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US and UN condemn killing of Palestinian boy in Israel


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US and UN condemn killing of Palestinian boy in Israel

NEW YORK: -- The US and UN have condemned the abduction and murder of a Palestinian teenager in Israel, which sparked fierce clashes in East Jerusalem.

US Secretary of State John Kerry called it "sickening" while the UN demanded justice over the "despicable act".

Mohammed Abu Khdair, 17, was seen being forced into a car early on Wednesday.

Palestinian leaders expressed outrage over the killing, amid claims it was in revenge for the murder of three Israeli teenagers.

Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas accused Jewish settlers of killing Mohammed Abu Khdair, calling for the "strongest punishment against the murderers if [israel] truly wants peace".

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-28138860

-- BBC 2014-07-03

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Strangely they didn't use as much venom in condemning the 3 Israeli kids being killed.

What did they expect would happen?

The US and UN need to wind their necks in a bit, peace is a two-way street. They seem to be condemning Israel as a whole with such words as 'If they truly want peace'.

'If they truly want peace'. is a quote from Abbas, not the UN / US spokespersons.

In the article I do not see Israel taking offence to the comments by the UN / US. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said it was "despicable" and that he had ordered police to work "as quickly as possible to find out who was behind the heinous murder of the youth". He called on both sides "not to take the law into their own hands".

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Thanks for sharing your personal experiences, but anecdotal evidence is considered very dubious support of a position. i have Jewish friends that are just the opposite of yours by the way. whistling.gif

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I believe that Israel is expected to take the high road in some of these matters.

The killing of a teenager out of spite is tragic. It's another senseless loss of life.

Condolences to those affected, and that is quite a few people, I do believe.

So, you have proof who got the boy? Israel, which is "expected to take the high road" in your words? You have proof they did it "out of spite" in your words?

I guess it couldn't possibly have been an evil murderer on the loose.

You're pretty good. Should buy a lottery ticket.

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Since 2000 1300 Palestinian kids by Israelis, 120 Israeli children by Palestinians.

Palestinian terrorists target children and use their own Arab children as human shields and suicide bombers. Israel does neither one. There is a big difference. whistling.gif

Palestinians protesting and throws rocks at the Israeli army that are occupying their land for that they get shot at with assault rifles and it have been like this for a long time!
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Is anyone surprised by this revenge act of Israel? I'm not. After the 3 teenagers were found I thought: wonder what Israel will do as revenge, bombs, air strikes, blockades. But they chose for an even more barbaric revenge: abduct a teenager and kill him. Then say they regret it and the police should find the murderer....

I'm not against Israel at all, I just don't like their agression and terror. They can get away with everything they do, as brainless big brother USA backs them till the end. Of course there will never be peace, how can it be with such agressive people around?

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I believe that Israel is expected to take the high road in some of these matters.

The killing of a teenager out of spite is tragic. It's another senseless loss of life.

Condolences to those affected, and that is quite a few people, I do believe.

So, you have proof who got the boy? Israel, which is "expected to take the high road" in your words? You have proof they did it "out of spite" in your words?

I guess it couldn't possibly have been an evil murderer on the loose.

You're pretty good. Should buy a lottery ticket.

I think you read that wrong. Israel usually does and they have come to be expected to take the higher road. Most roads in the ME seem pretty low.

I don't think the Israeli gov't had anything to do with the murders and I assume they will do everything possible to catch the killer(s). The ones who killed this boy are evil murderers. They have done harm to themselves, to their cause -- unless they want more violence, and the Palestinians.

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Strangely they didn't use as much venom in condemning the 3 Israeli kids being killed.

What did they expect would happen?

The US and UN need to wind their necks in a bit, peace is a two-way street. They seem to be condemning Israel as a whole with such words as 'If they truly want peace'.

'If they truly want peace'. is a quote from Abbas, not the UN / US spokespersons.

In the article I do not see Israel taking offence to the comments by the UN / US. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said it was "despicable" and that he had ordered police to work "as quickly as possible to find out who was behind the heinous murder of the youth". He called on both sides "not to take the law into their own hands".

