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Thai military keeps US waiting over Cobra Gold


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The USA military should get the hell out of everywhere and just defend its own borders.

The military industrial complex is a totally disgusting waste of the world's dwindling resources.

The USA is one of the worlds biggest arms dealers, why would they want to get out of everywhere?

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Maybe US should look at Vietnam or Malaysia as an alternative?

Who wants to guess who is the one that finances or coordinates the whole affair?

Thailand is acting like a spoiled immature brat so invite but to another country location...see how they handle it..

Yeah China is going to treat Thailand as a partner...politically how many years did they run the country? Thailand is already half Chinese..the next step is just to colonize it...

This would better free up thailand's time and devote their energies to their new submarine center..Somalis pirates might be off the coast....

US military might in Vietnam again mmmmmmm

don think China could take over the running of Thailand ..... no one else ever has

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Make em suffer.

China is a waaaaay better option.

Thailand doesn't need the US anywhere near as much as the USA need them.

While I agree to some extent, in making them squirm a bit, over the false, silly, childish, churlish reaction of the neophyte foreign policy nincompoops in Washington, cozying up to China may be an unwise move. If you think the US has bad motives, it is nothing compared to the Chinese. They are positively heinous. I am not referring to the Chinese people, whom I like and respect. I am talking about the Politburo, which is a group of super corrupt billionaires bent on world domination, in line with the communist manifesto. Take a look at an excerpt from a recent article on China, written by the Los Angeles Times:

Why do China's officers want to go to war? There is an unfortunate confluence of factors. First, there is a new Chinese confidence bordering on arrogance. Beijing leaders, especially since 2008, have been riding high. They saw economic turmoil around the world and thought the century was theirs to dominate. The U.S. and the rest of the West, they believed, were in terminal decline.

The Chinese military also has gained substantial influence in the last year, perhaps becoming the most powerful faction in the Communist Party. Beginning as early as 2003, senior officers of the People's Liberation Army were drawn into civilian power struggles as Hu Jintao, then the new leader, sought their support in his effort to shove aside Jiang Zemin, his wily predecessor who sought to linger in the limelight. Last year, the civilian infighting intensified as the so-called Fifth Generation leadership, under the command of Xi, took over from Hu's Fourth. Like a decade ago, feuding civilians sought the support of the generals and admirals, making them arbiters in the party's increasingly rough game of politics.

The result of discord among civilian leaders has been a partial remilitarization of politics and policy. Senior officers are now acting independently of civilian officials, are openly criticizing them and are making pronouncements in areas once considered the exclusive province of diplomats.

The remilitarization has had consequences. As Huang Jing of Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy said: "China's military spending is growing so fast that it has overtaken strategy. The young officers are taking control of strategy, and it is like young officers in Japan in the 1930s. They are thinking what they can do, not what they should do."

​Where will all this lead? I believe the Chinese have some very, very bad intentions. So beware what you wish for. All this is just my opinion of course.

I disagree with you as my opinion...& many others is the US is waging War

"They are positively heinous. I am not referring to the American people, whom I like and respect. I am talking about the Politburo, which is a group of super corrupt billionaires bent on world domination, in line with a fascist manifesto"

from DR Paul Craig Roberts who is American http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/07/09/washingtons-arrogance-will-destroy-empire-paul-craig-roberts/

"Alone among the governments in the world, Washington requires sovereign governments to follow Washington’s laws even when Washington’s laws contradict the laws of sovereign countries."

"Washington forced Switzerland to violate and to repeal Switzerland’s historic bank secrecy laws.

Washington executes citizens of other countries, as well as its own citizens, without due process of law.

Washington violates the sovereignty of other countries and murders the countries’ citizens with drones, bombs, and special forces teams.

Washington kidnaps abroad citizens of other countries and either brings them to the US to be tried under US law or sends them to another country to be tortured in secret torture centers"

The Chinese want to make money & maybe a World Economic Domination by importing resources then shipping out to the world manufactured goods........,

it's the US that wants total World Military Domination & only Russia & China stand in the way, who are confined to their own home territory.

