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Thai Immigration Bureau to blacklist all overstayers of more than 90 days

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I don't disagree with this change at all.

I do have a single question though... Will there be a grandfather clause in there? Meaning people who for whatever reason, rightly or wrongly, have overstayed in the past, will not be slapped with a retroactive ban.

This is a rather large change, with much harsher repercussions for overstayers. In my opinion, those that have previously paid a fine, should not be blacklisted retroactively, they have been punished under the old (and yes very lax and easy) overstay rules already.

Without this clause, I know at least a dozen people who won't be coming back to Thailand for quite some time the next time they have to leave the country, or even do a 90 day run, due to the fact they have overstayed in the past, despite being clean now.

you can not be fined backwards, when they paid their fine, the file was closed.

they have to inform you if you are black listed, in court or at the border

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Im not sure why someone would bother trying to overstay anyway. In ANY country in the world it's illegal and courting disaster. I actually hope that all these recent shakedowns will help rid the country of some of the scurvy bilge that is found clinging to the vestiges of their sorry lives in this beautiful land.

its illegal bla bla bla,,, perhaps if countries around the world stopped being so anal about foreign visitors of independent means , there might be less friction and a greater spread of culture, understanding of social and work ethics. Why should anyone be shackled to any one country just because they were born there...

stop bleating on about the law and stand up against it for the good of change.

With reference to Thailand specifically, if the foreigner's of independent means, truely had independent means they claim they have , they would have no cause to overstay, there are options for long term visas for those with "true" independent means

OK, the last two years I invested 9 million bath a soft drinks factory here in Thailand, unfortunately unfortunately we still have not received production license, -demonstrations Months 6 Months- - transition from 1 month-, closed to all public administration. Unfortunately, after only two employees pay contributions, so far not had a chance to claim the three-year investor visa. Right now how to further I will, All paper is fine, in progress the approval process, what to do?

If you are in the process etc, you will be ok. The govt departments, contrary to barstool belief ain't so bad.

Sent from my GT-I9500 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Thinking out loud. If the Ed visa is also successfully tightened up - and it should be - it could leave us with just a core expat population who are here within the law contributing to Thai society living here on the correct visa. The next stage surely would be easier extensions (marriage or retirement) and who knows the ridiculous 90 day report might become a thing of the past. I would gladly pay 10000 up front for a 5 year visa, where perhaps the 90 day report could be replaced with a 365 day one. Just thinking out loud and hoping this is read by the Immigration Minister / Commander.

what are you dreaming about? if they have only you then all the IM officers have enough time for doing a weekly report for you, check everything and may be the

needy for your visa will be raised up so you will not have any chance to reach it. And really I wish, that this happend to you. You should get what you wish other people!

How sick people must be in their brain to show so much malicious joy about the problems of other foreigners,

may be somebody is not 50 years old or dont want to marry a thai woman or is gay and have thai bf, or is not so rich to show 800000 baht, so for them it will be much harder to stay in Thailand.

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if this happens, when will it start??

In the OP it says that it is due to be signed and released imminently, but no one knows exactly when.

Sent from my iPad so Please excuse any typos

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Thinking out loud. If the Ed visa is also successfully tightened up - and it should be - it could leave us with just a core expat population who are here within the law contributing to Thai society living here on the correct visa. The next stage surely would be easier extensions (marriage or retirement) and who knows the ridiculous 90 day report might become a thing of the past. I would gladly pay 10000 up front for a 5 year visa, where perhaps the 90 day report could be replaced with a 365 day one. Just thinking out loud and hoping this is read by the Immigration Minister / Commander.

what are you dreaming about? if they have only you then all the IM officers have enough time for doing a weekly report for you, check everything and may be the

needy for your visa will be raised up so you will not have any chance to reach it. And really I wish, that this happend to you. You should get what you wish other people!

How sick people must be in their brain to show so much malicious joy about the problems of other foreigners,

may be somebody is not 50 years old or dont want to marry a thai woman or is gay and have thai bf, or is not so rich to show 800000 baht, so for them it will be much harder to stay in Thailand.

