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Two female Thai students brutally killed at a flea market


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The Rebels/Serparatists/Terrorists/Murderers or whatever else you'd care to describe a rabid dog, are killing their own, or don't they see that?

What's the percentage/ratio of population - if you were to divide them between muslim and non-muslim?

Surely they must see they achieve nothing for their cause, as it is always going to be MOST likely their victim(s) will turn out to be muslim, in those nether regions.

And, all that us outsiders see is a religion being blamed for the work of individual hiding behind some rag on his head.

Give it time, and maybe the junta army will find them, put a rag on their head, and execute...

make it so

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I'm lost for words... Some posters were asking what they are trying to achieve - answer is disturbingly easy; what other motive could be behind a disgusting cowardly deed like this than trying to ignite a civil war in the south? A sickening murder of the innocent in broad daylight is meant to stir up emotions of locals to the boiling point. If the first local grabs a weapon and shoots a separatist in revenge, and the war is on. History repeats itself all over this planet. Difficult times ahead for us all I fear...

RIP to the poor girls and sincerest condolences to family and friends.

Edited by catweazle
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Thailand should deal with this whilst the Coup is on! It will be too late afterwards. Many countries have the same problem, but Thailand has an ideal opportunity to cleanse itself of these people - as well as the other long list of things that need to be addressed.

When certain dictators decided to conduct some ethnic cleansing in Eastern Europe, most onlookers condemned them - maybe rightly so at that time, but we hadn't had 9/11 then and did not know so much about the terrorists that we were facing. We know a lot more now and I wouldn't be so quick to condemn new ethnic cleansing because these cold blooded killers are targeting people like me - who doesn't want to be converted to their religion I - or any religion for that matter. I take each day as it comes, without any religion - so why should I fear for my life ?

I hope I never wake to see a world that does not condem ethnic cleansing (genocidal indiscriminate mass murder).

Where do you think the hate comes from that leads scum like these two to murder in the name of religion?

I hope the scum who murdered these two women are caught and punished, but to justify mass killings based on religion or ethnicity because of their barbaric actions is ridiculous and utterly devoid of any semblance of human feeling or understanding of the horror that the words "ethnic cleansing" represent.

Right! And very often such things are inside jobs - even back in the Wild West, whites would dress up as Sioux or whatever to attack a settler's village of which they knew that the men were out in the fields or hunting, killed women, children and the elderly before they would burn down the place to blame it on the indians. Revenge came swiftly and we know where it all went from there.

I still believe that the majority of muslim people wants nothing but peace and is not interested in forcing their believe on others. These people (for their own sake) should help to fight and expose such culprits, extremists and separatists if they don't want to be pulled under along with them...

Edited by catweazle
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i really wonder whats going on, in south thailand. What can push thai people to commit this senseless killing of innocent victims?

According to the terrorists themselves, they are not Thais but Malaysians.

They are not Malaysians at all, don't conflate the two. These are Malays who were historically ruled under the Sultanate of Pattani. There is a huge distinction between the Federation of Malaysia and the Malay race.

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i really wonder whats going on, in south thailand. What can push thai people to commit this senseless killing of innocent victims?

According to the terrorists themselves, they are not Thais but Malaysians.

They are not Malaysians at all, don't conflate the two. These are Malays who were historically ruled under the Sultanate of Pattani. There is a huge distinction between the Federation of Malaysia and the Malay race.

so true that there not a true 100% alignment of the two.

I once came across a girlie, a Malaysian, who looked like, tasted like, and in fact was of Malay stock, yet she was a Christian, from East Malaysia.

I reckon people of the village where she comes from would cop deeper ostracism in more ways than a muslim would in a buddhist locale.

But then, Muslims aren't actually ostracised in Thailand I believe - they just bring it upon themselves...

Edited by tifino
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this is what happens when Thai parents send their boys to Saudia for religious education. The boys come back brain washed full of intolerance and hatred. They are thought to believe that they have the God given right to kill.

There is something very sinister in all of this. The continued support by the west for Saudia and the rich gulf states that finance and breed terrorists. There is an evil agenda behind all of this. I cannot believe that USA/EU do not know the open support, huge financial and cultural, almost without limits that goes to these terrorists. The type of cultural support that is designed to breed terrorists and then financially supporting them in acts of terrorism. I wonder how many people here know that all the terrorists involved in the 911 act were arabs from Saudia and the gulf states. Yet Bush bombed an Asian country only because some of the gang leaders were illegally residing there!!

Muslims in Asian need to rethink their Islam. This has been hijacked since we started sending our kids to Arab countries, especially Saudia. The desert version of Islam interpreted by evil ignorant MEN suit only the camel lovers in the desert. It has no place in civilized Asia. We used to have our Islam that kept us close to all our neighbors with respect. We stopped practicing this and adopted a culture of bigotry and intolerance. Now we have become the KKK in Asia.

I am an Asian Muslim. There are many of who share this view. If you are an US/EU person, stop your governments supporting terrorist states (Saudia, Kuwait, UAE). And we will control our kids and get our house back in order.