The US Military spends more on it's Military than the next 13 nations

"The US has established its control over 191 governments which are members of the United Nations. The conquest, occupation and/or otherwise supervision of these various regions of the World is supported by an integrated network of military bases and installations which covers the entire Planet (Continents, Oceans and Outer Space). All this pertains to the workings of an extensive Empire, the exact dimensions of which are not always easy to ascertain." http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-worldwide-network-of-us-military-bases/5564

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to determine who the real threat is.

The US will negotiate with Thailand & push for Cobra Gold to work together as part of it's plan for World hegemony.

Edited by iphad
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Great to see Thailand stick it to USA. If usa wants to be dumb about Thailand and try to play usa's silly little "freedom" card, usa can go play by itself. Go Thai Army !!!

USA still does not understand the world has grown up around it and now considers Uncle Sam an out of touch old fogy. Sam can not slap nations around with the "democracy" stuff anymore. Sam has used up his credibility.

Note, stat on Net says Thailand is China's THIRD largest trading partner. Handwriting is on the wall.

PS, usa war planes need SEA bases; Diego Garcia is a little too far and Australia is way way too far.

Okinawa is close enough my friend. We can still reach out and touch you anywhere we want.

So true, people like khnomkhnom really don't think too hard, Okinawa, South Korea, navy bases in Australia and at a bet I'd say Taiwan would be cooperative. Thailand doesn't even share a border with China, so any land forces would have to "invade" Burma or Lao first. Interestingly, Vietnam is in conflict with china, it's not beyond possibility that the US and Vietnam could become allies.

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Make em suffer.

China is a waaaaay better option.

Thailand doesn't need the US anywhere near as much as the USA need them.

While I agree to some extent, in making them squirm a bit, over the false, silly, childish, churlish reaction of the neophyte foreign policy nincompoops in Washington, cozying up to China may be an unwise move. If you think the US has bad motives, it is nothing compared to the Chinese. They are positively heinous. I am not referring to the Chinese people, whom I like and respect. I am talking about the Politburo, which is a group of super corrupt billionaires bent on world domination, in line with the communist manifesto. Take a look at an excerpt from a recent article on China, written by the Los Angeles Times:

Why do China's officers want to go to war? There is an unfortunate confluence of factors. First, there is a new Chinese confidence bordering on arrogance. Beijing leaders, especially since 2008, have been riding high. They saw economic turmoil around the world and thought the century was theirs to dominate. The U.S. and the rest of the West, they believed, were in terminal decline.

The Chinese military also has gained substantial influence in the last year, perhaps becoming the most powerful faction in the Communist Party. Beginning as early as 2003, senior officers of the People's Liberation Army were drawn into civilian power struggles as Hu Jintao, then the new leader, sought their support in his effort to shove aside Jiang Zemin, his wily predecessor who sought to linger in the limelight. Last year, the civilian infighting intensified as the so-called Fifth Generation leadership, under the command of Xi, took over from Hu's Fourth. Like a decade ago, feuding civilians sought the support of the generals and admirals, making them arbiters in the party's increasingly rough game of politics.

The result of discord among civilian leaders has been a partial remilitarization of politics and policy. Senior officers are now acting independently of civilian officials, are openly criticizing them and are making pronouncements in areas once considered the exclusive province of diplomats.

The remilitarization has had consequences. As Huang Jing of Singapore's Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy said: "China's military spending is growing so fast that it has overtaken strategy. The young officers are taking control of strategy, and it is like young officers in Japan in the 1930s. They are thinking what they can do, not what they should do."

​Where will all this lead? I believe the Chinese have some very, very bad intentions. So beware what you wish for. All this is just my opinion of course.

