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Tighter security for flights to US


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Tighter security for flights to US

WASHINGTON: -- The US homeland security department has said it will put into place "enhanced security measures" in certain overseas airports with direct flights to the US.

The UK transport department said the country would be among those to step up security procedures.

The move comes amid US media reports that al-Qaeda affiliates in Syria and Yemen are developing bombs to smuggle on planes.

The US security agency said the changes would be made in the "upcoming days".

Full story: http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-28138526

-- BBC 2014-07-03

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I'm not sure how airline security could be enhanced much further without a total ban on carry on luggage and having to strip down and wear some sort of paper coveralls for the flights.

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Christ on a bike they were bad enough at Heathrow heading to the US last week.

I'm out of Heathrow to the Middle East in the morning, so I'll report back if they've made what is already an unpleasant and laborious experience even worse.

Even the TSA coming out of the US was a cinch compared to London!

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Imagine if all large planes were fixed so there was zero access to the cockpit from inside the plane making it impossible for anyone to enter the cockpit from the passenger area.....pilot and cockpit crew would enter/exit ONLY from a door directly from outside into the cockpit.

If done then the terrorists no matter how much they threatened would be unable to seize control to fly the plane into buildings which seems to be what they really want. Sure they could still blow up the plane and kill a few hundred people but that would likely occur in the air with no TV cameras to record the event....and frankly if the goal is to kill a few hundred people and strike terror then it could be more easily accomplished on land in a shopping mall etc.

I suspect without the possibility of actually taking control of the plane to insure it goes down in a ball of fire while TV cameras record the event that they would lose interest in airplanes. What are they going to do threaten to blow up the plane or kill the passengers if the pilot refuses to fly it into a building?

May sound stupid to some but it sure seems to make more sense to protect the cockpit with a redesign of doors then to subject hundreds of millions of passengers to security that may or may not actually stop some allah akbar idiot from getting a weapon onboard.

Well beyond time to think of different possible solutions to make airliners less attractive targets.

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Imagine if all large planes were fixed so there was zero access to the cockpit from inside the plane making it impossible for anyone to enter the cockpit from the passenger area.....pilot and cockpit crew would enter/exit ONLY from a door directly from outside into the cockpit.

Make sure you leave the pilots a microwave and a mini-fridge. Oh, and a bucket.

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Imagine if all large planes were fixed so there was zero access to the cockpit from inside the plane making it impossible for anyone to enter the cockpit from the passenger area.....pilot and cockpit crew would enter/exit ONLY from a door directly from outside into the cockpit.

Make sure you leave the pilots a microwave and a mini-fridge. Oh, and a bucket.

I suspect if the engineers can figure out how to design a 747 to fly half way around the world they could figure out a toilet and food for the pilots.

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A small fire breaks out in the cockpit, the pilot and copilot manage to put it out but the cockpit fills with toxic gas and they pass out or die. They couldn't escape and no one can get it.

I think the plan needs some re-thinking.

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A small fire breaks out in the cockpit, the pilot and copilot manage to put it out but the cockpit fills with toxic gas and they pass out or die. They couldn't escape and no one can get it.

I think the plan needs some re-thinking.

I'm sure we could all think of all kinds of things that "might" happen by sealing off the cockpit....but one thing that would for sure not happen is some terrorist axxhole getting his hands on the controls and flying the plane into a building.

Oxygen masks would likely solve the fire problem.

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Christ on a bike they were bad enough at Heathrow heading to the US last week.

I'm out of Heathrow to the Middle East in the morning, so I'll report back if they've made what is already an unpleasant and laborious experience even worse.

Even the TSA coming out of the US was a cinch compared to London!

Turned out to be exactly the same. They asked for all laptops, ipads etc., out of bags.

Then proceeded to pick my bag out, take out all the chargers, batteries, etc., swab them for explosives and put the swab in the nearby tester.

Only took about 5 minutes, and they did offer to help me repack it.

Then again I was in fast track, can't vouch for what the great unwashed had to put up with.

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The article I read said they were implementing these new security measures due to intelligence that the so called master bomber. Who's last 4 efforts all failed miserably has designed an undetectable bomb.

Can anyone tell me what extra measures they can bring in to detect an undetectable bomb ? blink.png

A division of ISIS jihadists could simply walk into the USA via the open mexican border and with the readily available guns and explosives they could get could cause untold havoc, death and destruction rather than trying to get a small bomb on a plane and yet they don't do it for some strange unknown reason. The same goes for the open borders of the UK.

Imagine what would happen if a couple of bombs went off at a big football game, large shopping mall or city centre ?

Far more bang for your buck than trying to bring down a plane by far but as said it doesn't happen and nobody seems to be asking the question WHY NOT ?

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Imagine if all large planes were fixed so there was zero access to the cockpit from inside the plane making it impossible for anyone to enter the cockpit from the passenger area.....pilot and cockpit crew would enter/exit ONLY from a door directly from outside into the cockpit.

If done then the terrorists no matter how much they threatened would be unable to seize control to fly the plane into buildings which seems to be what they really want. Sure they could still blow up the plane and kill a few hundred people but that would likely occur in the air with no TV cameras to record the event....and frankly if the goal is to kill a few hundred people and strike terror then it could be more easily accomplished on land in a shopping mall etc.

I suspect without the possibility of actually taking control of the plane to insure it goes down in a ball of fire while TV cameras record the event that they would lose interest in airplanes. What are they going to do threaten to blow up the plane or kill the passengers if the pilot refuses to fly it into a building?

