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Why do Thai's give money to beggars?


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You must be A democrat.I don't believe it should be anyone's business on who gives money to who.If you don't want to give money

To people well that's your perogative.But you should care less what people do with their money.

You need to concentrate on your own money.

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My wife gives some cash to beggars from time to time, but she usually knows if they are genuine or not and if they are from Cambodia or elsewhere. If not sure she will try talking to them and if no answer or they cant speak Thai, no cash. There are a lot of kids getting around the bars selling flowers, wrist bands etc and some others with a card saying they cant speak or are deaf. They usually are con artists and very rarely will you see Thai's giving them any cash.

Only poor Thai's deserve compassion??

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Was recently standing in an open fresh food market waiting for my wife.

4 metres from me was a beggar sitting on the ground holding her baby.

She was waving a small metal mug in front of people passing by.

She had the mandatory "sad" face.

Each time coins were dropped into the mug she emptied the mug.

I was there waiting about 15 minutes watching this.

I estimate in that period she must have made 300-400 baht.

2 hour shift would make 2500-3000 baht at that rate.

My wife returned and I walked away.

Something made me turn back to her.

I saw a guy go up to her with his arm out.

She gave him a plastic bag which contained all her collected coins.

Was I surprised ? Not at all !!

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My wife gives some cash to beggars from time to time, but she usually knows if they are genuine or not and if they are from Cambodia or elsewhere. If not sure she will try talking to them and if no answer or they cant speak Thai, no cash. There are a lot of kids getting around the bars selling flowers, wrist bands etc and some others with a card saying they cant speak or are deaf. They usually are con artists and very rarely will you see Thai's giving them any cash.

Only poor Thai's deserve compassion??

Was recently standing in an open fresh food market waiting for my wife.

4 metres from me was a beggar sitting on the ground holding her baby.

She was waving a small metal mug in front of people passing by.

She had the mandatory "sad" face.

Each time coins were dropped into the mug she emptied the mug.

I was there waiting about 15 minutes watching this.

I estimate in that period she must have made 300-400 baht.

2 hour shift would make 2500-3000 baht at that rate.

My wife returned and I walked away.

Something made me turn back to her.

I saw a guy go up to her with his arm out.

She gave him a plastic bag which contained all her collected coins.

Was I surprised ? Not at all !!

I rest my case.whistling.gif

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FSAR - your problem is a strictly urban one and not at all limited to Thailand... begging scams happen in cities all over the world. Personal choice as to whether you feel like giving or not... I, personally, find it fairly easy to distinguish those truly in need from the scammers (hint - prime locations are occupied by scammers). In my village (15,000 peeps) there are no scammers, and really no one in need as the community tends to care for the disenfranchised.

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The only way to help them is to give them nothing if you give them money you just keep the business going and more will be exploited.

Tell you what. You do what you want and don't bother to interfere or criticize others and they will do the same for you.

What I and they do is up to us and NOT up to you.

If YOU don't like it then don't give, but don't tell other people what to do.

When I give it is MY money and not yours to do what I want to do with it.

So why is it wrong with trying to educate people, to see what is fact behind beggars.

Yes it's your money, but it's also my problem.

Because people who keep giving money to beggars and other scammers, is reason I can no longer relax/enjoy drinking

beer in bars without some beggar tapping my shoulder or leg, and asking money.

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The only way to help them is to give them nothing if you give them money you just keep the business going and more will be exploited.

Tell you what. You do what you want and don't bother to interfere or criticize others and they will do the same for you.

What I and they do is up to us and NOT up to you.

If YOU don't like it then don't give, but don't tell other people what to do.

When I give it is MY money and not yours to do what I want to do with it.

So why is it wrong with trying to educate people, to see what is fact behind beggars.

Yes it's your money, but it's also my problem.

Because people who keep giving money to beggars and other scammers, is reason I can no longer relax/enjoy drinking

beer in bars without some beggar tapping my shoulder or leg, and asking money.

Oh dear,how sad for you to be hassled by a poor person whilst you swill your beer down.

Complain to the management. Kick the poor beggar away. After all it is not as if the beggar is human now is it.

And if all that fails find somebody who gives a **** but don't tell me or I might find you in a bar one day and sic a few beggars on to you.

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Once upon a time I had a hole in my shoe, no money and I was sad.

Then I saw a man with no feet and my worries went away.

When I am in BKK I give money to beggars because even if they only get a bit of it at least they get something If I give 10 baht each to 10 beggers I won't be broke and I will feel as I actually helped someone with no other thoughts in my mind, such as, what will I get out of it.

This is exactly the way I see it.

