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I realise this is one that been posted before but after what I`ve just witnessed I want to vent off.

Why is it that Thai people have such very different levels of decency compared to Western society? Whether its photo shoots of police standing over a butchered body for the press or people taking pictures of fatal car crashes, Thai people differ vastly in what is socially acceptable.

What triggered this rant was my Facebook page being completely taken over with disturbing videos posted by my wives friends. Before we get the usual TV response of "thats because they are all low class <deleted>, not Chinese hi so like my friends" I can confirm this is a real cross section of Thai society. Whilst some are from modest rural backgrounds, one of the videos I saw today was posted by a a young lady currently studying hospitality in the States whos family is very wealthy indeed.

Today treats included a video of canibalism, seemingly somewhere in the jungle of Northern Thailand, and an amateur video (taken by the girl herself) of some poor b@stard that has just been mangled by a truck whilst on his motorbike. I have been at the scene of several fatal crashes both here and at home, my reactions have varied from crying to vomiting, at no point did I reach for the iphone thinking this would make great facebook footage.

Obviously cultural differences is an easy explanation but what else? Perhaps Buddhism lends itself more to this type of behaviour? I genuinely dont know so looking for any rationale people can offer.

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OP, I've had that happen, too, with one FB friend's wife posting truly shocking stuff. I never really thought about it as being common. Looks like it is. Truly baffling to me.

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I've noticed over the years here that there is an attraction to blood and guts . Saw an accident not long ago where a large crowd gathered in minutes. A lot wanting to take photo's.



Almost everybody's got a video camera right in their pocket today. YouTube is full of horrific scenes from all over the world.

When I was in driver's ed class yay many years ago, we were shown a film of car wrecks that I am sure would never be allowed today.

'nuff said


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I am not sure that this is a Thailand specific problem, this happens all over the world.

Almost everybody has a camera these days as part of their phone or tablet and the morbid curiosity of us humans know no bounds. It doesn't matter where a fatal accident occurs, you will always get your crowds stopping for a better look.

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Like everywhere in the world, you need to choose facebook friends carefully, and then control who is allowed to post on your facebook page.

Indeed, and I have now hidden their content from my timeline. Deleting them is not an option as it`ll lead to conflict with the Mrs.

As for the assumption it "happens all over the world" some people have said above, my experience (based on UK,US and Aus) is that it just doesnt. None of my freinds from these countries do this and media in these countries would face jail if they took pictures of a dead body for their paper. "outraging public decency" is what the crime would be in the UK for example.



Almost everybody's got a video camera right in their pocket today. YouTube is full of horrific scenes from all over the world.

When I was in driver's ed class yay many years ago, we were shown a film of car wrecks that I am sure would never be allowed today.

'nuff said


i remember those films. One I saw was titled Broken Glass. Horrorific stuff where they would obtain police footage of an accident then recreate the events leading up to it using actors.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand sky ohm. San nmfg


was posted by a a young lady currently studying hospitality

cheesy.gif Do you really need to ask ? cheesy.gif

"Today treats included a video of canibalism"

That gives a total new meaning of "today we'll have Farang food for dinner".......run as fast as you can.....

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I can assure you that this is not only a Thai trait. Just do a few searches for blood and gore online and within seconds you will be viewing ultra sick material in profusion, stuff that has been recorded by people worldwide and is even easily accessible to children. There are now websites that are dedicated to this sick disturbing crap.

These days there seems to be no boundaries as to what can be uploaded and shown in the media, especially the Internet, where there are virtually no censorships and is a media that has become a platform for those of warped minds. Rapes, murders, victims of crime, horrible accidents, people being tortured, and executions, is all there in glorious colour and gore for everyone to see and for the viewing pleasure of the sick of mind and the twisted.

It has gone to the extremes where anything goes and the worse part is that people are becoming desensitised to it, including influences that affect those of low intellect in real life situations. Other people’s humiliations, misery, sufferings and tragedies are recorded and brought down to the levels as being only of entertainment value for the viewers. And of course the younger generations start believing that this stuff is cool and quite legitimate to share it with their families and friends.

What was considered as deeply disturbing and graphic in the past has become acceptable today, a time where the suffering of others gains little or no sympathies; people have become indifferent to the plights of others, and this is the way the situation is heading, it is going to be a bleak future for all of us.

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was posted by a a young lady currently studying hospitality

cheesy.gif Do you really need to ask ? cheesy.gif

"Today treats included a video of canibalism"

That gives a total new meaning of "today we'll have Farang food for dinner".......run as fast as you can.....

And also a new meaning to the expression; I am having a friend round for dinner.

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delete, delete, delete then remove them from your friends or remove your wife if they are all coming through her page. You control who can and cant post, issue a warning that all crap vieos/pics will bw deleted and the people removed then do it, I have. I was sick of the bible bashing and political crap, I issued a warning and so I now remove all those that persist, easy.


The fascination with gore is one thing, it's sick, but a few years back there was a photo at an accident scene, I think in Pattaya, that revealed a side of Thais and their view of death, I found really disturbing.