I disagree with you as my opinion...& many others is the US is waging War

"They are positively heinous. I am not referring to the American people, whom I like and respect. I am talking about the Politburo, which is a group of super corrupt billionaires bent on world domination, in line with a fascist manifesto"

from DR Paul Craig Roberts who is American http://www.paulcraigroberts.org/2014/07/09/washingtons-arrogance-will-destroy-empire-paul-craig-roberts/

"Alone among the governments in the world, Washington requires sovereign governments to follow Washington’s laws even when Washington’s laws contradict the laws of sovereign countries."

"Washington forced Switzerland to violate and to repeal Switzerland’s historic bank secrecy laws.

Washington executes citizens of other countries, as well as its own citizens, without due process of law.

Washington violates the sovereignty of other countries and murders the countries’ citizens with drones, bombs, and special forces teams.

Washington kidnaps abroad citizens of other countries and either brings them to the US to be tried under US law or sends them to another country to be tortured in secret torture centers"

The Chinese want to make money & maybe a World Economic Domination by importing resources then shipping out to the world manufactured goods........,

it's the US that wants total World Military Domination & only Russia & China stand in the way, who are confined to their own home territory.

The US Military spends more on it's Military than the next 13 nations

"The US has established its control over 191 governments which are members of the United Nations. The conquest, occupation and/or otherwise supervision of these various regions of the World is supported by an integrated network of military bases and installations which covers the entire Planet (Continents, Oceans and Outer Space). All this pertains to the workings of an extensive Empire, the exact dimensions of which are not always easy to ascertain." http://www.globalresearch.ca/the-worldwide-network-of-us-military-bases/5564

Doesn't take a rocket scientist to determine who the real threat is.

Interesting point of view. Not without merit. I do not trust the US govt. as far as I can spit. But, if you gave me a choice who to ally myself with, it would not be much of a choice. The Chinese are even more heinous than the US govt. If that is possible.

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It's amazing to note that the mainstream TV news has played down the fact there was massive Cobra Gold military exercise going on in the South China Sea when the Malaysian Airlines went down. (off radar) How many 'state of the art' radar systems on boats, planes & on land would have all been possible to see where it went. But that information has been classified. Like the US's major intention of further stitching Thailand into it evil corporate control web of Neocon power. American Corporate Foreign policy has massive spiders web of strings attached. The James A Baker PR corp is the mouth piece for them & Mr Square head. Amongst all the variety of interpretations this one make a lot of sense if you have the time to listen. US shot down MH370 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuWyLgIv1kg Vietnam Found Malaysia Airlines 239-Passengers Missing Jet?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhba3Ck2w04 Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 FOUND By Chinese Satellite


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It's amazing to note that the mainstream TV news has played down the fact there was massive Cobra Gold military exercise going on in the South China Sea when the Malaysian Airlines went down. (off radar) How many 'state of the art' radar systems on boats, planes & on land would have all been possible to see where it went. But that information has been classified. Like the US's major intention of further stitching Thailand into it evil corporate control web of Neocon power. American Corporate Foreign policy has massive spiders web of strings attached. The James A Baker PR corp is the mouth piece for them & Mr Square head. Amongst all the variety of interpretations this one make a lot of sense if you have the time to listen. US shot down MH370 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uuWyLgIv1kg Vietnam Found Malaysia Airlines 239-Passengers Missing Jet?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhba3Ck2w04 Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 FOUND By Chinese Satellite


Cobra Gold Military exercise finished on feb 21 & the Malaysian airlines Flight 370 went missing on March 8,2014.

I have heard there was still a US aircraft carrier in the area at the time.

The aircraft was a Boeing 777 using Rolls Royce engines that evidently the manufacturer knows where every one of the planes using RR engines are at all times in flight.

Also all the US satelittes in the sky there is no doubt in my mind they know exactly where the missing plane is.

What better place to not find the plane than the middle of the Indian Ocean.

Of course it was shot down with a missile.

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The US can no longer afford to take part in the Cobra Gold exercises, but can not withdraw as it would be a humiliation for them. Also, they do not want China to move in and take their place as Thailands friendly super power.

