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Rice-pledging scheme: Nationwide checks continue to find fault with rice stocks


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Because its never been allowed to work thats why, not at all. You cant blame democracy for the failings of the system that cherry picks bits and bobs then complains when it dosnt work, its a bit like moaning about having a car that breaks down all the time when you skimp on having all the other parts that make it run reliably, like a radiator and then when it breaks down just go out and buy the cheapest piece of crap over and over again with the same bits missing off it... then later say after a few repeat bad purchases say all cars are crap so im gonna go back to a horse and cart....

I just dont see the sense in it.

I see the generals as the mechanic of said car and the PTP as the driver that misuses the car. Guess we both see things differently.

You are willing to have more people get killed and railroaded by Charlem (read the other topic you posted in about the murder) so that in the end (if this has ever gotten proven without the army) the PTP would be voted away.

Sorry but that is not a Democracy.. in a democracy you got independent agencies with checks and balances not a party in power that does its best to remove those.

You cant say I accept all its shortcomings and hope it matures no matter how many get killed and blamed for things they did not do until the vote buying wont work anymore and the economy is in ruins.

That is pure red propaganda.

Yup we do see things differently I see the generals as the used car salesman they have to keep buying the crap thing from rather than the mechanics. biggrin.png

im not of the opinion there is a quick and easy fix here, every time theres a honeymoon period but it always ends up some point in the future with more innocents being killed and repeating. Just how long do you let the cycle continue before enough is enough ?

Some see the army as the answer some see it as just part of a well proven repeating cycle. ATM history is on the side of the latter.

It is not fair to label the hard won peace and struggle of many countries, mine included maybe yours too by simply calling it red propaganda...I do take offence to that comparison.

Democracy in most countries has been very costly both in blood and ruined economies, its true and Its not a system that is easily learned without struggle usually but its sure not without its examples, even one with a coup, see Portugal.

Your obviously hoping for that and as much as id like it to be I cant say im in the least bit confident it will be as all evidence and history here points the other way.

Yes we see things differently,I am of the opinion that a coup done by the right people and when good laws are put in place it can help democracy forwards.

Though I do share your doubts a bit but I rather try this first before I let people die for it rot in jail while innocent because the PTP fabricates evidence, a rice program that would never have been checked had they stayed in power wrecking the economy.

I rather try a shortcut first and see what happens, because I hate injustice and that was what the PTP stood for as has been proven now.

But i think we can debate till we are both grey and nobody will give in. Lets call it quits i need to work.

Anyway I can reason with you .. its hard to reason with a grenade thrown at you. So your not that bad compared to the extremists on the red side.

Indeed this is what intelligent debating is all about. However horrible the topic its better I think to keep a cool head and just hear another perspective.

I would rather be proven wrong tbh, i guess only time will tell.

Ive had had a bomb go off in close enough proximity in London to understand how reason goes out the window, it took me a decade or so to get over that.

Pleasure chatting with you m8, have a good day.

Edited by englishoak
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Any rice that was stolen, resold, removed, set fire to, or what ever, Do you really think YL had anything to do with it, "(or even helped)" ...

now try using a little cerebral function and have a good hard look at the miller's and the rice dealers, I think you might find a few guilty ones there instead of the mind numbing drone of Yingluk, the Shin's, the PTP pile of crap.

You seem to be forgetting that under Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai this particular scheme was used and resulted in massive corruption.

The Democrats changed to a rice scheme which was much more transparent and less open to corruption.

Then, when Pheu Thai came in they abandon the more transparent scheme and revert to the old one which had been proven to facilitate corruption. Why would they do that if it weren't to facilitate more corruption? Did Yingluck know what she was doing? Of course she did (unless you subscribe to the theory that she's a clueless airhead and the only non-corrupt politician in her family).

Yingluck is accused of negligence not corruption. If the corruption is so obvious and so massive, I can't wait for the junta to start arresting thousands of farmers, truckers, rice company execs for their corruption. I mean this massive corruption must have involved hundreds of thousands of people.

Beyond that, how much missing or mislabbeled rice have they found as a percentage of the total they have checked.

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Yet Yingluck just 2 days ago continues to cling to the hilarious opinion that all is (and always has been) well with the rice scam, and that all accusations of missing, bad quality and spoiled rice are pure figments of the national auditors' office imagination.

She took the salary of chairperson of the rice scam and did absolutely nothing but stood by and watched (or even helped) the scheme being pilfered from end to end.