I only give money to beggars with obvious handicaps (no arms, no legs etc). I don't give money to mothers carrying babies. If someone else gets the money, too bad, at least I tried my best to help someone who doesn't have the option to work and earn money.

IMO the OP's line is used by many foreigners to make them feel better about not giving money. They feel bad not giving, so they make excuses. There's probably a good chance that the people Thais give money to are genuine beggars, not affiliated with organised crime. They'd know the difference better than us.

Now some foreigners (OP in particular) are going one step further. Instead of just coming up with excuses not to give money, they're trying to make the givers feel like they are doing something very bad i.e.encouraging the exploitation of the needy.

So here I was, giving out money and thinking I was doing good when all along I was helping organised crime. I'm a criminal!sad.pngsad.png

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Oh dear,how sad for you to be hassled by a poor person whilst you swill your beer down.

Complain to the management. Kick the poor beggar away. After all it is not as if the beggar is human now is it.

And if all that fails find somebody who gives a **** but don't tell me or I might find you in a bar one day and sic a few beggars on to you.

Yes, it's sad when day after day those same beggars came and think I'm also a fool who will give some money for their bosses.

Yes, I have complain many times to management, security guards, police, and teaching bar staff not to give any money, and I had kicked lot's of beggars away if they come inside bar.

So you did't answer why it is wrong to educate people about beggars and why you refuse to believe it's usually organized crime?

Do your own research, because I learned it does matter what I say here.

Example, google "pattaya beggars".

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Maybe time for banning of begging, and ask the all religious organisations to provide for there own community, by asking the people to give more to the monks and other religious groups who with community volunteers would provide soup kitchens, cloths and shelter to those in need within their own community.

Places like Bangkok and Pattaya should send back those that are not of their community to the district from which they came, let each community support their own, not to say the more affluent districts should not support the poorer districts, maybe some of the help should come from the government as well, but time to get rid of the opportunists and conmen.

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Once upon a time I had a hole in my shoe, no money and I was sad.

Then I saw a man with no feet and my worries went away.

When I am in BKK I give money to beggars because even if they only get a bit of it at least they get something If I give 10 baht each to 10 beggers I won't be broke and I will feel as I actually helped someone with no other thoughts in my mind, such as, what will I get out of it.

This is exactly the way I see it.

I only give money to beggars with obvious handicaps (no arms, no legs etc). I don't give money to mothers carrying babies. If someone else gets the money, too bad, at least I tried my best to help someone who doesn't have the option to work and earn money.

IMO the OP's line is used by many foreigners to make them feel better about not giving money[/b]. They feel bad not giving, so they make excuses. There's probably a good chance that the people Thais give money to are genuine beggars, not affiliated with organised crime.They'd know the difference better than us.

Now some foreigners (OP in particular) are going one step further. Instead of just coming up with excuses not to give money, they're trying to make the givers feel like they are doing something very bad i.e.encouraging the exploitation of the needy.

So here I was, giving out money and thinking I was doing good when all along I was helping organised crime. I'm a criminal


Heh, actually it's quite opposite, people give money because THEY feel better, basically they don't care about beggars, that's human mind.

If you really care, why you don't buy artificial legs to them or try to get them out of street, Thailand has lot's of organizations who help disabled people.

That reminds me one common mistake I hear all the time, "they are no social security network in Thailand", that's false information, there are a lots of organizations

who help people.

Thais are as stupid as any tourist who give money, Thais really don't know or care who is genuine beggar, by the way there are no genuine beggars in Pattaya or any tourist destinations.

Common mistake what many tourist do in here, they look what Thais do, and Thais look what other Thais do.....

Example in Philippines it's against law to give money to beggars.

Can you explain why you don't try to give food instead of money??

Edited by Rimmer
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Was recently standing in an open fresh food market waiting for my wife.

4 metres from me was a beggar sitting on the ground holding her baby.

She was waving a small metal mug in front of people passing by.

She had the mandatory "sad" face.

Each time coins were dropped into the mug she emptied the mug.

I was there waiting about 15 minutes watching this.

I estimate in that period she must have made 300-400 baht.

2 hour shift would make 2500-3000 baht at that rate.

My wife returned and I walked away.

Something made me turn back to her.

I saw a guy go up to her with his arm out.

She gave him a plastic bag which contained all her collected coins.

Was I surprised ? Not at all !!

and then you said "beam me up Scotty!"

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Once upon a time I had a hole in my shoe, no money and I was sad.

Then I saw a man with no feet and my worries went away.

When I am in BKK I give money to beggars because even if they only get a bit of it at least they get something If I give 10 baht each to 10 beggers I won't be broke and I will feel as I actually helped someone with no other thoughts in my mind, such as, what will I get out of it.