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Thinking out loud. If the Ed visa is also successfully tightened up - and it should be - it could leave us with just a core expat population who are here within the law contributing to Thai society living here on the correct visa. The next stage surely would be easier extensions (marriage or retirement) and who knows the ridiculous 90 day report might become a thing of the past. I would gladly pay 10000 up front for a 5 year visa, where perhaps the 90 day report could be replaced with a 365 day one. Just thinking out loud and hoping this is read by the Immigration Minister / Commander.

what are you dreaming about? if they have only you then all the IM officers have enough time for doing a weekly report for you, check everything and may be the

needy for your visa will be raised up so you will not have any chance to reach it. And really I wish, that this happend to you. You should get what you wish other people!

How sick people must be in their brain to show so much malicious joy about the problems of other foreigners,

may be somebody is not 50 years old or dont want to marry a thai woman or is gay and have thai bf, or is not so rich to show 800000 baht, so for them it will be much harder to stay in Thailand.

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This, tightening of the 30 exemption rules and who knows what more is coming.. the condo market at tourist destinations will take a hit.

Which would show the cyclical nature of these things when rules are later relaxed

Just takes the influential owners/shareholders of various property developers like land and houses when their businesses take a hit to see pressure later applied to ease the rules a bit

Junta are not here for the long term, this is one of their experiments. Sooner or later if or when it fails to have a beneficial effect economically then it will be binned further down the road. Just a question of time. Money talks

The junta will not release their grip on law and order issues when democracy is returned.

Expect to see permanent control of that sphere transferred to military supervision.

Agreed, they will maintain the grip until their people are dragged kicking and screaming into a new era of respect for the law and that includes us as well of course.

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Thinking out loud. If the Ed visa is also successfully tightened up - and it should be - it could leave us with just a core expat population who are here within the law contributing to Thai society living here on the correct visa. The next stage surely would be easier extensions (marriage or retirement) and who knows the ridiculous 90 day report might become a thing of the past. I would gladly pay 10000 up front for a 5 year visa, where perhaps the 90 day report could be replaced with a 365 day one. Just thinking out loud and hoping this is read by the Immigration Minister / Commander.

what are you dreaming about? if they have only you then all the IM officers have enough time for doing a weekly report for you, check everything and may be the

needy for your visa will be raised up so you will not have any chance to reach it. And really I wish, that this happend to you. You should get what you wish other people!

How sick people must be in their brain to show so much malicious joy about the problems of other foreigners,

may be somebody is not 50 years old or dont want to marry a thai woman or is gay and have thai bf, or is not so rich to show 800000 baht, so for them it will be much harder to stay in Thailand.

It seems the pertinent part of my post was lost...... Please read again especially this bit.....

"who are here within the law contributing to Thai society living here on the correct visa."

Best advice to you, my mistaken old chap, is put yourself within the law or face the consequences.

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The part of 5 year ban for being apprehended for an overstay of under one year, that could be ONE DAY, is in my opinion unreasonably HARSH. No I have never overstayed for even one day and don't intend to, but I can imagine unfortunate scenarios where that might unintentionally happen to me, to anyone.

If I'm reading this correctly, an under 90 day overstay where you make it to the airport and pay the fine WITHOUT apprehension, you're OK to come back. That's good.

Suppose you're in a traffic accident on the way to the airport and your passport is checked ...

Like I said ... that 5 year ban is scary.

Foreigners who applaud unreasonably harsh rules like this, I can't relate to that at all. It's bizarre actually. It could be YOU who is hit, whether you admit your human fallibility or not ... IT COULD.

On the other hand, I'm sure hard core Thai nationalists might go for even more severe penalties ... but I'm talking about fellow foreigners here. Why would you identify with hard core and possibly xenophobic Thai nationalists unless you're actually one yourself?

Surrender at your local Immigration Office before your visa is due to run out and pre-pay or pay the fine at the airport.