This remark about moving to Australia has backfired, and unfortunately the US would not be missed if they withdrew.

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By law the US is obligated to reduce military spending etc. following the "overthrow" of a democratically elected government (I'm not going into the semantics of democratically). On the other hand the US doesn't follow it's laws except when it wants to, i.e. Egypt military aid, spying etc., etc., etc. The Thai general is no fool, but John Kerry certainly is. China is just waiting to pick up the pieces. It was a very bad, stupid mistake by the US, lets hope it doesn't get compounded by letting China get a real foothold here. And for the poster about 'knocking shop' (assuming that bit of slang means house of prostitution) you know nothing. This has been covered over and over again in other threads. Just a quick reminder, if they get caught with a prostitute they face courts martial. Oh thank you Buddha, it wasn't that way when I was USMC.

Thank you for your post. Semper Fi and thank you for your service.

Those that served understand. Those that didn't may think otherwise based on heresay, television and conjecture.

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Just a bunch of political tit-for-tat, for Thai public consumption. I forecast within a month or so after the junta gets the desired public consumption it will quietly approve the resumption of the Cobra Goal exercise in Thailand because it's not only the U.S. that takes part/co-sponsors the exercise but a variety of countries in this region. Once an major military exercise moves to another country like Australia, or maybe even the Philippines, it can take serious effort to get it back.

Generally agree. Odds are it will stay in Thailand as Thailand will value its US relationships (read markets not just US but world) as much as the US values Thailand (read its safe foot in the door into SE Asia at Chinese expense) - one does not give away secure alliances that take years to build. What I see this as is not just political tit for tat for Thai public consumption but political tit for tat for world consumption. The US (even if it is for foreign policy) made a horrendous stuff up by calling the Thai's on the world stage not over the human trafficking issues which are fair enough but over the application of martial law which was fully warranted. Philippines are not mainland or central SE Asia which Thailand is and that is the card Thailand hold. And Australia are US bumboys already so there is no additional gain in moving a SE Asia exercise to Australia (they are Pacific not SE Asia) when there is plenty of other war games exercises taken between the US, Australia and others already. Forcing the US as the ring leader on the junta power grab to not necessarily apologise but to back off a little pokes the point at the EU and Australia also on the same issue. The Thai's have a good hand of cards, with China as their free Joker, but the Thai call is getting maximum benefit back on the martial law issue without trying to push the barrow on what should not be yield-able gains on the human trafficking issues. I would be making the US wait a bit longer but at the same time applying diplomacy to the hilt on Thai Martial Law 101 and the pre Junta Thai criminal governance.

The loss of Cobra Gold would be a loss for Thailand not the US. The location of Thailand is not of tremendous strategic value, especially with the problems with China being centered in the South China Sea. The Philippines is more important and central to US defense plans in the region which is why more exercises are held there than in Thailand and also why there is now a defense deal done with the Philippines.

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It's amazing to note that the mainstream TV news has played down the fact there was massive Cobra Gold military exercise going on in the South China Sea when the Malaysian Airlines went down. (off radar) How many 'state of the art' radar systems on boats, planes & on land would have all been possible to see where it went. But that information has been classified. Like the US's major intention of further stitching Thailand into it evil corporate control web of Neocon power. American Corporate Foreign policy has massive spiders web of strings attached. The James A Baker PR corp is the mouth piece for them & Mr Square head. Amongst all the variety of interpretations this one make a lot of sense if you have the time to listen. US shot down MH370

Vietnam Found Malaysia Airlines 239-Passengers Missing Jet?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhba3Ck2w04 Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 FOUND By Chinese Satellite

Cobra Gold Military exercise finished on feb 21 & the Malaysian airlines Flight 370 went missing on March 8,2014.

I have heard there was still a US aircraft carrier in the area at the time.

The aircraft was a Boeing 777 using Rolls Royce engines that evidently the manufacturer knows where every one of the planes using RR engines are at all times in flight.

