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How can everyone afford iPhones?


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Curiosity question, went to Samsung and apple shops, and the had their latest phones for 22-25k baht which is the same as us prices which is fair enough


They can't



Sent from my LG-P970 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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If you're thinking about why Thais with an average Thai salary can afford new iPhones , it's easy to explain . They never pay all of it with cash, they use credit cards or down payments over several months . They probably pay more like 30k with all the interests.

Edited by balo
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Most if not many of them are bought on credit. Credit from Easybuy, Firstchoice, their workplace co-ops (credit unions), and all sort of other various and sundry sources. Proudly copying the debt-laden habits of the west to have the latest.

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If on a low wage as said credit and living at home with parents.

People whose parents have a business they are usually paid for by income from that or more likely unpaid income tax same as their cars,the kids non profit making coffee shop etc.

The middle class and supposed middle class with succesful businesses are far better off than their western counterparts. Unpaid income tax again.

many are bought for gigs,same as how that low paid girl affords a nice condo and designer handbags. Yep its lying on her back for an old man.

lying on your back as a profession pays over 1000 baht an hour.

fake chinese copies.

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many are bought for gigs,same as how that low paid girl affords a nice condo and designer handbags. Yep its lying on her back for an old man.

Heyyyyy, I'm not old.

A mirror never lies. tongue.png

Payer or payee .

(i'm not sure if they are actual words).

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

If you can't afford 25k for a phone then maybe it is time to start thinking about going home.

But if you can get a phone for 6,000 that can do everything the 25,000 one can do, you can start thinking about going out for a 19,000 binge.................wink.png

If that is your want.................rolleyes.gif

IMO, I-phones and the higher range brand name phones are greatly over rated anyway, but if that is your wish and desire, go for it.

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If you can't afford 25k for a phone then maybe it is time to start thinking about going home.

I said I choose not to spend that much on a phone

Then don't envy those that can - really. If they feel it's more important to be seen playing cookie run on an iphone than a cheapo samsung from 2008, so be it. Face is everything here - let them eat their 40 baht fried rice on the street while chatting on line to their buddies...while you pound back 100 baht Heinekens...

30 baht, 35 baht at most for fried rice!

Love the way everyone sits down to their cheap meal and places the phone on the table and clicks away at it!

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30 baht, 35 baht at most for fried rice!

Love the way everyone sits down to their cheap meal and places the phone on the table and clicks away at it!

I stand corrected - was giving them the benefit of the doubt... silly me thinking they only frequented the really HiSo street food stalls.

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My Samsung phone cost 600 Baht.........Even has a camera...........Works perfectly on International calls ....25K on a phone is nuts. Buy a computer. Buy 2 Galaxies. Buy an iPad...Buy a plane ticket to Beijing..Buy half a motorbike............

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If you're thinking about why Thais with an average Thai salary can afford new iPhones , it's easy to explain . They never pay all of it with cash, they use credit cards or down payments over several months . They probably pay more like 30k with all the interests.

Not true... They are buying at shops with promotions stating if bought with credit card 'x' the credit card is giving promotion of 10 equal monthly payments with 0% interest

So if IPhone is 24,000 that means 10 monthly payments of 2,400 each (no interest)

This amount can not be rolled over into the credit card balance but is added to the min payment owed

So if without this... Your min credit cars payment would have been 2,600 thb... Now it would be min payment of 5,000 thb

The credit card is happy with the 3% merchant fee only

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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If you can't pay for something up-front - you can't afford it. This western way of living is nuts.

I was debt free before meeting my ex-wife, was full of debts, depressed and not happy with anything bought on credit - while being with my ex-wife, debt free and happy again after she &lt;deleted&gt; off. Never again!

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first, I cannot afford a smart phone. seriously, I don't need it.

all the youngster around me, are showing off their beautiful smart phones and tablets. one day, I sat with them and they told me their spending on these smart devices ( plus monthly services ), is about 30% to 40% of their regular 'salary'.

well, they put 1/3 of their income on these device, and they spend 1/3 of time on these devices. this is their life.

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first, I cannot afford a smart phone. seriously, I don't need it.

all the youngster around me, are showing off their beautiful smart phones and tablets. one day, I sat with them and they told me their spending on these smart devices ( plus monthly services ), is about 30% to 40% of their regular 'salary'.

well, they put 1/3 of their income on these device, and they spend 1/3 of time on these devices. this is their life.

Your analysis sounds correct. If the average salary is 8,000, 30% of that is obviously 2,400 Baht/mo, which would cover the monthly repayment on the 20+k smart phone + the internet package.

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If you can't pay for something up-front - you can't afford it. This western way of living is nuts.

I was debt free before meeting my ex-wife, was full of debts, depressed and not happy with anything bought on credit - while being with my ex-wife, debt free and happy again after she <deleted> off. Never again!

Seems you weren't in the west for a longer time.....Exactly the same as here is happening in the west......Not as extreme and only in parts of the society but increasing......

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first, I cannot afford a smart phone. seriously, I don't need it.

all the youngster around me, are showing off their beautiful smart phones and tablets. one day, I sat with them and they told me their spending on these smart devices ( plus monthly services ), is about 30% to 40% of their regular 'salary'.

well, they put 1/3 of their income on these device, and they spend 1/3 of time on these devices. this is their life.

1/3 of their wage? Way too high

But on the other hand at least they have something to do all day when they sit around doing &lt;deleted&gt; all day at work in overstaffed environments

But then your spending 1/3 of your wage to cope with earning that wage lol

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