You must have plenty of money to afford all these taxes, to run a car, to pay lots of income tax, council tax etc etc etc.You must also be happy to walk about in all that wind and rain, be stuck in huge traffic jams (not just in the cities, everywhere) almost every time you go into your car.

No thanks, even allowing for about 90% of drivers and riders having very little road sense, I will just stay here.

Is that all you got? it's 27 degrees in London today and not a cloud in sight....

difference is if I have an accident on the road in the UK then at least i've got a chance at the hospital for them to patch me up.... I wish you well to whatever chop shop you end up in out there if that ever happens....(not that I wish it to)

lived in both places, Thailands great for a holiday and bit of time out or maybe a few years work on expat salary but full time.... I agree with the OP and the fella who has the silly cow turning up for the interview at the wrong time cos it suited her.... mind you kudos to her being 4 hours early thumbsup.gif

Having a heart attack. Time from front door of hospital to hooked up, sensors, a heart specialist, 4 nurses in the ICU? 2 minutes. Where do you think?

Nowhere in the world did that happen or will happen in 2 minutes. Get real.... Perhaps you were busy sweeping the ER steps when your ticker lost time and you fainted.

Perhaps you misunderstood me. I got from the front door of the hospital to the ICU with a cardiac ultrasound and other equipment hooked up to me in about 2 minutes. I'm an old guy and might have got time mixed up so I asked my wife who is not an old guy and is also an accountant and she never gets numbers mixed up. Honey, "how long did it take me to get hooked up in the ICU when I had that heart attack?" She, "about two minutes; I took care of the paperwork and the doctor hook you up right away." So that's my story. Now you want to hear a story about a VA hospital in the States?

Well I'll tell you one. A veteran who collapsed in an Albuquerque Veteran Affairs hospital cafeteria — 500 yards from the emergency room — died after waiting around 20 minutes for an ambulance, officials confirmed Thursday.

It took between 15 and 20 minutes for the ambulance to be dispatched and take the man from one building to the other, which is about a five-minute walk, officials at the hospital said. http://abcnews.go.com/US/wireStory/veteran-dies-waiting-ambulance-va-hospital-24415975

Now that's why I prefer health care in Thailand cause the VA doctors don't know their arse from a hole in the wall.

The scathing report by Deputy White House chief of staff Rob Nabors said the Veterans Health Administration, the VA sub agency that provides health care to about 8.8 million veterans a year, has systematically ignored warnings about its deficiencies and must be fundamentally restructured.

Is the health care better than 10 years ago in Thailand. 10 years ago I was living up North and about the same thing happened at the Chiang Mai Ram and the hospital took me in immediately but that turned out to be a false alarm.

If you had been nicer in your post instead of calling me a liar I would have told you how to insure fast health care in Thailand. But since you were being a jerk you can figure it out for yourself.


Thailand can be an awesome place to live and enjoy a nice life but you have to plan it as such. I never went all in. I spend time back in the US and return home to Thailand. My wife does not care much for the U.S at all. We get a fill of what we need and exit. While people debate this over and over on this site, my money typically goes 6-8x further than it would in the U.S. and I have way less constraints to my personal freedom. If all people can complain about is having to check in, move to the U.S. I think your view would change dramatically.

"...my money typically goes 6-8x further than it would in the U.S."

The topic is about better or worse over 10 years. Your statement today of course isn't true. For it to be true, you'd need to have $1,000 month buy as much in Thailand as would 6 - 8,000 in the US. There are SO many reasons that's not true. For one thing, there is so much difference in the quality of what you could buy in Thailand as opposed to the US.

Why don't you buy THIS house just outside of Atlanta Georgia for less than 2.5 mil bht, and own the land? Full blown Western kitchen, 2 Western baths, 1st world underground utilities with safe drinking water and uncensored blazing fast internet. Garage, safe water, sanitary sewer...

And you get almost 4 rai that's all yours.

Almost every manufactured consumer item will be much cheaper as will quality food.

Thailand used to be a lot cheaper IF you settled for Thai standards in everything. I don't think that's true today. Not at all.

The poster stated, "...my money goes 6-8x further...". The keyword here is "my". Not mine, yours or anyone elses.

Perhaps it does go much further for him. His lifestyle, needs and spending habits may have something that supports his statement. It is certainly is beyond my ability to dispute a persons budget from a mere post. Most importantly, it's not my business.

Live and Let Live


I was not going to post anymore in this thread but your post spurred one more. You are spot on, "MY" money goes way further.