If you get pulled over on your way out they already know your scenario, or at least that's how I would like to think it would go.

This is aimed at the people who abuse the visa system not the average Joe tourist.

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I have a friend going down with Parkinsons and other medical complications.

He is just over 60 yrs old.

He and his wife have a successful manufacturing export company and 3 kids.

About 18 months ago they went to Vietnam sourcing product and at the same time he obtained a multiple entry Non Imm B visa.

This was about 6 months after the onset of his initial medical problems but whilst he was still well enough to travel.

Since then there has been a rapid deterioration of his condition (s) and he has been bed ridden for the last 6-8 months and is in severe pain.

His wife has done her best in the circumstances and has had no choice but to spend their life savings on medical bills.

Well over a couple of million to date, more bills to come and the house ( valued at about 5 million ) is now for sale.

He has no insurance.

The business is good but needs a westerner to interface with clients and do design etc.

By herself she is unlikely to make the business grow and a steady decline is more likely.

There were several different diagnoses from different hospitals and because she was taking him to different hospitals over a period ( always on the advice of various Dr's ) there is no continuity of paperwork and nobody advised her about the visa implications, which were neglected anyway because of the other dramas.

My friend is now on overstay by about 5-6 months, is too ill to travel anywhere and because there are several different hospitals involved, i doubt if a single certificate of treatment covering the overstay can be obtained.

Probably the best that can be obtained is simple certificates to the effect that he attended for treatment on such and such a date.

These will not have the continuity required by immigration.

He has no living relatives in his home country and is now too ill to fly anyway.

There are 3 kids and he has invested the last 30 years of his life here and created a unified family and a successful business ( against all the odds, I might add )

Under these new regulations he is ( choose an adjective ), can be deported and banned from his family and his only means of support.

The people on here lauding zenophobic, heartless and draconian new rules need their heads examined..........................

people who married to thais or have thai children can not be black listed, this is against human tichts,

no chance, all this people have the right to enter the kingdom whenever they want

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Im not sure why someone would bother trying to overstay anyway. In ANY country in the world it's illegal and courting disaster. I actually hope that all these recent shakedowns will help rid the country of some of the scurvy bilge that is found clinging to the vestiges of their sorry lives in this beautiful land.

its illegal bla bla bla,,, perhaps if countries around the world stopped being so anal about foreign visitors of independent means , there might be less friction and a greater spread of culture, understanding of social and work ethics. Why should anyone be shackled to any one country just because they were born there...

stop bleating on about the law and stand up against it for the good of change.

Well said epic...these small characters on this site who gain some kind of superiority from doing everything they're told make me laugh. They have this notion that if they lick the boot enough it will eventually be their friend, and enjoy self policing and have a lame little image of themselves as somehow better than people they have no clue about. In short "sock-chuckers".

Anyway, good point about the anality of movement laws in this world... like you have to get permission to move about on a planet you were born on.... of all places in the galaxy. Free travel and trade what a wonderful world it would be. Better than paranoia and parochialism.

That's probably the most ridiculous comment here, and there is a lot of competition.

While the first part of his comment is a worthless ad hominem (really a staple of Thaivisa), I think he's right on the money with the second part. Actually many economists and historians hold the opinion that there's LESS movement of labor between countries today than at many points in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Why do we have to assume that the more restrictive laws of the present day are the best ones? This is narrow-minded thinking.

The other guy's ranting response about how anyone who doesn't have a wife and kids must be a freeloader was too lame to deserve a response. Not sure why Thaivisa tolerates that stuff.

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I have a friend going down with Parkinsons and other medical complications.

He is just over 60 yrs old.

He and his wife have a successful manufacturing export company and 3 kids.

About 18 months ago they went to Vietnam sourcing product and at the same time he obtained a multiple entry Non Imm B visa.

This was about 6 months after the onset of his initial medical problems but whilst he was still well enough to travel.

