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Reincarnation - have you changed your mind?

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Thai people believe in reincarnation. Most Westerners are unsure.

Has your time in Thailand changed your mind?

I am sure of reincarnation and know who I was previously. I have been hypnotically regressed also and met with well known spiritual leaders who laugh at those who don't believe in it.

I disagree with most Thais and think that one can only return as a human being.

Any thoughts?

Found this interesting vdo on YT, why would it be banned though?

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Whether it exists or not you would have no recollection of your earlier lives in normal circumstance, so even if it exists your perception is only of your current life. That being the case you have one life (effectively or genuinely), so enjoy it, take every opportunity have no regrets and try to do no harm.

The only situation I've heard of when a person can retain on a day to day basis memories of their earlier lives is if they are from Gallifrey, bit even that seems unlikely and is not technically the result of reincarnation.


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Nice to think there is more than ending up as just a worm buffet, or bbq and smoke depending on your preference.

But its all a matter of the what the individual wants to "believe".


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I believe in reincarnation. I do not have any personal experience with reincarnation, nor do I profess to know how it works. I believe that it is probably more complicated than I can comprehend. I remember reading Rene Descartes proof for the existence of God, and remember a quote by a Pope (I don't remember who) who likened that the universe being created without a God was analogous to spilling sand and it forming a masterpiece (something to that effect at least). It made sense to me, so I do believe in "something beyond".

From reading alot of posts, I have the distinct impression that most people on TV are either atheists or agnostic and I certainly don't think it is right to tell anyone that there beliefs are wrong.

I also believe that alot of things that Thai people do that Westerners are puzzled at, are based on the belief in reincarnation. As a people and compared to people in the West, Thais are extremely religious in terms of the percentage of people that believe. It's not hard to find an atheist/agnostic in the West, much harder to find a Thai atheist. So when I see posts about how life is cheap in Thailand, or why don't Thais wear helmets, or why are Thais so careless in doing such and such when it could cause death, my thoughts are well it's because virtually all Thais believe in reincarnation and believe that some things like your death are predestined, and (if you made merit in this life) your next life will be better so why ake a big deal about it.

its right to tell people their beliefs are wrong when they can provide no evidence to support them whatsoever.

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I haven't changed my mind since coming to Thailand; I still believe in reincarnation.

I used to jokingly use the concept now and then when trying to ingratiate myself with selected females, and yeah, it even worked sometimes: "I was your love slave in a past life..." Hey, I agree, sounds kinda creepy, but it depends on how you say it, and when. My old daddy told me, if you can get 'em to laugh...

Still believe God exists, too, although God has nothing to do with reincarnation (I believe). Of course, we ALL know that believing in something (or not) has nothing at all to do with whether something is true (or not), right? But, does anyone ever say something like "Reincarnation is for real, yeah, but I don't happen to believe in it..."

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There is ZERO proof for reincarnation, stop believing this crap, or at least if your'e gonna believe it believe in any ridiculous statements.

The world is made of cheese and has a centre of custard but we dont know as we are fooled to think its something else like rocks n stuff as we are all implanted at birth with a chip which masks all of this.

21st century with prehistoric thinking.

Goodness gracious. What???

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Religion is child abuse pure an simple and that includes the Thai Buddhist system, its a disgrace.

Please, don't hold back. Tell us how you really feel. smile.png


I once witnessed a British Mauy Thai enthusiast giving a demonstration of his skills at a festival held at the Thai temple in Wimbledon London.

Interviewed on stage he declared that he had been Thai in a former life and went on to relate how this explained his instinctive knowledge of Muay Thai techniques.

The ripples of laughter went through the crowd almost as quickly as the cringing in embarrassment for the poor deluded fool.

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Well, i think the whole reincarnation concept has been taken perhaps the wrong way by most. I have no idea what happens to us when our bodies die. Frankly, it makes no difference and thinking about it is a waste of time.

However, reincarnation can be seen in this life. Let's say, for example, i was a miserable person - that would be one life. Then i change from that to a happy person - that would a second life. The reincarnation is there, i think its more about states of existence. You could say i was in hell in the first life (or you may even say i was a hungry ghost, if i shared those characteristics) and then was reincarnated into a higher realm.