In fairness to "Neversure" who raised the BS flag it is clearly apparent that we are comparing 2 entirely different places in the US. So from where I left I am enjoying exactly what I stated. I could have referenced houses and COL on the west coast and proven my point but I chose not too. Its funny. I know a few American Expats that decided to live in BKK. They spend as much, if not more, than they did in the US and complain about it all the time. Some people are never happy no matter where they move.

I apologize again that this is off tangent to OP.

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You are right, foreigners don't seem welcome in Thailand. I was in Thailand for a year as an exchange student at a prominent university in Bangkok. I paid fees higher than the Thai students, but yet I was treated like a 2nd class student. We are not allowed to partake in student organizations, we are not given proper student I.Ds, our campus wi-fi was shut off a month earlier than our program end date, and every time we went into the library we would be given cold stares by the librarians, who would always question our identity in trying to prevent our entry. The Thai students in our classes would completely ignore us foreign students. Mandatory group projects were a nightmare, as Thais refused to acknowledge us as part of the group. At the university there isn't a language barrier either as most students there are fluent in English, so I can't understand what their problem is. I did occasionally meet the odd friendly Thai student, but these were few and far between. I also had my purse and smart phone stolen while at school. I went to report it stolen at the nearby police station per the school's instructions but the police refused to let me talk. As soon as they saw me come in the station, they said, 'No!' and handed me a paper with 'tourist police' on it. In Thai, I explained that I wasn't a tourist but a student and was instructed to come here by my school, but they didn't care. I then complained to my program advisor who is Thai, and he ended up returning to the same police station with me, and I got the report I needed within minutes. The sergeant said that he didn't understand why they sent me away as they have a translator in the office.

The Thai exchange students that come to my university in the U.S. do not have to put up with this discrimination as they are treated as equals there. They are entitled to the same privileges as the non-foreign students. I don't understand why Thailand wouldn't want exchange students. We pay higher tuition fees, some of us volunteer for Thai NGOs, and in our free time we spend money at restaurants, bars, and tourist attractions. I really love Thailand, however towards the end of the year I felt relieved to leave and get away from the racism. Being considered 'the other' all the time gets pretty tiring. When I first came to Thailand I thought about returning a year later as an exchange student again but this time to conduct research for my Phd (which could take years). However after this experience, I don't want to come back. I'll be choosing another country to spend my grant money at instead. Thailand will continue to lose money on potential long-term exchange students if their attitudes towards foreigners doesn't change.

Could you not have researched this attitude from previous exchange students prior to your decision to come here & be mentally beaten like your post indicates???



A very naive statement. Dont worry though, i thought the same as you before. Not so much anymore.

Sorry, something went wrong when quoted ur post.

Could you explain ,Sir, how my 'statement' was naïve??????????????

I just try to be open minded and aware that we are all different. I would've thought that was 'mature' and certainly not naïve and narrow minded!!!


Based on the recent announcement, that overstayers who over stay a certain numbers of days will be banning from Thailand for specified periods, means Thailand just got a whole lot better than 10 years ago LOL

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Successful businrss abroad and thinking about 5MB land...

The place is changing like anywhere else in the world but you do not seem to change and seem to be bored whatever you do and wherever you go...

You are buying land.

Good luck........


For those claiming Thailand getting expensive.

Went out with a lady for dinner last night, total bill 65bht.

30 for me, 35 for her cos she had a fried egg on top.

Good meal too.

Quite right. I can buy a big takeaway box of fried rice pork that will last 3 days from the restaurant near my house.

It's only those that seek to live a western lifestyle in LOS that are finding it expensive. Can't believe that Thais would actually pay as much as they do for western fast food, and the prices for imports are astronomical, yet Rimping has no problem attracting customers.

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I like it. I would only live in a city with modern conveniences. You can't stop progress.


Yet many westerners are seeking to get as far away from city life as they can, as it is toxic in every sense.

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Successful businrss abroad and thinking about 5MB land...

The place is changing like anywhere else in the world but you do not seem to change and seem to be bored whatever you do and wherever you go...

I do like your username. So true.


the once brilliant BKK night life industry is now a mere shadow of its hey day . around 75%-80% has vanished due to crackdowns and yellow shirts activity .and greedy bar owners .

the list of the gone for good ,good dives includes

Clinton plaza

Grace coffee shop

Nana disco when it was packed out and the best joint in town

Thermae 1

a good chunk of the best Patpong bars when they were packed out

Thermae 2 is now farang unfriendly

the list goes on and on

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Just reading OP's post (can't be arsed to read all others), it seems you have forgotten you are a guest here and rules apply.