This is exactly the way I see it.

I only give money to beggars with obvious handicaps (no arms, no legs etc). I don't give money to mothers carrying babies. If someone else gets the money, too bad, at least I tried my best to help someone who doesn't have the option to work and earn money.

IMO the OP's line is used by many foreigners to make them feel better about not giving money. They feel bad not giving, so they make excuses. There's probably a good chance that the people Thais give money to are genuine beggars, not affiliated with organised crime. They'd know the difference better than us.

Now some foreigners (OP in particular) are going one step further. Instead of just coming up with excuses not to give money, they're trying to make the givers feel like they are doing something very bad i.e.encouraging the exploitation of the needy.

So here I was, giving out money and thinking I was doing good when all along I was helping organised crime. I'm a criminal!sad.pngsad.png

If you are one then that makes me one also and proud of it.

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Oh dear,how sad for you to be hassled by a poor person whilst you swill your beer down.

Complain to the management. Kick the poor beggar away. After all it is not as if the beggar is human now is it.

And if all that fails find somebody who gives a **** but don't tell me or I might find you in a bar one day and sic a few beggars on to you.

Yes, it's sad when day after day those same beggars came and think I'm also a fool who will give some money for their bosses.

Yes, I have complain many times to management, security guards, police, and teaching bar staff not to give any money, and I had kicked lot's of beggars away if they come inside bar.

So you did't answer why it is wrong to educate people about beggars and why you refuse to believe it's usually organized crime?

Do your own research, because I learned it does matter what I say here.

Example, google "pattaya beggars".

Who goes to Pattaya? Not me.

Why do I need to research anything at all about beggars? I give from my heart and soul and not after calculating are they/aren't normal beggars orf perhaps really they are fake beggars working for the beggars mafia.

You do your thing and I will do mine.

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The reality is that there is always someone at the top of any food chain whether that be the supermarket, the hospital, the taxi company, beggars or anything else.

Should we stop buying potatoes because the farmer's son gets little out of his work on the farm ?

We all understand your oft-stated position and by now you should understand that not everyone thinks as you do.

Can we leave it at that ?

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There is no law in the Philippines against giving money to adult beggars. There is a law stating you can be fined 20 pesos (max) (14 baht) for giving money to minors (under age 15) on the streets, roadways, parks etc... as if anyone takes this seriously. Trust me, the streets are full of children begging for money and this will never change despite the 20 peso fine. I very much doubt anyone has ever been fined 20 pesos for giving money to children.

Most countries have a list of ridiculous laws which are never enforced, and this is one of them.

You brought it up, so have a read of this law:



There is no law against giving money to adult beggars without limbs etc. However, in the Philippines you can find millions of genuine needy people everywhere you turn, so if you're worried about the the 20 peso fine, you can find them elsewhere and not begging.

Please don't presume you have any idea about how people feel after making donations. Personally I usually feel worse as I consider my donation next to worthless. A drop in a bucket...and I usually leave the area wishing I could have done more. I most definitely never feel good after dropping a small donation in a hat. I always feel sad and depressed as I know it's a hopeless situation. I would love to give out artificial limbs, but unfortunately I don't have the funds. I probably couldn't afford artificial limbs for myself if I lost any of my own. I'm overstretched helping people in the Philippines.

People's emotions will vary depending on an individual's religious beliefs and morals.

I stated quite clearly who I give money to. I never give money to kids who come up to me in the street, as they are most definitely being used/supervised by adults. I also made it quite clear that I don't give money to beggars holding babies. Same here, same in the Philippines.

Now in answer to your last question, yes, I do give food to certain people, but when I walk down the street I don't bring a bag of food just in case I bump into a beggar with no legs. After typhoon Yolanda devastated the Philippines in November last year I arranged food donations which fed hundreds of people in the following month. Occasionally they have food drives outside the supermarkets here (Friendship) in which case I will purchase a bag of rice to drop in the bin.

You made your assessment of me, so allow me to follow by making an assessment of you. You're a tight ass looking for excuses. I'd love to be more descriptive, but forum rules don't permit it.

I have read that law and I also believe nobodys has fined for breaking it, 20 pesos is ridiculous it should be 2000 pesos or more.

Section 1. says "It shall apply to all mendicants".

But that law and Phillipines was just an example, begging is banned for many other countries, like Norway is consider that now.


It's not my idea about how people feel after making donations, I read it somewhere related human behavior, but can't find the source now.