Also all the US satelittes in the sky there is no doubt in my mind they know exactly where the missing plane is.

What better place to not find the plane than the middle of the Indian Ocean.

Of course it was shot down with a missile.

Supportive evidence that can be verified is appreciated.
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US is bound by their own law in how they react to a coup. I'm surprised the Thai government doesn't know that.

Is the concept of 'rule of law' known let alone understood here?

This is the land of 'make it up as you go' isnt it?

Recent events at border crossings prove this.

Sent from my GT-I9300T using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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As stated:

"It was a very bad, stupid mistake by the US, lets hope it doesn't get compounded by letting China get a real foothold here".



Don't you know that China already has a foothold throughout Thailand... For example: Look at Thailand's Telecom Network Infrastructure. All 3G service hardware equipment installed for AIS, TRUE Move, and DTAC is all made by Huawei (Chinese) company. There are thousands of Chinese workers in Thailand supporting these efforts everyday. And btw (by-the-way) on more than one occasion it's been reported that the CEO/owner have Chinese Military ties. Additionally, CAT and TOT have 3G equipment installed in their networks.

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"It would be a great loss for Thailand & no loss for the US to participate in Cobra Gold so under that theory the US will be thankful to be able to walk away.

I also wonder why there are 53,000 US military personnel in Germany..surely the Germans can look after themselves after the Cold War stopped in 1991 & WW2 ended over 50 years ago.

surely the US could save some money there too & no losswhistling.gif.pagespeed.ce.FVjgnKnWS1.pn"

Germany's a strategic location, same with S. Korea. Very expensive bases to maintain but ideal for their reach to Russia/E Europe and China/E Asia, respectively.

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It's amazing to note that the mainstream TV news has played down the fact there was massive Cobra Gold military exercise going on in the South China Sea when the Malaysian Airlines went down. (off radar) How many 'state of the art' radar systems on boats, planes & on land would have all been possible to see where it went. But that information has been classified. Like the US's major intention of further stitching Thailand into it evil corporate control web of Neocon power. American Corporate Foreign policy has massive spiders web of strings attached. The James A Baker PR corp is the mouth piece for them & Mr Square head. Amongst all the variety of interpretations this one make a lot of sense if you have the time to listen. US shot down MH370

Vietnam Found Malaysia Airlines 239-Passengers Missing Jet?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Mhba3Ck2w04 Missing Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 FOUND By Chinese Satellite

Cobra Gold Military exercise finished on feb 21 & the Malaysian airlines Flight 370 went missing on March 8,2014.

I have heard there was still a US aircraft carrier in the area at the time.

The aircraft was a Boeing 777 using Rolls Royce engines that evidently the manufacturer knows where every one of the planes using RR engines are at all times in flight.

Also all the US satelittes in the sky there is no doubt in my mind they know exactly where the missing plane is.

What better place to not find the plane than the middle of the Indian Ocean.

Of course it was shot down with a missile.

Supportive evidence that can be verified is appreciated.

Yes verified evidence...well I could tell you there is verified evidence that JFK was not shot by Oswald alone..or that 9/11 was an inside job by the US not terrorists but the western media will only state the official Government reports...

so since the Malaysian flight was just a couple months ago...it was just after Cobra Gold 2014

if you know anything about how radar works..you can't flip a switch & the airplane disappears off the radar screen.

if you know of how how many military satellites are in the sky & none of that information is yet released

if you don't believe Rolls Royce tracks all their engines on each plane at all time

The Boeing 777, introduced in 1994, is generally regarded by aviation experts as having a safety record that is one of the best of any commercial aircraft.

That the plane on the way to Vietnam suddenly turned around then flew back over Malaysia then headed north & went around the island of Sumatra to avoid their radar then headed south to the middle of the Indian Ocean & still nothing has been found.

And the story is they don't know why the aircraft did this & have no record except some pings at different intervals.

All a story..it was shot down in the Gulf of Thailand by a US missile into a million pieces and while everyone is looking elsewhere they scoop up any evidence.