Imagine if 100,000 Thais did exactly what you did and lived in the west, all countries have immigration rules, simple as that accept them or go and live elsewhere. Saying that people like you think they have the right to be here, and too many abuse the system like unqualified teachers.

I have been here now 16 years, working legally, and yes things have changed but they change everywhere. I still love Thailand and I think the key is not getting hang up when things don't go the way you want them. I just accept them and move on!

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


I like it. I would only live in a city with modern conveniences. You can't stop progress.


Yet many westerners are seeking to get as far away from city life as they can, as it is toxic in every sense.

Every gwailo I know lives in Bangkok


Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand


the once brilliant BKK night life industry is now a mere shadow of its hey day . around 75%-80% has vanished due to crackdowns and yellow shirts activity .and greedy bar owners .

the list of the gone for good ,good dives includes

Clinton plaza

Grace coffee shop

Nana disco when it was packed out and the best joint in town

Thermae 1

a good chunk of the best Patpong bars when they were packed out

Thermae 2 is now farang unfriendly

the list goes on and on

I'm not sure what everyone's moaning about. I visited the much-maligned Thermae for the first time this week and could barely fight them off.


Stickman Weekly 8/6/2014


Let's go back 20 years.

Every heavy rain Sukhumvit Rd, flooded and the sewers backed up. You had to take of your shoes and socks and roll up your trousers and walk through the disgusting flood waters to go some where. Hotels put planks outside for you to walk on.

No overhead expressway or BTS. I had to go from Ekkamai to Sukhumvit 24. That could take 2 hours!!! People would get out of the taxi in the middle of the road to smoke a ciggy! People would get out of the taxi and go buy takeaway for the street side vendors and then come back to the taxi because it still hadn't moved yet!!this was the norm!! Who remembers those days?

The single stroke oil fired motor bikes (I think that's what they called them) spewing pollution would make you sick breathing the air as well. The air quality was so bad then I remember a medical study that said Bangkok residents where susceptible to chromosome damage!

Aids was rampant until the famous doctor ( don't remember the name) taught the public to use condoms.

Is Thailand better now. The nations infrastructure investments have made

life so much better for everyone all over the country! Just one small example of why It is much better now! Good job Thailand.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I remember it taking 3 hours catching a microbus (remember them!) from Silom to Ram university!


You raise many valid points and i am sure venting it out helps.

You have only experienced half of the problems, there are more when you have a business.

For example i am renewing my extension, keep in mind its my 7th year with WP.

First they want me to make photo's of myself with all the staff, then they want to come for check up.

So if you coming for check up, why the hell do you want the pics?

Fine, do the pics.

Now they want me to come into Immigration to take my photo, but you have my photo already with application and many photo's with my staff.

No, they need to put my photo in computer, so i need to come.

Ok, i go there, make the photo.

Oh solly, we do not need your photo, i forget, your income is over 1 million baht, so no photo is needed.

I am always short of staff, basically because i do not want any of my customers to have the experience you had with True.

So today have a 46 year old, uni educated woman come for interview.

In the advert is says must read, write and speak good English.

She is told to come for interview at 3pm, she shows up at 11am

Cleaner tells her interviews are at 3pm.

She comes back at 2:30 pm and as it turns out can hardly string 2 words in English, mind you in her resume she states she worked in India and Dubai for a decade.

I seriously doubt she spoke HIndi or Arabic.

Anyhow, after seeing that she can not string 2 words in English, i tell her no, give her back her documents and cut up her application.

She is standing there looking at me like a sheep.

After 5 or so mins she asks if i will interview her?(i guess first sign of being retarded) i reply, no i will not.

Now she tells me but the lady(cleaner) told her blah blah blah.

Now i am pissed off and can no longer take the stupidity, so i ask her how old are you? She reply 46 after thinking for a minute.

Great i say, 46, do you have anything inside your head? meaning do you have any brains at all.

After thinking for another minute or so, she replies, NO.

So i double check what she says, and ask her again,, You do not have any brain?

Response was, No, i do not, its hot outside.

So the moral of the story is , it is not only you , but many others feel or experience the same thing.

NO doubt, many esteemed members married to good girls half their age, living in Isaan never experience much of it, for obvious reasons,

Is it better or worse? I guess it depends on what angle you look at it from.

PS. Forgot to mention, i am in Thailand full time for around 12 years, out of which 7 in the business

What a disgusting and unprofessional thing to do to a candidate. You clearly have no heart.Why not gently let her leave and laugh behind her back. You're lucky she didn't return with a knife and cut you up....

Laugh behind her back??! Sorry to disappoint but my balls are still attached, so I do not need to do it behind her back, I can do it in her face .

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