Wonder how the farmers who waited over 6 months for their money feel about the amount of money gone missing? six times more than was owed a million of those farmers.

They were not paid because all the money was STOLEN!!!!!!!!!

Out of interest, just how much was Yinglucks salary as chairperson of the National Rice Policy Committee? Any more gems like that?

Duplicate post removed.

Edited by Baerboxer
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Yet Yingluck just 2 days ago continues to cling to the hilarious opinion that all is (and always has been) well with the rice scam, and that all accusations of missing, bad quality and spoiled rice are pure figments of the national auditors' office imagination.

She took the salary of chairperson of the rice scam and did absolutely nothing but stood by and watched (or even helped) the scheme being pilfered from end to end.

Wonder how the farmers who waited over 6 months for their money feel about the amount of money gone missing? six times more than was owed a million of those farmers.

They were not paid because all the money was STOLEN!!!!!!!!!

Out of interest, just how much was Yinglucks salary as chairperson of the National Rice Policy Committee? Any more gems like that?

What was her salary as PM - she was too busy to do that job too?

Did she receive a second salary for her dynamic performance as the Defense Minister?

Did the salaries drop when she moved to a caretaker role?

Doesn't change the fact that even now she still claims there are no inventory, fraud or losses associated with her rice scheme.

She's like the chairperson's of Enron, World Com and Tyco. And deserves similar justice.

Edited by Baerboxer
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Any rice that was stolen, resold, removed, set fire to, or what ever, Do you really think YL had anything to do with it, "(or even helped)" ...

now try using a little cerebral function and have a good hard look at the miller's and the rice dealers, I think you might find a few guilty ones there instead of the mind numbing drone of Yingluk, the Shin's, the PTP pile of crap.

You seem to be forgetting that under Thaksin's Thai Rak Thai this particular scheme was used and resulted in massive corruption.

The Democrats changed to a rice scheme which was much more transparent and less open to corruption.

Then, when Pheu Thai came in they abandon the more transparent scheme and revert to the old one which had been proven to facilitate corruption. Why would they do that if it weren't to facilitate more corruption? Did Yingluck know what she was doing? Of course she did (unless you subscribe to the theory that she's a clueless airhead and the only non-corrupt politician in her family).

Yingluck is accused of negligence not corruption. If the corruption is so obvious and so massive, I can't wait for the junta to start arresting thousands of farmers, truckers, rice company execs for their corruption. I mean this massive corruption must have involved hundreds of thousands of people.

Beyond that, how much missing or mislabbeled rice have they found as a percentage of the total they have checked.

Yes, Yingluck is accused of negligence not corruption. At the moment there isn't the evidence to show she was directly involved in corruption, but through her actions or inaction (acting as Thaksin's proxy) she most certainly facilitated it. And she and her clan undoubtedly benefited from the corruption by effectively buying the allegiance of those who benefited. Perhaps in time evidence will emerge of her actually benefiting financially. Who knows? Time will tell.

As for the assumption that thousands of people were involved, that's clearly nonsense. The farmers and truckers simply did their jobs and followed orders. Indeed, the farmers have been one of the major losers in this sad debacle. The corrupt ones are amongst the rice mill and warehouse owners, and there aren't so many of them, perhaps a few hundred.

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Yet Yingluck just 2 days ago continues to cling to the hilarious opinion that all is (and always has been) well with the rice scam, and that all accusations of missing, bad quality and spoiled rice are pure figments of the national auditors' office imagination.

She took the salary of chairperson of the rice scam and did absolutely nothing but stood by and watched (or even helped) the scheme being pilfered from end to end.

Wonder how the farmers who waited over 6 months for their money feel about the amount of money gone missing? six times more than was owed a million of those farmers.

They were not paid because all the money was STOLEN!!!!!!!!!

Out of interest, just how much was Yinglucks salary as chairperson of the National Rice Policy Committee? Any more gems like that?

Probably works the same way as the average traffic Cop, the perks far outweigh the salary.

And before you ask for some links to prove that, I can't.......... yet.

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Yet Yingluck just 2 days ago continues to cling to the hilarious opinion that all is (and always has been) well with the rice scam, and that all accusations of missing, bad quality and spoiled rice are pure figments of the national auditors' office imagination.

She took the salary of chairperson of the rice scam and did absolutely nothing but stood by and watched (or even helped) the scheme being pilfered from end to end.

Wonder how the farmers who waited over 6 months for their money feel about the amount of money gone missing? six times more than was owed a million of those farmers.