Since then there has been a rapid deterioration of his condition (s) and he has been bed ridden for the last 6-8 months and is in severe pain.

His wife has done her best in the circumstances and has had no choice but to spend their life savings on medical bills.

Well over a couple of million to date, more bills to come and the house ( valued at about 5 million ) is now for sale.

He has no insurance.

The business is good but needs a westerner to interface with clients and do design etc.

By herself she is unlikely to make the business grow and a steady decline is more likely.

There were several different diagnoses from different hospitals and because she was taking him to different hospitals over a period ( always on the advice of various Dr's ) there is no continuity of paperwork and nobody advised her about the visa implications, which were neglected anyway because of the other dramas.

My friend is now on overstay by about 5-6 months, is too ill to travel anywhere and because there are several different hospitals involved, i doubt if a single certificate of treatment covering the overstay can be obtained.

Probably the best that can be obtained is simple certificates to the effect that he attended for treatment on such and such a date.

These will not have the continuity required by immigration.

He has no living relatives in his home country and is now too ill to fly anyway.

There are 3 kids and he has invested the last 30 years of his life here and created a unified family and a successful business ( against all the odds, I might add )

Under these new regulations he is ( choose an adjective ), can be deported and banned from his family and his only means of support.

The people on here lauding zenophobic, heartless and draconian new rules need their heads examined..........................

people who married to thais or have thai children can not be black listed, this is against human tichts,

no chance, all this people have the right to enter the kingdom whenever they want

Oh dear.... Oh dear..... Get him another Chang

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I have a friend going down with Parkinsons and other medical complications.

He is just over 60 yrs old.

He and his wife have a successful manufacturing export company and 3 kids.

About 18 months ago they went to Vietnam sourcing product and at the same time he obtained a multiple entry Non Imm B visa.

This was about 6 months after the onset of his initial medical problems but whilst he was still well enough to travel.

Since then there has been a rapid deterioration of his condition (s) and he has been bed ridden for the last 6-8 months and is in severe pain.

His wife has done her best in the circumstances and has had no choice but to spend their life savings on medical bills.

Well over a couple of million to date, more bills to come and the house ( valued at about 5 million ) is now for sale.

He has no insurance.

The business is good but needs a westerner to interface with clients and do design etc.

By herself she is unlikely to make the business grow and a steady decline is more likely.

There were several different diagnoses from different hospitals and because she was taking him to different hospitals over a period ( always on the advice of various Dr's ) there is no continuity of paperwork and nobody advised her about the visa implications, which were neglected anyway because of the other dramas.

My friend is now on overstay by about 5-6 months, is too ill to travel anywhere and because there are several different hospitals involved, i doubt if a single certificate of treatment covering the overstay can be obtained.

Probably the best that can be obtained is simple certificates to the effect that he attended for treatment on such and such a date.

These will not have the continuity required by immigration.

He has no living relatives in his home country and is now too ill to fly anyway.

There are 3 kids and he has invested the last 30 years of his life here and created a unified family and a successful business ( against all the odds, I might add )

Under these new regulations he is ( choose an adjective ), can be deported and banned from his family and his only means of support.

The people on here lauding zenophobic, heartless and draconian new rules need their heads examined..........................

people who married to thais or have thai children can not be black listed, this is against human tichts,

no chance, all this people have the right to enter the kingdom whenever they want

Oh dear.... Oh dear..... Get him another Chang

Why? This is more or less the position of the UN and many governments around the world -- that families shouldn't be separated by immigration laws.

Some immigration bureaucracies are more compassionate about this than others, I really don't think it's some great virtue if a government is hardcore about separating parents from their children.

I don't have kids, and I've never overstayed a visa, but that doesn't mean I can't have some compassion for people in this position.

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I can't believe there are so many posters on this thread crying about how it's not fair that they won't be able to break the law so easily any longer.

There are rules and regulations for anyone who wants to live in a foreign country. If you currently can't meet the requirements, go home and come back when you can.