May sound stupid to some but it sure seems to make more sense to protect the cockpit with a redesign of doors then to subject hundreds of millions of passengers to security that may or may not actually stop some allah akbar idiot from getting a weapon onboard.

Well beyond time to think of different possible solutions to make airliners less attractive targets.

Sounds like a cunning plan.

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The article I read said they were implementing these new security measures due to intelligence that the so called master bomber. Who's last 4 efforts all failed miserably has designed an undetectable bomb.

Can anyone tell me what extra measures they can bring in to detect an undetectable bomb ? blink.png

A division of ISIS jihadists could simply walk into the USA via the open mexican border and with the readily available guns and explosives they could get could cause untold havoc, death and destruction rather than trying to get a small bomb on a plane and yet they don't do it for some strange unknown reason. The same goes for the open borders of the UK.

Imagine what would happen if a couple of bombs went off at a big football game, large shopping mall or city centre ?

Far more bang for your buck than trying to bring down a plane by far but as said it doesn't happen and nobody seems to be asking the question WHY NOT ?

Why not?

Because its only setup to create world wide fear for terrorist so that the people are easy in giving up their rights and freedom.

Sent from my GT-I9300 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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The article I read said they were implementing these new security measures due to intelligence that the so called master bomber. Who's last 4 efforts all failed miserably has designed an undetectable bomb.

Can anyone tell me what extra measures they can bring in to detect an undetectable bomb ? blink.png

If you'd read above they are now swabbing all electronics and testing the swab.

Undetectable obviously means explosives that cannot be clearly identified with a visual check only.

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Probably wishful thinking, but I can't help but wonder if we're dealing with a kinder-gentler kind of terrorist.

Their stated goal (UBL, anyway) was to bankrupt the west. They don't even have to actually blow up an airplane. Start a good rumor that they're going to, and we'll spend billions of dollars, and lifetimes of man-hours trying to foil the plot whether it's real or not.

Forget real bombings. Take the number of hours we collectively wait in security lines, and divide that by the hours in a lifetime, and we squander thousands of lifetimes a week in the name of security. Add in the hours and the cost of the people herding us through the lines, and I'm pretty sure it's millions of lifetimes and many billions of dollars every year.

And as PiPiFFS stated, they could fairly easily kill hundreds, even thousands if they wanted. Instead, we get an idiot with a defective shoe, another with a faulty pair of underwear and a rumor of a bomb that looks like a Pepsi.

Every time I stand in an airport security line and see people taking off shoes and belts and Grannies being patted down, I believe they have won. Perhaps 10,000 actual terrorists, each costing us millions of dollars and hundreds of "lifetimes". And we volunteer for it.

They couldn't do any better with bombs and AK47's. Our own fear is their best weapon.

I'm waiting for the day when some terrorist sets off a bomb in the middle of the security line. What are they going to do then? Make people go through a security line in order to go through the security line. This will never end until we're all anesthetized for the journey and shipped on board like cargo.

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While working in Turkey quite a number of years ago, everyone was stopped about a kilometer from the airport by the military and all luggage was searched, including a pat down of anyone. Luggage repacked, got to the airport, only to have everything searched again at the door before entering. Luggage repacked, only to have this happen again at the security gate.

What a nightmare.

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If only the authorities would stop pretending that the problem isn't a Moslem problem and don't racially profile, then the delays and inconvenience for the rest of us will only increase.

Personally I think they should offer all passengers a choice: eat a hot bacon sandwich or be subject to a full body search, including all cavities*.

* They make us take off our shoes and belts, though no shoe or belt bomber has ever been remotely successful. A bomb up the bum, however, has worked. (See http://www.stuff.co.nz/world/middle-east/2833157/Bomb-in-anal-cavity-raises-new-airline-concern) I'm not sure it's because gay Moslems want justification for having anal sex, or would be jihadis want to widen their anuses to make it easier to insert a bomb, but a fatwah has been issued saying it's OK to have anal sex if it's in the cause of jihad (http://www.jihadwatch.org/2012/07/wahhabi-fatwa-permits-sodomy-to-widen-the-anus-as-a-means-to-jihad).

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If only the authorities would stop pretending that the problem isn't a Moslem problem and don't racially profile, then the delays and inconvenience for the rest of us will only increase.

Personally I think they should offer all passengers a choice: eat a hot bacon sandwich or be subject to a full body search, including all cavities*.

* They make us take off our shoes and belts, though no shoe or belt bomber has ever been remotely successful. A bomb up the bum, however, has worked. (See http://www.stuff.co.nz/world/middle-east/2833157/Bomb-in-anal-cavity-raises-new-airline-concern) I'm not sure it's because gay Moslems want justification for having anal sex, or would be jihadis want to widen their anuses to make it easier to insert a bomb, but a fatwah has been issued saying it's OK to have anal sex if it's in the cause of jihad (http://www.jihadwatch.org/2012/07/wahhabi-fatwa-permits-sodomy-to-widen-the-anus-as-a-means-to-jihad).

Can you please tell us how they can tell whether or not someone is a muslim?

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While working in Turkey quite a number of years ago, everyone was stopped about a kilometer from the airport by the military and all luggage was searched, including a pat down of anyone. Luggage repacked, got to the airport, only to have everything searched again at the door before entering. Luggage repacked, only to have this happen again at the security gate.

What a nightmare.

Had this in domestic flights within Turkey as well, especially coming from the East.

While checks weren't really thorough, they sure were a hassle.

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Personally I think they should offer all passengers a choice: eat a hot bacon sandwich or be subject to a full body search, including all cavities.

Can you please tell us how they can tell whether or not someone is a muslim?

Did you miss the bacon sandwich part?

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