Yeah evidence..the US will release the evidence for sure...any day now.whistling.gif

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My, my. How the narrative has down a 180 since China has circled.

22nd of May - No reaction from China. America's stance - "This act (the coup) will have negative implications for the U.S.-Thai relationship" This does not need to be interpreted as anything, but "Thailand is going to suffer the consequences of their actions"

Reaction from China in May, June and July stating they support the reform and will encourage support of THIER investment banks for Thailand to map a finically enshrined future.

11th of July. After reaction from China. America's stance - "The United States and its close ally Thailand remain strong" WOW. Amazing how money and agenda's can get in the way of a principled democratic ethos.

The threat to cease the military exercise was another hollow threat by the country that has been directly or indirectly involved in overthrowing 20 democratically elected governments since 1945. American foreign policy is as pliable as play doh. If China had denounced the coup then it may be a different story.

I for one hope the exercise stop and they substitute China. Instead of "Cobra Gold", it could be called "Giant Panda". That would erase America's plan to tactically surround China as they had hoped for since the Vietnam war.

The ball is in the Right Honorable General's court and he is wise to let them wait. The score is "Advantage Prayuth" and it is his serve. Lets hope he gets an ace.

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US is bound by their own law in how they react to a coup. I'm surprised the Thai government doesn't know that.

What law is that? Diplomacy, or its lack, is the problem. No US law dictates that the US has to make a lot of noise without first assessing the situation.

At various time the US has had no problems being supportive of governments like those run as personal empires by people like Mobutu Sese Seko, the Shah of Iran, Sadaam Hussein ( yes Donald Rumsfeld was Sadaam's best buddy once), Ian Smith, and may others. This coup was benign by any measure and reactions to it should have been reserved and measured.

Claiming they can only support democratically elected governments or never support action taken to correct political impasses is a load of codswallop. They support whoever they (often incorrectly) think suits their current agenda.

Edited by Suradit69
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"It was a very bad, stupid mistake by the US, lets hope it doesn't get compounded by letting China get a real foothold here".



Don't you know that China already has a foothold throughout Thailand... For example: Look at Thailand's Telecom Network Infrastructure. All 3G service hardware equipment installed for AIS, TRUE Move, and DTAC is all made by Huawei (Chinese) company. There are thousands of Chinese workers in Thailand supporting these efforts everyday. And btw (by-the-way) on more than one occasion it's been reported that the CEO/owner have Chinese Military ties. Additionally, CAT and TOT have 3G equipment installed in their networks.

Ah, "thousands"? I'm aware of the already existing economic foothold here and perhaps didn't make it clear. When I speak of a "real foothold" I speak of one in which the Chinese can leverage the Thai government to a great degree. Much of the Chinese economic 'investment' in Thailand is important but rather low key. I have a Huawei router (came with the internet, else I wouldn't), when I visited it's site a virus was activated trying to gain access to my computer. To try and clarify, because you are correct about a foothold, the Chinese still do not have the 'leverage' that a withdrawal by the US in military aid, cooperation, etc. would open for them. I believe a vacuum left by that withdrawal would open an opportunity for them to fill and to 'leverage'. I do agree with making the US sweat a bit over their 'foot-in-mouth' disease.

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Suradit69, If you will look back at another post I made I gave links to the law. Other than that I agree, John 'foot-in-mouth disease' Kerry should have zipped mouth. In a previous post I also said that the US ignores it's laws at will as it did in Egypt, there is a link for that too.

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US is bound by their own law in how they react to a coup. I'm surprised the Thai government doesn't know that.

None of the western nations were going to praise a coup as it's not democratic but they might have been a little less strong and more diplomatic in their response. The military could help by being more open to criticism and allowing more freedom for the media. If they're doing what they feel is right then there shouldn't be a problem.