They were not paid because all the money was STOLEN!!!!!!!!!

Out of interest, just how much was Yinglucks salary as chairperson of the National Rice Policy Committee? Any more gems like that?

What was her salary as PM - she was too busy to do that job too?

Did she receive a second salary for her dynamic performance as the Defense Minister?

Did the salaries drop when she moved to a caretaker role?

Doesn't change the fact that even now she still claims there are no inventory, fraud or losses associated with her rice scheme.

She's like the chairperson's of Enron, World Com and Tyco. And deserves similar justice.

"What was her salary as PM - she was too busy to do that job too?

Did she receive a second salary for her dynamic performance as the Defense Minister?

Did the salaries drop when she moved to a caretaker role"

Are you seriously asking those questions? If you are I shall treat your post in much the same way as the one I was replying to , with barely suppressed amusement.

As for your claim about Yingluck, as far as I can read from the news reports she is denying that she is guilty of corruption. I don't recall her claims that "there are no inventory, fraud or losses associated with her rice scheme" but I'm sure you'll provide some kind of news report or something to show if I'm mistaken in that belief. Apart from the usual suspects on here has anybody of significance come up with any evidence linking her to corruption in the Rice Subsidy Scheme (the charge that she faces)?

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Has anybody of ''significance'' as opposed to someone of ''insignificance'' actually come out to defend Yingluck concerning the charges she faces due to her role in her brothers ponzi rice pledging scam scheme?

Edited by siampolee
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Out of interest, just how much was Yinglucks salary as chairperson of the National Rice Policy Committee? Any more gems like that?

Probably works the same way as the average traffic Cop, the perks far outweigh the salary.

And before you ask for some links to prove that, I can't.......... yet.

Oh I don't mind waiting, just as long as you don't expect me to take your claim seriously until you do...........................

Edited by fab4
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Yet Yingluck just 2 days ago continues to cling to the hilarious opinion that all is (and always has been) well with the rice scam, and that all accusations of missing, bad quality and spoiled rice are pure figments of the national auditors' office imagination.

She took the salary of chairperson of the rice scam and did absolutely nothing but stood by and watched (or even helped) the scheme being pilfered from end to end.

Wonder how the farmers who waited over 6 months for their money feel about the amount of money gone missing? six times more than was owed a million of those farmers.

They were not paid because all the money was STOLEN!!!!!!!!!

Out of interest, just how much was Yinglucks salary as chairperson of the National Rice Policy Committee? Any more gems like that?

What was her salary as PM - she was too busy to do that job too?

Did she receive a second salary for her dynamic performance as the Defense Minister?

Did the salaries drop when she moved to a caretaker role?

Doesn't change the fact that even now she still claims there are no inventory, fraud or losses associated with her rice scheme.

She's like the chairperson's of Enron, World Com and Tyco. And deserves similar justice.

"What was her salary as PM - she was too busy to do that job too?

Did she receive a second salary for her dynamic performance as the Defense Minister?

Did the salaries drop when she moved to a caretaker role"

Are you seriously asking those questions? If you are I shall treat your post in much the same way as the one I was replying to , with barely suppressed amusement.

As for your claim about Yingluck, as far as I can read from the news reports she is denying that she is guilty of corruption. I don't recall her claims that "there are no inventory, fraud or losses associated with her rice scheme" but I'm sure you'll provide some kind of news report or something to show if I'm mistaken in that belief. Apart from the usual suspects on here has anybody of significance come up with any evidence linking her to corruption in the Rice Subsidy Scheme (the charge that she faces)?

Fab in my previous posts I have already dug up evidence that there was no money budgeted for the rice program as a cost. They did put some money in a revolving fund but the program was supposed to be cost neutral or even turn at a profit. That was why there was no money budgeted for it. I took the time to get the 2011 and 2012 budgets for agriculture and look at them. It will take time to get that post back but it shows they did not budget for it.

That was the reason they got so angry when was shown that huge losses were made because if they included that in their budget they could not spend as much on other programs (to steal and buy more votes) as they wanted. Later in the program they MIGHT have budgetted a bit for it but the first years not because they already were at the max deficit.

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Whats the different thread colour about for different grades of rice ?

Ever heard of bar coding

You reckon that would work on a hessian sack ?

Even if it did they would need a machine to do the job while with color thread they can tell at a glance.

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Indeed. They very stupidly believed thaskins apparent idea, that they could corner the market so completely that they could make it self financing after an initial capital injection.

