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When Thaksin decided to go missing


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When Thaksin decided to go missing

BANGKOK: -- FORMER PRIME minister Thaksin Shinawatra chose not to return to Thailand to acknowledge a court ruling after he was allowed to leave the country in August 2008 to attend the Beijing Olympics. Instead of returning home, Thaksin flew to London and applied for asylum.

However, his application was turned down, which forced him to move from one country to another.

The former prime minister has been in self-exile overseas until this day, spending much of his time in Dubai, though he is believed to have maintained his influence over subsequent governments led by pro-Thaksin political parties.

In September 2006, Thaksin was ousted from office while on a trip to the United States. On February 28, 2008 - some 17 months after he first left Thailand - the ex-leader returned home after the People's Power Party won the first general elections held after the coup and formed a government headed by Samak Sundaravej.

Upon arrival at Bangkok's Suvarnabhumi Airport, Thaksin - in full view of the media - knelt and kissed the ground to loud cheers of his supporters. He vowed to "prove his innocence" in court.

Yet just two months before the Supreme Court's Criminal Division on Political Office Holders was due to deliver a ruling in a case against him, Thaksin sought permission and was allowed to attend the Olympics with his then-wife, Pojaman. In early October 2008, the court found him guilty of conflict of interest and sentenced him in absentia to two years in jail.

Thaksin has never returned since then.

Source: http://www.nationmultimedia.com/politics/When-Thaksin-decided-to-go-missing-30238799.html

-- The Nation 2014-07-18

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For the long term Expats , we know all about this despicable character , those that have just joined us , the history of this megalomaniac is interesting indeed, however there is more important issues at hand for Thailand , although Thailand has to be well aware that the return of this person will cause untold problems , especially if someone delivers the lead poisoning remedy, to be for- warned, is to be prepared, he has six years to go before statute of limitations kicks in , this idiot is just as likely to return , possibly on a donkey with a palm branch.bah.gif

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I wonder when Yaowapa Wongsawat is PM and is found guilty of negligence or corruption and wants permission to travel to Dubai for her sisters birthday party "The Nation" will print a news story titled;

When yingluck decided to go missing

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What is this? A history lesson? Are they trying to show that YL may do the same? A pointless waste of reading time

Sent from my GT-S5310 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Maybe information for new members or new visitors to TVF?

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In light of the "Yes you can go to the ball dear Yingluck" the article would have been further value if it extended beyond Thakisn's exile as per other high profile thai politicial scum bags and further into the pros and cons of this thai system of perceived justice where those with past influence have been shown the worldly door with the understanding that they step through the door and they are not welcome back. There is more than Thaksin who have trodden the path that Yingluck now has the choice off. One can only dream of such depth of reasoning and thought process from thai journalists.

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For the long term Expats , we know all about this despicable character , those that have just joined us , the history of this megalomaniac is interesting indeed, however there is more important issues at hand for Thailand , although Thailand has to be well aware that the return of this person will cause untold problems , especially if someone delivers the lead poisoning remedy, to be for- warned, is to be prepared, he has six years to go before statute of limitations kicks in , this idiot is just as likely to return , possibly on a donkey with a palm branch.bah.gif

I don't think there is a statute of limitations on convictions or un-served sentences. He was convicted and sentenced. That will remain in perpetuity.

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Maybe that was meant as a sidebar to the main story of Yingluck's case. But even so it makes no point at all. Very strange. Anyway, I don't believe any mention of the background of Thaksin can be complete without reference to 2001. To ignore that ignores the very essence of the man himself.

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Honestly - absolute pointless article.

Just a normal day in the life of this rag of a paper.

But more to the point, you weren't really expecting an in-depth critical ground breaking assessment of the subject of Thaksin and his flight from Thailand, were you? biggrin.png

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The Thais are obsessed with Thaksin. They can't stop giving him center stage. Amazing. They have nothing else going on. Shame on the Thai press for using this filler and senseless article.