A nurse (in uniform including her cap) was standing in front of the wreck. She was smiling. The man next to her was smiling. He was also pointing at the large chunk of unidentifiable flesh the nurse dangled from her hand.

I agree with Beetlejuice, to a degree. Other cultures may also have this sick fascination, but I have doubts western cultures would take pleasure in holding up a piece of the victim, for their own Kodak moment.

  • Like 2

The fascination with gore is one thing, it's sick, but a few years back there was a photo at an accident scene, I think in Pattaya, that revealed a side of Thais and their view of death, I found really disturbing.

A nurse (in uniform including her cap) was standing in front of the wreck. She was smiling. The man next to her was smiling. He was also pointing at the large chunk of unidentifiable flesh the nurse dangled from her hand.

I agree with Beetlejuice, to a degree. Other cultures may also have this sick fascination, but I have doubts western cultures would take pleasure in holding up a piece of the victim, for their own Kodak moment.

Indeed. As beetlejuice alludes, of course this happens all over, but in Western society its taboo to post it on your facebook! Perhaps half my mates secretly look at this crap and I dont know about it, but my original point is it isnt accepted in mainstream circles the way it is here.

Even the Farrang media here has descended to Thai standards - http://www.pattayaone.net/video-news/132827/video-2-dead-3-injured-in-east-pattaya-bike-collision/

Check 30 seconds in and a passer by has walked over to video some bloke lieing injured on the ground. There is almost an air of excitement at Thai road crashes, a strange lust for death and gore, look at the size of that crowd all coming for a peak. A more recent one has close up of a body with blood still running out of it, is there any need?

I don`t get it and it disturbs me

  • Like 1

I can assure you that this is not only a Thai trait. Just do a few searches for blood and gore online and within seconds you will be viewing ultra sick material in profusion, stuff that has been recorded by people worldwide and is even easily accessible to children. There are now websites that are dedicated to this sick disturbing crap.

These days there seems to be no boundaries as to what can be uploaded and shown in the media, especially the Internet, where there are virtually no censorships and is a media that has become a platform for those of warped minds. Rapes, murders, victims of crime, horrible accidents, people being tortured, and executions, is all there in glorious colour and gore for everyone to see and for the viewing pleasure of the sick of mind and the twisted.

It has gone to the extremes where anything goes and the worse part is that people are becoming desensitised to it, including influences that affect those of low intellect in real life situations. Other people’s humiliations, misery, sufferings and tragedies are recorded and brought down to the levels as being only of entertainment value for the viewers. And of course the younger generations start believing that this stuff is cool and quite legitimate to share it with their families and friends.

What was considered as deeply disturbing and graphic in the past has become acceptable today, a time where the suffering of others gains little or no sympathies; people have become indifferent to the plights of others, and this is the way the situation is heading, it is going to be a bleak future for all of us.

Actually humans are a bit strange. No one cares much about rapes, murders wars, if it is more than 500 meter away (coincidentally my wife just played a song over the protests which should a couple bloody pictures from dead/hurt protesters as well). But we are disturbed when we see the true in TV. I think it is a kind of "don't want to know" because if we would be fully conscious of it we would get some mental problems.

If it is right or true? Better show it and face reality or better censor it to not desensitiese? I don't know......Would people make less war if they would see a lot cruel pictures from war? Or would they easier do similar crimes?

  • Like 1

I can assure you that this is not only a Thai trait. Just do a few searches for blood and gore online and within seconds you will be viewing ultra sick material in profusion, stuff that has been recorded by people worldwide and is even easily accessible to children. There are now websites that are dedicated to this sick disturbing crap.

These days there seems to be no boundaries as to what can be uploaded and shown in the media, especially the Internet, where there are virtually no censorships and is a media that has become a platform for those of warped minds. Rapes, murders, victims of crime, horrible accidents, people being tortured, and executions, is all there in glorious colour and gore for everyone to see and for the viewing pleasure of the sick of mind and the twisted.

It has gone to the extremes where anything goes and the worse part is that people are becoming desensitised to it, including influences that affect those of low intellect in real life situations. Other people’s humiliations, misery, sufferings and tragedies are recorded and brought down to the levels as being only of entertainment value for the viewers. And of course the younger generations start believing that this stuff is cool and quite legitimate to share it with their families and friends.

What was considered as deeply disturbing and graphic in the past has become acceptable today, a time where the suffering of others gains little or no sympathies; people have become indifferent to the plights of others, and this is the way the situation is heading, it is going to be a bleak future for all of us.

All well and good.

But as the OP points out the issue is posting offensive material on other people's facebook pages.

I've blocked all but my close family from posting anything on my fb page after several instances of Thai friends posting not simply offensive material, but material that is without any shadow of doubt illegal.

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Like everywhere in the world, you need to choose facebook friends carefully, and then control who is allowed to post on your facebook page.

Better idea.

Don't subscribe to Facebook. It's all a big scam anyway. The US govt owns Facebook and they are using it as a way to control you mind.