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Just to be clear the U.S. was not the only government to express concern regarding the latest Thai junta. A short list of those countries that have expressed concern regarding the Thai military coup / junta government includes Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Japan, Malaysia, the U.K. and even Russia and China. I do believe it is in both Thailand's and the U.S.' best interest to keep an open dialogue regarding the current situation. However if either government decides that they cannot participate or allow participation in the 2015 Cobra Gold exercise . . . so be it.

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Until Thailand allows full freedom of speech, you have to take most statements from the NCPO with a very large pinch of salt. Certainly though, the present undemocratic set up would sit more comfortably with their Chinese counterparts. However, sticking two fingers up at the United States, at best would seem unwise.

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The head of CP is the "go to" guy is any Chinese business in South East Asia would like to make friends in China . The head of Bangkok Bank was for many years the head of the South East Asian Business Association.

So don't think Thailand doesn't already have plenty of connections with China. At the end of the day though, there is a reason why these people flourished in Thailand having left China. It isn't communist. So don't expect Thailand anytime soon to get any further into bed with China than it already is.

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My, my. How the narrative has down a 180 since China has circled.

22nd of May - No reaction from China. America's stance - "This act (the coup) will have negative implications for the U.S.-Thai relationship" This does not need to be interpreted as anything, but "Thailand is going to suffer the consequences of their actions"

Reaction from China in May, June and July stating they support the reform and will encourage support of THIER investment banks for Thailand to map a finically enshrined future.

11th of July. After reaction from China. America's stance - "The United States and its close ally Thailand remain strong" WOW. Amazing how money and agenda's can get in the way of a principled democratic ethos.

The threat to cease the military exercise was another hollow threat by the country that has been directly or indirectly involved in overthrowing 20 democratically elected governments since 1945. American foreign policy is as pliable as play doh. If China had denounced the coup then it may be a different story.

I for one hope the exercise stop and they substitute China. Instead of "Cobra Gold", it could be called "Giant Panda". That would erase America's plan to tactically surround China as they had hoped for since the Vietnam war.

The ball is in the Right Honorable General's court and he is wise to let them wait. The score is "Advantage Prayuth" and it is his serve. Lets hope he gets an ace.

"America's plan to tactically surround China" would be erased by stopping 'Cobra Gold'? How can one 'war games' exercise do what you allege?

How does Thailand (the country, not the army) benefit? Are you really pro-China or just anti-U.S.? Why?

Or are you just an idiot? (don't need to know why)

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Great to see Thailand stick it to USA. If usa wants to be dumb about Thailand and try to play usa's silly little "freedom" card, usa can go play by itself. Go Thai Army !!!

USA still does not understand the world has grown up around it and now considers Uncle Sam an out of touch old fogy. Sam can not slap nations around with the "democracy" stuff anymore. Sam has used up his credibility.

Note, stat on Net says Thailand is China's THIRD largest trading partner. Handwriting is on the wall.

PS, usa war planes need SEA bases; Diego Garcia is a little too far and Australia is way way too far.

Okinawa is close enough my friend. We can still reach out and touch you anywhere we want.

So true, people like khnomkhnom really don't think too hard, Okinawa, South Korea, navy bases in Australia and at a bet I'd say Taiwan would be cooperative. Thailand doesn't even share a border with China, so any land forces would have to "invade" Burma or Lao first. Interestingly, Vietnam is in conflict with china, it's not beyond possibility that the US and Vietnam could become allies.

China more of less controls Burma already. They own the most valuable mining concessions, and pay a fortune to the generals. So. Burma would offer China anything they wanted. Laos, being the friendly communist neighbor they are, would not offer much resistance either. yes, the US military is overreaching, but not nearly on the level of the intelligence community. Thank Snowden for revealing the extent of that. If only the average American knew the full extent of it, a lot of minds would be blown. When Clinton left office, there were about 230,000 Americans employed in the intelligence fields. When Tiny George II left office that number had exploded to 530,000. Now, there are over 900,000 people employed to spy on you and me, by the US govt. You can thank Barry the Dove for that.


Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect

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