Erm... I think you will find that they are actually hinting that Yingluck is about to do the same, but are being clever enough not to come straight out with it because of defamation risks.

Nothing unusual in journalism.

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Thaksin running away was about the best result Thailand could have asked for - - imagine if he had stayed & done his time....12-18 months maybe & in a lot better condition than most.

Then free to travel around Thailand supporting whoever he anointed for office...(he couldn't run himself of course) He would have had a much bigger influence being here than sending SKYPE messages to his followers.

Looking at the Forbes interviews again where he admits that he phones Yingluck 3 times a week, that she sent him his passport & refunded Millions of baht that the Thai Governments confiscated from him, he also seems reflective on what would have happened if he had just faced the music instead of running away.

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For the long term Expats , we know all about this despicable character , those that have just joined us , the history of this megalomaniac is interesting indeed, however there is more important issues at hand for Thailand , although Thailand has to be well aware that the return of this person will cause untold problems , especially if someone delivers the lead poisoning remedy, to be for- warned, is to be prepared, he has six years to go before statute of limitations kicks in , this idiot is just as likely to return , possibly on a donkey with a palm branch.bah.gif

So you didn't like that Mr. T ok but,

you do like that he finally got Swampy (airport) done,?

Your Thai GF/wife and all her family don't like using the 30 health system but prefer to pay full medical fee's?

You prefer that people go too loan sharks, mafia, for a loan to start a small business?

You like having drug dealers on each street corner?

And you do you support uncle Suthep and family giving out land for rich friends and people he can call on favors for latter?

You like and support the palm oil games Suthep played whist having his snot on the trough?

And you think it unfair he was made to leave the Dems for just a little corruption?

So if you despise the man so much then why do you use the very things he has put in place here?

Do you like Taksin giving millions to court and then saying it was the wrong box of pastries ? (think that is a bigger thing as all what you mentioned) (if you call bribing the courts a little corruption i need to check your morals)

Do you likeTaksin to change the law so he could sell his company and NOT pay taxes gaining millions and millions of baht.

Did you forget the Democrats abolished the 30 bath payment because it was more expensive to administer the system then it was worth. But the PTP wanted 30bt again because it feared Taksin would have been forgotten

Did you like all the innocent death from Taksins shoot the drugs dealer

Did you like the Tak bak massacre because that intensified the South its problems

Could you please prove the part about Suthep, because the things I typed can be proven with news articles

P.s I am no fan of Suthep but I do applaud him and Taksin for getting rid of the current government

If Suthep did things wrong he can go in jail next to Taksin for all I care all corrupt officials should go to jail.

MAN,,, you with almost 13,000 posts here on TV and you don't know that uncle Suthep has been a very bad boy.

I tell ya what my friend, just type the word Suthep in a Google search and do a little reading, so then after you have educated yourself with this info come back and proclaim his innocents to me with proof, As for Thaksin being as clean as a whistle, NO I don't think he is innocent of all charges.

As for Mr T. changing the law to avoid paying tax for the sale of assets, Did he? really? show me the proof, as the law changed and date of said change.

and the so-called Thaksin's "war on drugs" you might want to have a closer look at that, Mr T did not request it I was someone a lot higher than he is, I'll give you an hint, In a speech DEC 4 2002 eve of his birthday, called for a "war on drugs" and Mr T was following the request for it. as for who killed the dealers, well ya think it could be the dealers suppliers, and their suppliers doing a little shooting???? so as to not be named??? Gee wiz drug dealers paranoid and wanting to stay safe, Ya think??? The less dealers the better I say.

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An inflammatory racist post has been removed:

11) Do not post slurs, degrading or overly negative comments directed towards Thailand, specific locations, Thai institutions such as the judicial or law enforcement system, Thai culture, Thai people or any other group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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For the long term Expats , we know all about this despicable character , those that have just joined us , the history of this megalomaniac is interesting indeed, however there is more important issues at hand for Thailand , although Thailand has to be well aware that the return of this person will cause untold problems , especially if someone delivers the lead poisoning remedy, to be for- warned, is to be prepared, he has six years to go before statute of limitations kicks in , this idiot is just as likely to return , possibly on a donkey with a palm branch.bah.gif

So you didn't like that Mr. T ok but,

you do like that he finally got Swampy (airport) done,?

