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Demonstrators burn Israeli flags at Embassy Protest in Bangkok

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Israels intolerance to threats is understandable. Jews were the victims of a mass campaign to wipe them off the face of the earth (Holocaust)..........yeah, you better believe they are never gonna allow that to happen again

And do you think the chosen ones are going the right way about it?

Tragic events with the 3 Israeli boys but as usual the Israeli response it out of all proportion and is indeed murderous and hateful. I'm glad people are protesting this.

Did you forget about the ROCKETS? facepalm.gif

Yeah I agree nothing wrong with protesting Israeli government policies, and yes, they are happening in many places in the world today.

But so many of these protests are downright racist.

Here -- the Jew hate posters.

In Seattle, more Jew hate posters and a picture of a Jew eating a small child.

In Frankfurt, Islamists and Neo-Nazis gathering together, shouting Jew hate slogans, assisted by the local POLICE (who provided a loudspeaker)

In Morocco, a rabbi on a walk brutally attacked, asking for help, nobody helped.

I am a bit late but I found your claim that the Frankfurt Police assisted in providing hate speeches so absurd that I had to look it up. And according to various newspaper articles (from conservative to far left) the police actually did provide a loudspeaker! One of the participants of this "demonstration" told the police that he could persuade his cronies (the demonstration had already turned violent) to turn around and go back to the starting point. He was so convincing that the police let him use the loudspeaker of one of their patrol cars. First, it worked and the demonstration turned around. On their way back the man suddenly shouted "Kindermörder Israel" ("child murderer Israel"). Literally everybody in Germany (except for the few usual suspects) is shocked and disgusted. Frankfurt Police (as an organization as well as individually) are devastated by shame. Frankfurt Police have already started an investigation ("Volksverhetzung" = "incitement of the people", the mans name is known). There will be political and disciplinary investigations. Literally everybody in Germany agrees that we do not tolerate anti-Semitic slogans, particularly when they are blared through a loudspeaker of a police car. In short: a disastrous misjudgment of the situation. It will not happen again.

And while we are at it: I completely agree with your position on this forum (but out of likes).


A post in violation of fair use policy has been removed.

Edit: A post containing anti coup/anti junta comments has been removed. This demonstration is not about internal politics, demonstrations regarding internal politics would be a different case altogether.


Hamas are terrorist they start a fight get their ass kicked and then cry like the scum bags their are !!! And I'm suppose to feel sorry for those A Holes not a chance !!! Keep the rockets flying til Hamas are totally wiped out !!! Then everyone be a lot better off !!!!

Sent from my SGH-I337M using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app


The thing I like most about these demonstrations is when they burn a flag and set fire to themselves by mistake......that always has me rolling round the floor

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Mmmmm .. wonder if they did there visa run before or after the demonstration... again governments afraid to tackle Islam for fear of being labeled as raciest s, not just Thailand but governments world wide. go home and fight for your cause if it means that much to you, and remember you are not that innocent.

Anyone who has no sin in their life should step forward and throw the first stone. That sentence is often cited as a reminder to avoid judging others when there are faults in your own life that need to be addressed...wai2.gif wai2.gif


Mmmmm .. wonder if they did there visa run before or after the demonstration... again governments afraid to tackle Islam for fear of being labeled as raciest s, not just Thailand but governments world wide. go home and fight for your cause if it means that much to you, and remember you are not that innocent.

Anyone who has no sin in their life should step forward and throw the first stone. That sentence is often cited as a reminder to avoid judging others when there are faults in your own life that need to be addressed...wai2.gif wai2.gif

I think those men with beards, and women with headgear, I don't think they need to do visa runs. They're not the same as us, those people are actually Thai ! :)

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How about all the Jews and Muslims who are posting their crap on Thai Visa, shut it.

If you are a foreigner, don't spread your rubbish here in Thailand. We want to get away from all that nonsense. Say your nonsense back home in America, but not here in Thailand.

How about taking it up with Khaosod English who ran the story, or better yet with the demonstrators themselves.

If that fails you can moan to the moderators of this forum for allowing comments on this story.

Morch, I think those men with beards, and women with headgear, (people who are doing the protest) they're not a bunch of tourists or long-term tourists here in Thailand.

They're not the same as us. I think they're actually Thai people. Now then, if a load of Thais who have got Jewish ancestry, or Thais who were converted to Judaism by whatever rabbis, if those Jewish-Thais want to do a demonstration to support Israel, okay, fair enough.