Complete and utter nonsense. Do you have any hard facts to support any of your personal political rhetoric?

And what's worse a profanity to post on a thread about the callous murder of 2 innocent young ladies, may they RIP.

The murdering scum that did this are probably terrorist separatists and see this as an attack on the government and its authority.

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Why we don't hear/read about these killings and the conflict that's been going on in foreign media? The way we know about it in Mindanao-Basilan-Jolo in the Philippines, for example? Are there travel advisories in effect from foreign governments?

Once again, Thailand proves to be the 'teflon country", no matter what, sweep it under the rug, tourists will come.

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These maggots obviously crawled out of a dog turd.

I at first had trouble understanding what would motivate such a senseless action, but then was fortunate enough to have read your astute analysis. Not only has your insight into the political background to such incomprehensible events shed light onto what would otherwise have been an article scant on detail, the bravery you have shown here, personally, to stand against the tide of public opinion in this way, has defined you as a man of truly superior character by comparison.

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Time for the military to go in and kill these cowards, and ask questions later if at all

No, it's time to go in and ask the right questions in order to find these scum. Indiscriminate killings are part of the fuel that started this conflict a decade ago and look where that's got us.

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i really wonder whats going on, in south thailand. What can push thai people to commit this senseless killing of innocent victims?

Simple answer...RELIGION..

Are you suggesting that if there was no 'religion' there would be no wars and bloodshed?

How is the view up on the ivory tower btw?

If there was no religion, then it would be much harder for imams at the mosque to tell youngsters that Allah will reward them for doing all kinds of stuff. An ateist is unlikely to become a suicide bomber, as he stands to gain nothing from it. A muslim on the other hand believes there is plenty to gain after his death by blowing himself up in Allahs name.

The reason some muslims are against education is that they know once men are educated they will no longer believe any of the crap the imam at the mosque tells them, and once girls are educated, they will no longer accept a husband who is an uneducated muslim idiot - hence many of the men at the mosque will be left without wives.

Wars would still exist, but they would generally be over possesions/territory in this life, not the next, hence it would be more logical wars, and would likely not include random killings of schoolgirls.

Edited by monkeycountry
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Religion poisons everything

Not every religion. No one is all good, but only a very very few are mostly bad!

Looking around, seems to me that all the major ones have a lot to answer for... By "major" I mean any that is the choice of the elites of a given society.

Those in power utilize religion as a tool to control and divide.

I am hard put to find examples that are mostly good.

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Why we don't hear/read about these killings and the conflict that's been going on in foreign media? The way we know about it in Mindanao-Basilan-Jolo in the Philippines, for example? Are there travel advisories in effect from foreign governments?

Once again, Thailand proves to be the 'teflon country", no matter what, sweep it under the rug, tourists will come.

The deep South conflict has been covered on a number of occassions by mainstream foreign media such as BBC, CNN & Time Magazine. Guess right now more focus on events in M.E.

Yes, Western governments do have advisory for deep South provinces and have had for a number of years e.g.

Southern provinces - Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and Songkhla: We strongly advise you not to travel at this time to the southern provinces of Yala, Pattani, Narathiwat and Songkhla, or overland to and from the Malaysian border through these provinces due to high levels of ongoing violence in these regions. This includes travel by train between Thailand and Malaysia.


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Time for the military to go in and kill these cowards, and ask questions later if at all

I understand your sentiments. But the problem is identifying, without any shadow of a doubt, who the terrorists are.

The British knew who the IRA leaders were / are but couldn't attack them for fear of international condemnation and sanctions. Do you remember the IRA assassins killed whilst on a mission to indiscriminately murder innocents in Gibraltar and the international outcry that followed? It's alright to murder innocents if you are a terrorist but as such you must be treated with all respect and human rights and handled peacefully. Complete <deleted> of course, but that is how it is.

However, they were known terrorists on active service. The problem identifying terrorists is open to abuse and mistakes like Thaksin's war on drugs and indiscriminate massacres in the South.

Where real known terrorists can be clearly identified and targeted then I would agree with you. The US and Mossad do a good job on that, although the latter are not always too choosy. Interesting that's the same US that condemned the Gibraltar terrorist killings.

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Simple answer...RELIGION..

Are you suggesting that if there was no 'religion' there would be no wars and bloodshed?

How is the view up on the ivory tower btw?

If there was no religion, then it would be much harder for imams at the mosque to tell youngsters that Allah will reward them for doing all kinds of stuff. An ateist is unlikely to become a suicide bomber, as he stands to gain nothing from it. A muslim on the other hand believes there is plenty to gain after his death by blowing himself up in Allahs name.

The reason some muslims are against education is that they know once men are educated they will no longer believe any of the crap the imam at the mosque tells them, and once girls are educated, they will no longer accept a husband who is an uneducated muslim idiot - hence many of the men at the mosque will be left without wives.

Wars would still exist, but they would generally be over possesions/territory in this life, not the next, hence it would be more logical wars, and would likely not include random killings of schoolgirls.