Now I'm off to look for my tin foil hat

Neverdie I find that sort of spurious nonsense laughable. The reptilian shapeshifters who truly control this planet by microchips secretly implanted in our bodies as we sleep would never allow it to occur as you suggested! Why, next you'll be telling us that Elvis Presley is didn't fake his own death and actually did shuffle off this mortal coil while taking an Eartha on the bog.

  • Like 2

The fascination with gore is one thing, it's sick, but a few years back there was a photo at an accident scene, I think in Pattaya, that revealed a side of Thais and their view of death, I found really disturbing.

A nurse (in uniform including her cap) was standing in front of the wreck. She was smiling. The man next to her was smiling. He was also pointing at the large chunk of unidentifiable flesh the nurse dangled from her hand.

I agree with Beetlejuice, to a degree. Other cultures may also have this sick fascination, but I have doubts western cultures would take pleasure in holding up a piece of the victim, for their own Kodak moment.

Indeed. As beetlejuice alludes, of course this happens all over, but in Western society its taboo to post it on your facebook! Perhaps half my mates secretly look at this crap and I dont know about it, but my original point is it isnt accepted in mainstream circles the way it is here.

Even the Farrang media here has descended to Thai standards - http://www.pattayaone.net/video-news/132827/video-2-dead-3-injured-in-east-pattaya-bike-collision/

Check 30 seconds in and a passer by has walked over to video some bloke lieing injured on the ground. There is almost an air of excitement at Thai road crashes, a strange lust for death and gore, look at the size of that crowd all coming for a peak. A more recent one has close up of a body with blood still running out of it, is there any need?

I don`t get it and it disturbs me

I'm glad to hear it disturbs you. It means you are respectful for other's well-being and privacy, and saddened at their pain, suffering and loss. You're not alone.

Death is very different here.

  • Like 1

Like everywhere in the world, you need to choose facebook friends carefully, and then control who is allowed to post on your facebook page.

Better idea.

Don't subscribe to Facebook. It's all a big scam anyway. The US govt owns Facebook and they are using it as a way to control you mind.

Now I'm off to look for my tin foil hat

Neverdie I find that sort of spurious nonsense laughable. The reptilian shapeshifters who truly control this planet by microchips secretly implanted in our bodies as we sleep would never allow it to occur as you suggested! Why, next you'll be telling us that Elvis Presley is didn't fake his own death and actually did shuffle off this mortal coil while taking an Eartha on the bog.

I stand corrected. lol

  • Like 1

Like everywhere in the world, you need to choose facebook friends carefully, and then control who is allowed to post on your facebook page.

Better idea.

Don't subscribe to Facebook. It's all a big scam anyway. The US govt owns Facebook and they are using it as a way to control you mind.

Now I'm off to look for my tin foil hat

Neverdie I find that sort of spurious nonsense laughable. The reptilian shapeshifters who truly control this planet by microchips secretly implanted in our bodies as we sleep would never allow it to occur as you suggested! Why, next you'll be telling us that Elvis Presley is didn't fake his own death and actually did shuffle off this mortal coil while taking an Eartha on the bog.

I stand corrected. lol

You do not stand to be corrected.

Facebook has become an addiction for many, they would rather have their right arms cut off than delete their facebook accounts.

To them facebook has become a mainstream part of their lives, the same as their mobile phones and other communication gadgets. I often see them when out and about playing with their silly little devices as if these things have been surgically attached to their hands.

The solution is very simple, just delete your facebook accounts, but I would bet my bottom dollar or bahts that most of these sad social networking users would be mentally unable to click those delete my account buttons.

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With respect to gore and dead bodies, we need to understand that there are teachings in the Buddhism in which we are encouraged to gaze at the ill, the injured, the dying and the dead to remind ourselves of impermanence and the fate that awaits us all (in one form or another).

This is at odds with our Judeo-Christian traditions, indeed a sensibility but perhaps one of over sensibility on our own part.

Well, any sentient being who has to gaze at the ill and dying and dead to realize his own impermanence, is an idiot.

The lack of consideration all the above posts reveal, stems not from religious teachings, but from self-centeredness, a lack of concern for others' feelings.

It's why they don't hold doors open for those following, drive through the village at 85 kph while small children are riding bikes, and pull out in front of you without looking.

And are unable to even try to place themselves into the 'cultural viewpoint' of others.


Not sure if you are agreeing with me, or exhibiting brilliant sarcasm.

Either way, it deserved a like.



You do not stand to be corrected.

Facebook has become an addiction for many, they would rather have their right arms cut off than delete their facebook accounts.

To them facebook has become a mainstream part of their lives, the same as their mobile phones and other communication gadgets. I often see them when out and about playing with their silly little devices as if these things have been surgically attached to their hands.

The solution is very simple, just delete your facebook accounts, but I would bet my bottom dollar or bahts that most of these sad social networking users would be mentally unable to click those delete my account buttons.

okay, I don't stand. to be corrected.

(getting soft in my old age bettlejuice, that's a double backflip in less than a few posts).

I agree though, Facebook and the way people go on about it is a real worry.

Facebook goes offline for 30 minutes and the young ones are running around like it's the end of the world. I only get that way when TVF goes down! ;). :P

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