From your comment above, I think we are finally in agreement as to their initial strategy.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Indeed. They very stupidly believed thaskins apparent idea, that they could corner the market so completely that they could make it self financing after an initial capital injection.

From your comment above, I think we are finally in agreement as to their initial strategy.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Never disagreed. That doesn't make it the fountain of billions of baht of corruption though.

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Indeed. They very stupidly believed thaskins apparent idea, that they could corner the market so completely that they could make it self financing after an initial capital injection.

From your comment above, I think we are finally in agreement as to their initial strategy.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Never disagreed. That doesn't make it the fountain of billions of baht of corruption though.

We have never disagreed on this either. Corruption will have to be proven in the courts, although several have been indicted for it, so there appears to already be some evidence to it. I can only think that those authorized to dig further post -coup will come up with more evidence as it relates to corruption, but not necessarily directly involving YL.

As it relates to YL, pre-coup they were going for negligence (criminal?), and negligence should be much easier to prove given she had fiduciary responsibility as it related to her Rice Committee Chairperson's role, as well as her being PM at the time.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Fab in my previous posts I have already dug up evidence that there was no money budgeted for the rice program as a cost. They did put some money in a revolving fund but the program was supposed to be cost neutral or even turn at a profit. That was why there was no money budgeted for it. I took the time to get the 2011 and 2012 budgets for agriculture and look at them. It will take time to get that post back but it shows they did not budget for it.

That was the reason they got so angry when was shown that huge losses were made because if they included that in their budget they could not spend as much on other programs (to steal and buy more votes) as they wanted. Later in the program they MIGHT have budgetted a bit for it but the first years not because they already were at the max deficit.

Good post robblok, but unfortunately "some" posters (like phipidon eg.) are both blind and deaf to the truth or are paid to ignore it.

It seems the PTP lies, scams and hoaxes have been exposed and there are some very nervous politicians out there. Every time another scandal is unveiled we lose another red poster, soon phipidon will be all we have left to entertain us. biggrin.png

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Those of us who critised the great rice pledging scam scheme at the time of its inception were attacked by those supporters of the Shinwatra clan and the P.T.P. as naysayers and rumour mongers who were trying to undermine the then administration.

Now is it not the time for those who spoke so well of the system to step forward and say ''sorry we were conned and you were right.''

This particular situation is but the tip of a gigantic iceberg of corruption and was designed and implementated soley as self enrichment financial scam to enrich the Shinwatra clan and its ilk..

Never have so many been shafted by so few in the whole history of Thailand and indeed the world.

The P.T.P. politicians like the rice are totally rotten and useless.

Amen, but, we might be waiting a while for our well deserved apology. They are lickety-split jumping to the Shin's defense, but much more tardy when admitting serious errors of judgement.

There seem to me to be surprisingly few vocal PTP/UDD/Thaksin supporters now. Most of them have morphed into self-qualified-UN-approved-squeaky-clean-democracy-lovers. You know: "We can settle all this with an election next month." Many of them are self- betrayed by their inability to refrain from making stupid PTP/UDD apologist comments, like equating 100,000 road deaths in 10 years with 28 democracy protest murders. (They think we can't tell, or remember.)

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Indeed. They very stupidly believed thaskins apparent idea, that they could corner the market so completely that they could make it self financing after an initial capital injection.

From your comment above, I think we are finally in agreement as to their initial strategy.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Never disagreed. That doesn't make it the fountain of billions of baht of corruption though.

TV today “…An informed source said yesterday that inspections had found that most of the rice at a warehouse in Nakhon Si Thammarat's Thung Song district was gone…”

"So was any of it nicked?" You asked two days ago. Rice is missing.

Well, the facts will still have to be established . Please give the Junta time.

Will Yingluck be found guilty of "corruption or gross negligence?" You continually bleat about this aspect. Again, please wait for facts to be established.

You correctly stated, two days ago that “rice is expected to deteriorate if stored long enough” and the reason government held onto the stocks was…” because that would have made the paper loss real. The whole point of it was to stockpile it and shorten the supply globally”. Rather than highlight any loss on paper the previous government was content with letting stocks perish ?

Marvellous, appears to be gross negligence here, but again.... we need to await the official outcome.

Either way, it is nothing that Yingluck or her members and followers should be proud of, negligence v. corruption.