The same Abbas who made a deal with Hamas who calls for destruction of Israel ?

Elections are coming up soon, let's see if Hamas & Fatah can actually form any lasting unity government. Highly unlikely given the financial sanctions & political pressure that will be imposed by Israel & US.

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Sadly the basic reason for this ongoing hate and mayhem is all due to a case of the locals following the creed of the most violent hate, violence slavery, incest, murder, stealing, and conning people book that has ever been written by someone or something. ''THE BIBLE.''

To cap it all the locals in some areas are under the impression some mythical being(s) gave them a big piece of real estate to be theirs forever.

Not content with the mythical and phony freebies some of the locals still want and still do encroach upon others real estate both by stealth and violence.

What chance is there ever going to of peaceful co-existence be whilst the locals continue to talk to their imaginary friend and then convince themselves that their particular cause is the only true cause.

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Jonmareesco post # 19

'US and UN condemn killing ...' The equivalent of tearful hand wringing, with the same predictable result.

'US and UN condemn killing ...


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Strangely they didn't use as much venom in condemning the 3 Israeli kids being killed.

What did they expect would happen?

The US and UN need to wind their necks in a bit, peace is a two-way street. They seem to be condemning Israel as a whole with such words as 'If they truly want peace'.

'If they truly want peace'. is a quote from Abbas, not the UN / US spokespersons.

In the article I do not see Israel taking offence to the comments by the UN / US. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said it was "despicable" and that he had ordered police to work "as quickly as possible to find out who was behind the heinous murder of the youth". He called on both sides "not to take the law into their own hands".

The same Abbas who made a deal with Hamas who calls for destruction of Israel ?

Elections are coming up soon, let's see if Hamas & Fatah can actually form any lasting unity government. Highly unlikely given the financial sanctions & political pressure that will be imposed by Israel & US.

How is that relevant?

Hamas calls for destruction of Israel full stop, no if's, no but's, Abbas was and is willing to EVEN consider unity government.

Who is the one who truly does not want peace?whistling.gif

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Politics. Israeli government is constantly undermining Abbas, thereby bolstering Hamas and a reason for the proposed unity government. An Israeli media article below stating Israel is making a strategic error with the weakening of Abbas.


Hamas position on the destruction of Israel is hardly realistic, more like beating its chest for its domestic audience.

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Haaretz is known for its staunch left-liberal stance and one of their editorials on a right-wing politician does not exactly convince me of anything.

Hamas position on the destruction of Israel may hardly be "realistic" to you, but I'm pretty sure that they would get right to it, if they had the capability.

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What most people seems to forget is that Israel is a product of UN after WW II. There where basically no Jewish people in that area and they relocated after the war.

Nonsense. There have always been Jews there since the majority were forced into the Diaspora by the Romans in the year 70 C.E.. In the early 19th century, years before the birth of the modern Zionist movement, more than 10,000 Jews lived throughout what is today Israel. The Jewish people have maintained ties to their homeland for more than 3,700 years. Learn some history, before making such unfounded statements.

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Haaretz is known for its staunch left-liberal stance and one of their editorials on a right-wing politician does not exactly convince me of anything.

Hamas position on the destruction of Israel may hardly be "realistic" to you, but I'm pretty sure that they would get right to it, if they had the capability.

I like Haaretz in general, but is so true that enemies of Zionism are always looking for some Jew to say something anti-Israel, as if that gives extra special support for their position, because it was a Jew saying it. Jews say a lot of things. There is great diversity in Jewish opinion.

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Haaretz is known for its staunch left-liberal stance and one of their editorials on a right-wing politician does not exactly convince me of anything.

Hamas position on the destruction of Israel may hardly be "realistic" to you, but I'm pretty sure that they would get right to it, if they had the capability.