I don't believe the teaching of the Buddha is mystical. Unfortunately, nowadays it is common for Buddhists to talk about going to heaven or hell when they die (and they mean it in the literal sense. i.e when they actually die, not just a state of mind changing) like the way a Christian would.

Well, before i came to Thailand i believed in reincarnation in the same way most people talk about, but after coming here and practicing some meditation and thinking about it, i realize that it is more about a state of mind dying and being reborn. That doesn't mean to say, in the next life i won't be another person or an animal - i just don't have any reason to believe this or think about it.

Funnily enough, when i was very young (before i went to school and was brainwashed) i was adamant that we all had different lives and after we died we would get a new one. Then i became Catholic, lol.

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Reincarnation is just a story for thinking about the circle of live...get born, live die and new live get born. As "picture" you get born again. Not really your spirit.....

But of course people want to believe that they get born again or they enter heaven , because it is very sad to think after I am dead I am dead....that was it....

But my staff truly believed that my soi dog is a born again Farang. Because he was very friendly and smart and loved to eat Pizza, bread, soletti, Pasta.....as he loved every Farang food he must have been a Farang before.

The addressed him with "Khun" and shared their lunch with him (no logical inconvenience that he also loved Thai food, because he just ate everything......well also Farangs eat Thai food....). I thought it is a joke or maybe it started as joke but the were serious about it.

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theres a lot of reincarnation on thai visa so ill believe,


Some just keep insisting on coming back only to vex and annoy us,


Or amuse. Sometimes it's fun to ridicule them or point out their lies.thumbsup.gif


I don't know if there's an afterlife, but surely there must've been prior lives, because how else to explain why I'm so far behind on my work?

Is it ok to be so flippant about other people's sincerely held beliefs?

Yes. Extraordinary claims need extraordinary proof. Your belief doesn't get a pass just because what you believe has, through some fluke of history, managed to become an established religion.

There is no shame in admitting, "I don't know" and there is no reason in this day and age to attribute supernatural causes to things we don't know. The correct approach is to continue to try and find out, to experiment and to see if any results are repeatable and stand up to scrutiny.

When I was a Believer, I prayed everyday. It gave me great comfort to know that there was a compassionate, loving entity out there that looked out for me and my kin (that is, all of humanity). The memory of that comfort remains and I miss it even while understanding the absurdity of the belief that engendered it.

The best explanation as to why we believe was something I heard on a TV show:

"You're a primitive man on the savannah. out of the corner of your eye, you see something move . You assume it's a hyena. You run. You live. If you assume it's the wind and you're wrong, you die. We carry the genes of the ones who ran. We are genetically hard wired to believe in living forces that we cannot see."

Thoughtful reasoning can overcome this hard wiring. The awakening comes to millions every year. Unless science and progress are stymied (and religious fundamentalists are attempting just that), the relentless march of science ensures more and more of us will awaken.

Please note that attacking someone's belief is not the same as attacking the person. If anyone feels attacked personally, then you should examine why you feel that way. Have you identified with an idea so closely that an attack on that idea feels like a personal attack on you?


I like your entire post, (on a couple of levels) however there is a flaw in reasoning in the quote from the TV show.

"You're a primitive man on the savannah. out of the corner of your eye, you see something move . You assume it's a hyena. You run. You live. If you assume it's the wind and you're wrong, you die. We carry the genes of the ones who ran. We are genetically hard wired to believe in living forces that we cannot see."

There is a disconnect there. We carry the genes of the ones that chose the cautious option, not a belief option. (edit; or maybe it was an unsubstantiated belief that it was a hyena and thus was due to the God gene ?)

There has been identified what some scientists call the "God gene", and others (Dawkins and myself), the "gullibility gene". I daresay it's different from the "err on the side of caution gene", but probably works together with it.


i just keep my mind open to many things,

there is no proof either way,

but i do believe in UFOs,,

them pyramids built by UFOs, sorry dont mean to derail the thread,


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