Yep, logical wars are far more preferable than the other kind. Schoolgirls and other civilians hardly ever get hurt in them. The European World Wars, to give an example.

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Thailand should deal with this whilst the Coup is on! It will be too late afterwards. Many countries have the same problem, but Thailand has an ideal opportunity to cleanse itself of these people - as well as the other long list of things that need to be addressed.

When certain dictators decided to conduct some ethnic cleansing in Eastern Europe, most onlookers condemned them - maybe rightly so at that time, but we hadn't had 9/11 then and did not know so much about the terrorists that we were facing. We know a lot more now and I wouldn't be so quick to condemn new ethnic cleansing because these cold blooded killers are targeting people like me - who doesn't want to be converted to their religion I - or any religion for that matter. I take each day as it comes, without any religion - so why should I fear for my life ?

Well said Alberto. This is a superb opportunity to stop the southern terrorism. Just to make it fair though, after a heartfelt apology for Thaksins unforgivable mass murders at Krue Se and Tak Bai which gave the insurgency a real shot in the arm, a proper warning should be given. Any more terror attacks and all southern muslims will be loaded on a leaky boat and sent to Sudan. The problem I have with this insurgency is that the vast majority of the muslim populus actively or tacitly supports the terrorists. How do I know this? Well, if the majority of southern muslims did not condone the terror campaign, they would simply report the names of the terrorists to the army. They do not do this though, they cover for them every time.

So, give them a chance to immediately report all terrorists in their midst or they all get sent to an Islamic utopia. No iffs, no buts, good bleeding riddance.

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It is almost unbearably sad to think of the victims, and how cycles of violence can spiral. One wishes to be able to rewind time, so that tragedy could be foreseen and averted.

It's also sobering to think of the many victims not mentioned and often overlooked-- the survivors who have lost their loved ones and must suffer years of post-trauma stress, anxiety, inability to sleep, depression, dependence on psychotropic medicines, etc.

There are many of us who have such burdens... violence in its many forms can disrupt lives for decades.

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So do these 2 monsters deserve prison or the death sentence ?

The death sentence is the easy option but I was impressed with the judge in the last case where the only remaining member of the 9/11 terrorists was brought to justice. The government there asked for the death penalty. On May 3, 2006, a jury decided against the death penalty for Moussaoui. The next day, he was sentenced to life in prison without parole. As he was led out of the courtroom, Moussaoui clapped his hands and said, "America, you lost... I won." Judge Brinkema responded by telling him that he would "die with a whimper" and "never get a chance to speak again." That guy is now going to be in that cell for the rest of his life, isolated from human contact and I think the judge got it exactly right.

while the tax payer pays millions to keep the shithouse alive..

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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Thailand should deal with this whilst the Coup is on! It will be too late afterwards. Many countries have the same problem, but Thailand has an ideal opportunity to cleanse itself of these people - as well as the other long list of things that need to be addressed.

When certain dictators decided to conduct some ethnic cleansing in Eastern Europe, most onlookers condemned them - maybe rightly so at that time, but we hadn't had 9/11 then and did not know so much about the terrorists that we were facing. We know a lot more now and I wouldn't be so quick to condemn new ethnic cleansing because these cold blooded killers are targeting people like me - who doesn't want to be converted to their religion I - or any religion for that matter. I take each day as it comes, without any religion - so why should I fear for my life ?

Well said Alberto. This is a superb opportunity to stop the southern terrorism. Just to make it fair though, after a heartfelt apology for Thaksins unforgivable mass murders at Krue Se and Tak Bai which gave the insurgency a real shot in the arm, a proper warning should be given. Any more terror attacks and all southern muslims will be loaded on a leaky boat and sent to Sudan. The problem I have with this insurgency is that the vast majority of the muslim populus actively or tacitly supports the terrorists. How do I know this? Well, if the majority of southern muslims did not condone the terror campaign, they would simply report the names of the terrorists to the army. They do not do this though, they cover for them every time.

So, give them a chance to immediately report all terrorists in their midst or they all get sent to an Islamic utopia. No iffs, no buts, good bleeding riddance.

Considering a number of murders by the armed miiltants are reportedly related to the killing of informers, why do you conclude local Muslims do not assist the security forces. As mentioned in a number of topics on the deep South, local Imams calling for peace are also murdered.

Sure there will be sympathisers in the local population, but if Thai security forces are unable to protect those collaborating with them, kind of puts the brakes on more active assistance.

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Wonder what they think they gain from targeting (student) nurses and teachers, how can that possibly help anyones cause ? Whatever they may think their cause is.

Two more senseless deaths of young ladies who would, had they lived, have done good for society.

Not senseless to them. Anyone who is not a Muslim is an infidel. They make merit for killing infidels.

If they should die during such acts, then they attain martyrdom and immediate access to heaven and the 27 virgins. Some version of AlQ'ran mentions 70 virgins.

I always wondered about that virgin promise, and so I am curious, which virgins?

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