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Thai Democrats blast MP term-limit proposal


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Democrats blast MP term-limit proposal
The Nation

EC accused of 'looking like amateurs'

BANGKOK: -- Politicians have cried foul over the Election Commission's proposal to restrict MPs' rights by letting them serve only two consecutive four-year terms.

Democrat Party deputy leader Nipit Intarasombat described the proposal as a daydream, saying the EC has lost touch with reality, as no democratic country has such a restriction.

"The proposal makes the agency look like amateurs. They should wake up and have a strong cup of coffee and learn that only the term of a premier or president is limited," he said.

He said restricting MP terms would cripple the government-checking mechanism because the country needs strong opposition parliamentarians who have skills, experience and knowledge in law and politics.

Democrat Party's chief legal specialist Wiratana Kalayasiri also disapproved of the idea, saying many MPs have knowledge of their constituencies in depth and their constituents should be able to vote them back in to continue working for locals.

He also voiced opposition to a proposal to prevent MPs from becoming members of political parties, saying the EC needs to install a mechanism to prevent political parties from dominating MPs.

Wiratana pushed for the proposal to prevent prime ministers and Cabinet members who have stepped down or lost their posts from serving as caretakers, but instead allowing permanent secretaries to take over.

He also agreed with the proposal that the EC is solely responsible for scheduling an election date without requiring the approval of the PM.

EC secretary-general Puchong Nutrawong said the commission had not reached any conclusion to change election laws but only prepared studies on the advantages and drawbacks of various election systems.

The EC has suggested that a mixed system of both constituencies and party lists be maintained. However, he said the constituency system should be changed from single-member to multi-member. He also recommended that the number of MPs from both election systems should be similar.

He said the EC also proposed that MPs not be required to follow orders from their parties. They would have to be a member of a political party for at least one year before applying as a candidate for Parliament.

Other proposals are that MPs cannot serve more than two consecutive terms. Spouses, children, and parents of MPs would banned from becoming MPs and senators in the same term as their relatives.

Puchong said the EC would soon present its studies and proposals to the National Council for Peace and Order. The National Legislative Assembly will make the decision in regard to any changes.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/Democrats-blast-MP-term-limit-proposal-30238068.html

-- The Nation 2014-07-09

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terryp post # 4

One term is more than enough... to get new blood and ideas into Thai politics

Sort of based upon the 2010 scheme of political change of things perhaps.whistling.gif

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I thought the Democrats owned the EC... rolleyes.gif

Perhaps you were wrong ? wai2.gif

If American presidents can have a term-limit, then why ever not Thai MPs, think of it as 'Thainess in Action' dear Dems ! laugh.png

Edited by Ricardo
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I think that if you have an excellent Prime Minister , why would you settle for an ordinary one , the party machine elects its Prime ministers not the EC, so it has nothing to do with who is a leader, or who is elected, that is reserved for the people, as for the comment of members not connected to a political party, that's nuts, how do you think they are elected, do you want a government full of independents, wrangling and fighting like a pack of wolves, the position of P.M. should be three terms, if they desire and ordinary members including Ministers two terms ,includes the senate, all members that have served cannot take up any government or agency appointment and no relation shall be appointed whilst a member is in government, easy, now show us what you are made of EC.coffee1.gif

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When it suits their purpose of having an appointed seat in parliament for life, they are for the pitch and forks against those who want renovation of ideas, merit and qualifications to be a member of Parliament. After all, once they make it to Bangkok, even if they are from the deep South, they are quasi-elite.

Why Thais are always blasting other countries because they suggest and, at times demand, they exercise a version of governance closer to Democracy? Why? Thainess.

We do not trust Farangs! (Suthep before the disastrous last election when parties and organizations wanted international scrutiny of the elections).

Fast forward to the present:and their selective reasoning will make the Dems say:

"Democrat Party deputy leader Nipit Intarasombat described the proposal as a daydream, saying the EC has lost touch with reality, as no democratic country has such a restriction."

It does not matter. Red, yellow, green or pink will always be drenched in Thainess. Read: graft, favoritism, nepotism and other isms.

OCDers, before talking about the billions "stolen" by the Shin clan, revisit Thai history of the past 20 years and you will find plenty of graft and malfeasance in Thai politics in all the colors of the spectrum.

Edited by pisico
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I think that if you have an excellent Prime Minister , why would you settle for an ordinary one , the party machine elects its Prime ministers not the EC, so it has nothing to do with who is a leader, or who is elected, that is reserved for the people, as for the comment of members not connected to a political party, that's nuts, how do you think they are elected, do you want a government full of independents, wrangling and fighting like a pack of wolves, the position of P.M. should be three terms, if they desire and ordinary members including Ministers two terms ,includes the senate, all members that have served cannot take up any government or agency appointment and no relation shall be appointed whilst a member is in government, easy, now show us what you are made of EC.coffee1.gif

EC is made of Thainess:whether they admit it or not.