Don't dispute your comment on Hamas. As you pointed out above there are many diverse positions within Israeli society, the article did reasonate with me

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Is anyone surprised by this revenge act of Israel? I'm not. After the 3 teenagers were found I thought: wonder what Israel will do as revenge, bombs, air strikes, blockades. But they chose for an even more barbaric revenge: abduct a teenager and kill him. Then say they regret it and the police should find the murderer....

I'm not against Israel at all, I just don't like their agression and terror. They can get away with everything they do, as brainless big brother USA backs them till the end. Of course there will never be peace, how can it be with such agressive people around?

This is not a revenge act by Israel, although it's quite possibly a murder committed by Israelis.

Quite a few leaders and politicians on record condemning the murder and speaking against hate speech.

Your reference to air strikes is misplaced - the fragile cease fire with Hamas & Co. went South about two weeks

prior to the kidnapping. The escalation in hostilities predates the murder of the three Israelis, albeit it surely contributed

to the continuation of the violence.

The Israeli police IS investigating the case, I do not think anyone expected it solved within 24 hours, though.

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Politics. Israeli government is constantly undermining Abbas, thereby bolstering Hamas and a reason for the proposed unity government. An Israeli media article below stating Israel is making a strategic error with the weakening of Abbas.


Hamas position on the destruction of Israel is hardly realistic, more like beating its chest for its domestic audience.

Well of course its all Israel's fault and Abbas is a saint sent by God.

It once again irrelevant if Hamas position is realistic or not, what is relevant is Abbas's willingness to side or unite with them.

It is also irrelevant if it is chest beating for domestic audience,because rockets aimed at civilians keep on being fired BY Hamas INTO Israel

It is always the same story with the Arabs, talk, more talk and do nothing in the end.

Actions speak louder than words.

Israel did not start to bomb Gazza after seize fire, Hamas did.

Israel did not kidnap kids and murder them, People under Abbas did

Israeli's do not dance, party and celebrate the death of arab kid, Hamas does.

I have no problem with you disliking jews and Israel, i do have a problem with you consistently trying to make arabs look like angels and downplaying their crimes.

Yes Israel arrests many arabs and jails them(no doubt you can argue its all wrong and false charges) but again Israel jails them, while Hamas kills its own people without a trial, just as they kidnap and kill jews.

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What most people seems to forget is that Israel is a product of UN after WW II. There where basically no Jewish people in that area and they relocated after the war. There where Palestinians living there but they where just shoved to the side by UN, US and UK.

And as someone already said, US are spending alot of money and never goes against Israel in UN.

If we look at what is happening in Israel and Palestina, UN should intertwine just like they did in Iraq, Afghanistan and so on. But US would never allow that as Israel is their friend!

Sometimes I can feel the absurdity by the politicians in EU and US. Now they are condemning the military in Thailand that have the support of a majority of the people and are trying to make Thailand a better place. But supports Israel a country that are occupying another country and don't even try to get peace!

Did you know that Israel forbids export to Palestina of medicine, building materials and even macaronis! They attacked and shot relief workers on international water as they tried to get those things to the people on the Westbank. Next time I hope that EU can support the relief workers with armed escort weasels and protect them!

As others pointed out, there were Jews around well before WW II.

The USA indeed spends more than it ought to on Israel, especially with economic times being what they are.

The UN should intervene? And do...what? Was the UN very effective in Iraq? Afghanistan? Anywhere?

The UN is not well equipped to deal with confrontations, and hardly able to deal with peace keeping missions

involving even one unwilling side, not to mention two (or more). A fine example of UN prowess can be found

in Lebanon, where their contribution and relevance are pretty minimal.

The banning of certain items is mostly relevant to the Gaza Strip, not the West Bank. The West Bank is, in fact,

landlocked and therefore cannot be reached via international water. Probably something to do with Israel as well wink.png .

There is a slight difference regarding who is in control of both territories which would go a ways toward explaining

why this ban is in place. Somehow, people seem to forget that the Gaza Strip has a land border with Egypt, which

had Egypt wished could be open in a blink of an eye. That to is due to the current rules of the Gaza Strip. The ban

itself was relaxed some following the last cease fire deal.

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