How ridiculous would it look if we saw a load of foreigners doing a demonstration against the demonstrators ???

I doubt all of them were Thai, but could be wrong.

Having a demonstrations is one thing, having an online argument is another.

How is this topic different than other topics on TVF? And why do you imagine everyone that comments is an American?

Easy enough not to read topics here....

"Why do you imagine eveyone that comments is an American ?"

I meant that, in the sense that Israel (right or wrong) is still around, only because they are backed by Washington.

By the way, we all know the reason(s) why Washington backs Israel in a massive way.

Sorry, I'd rather not support either side, I know people on both sides.


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How about taking it up with Khaosod English who ran the story, or better yet with the demonstrators themselves.

If that fails you can moan to the moderators of this forum for allowing comments on this story.

Morch, I think those men with beards, and women with headgear, (people who are doing the protest) they're not a bunch of tourists or long-term tourists here in Thailand.

They're not the same as us. I think they're actually Thai people. Now then, if a load of Thais who have got Jewish ancestry, or Thais who were converted to Judaism by whatever rabbis, if those Jewish-Thais want to do a demonstration to support Israel, okay, fair enough.

How ridiculous would it look if we saw a load of foreigners doing a demonstration against the demonstrators ???

I doubt all of them were Thai, but could be wrong.

Having a demonstrations is one thing, having an online argument is another.

How is this topic different than other topics on TVF? And why do you imagine everyone that comments is an American?

Easy enough not to read topics here....

"Why do you imagine eveyone that comments is an American ?"

I meant that, in the sense that Israel (right or wrong) is still around, only because they are backed by Washington.

By the way, we all know the reason(s) why Washington backs Israel in a massive way.

Sorry, I'd rather not support either side, I know people on both sides.

USA aid to Israel dates to the 1970's, Israel was founded in the late 1940's. Is it too much nowadays, definitely yes.

When you saw "we all know", does that mean congratulations are in order for getting the job of Everyone's Spokesman? There are many lobbies working the USA government, Israel's while powerful, is not the only one.


I doubt that the average Thai has a clue where Palestine is and cares less ,these demonstrators are Muslims ,they are indoctorinated in their Mosques ,here as all around the world ,when the so called "good Muslims" demonstrate against the likes of Hamas i will believe that they are a religion of peace ,untill then all i see are the likes of these demonstrators here and around the world.


Mmmmm .. wonder if they did there visa run before or after the demonstration... again governments afraid to tackle Islam for fear of being labeled as raciest s, not just Thailand but governments world wide. go home and fight for your cause if it means that much to you, and remember you are not that innocent.

Anyone who has no sin in their life should step forward and throw the first stone. That sentence is often cited as a reminder to avoid judging others when there are faults in your own life that need to be addressed...wai2.gif wai2.gif

I think those men with beards, and women with headgear, I don't think they need to do visa runs. They're not the same as us, those people are actually Thai ! smile.png

But might not want to be though??


I am sure everyone at these protests were photographed and identified by CIA and Mossad. Monitoring the near by cell site would have provided much intel.


Frankly the military would look much better in the world press and at home if it would allow protests of any sort under conditions, ie dont block roads, places of business and register with the local police, no weapons, no camping, during certain hours. This protest was probably tolerated to show it can allow some protests(and to take a swipe at the US), but the bigger issue is the freedom to protest generally. It could certainly work to the miltary's favor to allow protests of incidents of injustice for example.


I am sure everyone at these protests were photographed and identified by CIA and Mossad. Monitoring the near by cell site would have provided much intel.

And hopefully renditioned at the first opportunity!


This is typical propaganda from someone who pretends that 'both sides' are at fault.

No rockets (which incidentally didn't kill anyone) or no civilian bombings in Gaza has been a chicken and egg conundrum ever since the blockade. It's nothing but bloodthirsty revenge which will create as many more Israel-haters as the two previous atrocities on Gaza.

Human Shields is a lie. People defending their own property are not human shields. Rachel Corrie was not a human shield but deliberately run over by an Israeli military bulldozer.

Of course the anti-Hamas propaganda is trotted out again when they have absolutely no power to 'put an end to Israel'. Brainless. There is a distinct possibility that they would recognise Israel if Israel would recognise Palestine.

BTW I don't agree with the anti-Jewish part of the protests but that's what Israel portrays itself as - a Jewish state.

Human shields are a lie.