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Fab in my previous posts I have already dug up evidence that there was no money budgeted for the rice program as a cost. They did put some money in a revolving fund but the program was supposed to be cost neutral or even turn at a profit. That was why there was no money budgeted for it. I took the time to get the 2011 and 2012 budgets for agriculture and look at them. It will take time to get that post back but it shows they did not budget for it.

That was the reason they got so angry when was shown that huge losses were made because if they included that in their budget they could not spend as much on other programs (to steal and buy more votes) as they wanted. Later in the program they MIGHT have budgetted a bit for it but the first years not because they already were at the max deficit.

You may well have done but I fail to see what it has to do with my reply to baerboxer. Oh and it would probably make me take more notice of your posts if you didn't add unfounded accusations to them............

"because if they included that in their budget they could not spend as much on other programs (to steal and buy more votes) as they wanted" but hey everybody else does it so why shouldn't you, eh?

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Yet Yingluck just 2 days ago continues to cling to the hilarious opinion that all is (and always has been) well with the rice scam, and that all accusations of missing, bad quality and spoiled rice are pure figments of the national auditors' office imagination.

She took the salary of chairperson of the rice scam and did absolutely nothing but stood by and watched (or even helped) the scheme being pilfered from end to end.

Wonder how the farmers who waited over 6 months for their money feel about the amount of money gone missing? six times more than was owed a million of those farmers.

They were not paid because all the money was STOLEN!!!!!!!!!

Any rice that was stolen, resold, removed, set fire to, or what ever, Do you really think YL had anything to do with it, "(or even helped)" if you were in her place, would you??? GET A GRIP.

now try using a little cerebral function and have a good hard look at the miller's and the rice dealers, I think you might find a few guilty ones there instead of the mind numbing drone of Yingluk, the Shin's, the PTP pile of crap.

Your right about the millers and those storing the rice as well but don't forget the government checked the warehouses for any problems and didn't find any. My guess is that it's the millers and warehouse owners who are at fault but the government turned a blind eye to it. Whether government members made any money or how I don't know but it wouldn't be a big surprise. It's possible all those who stored the rice have some connection to the government. Maybe we'll find out.

I very much doubt Yingluck had anything to do with it. She may have believed everything was OK because she was told it was. The thing is she's an adult and supposedly an educated one so she must have realised that her position as PM and Chairperson of the rice committee and defence minister were a sham. So whilst she's not directly responsible she was supposed to be in charge. If those below her or advising her are now shown to have lied it's up to her to come clean and name them, not try to pretend everything is fine

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Indeed. They very stupidly believed thaskins apparent idea, that they could corner the market so completely that they could make it self financing after an initial capital injection.

From your comment above, I think we are finally in agreement as to their initial strategy.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

Never disagreed. That doesn't make it the fountain of billions of baht of corruption though.

TV today An informed source said yesterday that inspections had found that most of the rice at a warehouse in Nakhon Si Thammarat's Thung Song district was gone

"So was any of it nicked?" You asked two days ago. Rice is missing.

Well, the facts will still have to be established . Please give the Junta time.

Will Yingluck be found guilty of "corruption or gross negligence?" You continually bleat about this aspect. Again, please wait for facts to be established.

You correctly stated, two days ago that rice is expected to deteriorate if stored long enough and the reason government held onto the stocks was because that would have made the paper loss real. The whole point of it was to stockpile it and shorten the supply globally. Rather than highlight any loss on paper the previous government was content with letting stocks perish ?

Marvellous, appears to be gross negligence here, but again.... we need to await the official outcome.

Either way, it is nothing that Yingluck or her members and followers should be proud of, negligence v. corruption.

If you are going to overthrow a government for a reason, whether it is corruption or incompetence is a very important difference.

So far they have found virtually nothing in comparison with the total volume of product .

The system is stopped. Rice is being sold into the world market from the new crop. The world still turns and as yet no corruption charges only negligence. Let's see what they can stick onto PTP.

Rarely if ever do politicians end up in criminal court for negligence.

Edited by Thai at Heart
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Yet Yingluck just 2 days ago continues to cling to the hilarious opinion that all is (and always has been) well with the rice scam, and that all accusations of missing, bad quality and spoiled rice are pure figments of the national auditors' office imagination.

She took the salary of chairperson of the rice scam and did absolutely nothing but stood by and watched (or even helped) the scheme being pilfered from end to end.

Wonder how the farmers who waited over 6 months for their money feel about the amount of money gone missing? six times more than was owed a million of those farmers.

They were not paid because all the money was STOLEN!!!!!!!!!