Your Thai GF/wife and all her family don't like using the 30 health system but prefer to pay full medical fee's?

You prefer that people go too loan sharks, mafia, for a loan to start a small business?

You like having drug dealers on each street corner?

And you do you support uncle Suthep and family giving out land for rich friends and people he can call on favors for latter?

You like and support the palm oil games Suthep played whist having his snot on the trough?

And you think it unfair he was made to leave the Dems for just a little corruption?

So if you despise the man so much then why do you use the very things he has put in place here?

Do you like Taksin giving millions to court and then saying it was the wrong box of pastries ? (think that is a bigger thing as all what you mentioned) (if you call bribing the courts a little corruption i need to check your morals)

Do you likeTaksin to change the law so he could sell his company and NOT pay taxes gaining millions and millions of baht.

Did you forget the Democrats abolished the 30 bath payment because it was more expensive to administer the system then it was worth. But the PTP wanted 30bt again because it feared Taksin would have been forgotten

Did you like all the innocent death from Taksins shoot the drugs dealer

Did you like the Tak bak massacre because that intensified the South its problems

Could you please prove the part about Suthep, because the things I typed can be proven with news articles

P.s I am no fan of Suthep but I do applaud him and Taksin for getting rid of the current government

If Suthep did things wrong he can go in jail next to Taksin for all I care all corrupt officials should go to jail.

MAN,,, you with almost 13,000 posts here on TV and you don't know that uncle Suthep has been a very bad boy.

I tell ya what my friend, just type the word Suthep in a Google search and do a little reading, so then after you have educated yourself with this info come back and proclaim his innocents to me with proof, As for Thaksin being as clean as a whistle, NO I don't think he is innocent of all charges.

As for Mr T. changing the law to avoid paying tax for the sale of assets, Did he? really? show me the proof, as the law changed and date of said change.

and the so-called Thaksin's "war on drugs" you might want to have a closer look at that, Mr T did not request it I was someone a lot higher than he is, I'll give you an hint, In a speech DEC 4 2002 eve of his birthday, called for a "war on drugs" and Mr T was following the request for it. as for who killed the dealers, well ya think it could be the dealers suppliers, and their suppliers doing a little shooting???? so as to not be named??? Gee wiz drug dealers paranoid and wanting to stay safe, Ya think??? The less dealers the better I say.

You brought up the drug dealer thing as one of his accomplishments and now your avoiding it w00t.gif

Read my text.. if Suthep was wrong jail him.. the only good thing Suthep did as far as I am concerned is help topple the corrupt incompetent previous government.

Everyone knows about the Taksin and his sharers it was not a clean deal and heavily criticized... just like the time he let the Thai government loan money to a foreign country (not sure out of the top of my head believe Cambodia) to buy stuff from his telecom company. The guy is a crook and deserves jail-time..

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" you brought up the drug dealer thing as one of his accomplishments and now your avoiding it"

WOW and here was thinking I just wrote 4 sentences on the subject, and you say I'm avoiding it, Okkkyyyblink.png

I'm just fine with the dealers in misery are not still peddling their snot to kids,

As I said the less drug dealers out there the better.

Robblok, Is it me you have a problem with cup cake? anything I comment you need to find issue with? cheesy.gif

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aussieinthailand post # 29
Robblok, Is it me you have a problem with cup cake? anything I comment you need to find issue with? cheesy.gif.pagespeed.ce.HaOxm9--Zv.gif
Odd sort of expression for such a masculine image that the poster likes to project my dears
To pay more attention to your girlfriend, or any "non-slut," over your friends. Variation: crossing the principle of "bros before ho
When a muffin is consumed by magic.
When a muffin and a unicorn fall in love they have cupcake
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