So when Hamas calls to people to go up on the roofs to thwart attacks, that's not using human shields.

And when Hamas launches rockets from within densely populated urban areas, that's also not using human shields.

And when Hamas tells civilians to disregard Israeli warnings to clear before impeding attacks, that's not using human shields.

The Hamas never offered to recognize Israel.

Israel does recognize the PA as the Palestinian representative. So does most of the world.

More lies. Hamas didn't call for people to go on to their roofs - it defended the residents' decision to do so.

So Hamas should launch rockets from open areas (not too many in Gaza) so Israeli drones could pick them off. Really stupid idea.

Many of the people have nowhere to go. Other houses? just as likely to be blown up. The fact is that collective punishment is wrong except to defenders like yourself who also defend the killing of civilians and twist it into blaming the victims. Just contemptible.

Enough today for me dealing with Zionists.

Third time you use the "liar" card. Very civil.

Hamas media is constantly calling people to come and defend places with their lives and bodies.

The interview you refer to is one of the few translated bits, there's a whole lot out there. Just to be

a little more clear, do you know of any other government which does not stop civilians from actively

putting themselves in harm's way? Somehow thought that fell under the responsibilities associated

with good governance, but hey - obviously the Hamas is no nanny state.

There are actually plenty of open areas in the Gaza Strip fit to place launchers in, they do not take up

all that much space. It certainly does not have to be from residential areas or from the vicinity of such

localities as hospitals, schools and mosques. It might be a stupid idea, but perhaps not quite as stupid

as putting so many civilians in danger by making their neighborhoods host military facilities. And funny

enough, most countries actually follow through with this stupid idea.... guess the Hamas is really on to


I do not defend the killing of civilians. I am simply asking you why you place the responsibility for this

only on one side. So far, can't seem to get a coherent answer except for bad manners.

And for the record, Zionists are not all right wingers. For that matter, not all support Netanyahu, or all

of the IDF actions against the Palestinians. Most Israelis (barring Arab and Orthodox Jews) would

probably define themselves as Zionists, even though the meaning of Zionism may be different for them.

But as long as you're happy with your broad brush definitions of both sides - have a good night.

Notice that I didn't call you a liar. However when you post that the killers of the 3 Israeli youths are Hamas followers, this is a lie because it's not proven. Posting others' lies dosen't make you a liar if you think they further your agenda - you're more of a propagandist.

Blaming Hamas, no matter how awful you think they are, for the killing of their own people is just despicable when the Israelis have dropped the bombs - as they did twice before with even worse level of casualties which only satisfies a blood lust - and despite what you say, you support that mind set.

Given the drones, informers and Israel's sheer military might, it is not surprising that Hamas fighters do their best to conceal themselves when firing rockets. Yes, they endanger others, but that's what urban warfare is like. Again it's Hamas's fault for Israel bombing mosques, hospitals, schools etc - warped thinking and contemptuous.

Why don't you ask yourself why you are only blaming one side. I haven't seen the slightest fairness from your posts, only joining in the rabid anti-Hamas mob's rants.

My take on Zionism is in post no. 86 in response to Jingthing.

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Muslims do not recognise Israel.

So why are they carrying Israeli flags and ranting on about Allah and Mohammad.

If the Protest was about Palestine they should confine their posters and chants that a relevant to Palestine.

Looks to me these Muslims are just troublemakers looking for some publicity.

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Enough today for me dealing with Zionists.

As if Zionist is a dirty word.

Why not show RESPECT to BOTH the Jewish national movement (Zionism) and ALSO the Palestinian national movement? Isn't that a better road to peace than demonizing Zionism?

Ok I'll respond to this one. My understanding of Zionism is that it uses the old testament stories of Jewish power and land to grab all of the areas defined in those stories without regard to the current occupants.

I totally disagree with that but have no problem with the existence of a peaceful Israel within the borders as defined by UN resolutions. I also support the Palestinian people's desire for an independent state free of any outside dominance.

If my definition of Zionism is wrong, no doubt you will tell me and I'll have a look tomorrow.

Rather than engage you in a heated discussion about your negative concept of Zionism, I'll just provide some background for you and you are free to do with it what you will:


Zionism (ZAHY-uhn-ism)
A political movement to create and maintain a Jewish state. The word is derived from Zion, another name for Jerusalem.