And actually you brought it up before ;-)

About donating artificial limbs in Thailand:


"The services we provide are free of charge and include wheelchairs, walking aids, safety and health information, home visits,companionship, and understanding. We assist those in need who do not have the resources to help themselves."

"Finally, we endeavor never to say NO to a disabled person in need regardless of ethnic, religion, or political affiliation. Our mission is simple: to improve the lives of disabled persons who are in need."

Few more examples:



Donate after typhoon or other catastrophe has nothing to do with beggars in Pattaya.

It just an excuse for "not carrying food", as you know there are food stalls and 7/11 in every corner...

Just to clarify, are we talking about same thing, crippled beggars in tourist areas, between beach road and soi buakhao?

If not, case closed from my part.

Yes I'm tight ass and selfish, I already know that, I don't care beggars and never will give any money to them.

But like I state before it's my problem now, because of people who give money for them.

And just one example more:

"Officers strongly encouraged Thai people and tourists to stop giving money to street beggars who are believed to be illegal immigrants from Cambodia"


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Who goes to Pattaya? Not me.

Why do I need to research anything at all about beggars? I give from my heart and soul and not after calculating are they/aren't normal beggars orf perhaps really they are fake beggars working for the beggars mafia.

You do your thing and I will do mine.

Last time I look, this was Pattaya forum.

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They feel sorry for them thats great but the beggars that are fake don't get to keep the money. So why give money to organized crime? Foreigners give them money too I am not saying we are perfect but a lot of foreigners don't know they are fake beggars Thai people should know better it bothers me when ANYONE gives them money.

Please tell how you can determine which beggars are fake, and which are simply in dire straits.

Maybe if they speak Khymer that's a start.

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There is no law in the Philippines against giving money to adult beggars. There is a law stating you can be fined 20 pesos (max) (14 baht) for giving money to minors (under age 15) on the streets, roadways, parks etc... as if anyone takes this seriously. Trust me, the streets are full of children begging for money and this will never change despite the 20 peso fine. I very much doubt anyone has ever been fined 20 pesos for giving money to children.

Most countries have a list of ridiculous laws which are never enforced, and this is one of them.

You brought it up, so have a read of this law:



There is no law against giving money to adult beggars without limbs etc. However, in the Philippines you can find millions of genuine needy people everywhere you turn, so if you're worried about the the 20 peso fine, you can find them elsewhere and not begging.

Please don't presume you have any idea about how people feel after making donations. Personally I usually feel worse as I consider my donation next to worthless. A drop in a bucket...and I usually leave the area wishing I could have done more. I most definitely never feel good after dropping a small donation in a hat. I always feel sad and depressed as I know it's a hopeless situation. I would love to give out artificial limbs, but unfortunately I don't have the funds. I probably couldn't afford artificial limbs for myself if I lost any of my own. I'm overstretched helping people in the Philippines.

People's emotions will vary depending on an individual's religious beliefs and morals.

I stated quite clearly who I give money to. I never give money to kids who come up to me in the street, as they are most definitely being used/supervised by adults. I also made it quite clear that I don't give money to beggars holding babies. Same here, same in the Philippines.

Now in answer to your last question, yes, I do give food to certain people, but when I walk down the street I don't bring a bag of food just in case I bump into a beggar with no legs. After typhoon Yolanda devastated the Philippines in November last year I arranged food donations which fed hundreds of people in the following month. Occasionally they have food drives outside the supermarkets here (Friendship) in which case I will purchase a bag of rice to drop in the bin.

You made your assessment of me, so allow me to follow by making an assessment of you. You're a tight ass looking for excuses. I'd love to be more descriptive, but forum rules don't permit it.

I have read that law and I also believe nobodys has fined for breaking it, 20 pesos is ridiculous it should be 2000 pesos or more.

Section 1. says "It shall apply to all mendicants".

But that law and Phillipines was just an example, begging is banned for many other countries, like Norway is consider that now.


It's not my idea about how people feel after making donations, I read it somewhere related human behavior, but can't find the source now.

And actually you brought it up before ;-)

About donating artificial limbs in Thailand:

What exactly did I bring up before?

What's the point of bringing up examples from Norway? Norway is a social state which takes care of the needy. It's a prosperous nation with no one living below the poverty line. Begging there is an option, not a necessity.

Look, you can continue to make excuses for being a tight ass, but there are lots of ways to help genuine people in need without encouraging organized crime. There's no need to use this thread in attempt to appease your guilt, especially when you insult generous and caring people in the process.

People have been giving alms to the poor as long as people have existed on this planet. Thinking that if we all stop now it will make your travel down the street more pleasant and guilt free is ridiculous in the extreme.

Thank God for generous people. Leave them alone and go your selfish ways.

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