Some have been staying here most their lives. Thailand is pretty much a lawless country.

I'm sure you'd complain if they deported people for not wearing a helmet on a motorcycle, using a prostitute, gambling or some other law.

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There goes a big earner. I got to say Thailand is becoming less and less attractive as Time goes by and if my wife and kids where not Thai I don't think I would visit it again in a rush.

My thoughts exactly. If it weren't for Thai relatives (spouse, namely), I'd probably already be in Vietnam. Better pay for teachers, less hassle with paperwork and better food.

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Pretty lenient I think.

If you overstay in the EU/US then chances are you aren't ever going to be allowed back in.

*chances are*....I overstayed my Shengen in Spain by 3 months. When I left, did the Spaniards say a word? NOPE...only when I got to Germany did they question why I overstayed. I told them I liked Spain and wanted to stay longer. NO PROBLEMS. I stayed in Thailand for two years and overstayed once because of a lung infection that had me hospitalized. I payed the fine and the immigration officers thanked me for bankrolling their dinner that night. ....I left Thailand almost 2 years ago for Cambodia because, though I truly do love Thailand, The government and their immigration policies suck. Cambodia is not as beautiful, but it's FAR superior in cost of living and ease of staying long term.

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Pay the 20K go home and change your name legally and you're back on the Thai farm again. I know lots of people who are on 2 years plus over stay. They laugh at me for following the law in a lawless country. Things "I hope" will be changing. "Hope" is a useless word!!!!!

Unbelivable.............People who changes they name just to stay in Thailand must be really desperate rolleyes.gif !!

Edited by Yahooka
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I knew a guy who was struggling to pay everything.....4k a month apartment, etc... and he was one of the backpackers who others who constantly complain about. nobody gave him a red cent, and certainly didn't offer solutions. Then, one day, he told me he inherited about 3 million baht and...... well, now he can't stand all those poor, "uneducated" leeches who take handouts and are "destroying this beautiful country"..... but now he can afford to drink a ton and complain non-stop about everything.....

at least he won't have a visa problem for a while.

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I can't believe there are so many posters on this thread crying about how it's not fair that they won't be able to break the law so easily any longer.

There are rules and regulations for anyone who wants to live in a foreign country. If you currently can't meet the requirements, go home and come back when you can.

Some have been staying here most their lives. Thailand is pretty much a lawless country.

I'm sure you'd complain if they deported people for not wearing a helmet on a motorcycle, using a prostitute, gambling or some other law.

Don't be ridiculous. Or at the very least, don't draw false equivalencies.

Those other crimes deserve fines and depending on the specific nature of the incident, perhaps prison sentences. Although recidivists probably should be deported. If this sounds familiar to you, that's probably how it happens in your country.

And as far as Thailand being a lawless country goes, well---not so much anymore. At least for foreigners brazenly breaking immigration laws.

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Thinking out loud. If the Ed visa is also successfully tightened up - and it should be - it could leave us with just a core expat population who are here within the law contributing to Thai society living here on the correct visa. The next stage surely would be easier extensions (marriage or retirement) and who knows the ridiculous 90 day report might become a thing of the past. I would gladly pay 10000 up front for a 5 year visa, where perhaps the 90 day report could be replaced with a 365 day one. Just thinking out loud and hoping this is read by the Immigration Minister / Commander.

Not judging you fella, but that avatar?

Isn't prostitution illegal in Thailand?

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I can't believe there are so many posters on this thread crying about how it's not fair that they won't be able to break the law so easily any longer.

There are rules and regulations for anyone who wants to live in a foreign country. If you currently can't meet the requirements, go home and come back when you can.

I have suggested an amnesty and I stand by that.

That aside, I agree with you 100%. Thailand currently treats overstayers far more leniently than most countries. Just because the authorities want to tighten up, no one can have any complaints. There might be reasons for breaking the law, but no justification.

If you allowed someone into your house and they misbehaved, would you feel hard done by if that person criticised you for asking him to leave? Same same with a country..

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