• Israel is the land promised to Abraham in the Bible

• Israel is central to the Jewish religion
• Zionism is a political movement to establish a Jewish homeland
• Israel is a democratic country
• Israel is home to more than 1/3 of the world's Jews
• 20% of Israel's citizens are not Jewish

These lyrics may also be helpful:

As long as the Jewish spirit is yearning deep in the heart,
With eyes turned toward the East, looking toward Zion,
Then our hope - the two-thousand-year-old hope - will not be lost:
To be a free people in our land,
The land of Zion and Jerusalem.

Jewish children in 1930's Europe (formerly Czechoslovakia) singing the future Israeli national anthem, The Hope


Clearly, the greatest tragedy here is the complete mutilation of the English language. Please teach these people proper grammar, spelling and give them a few tips on what fonts to use for this kind of thing.


As if Zionist is a dirty word.

Why not show RESPECT to BOTH the Jewish national movement (Zionism) and ALSO the Palestinian national movement? Isn't that a better road to peace than demonizing Zionism?

Ok I'll respond to this one. My understanding of Zionism is that it uses the old testament stories of Jewish power and land to grab all of the areas defined in those stories without regard to the current occupants.

I totally disagree with that but have no problem with the existence of a peaceful Israel within the borders as defined by UN resolutions. I also support the Palestinian people's desire for an independent state free of any outside dominance.

If my definition of Zionism is wrong, no doubt you will tell me and I'll have a look tomorrow.

Rather than engage you in a heated discussion about your negative concept of Zionism, I'll just provide some background for you and you are free to do with it what you will:


Zionism (ZAHY-uhn-ism)
A political movement to create and maintain a Jewish state. The word is derived from Zion, another name for Jerusalem.


• Israel is the land promised to Abraham in the Bible

• Israel is central to the Jewish religion
• Zionism is a political movement to establish a Jewish homeland
• Israel is a democratic country
• Israel is home to more than 1/3 of the world's Jews
• 20% of Israel's citizens are not Jewish

These lyrics may also be helpful:

Not really very helpful as I have a pretty good idea of how Israel came about. There are two of the above statements that just reinforces my opinion that Zionism is not a concept that I can support.

The first one in particular which is used to grab huge chunks of Palestine without any concern for those who are summarily kicked off it.

The second one also is used as an excuse for many Jews to use their money and support for the land grab and Israel's Apartheid policy - not to mention it's bloodthirsty attitude to the Palestinians. Furthermore it prevents the US being even close to an independent arbitrator in any negotiations.

I've no problem with the last 4 statements.


Tragic events with the 3 Israeli boys but as usual the Israeli response it out of all proportion and is indeed murderous and hateful. I'm glad people are protesting this.

Fully agree.

  • Like 1

Tragic events with the 3 Israeli boys but as usual the Israeli response it out of all proportion and is indeed murderous and hateful. I'm glad people are protesting this.

Fully agree.

The Israeli response might be arguably too strong but I think it is false to suggest the response was to the three boys being murdered. Much more about the ROCKETS.

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yawn yawn yawn..

non of you are actually here, but i will clue you in:

i asked two brothers from a arab village by us , both of whom are respected teachers, one of mathematics and one of islam; they work with us as as seocnd job (common in israel);

i will quote: the hamas are refusing to let civilians leave their houses in gaza city (this isnt a news propagand but real info from someone who has family close to gaza or in gaza) because theya re afraid of suffereing repercussions, but theyre equally afraid of the israeli bombs. a classic case of damned if we do and damned if we dont. second: (he feels that..) iran is uing the hamas manipulating them to do what iran would love to do.

another quote from someone from a different village (arabic and religioius muslem recently married a 18 yr old girl chosen for him by parents from age 16) close by (non educated but all working with us): hamas are classic arab men: never give in to show weakness, strenght at all costs, no matter what. (and they are running back and forth to the shelters in their village, a few missiles fell close to them recently).

and lastly, my thai husband (ive discoverd he's a fascist) while i am saying how terrible it is for families in gaza and children etc etc. he is saying besically 'drop the bomb'. and the thais here seem to agree with him.

seems a minority of muslem or southern thais that are protesting while most other thais are either non commital or lean in the direction of my husband .

not sure what educated thais think, they are too busy putting up swastikas in praise of germany and the mondial


An off-topic post has been deleted.

Thank you, Bina, for the first hand account of things in the area. My thoughts are with all the people in the area. I hope a peace deal materializes quickly.

I long ago quit discussing the situation in the South of Thailand with Thai friends. When they don't ignore something, they can be quite militant in their views.

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