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I thought the Democrats owned the EC... rolleyes.gif

Perhaps you were wrong ? wai2.gif

If American presidents can have a term-limit, then why ever not Thai MPs, think of it as 'Thainess in Action' dear Dems ! laugh.png

America's political system is different to most in the world.

Interesting read here :


Sent from my XT1032 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

one term is more than enought ...get new blood and ideas into thai poitics

Anyway, with the TRT/PTP and other variations on Thaksin's party, his ministers never stayed in a position for more than a few months before another nose was inserted into the trough. So this idea wouldn't make much difference.

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I think that if you have an excellent Prime Minister , why would you settle for an ordinary one , the party machine elects its Prime ministers not the EC, so it has nothing to do with who is a leader, or who is elected, that is reserved for the people, as for the comment of members not connected to a political party, that's nuts, how do you think they are elected, do you want a government full of independents, wrangling and fighting like a pack of wolves, the position of P.M. should be three terms, if they desire and ordinary members including Ministers two terms ,includes the senate, all members that have served cannot take up any government or agency appointment and no relation shall be appointed whilst a member is in government, easy, now show us what you are made of EC.coffee1.gif.pagespeed.ce.Ymlsr09gMJ.gif alt=coffee1.gif width=32 height=24>

EC is made of Thainess:whether they admit it or not.

Thailand will still be grovelling and pi!!ing into the wind a hundred years from now, If nothing will change all things stay the same. ( Wansbrough)

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As if most including the nations writers cannot get the idea that the Junta has no favourites in this current military reign then said Nations writers and "history is static' naysayers should start reading articles like this.

Loving that the Democrats are feeling the same ball squeezing from the Junta and his teams. But then if this is their feeling

He said restricting MP terms would cripple the government-checking mechanism because the country needs strong opposition parliamentarians who have skills, experience and knowledge in law and politics.

then when they are in governance they also need to show better governance that the equal corrupt and incompetent garbage that comes from most thai politicians and all thai political parties.

Agree with them however that limiting to two terms is not a good idea as the few in the past that have been there more for Thailand and its people than themselves need to have longer terms to bring those better values through.

Again as always it comes back to the most abused issue in Thailand being the lack of law enforcement. The first steps they should be implementing is those with criminal records should not be allowed to stand for office, those that are already there are stood down and removed for criminals offences including corruption of any sort. For geez sake in my country MP's who even take a hand-out for something like a free night out are under threat of parliamentary expulsion if they do not declare it. Even contacting immigration over a constitutes immigration status if that immigrant has donated to that political party is a sacking offence.

Compare that to Thailand where criminals not only get into parliament but while there can carry on crime with immunity. The countries laws but more importantly the enforcement of those laws and sentences is a joke. Fix that first and most of the rest will start to full into place.

Edited by Roadman
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WHAT THE??? the EC suggesting a 2 term limit for politicians,,, no need for this, if the EC and the powers that be are not happy with a MP or political party then they'll do as they have done for so many years now, bullets bombs and WHALA, COUP,,,

No sandwiches, no reading certain books, no asking for your rights, no criticism, no freedom of speech, and everyone must join national happiness, OR ELSE!!!

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I think term limits are always a good thing. There is little in the way of continuity of policies from one administration to the next here anyway, so there appears to be no benefit to society, by having these guys continue getting elected one term after the next. If they were going to use their experience to benefit the Thai people, that would be ok. But, they demonstrate one term after the next, that they have no concern for the people. Especially the masses, which are so far beneath them, in terms of socio economic levels. Get rid of the pests. Clean the place out. Term limits are a beautiful thing.

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Democrat Party deputy leader Nipit Intarasombat described the proposal as a daydream, saying the EC has lost touch with reality, as no democratic country has such a restriction.

The biggest term limit in the western democratic world is the president of the United States so I don't know who this idiot is who thinks it's a daydream, but he is certainly an ignorant individual. There have been strong attempts to limit terms for the US congress which of course are defeated because just about every congressman and senator will be against it. There have even been proposals for terms limits for the Justices of the Supreme Court. Many states in America have term limits for their government legislature.

The whole reason is because the longer an elected official is in power the more powerful they get and the greater the chance is they will abuse their power. It's pretty self-evident when people of power start to feel invincible they change.

Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely

Edited by oneday
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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I thought the Democrats owned the EC... alt=rolleyes.gif>

Perhaps you were wrong ? wai2.gif.pagespeed.ce.goigDuXn4X.gif alt=wai2.gif width=20 height=20>

If American presidents can have a term-limit, then why ever not Thai MPs, think of it as 'Thainess in Action' dear Dems ! alt=laugh.png>

The American President is not equivalent to Thai MPs but more similar to a PM although elected directly by the national electorate via the electoral college. US Congressmen are similar to the MPs and have no term limits.

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I thought the Democrats owned the EC... rolleyes.gif

Perhaps you were wrong ? wai2.gif

If American presidents can have a term-limit, then why ever not Thai MPs, think of it as 'Thainess in Action' dear Dems ! laugh.png

Very simple really the term limit applies to the president not to members of the house of representatives or the senate which would be the closest comparison to MPs.

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