Any rice that was stolen, resold, removed, set fire to, or what ever, Do you really think YL had anything to do with it, "(or even helped)" if you were in her place, would you??? GET A GRIP.

now try using a little cerebral function and have a good hard look at the miller's and the rice dealers, I think you might find a few guilty ones there instead of the mind numbing drone of Yingluk, the Shin's, the PTP pile of crap.

Your right about the millers and those storing the rice as well but don't forget the government checked the warehouses for any problems and didn't find any. My guess is that it's the millers and warehouse owners who are at fault but the government turned a blind eye to it. Whether government members made any money or how I don't know but it wouldn't be a big surprise. It's possible all those who stored the rice have some connection to the government. Maybe we'll find out.

I very much doubt Yingluck had anything to do with it. She may have believed everything was OK because she was told it was. The thing is she's an adult and supposedly an educated one so she must have realised that her position as PM and Chairperson of the rice committee and defence minister were a sham. So whilst she's not directly responsible she was supposed to be in charge. If those below her or advising her are now shown to have lied it's up to her to come clean and name them, not try to pretend everything is fine

She is busy trying to find witness that she had nothing to do with the corruption her committee allowed. She is looking for more pilot's and air hostesses to prove she was not there she was busy traveling on the Tax payers money. Either that or she was busy changing the air in her head.

I don't believe she for a moment had a clue as to what was going on even though technically it should all have her approval. I would not be a bit surprised to find many warehouses for the rice being lately acquired and operated by politicians. Or should I have said mishandled by politicians.wai.gif

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And again today.

Posted Today, 09:36

More rice missing in Burirum Province

BURIRUM, 11 July 2014, (NNT) - Rice inspecting officials in Burirum Province have found that more than 7,000 sacks of rice have gone missing and up to 1,000 tons of rice in the stockpile have deteriorated. They also discovered a large quantity of unregistered stock mixing in a warehouse in the area.

Officials have reportedly examined 5 out of 7 warehouses in Burirum Province. So far they have discovered that about 10,000 sacks, or 1,000 ton, of rice, in a warehouse in Nangrong District are too old to export. They have also uncovered stockpiled rice of unidentified origin.

Furthermore, 720 tons of rice have been found missing from Prateep Cement Block Warehouse in Prakhon Chai District. Officials also found a large amount of rice in unmarked sacks. Meanwhile, no irregularities have been found in Pattanapanitch, Preechapanitch, and Srichareon warehouses.

Inspection officers will later submit a report to the Region 2 Military and the Prime Minister’s Office in order for them to proceed with appropriate measures. They are also asking those in authority to take legal action against those involved in the missing rice.

-- NNT 2014-07-11

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And again today.

Posted Today, 09:36

More rice missing in Burirum Province

BURIRUM, 11 July 2014, (NNT) - Rice inspecting officials in Burirum Province have found that more than 7,000 sacks of rice have gone missing and up to 1,000 tons of rice in the stockpile have deteriorated. They also discovered a large quantity of unregistered stock mixing in a warehouse in the area.

<snipped for relevance>

in Prakhon Chai District. Officials also found a large amount of rice in unmarked sacks.

<end snip>


-- NNT 2014-07-11

Prakhon Chai is about 20km up the road from me, and I can see Cambodia from my kitchen window.

Anyone here good at putting 2 and 2 together to get 4?

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Fab in my previous posts I have already dug up evidence that there was no money budgeted for the rice program as a cost. They did put some money in a revolving fund but the program was supposed to be cost neutral or even turn at a profit. That was why there was no money budgeted for it. I took the time to get the 2011 and 2012 budgets for agriculture and look at them. It will take time to get that post back but it shows they did not budget for it.

That was the reason they got so angry when was shown that huge losses were made because if they included that in their budget they could not spend as much on other programs (to steal and buy more votes) as they wanted. Later in the program they MIGHT have budgetted a bit for it but the first years not because they already were at the max deficit.

You may well have done but I fail to see what it has to do with my reply to baerboxer. Oh and it would probably make me take more notice of your posts if you didn't add unfounded accusations to them............

"because if they included that in their budget they could not spend as much on other programs (to steal and buy more votes) as they wanted" but hey everybody else does it so why shouldn't you, eh?

Nothing unfounded about those accusations.

By not taking this in the budget more money was available for their other popular policies. I fail to see how its unfounded.

Also by not taking this into the budget more money was available for big projects and we all know a lot get skimmed of the top there. So nothing unfounded there either unless you believe this was not the case ?

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