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I have occasionally seen a smallish pickup on the roads. Don't know how old they may be Does anyone know of smallish pickups available now?


Depends on your definition of small.. if you mean like the old Nissan NV/Wingroad - no. The DFM truck is kinda small compared to standard Japanese offerings though.


There really are some strange questions coming up today! Sure, there are lots of "small" pickups available to buy throughout Thailand. Can you be more specific about what it is that you are looking for, how much you would like to pay for it, what condition it needs to be in, and where you are located? That might help forum members throw some ideas your way that would be of interest. Otherwise, people are just grabbing at straws and might be telling you about apples when you are really looking for an orange!


The real small pickups I think the OP is referring to, as Mazda e.g. sold, are not for sale here any more.


Maybe this one ? cheap brand new www.one2car.com/search/search_result.aspx?Brand=B0090&Model=S1328&

or these




or Suzuki Carry ?


All these you can buy brand new..


Thanks guys for lots of ideas. Looks like the nissan NV is what i have seen here and sounds like its not available new any more. My GF insists on a new one but i might be able to persuade her if a recent one could be found. I just think these huge vigoes and etc are too huge for a tiny girl and and she sure doesnt need a big one like that and they are very expensive. Some of the pics look like small trucks rather than pickups. Just that the carry,space in a car is just a bit to small. IGNIS, that yellow vehicle looks possible if i new what it was and could see more pics. Frankly i think anyone who buys a new vehicle is nuts unless money is no object as the drop in value over the first year is huge. I drive a 20 year old toyota corona and it still runs like a dream..



Thanks guys for lots of ideas. Looks like the nissan NV is what i have seen here and sounds like its not available new any more. My GF insists on a new one but i might be able to persuade her if a recent one could be found. I just think these huge vigoes and etc are too huge for a tiny girl and and she sure doesnt need a big one like that and they are very expensive. Some of the pics look like small trucks rather than pickups. Just that the carry,space in a car is just a bit to small. IGNIS, that yellow vehicle looks possible if i new what it was and could see more pics. Frankly i think anyone who buys a new vehicle is nuts unless money is no object as the drop in value over the first year is huge. I drive a 20 year old toyota corona and it still runs like a dream..


The yellow one is a Daihatsu Mira pickup..... they ran to about 1997 year... the Hijet [looks like the DFM] ran to about 2009 year. the 660 cc Midget pickup is 2010 -2011

The Nissan NV Wingroad ran to about 2003 year... problem in Thailand is most have a great big gas tank sat in the back

Unless a pickup is a must, a year old Suzuki Swift hatchback is under 400,000 baht... late 2010 Ford Fiesta hatchback or Mazda 2 hatchback around 320,000 baht, if manual then even cheaper.

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