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Nigerian Arrested For Murder In Pattaya


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Why is everyone so quick to condemn every Nigerian ?
Nigeria has good and bad people, just like everywhere in the world.  I have known some great Nigerians who were very honest and kind, it's so unfair that so many people are only interested in negative stories.

Agreed. Good and bad the world over. The good outnumbers the bad from my experience.
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Could it be that the dead man was trying to shake his friend for money with one of those famous

419 emails " I have 50 million dollars from a dead army general and I need your bank account


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Thailand, and for that matter, most other countries need to be more careful who they allow into their country. Makes you wonder where they get the money to come here. 

Seriously? Nigeria has oil, which means money. You better belive a vast number of Nigerians have money. I have been to Nigeria but will never be going back. I could not even find anything to eat in that place for less than $10. And that was a kebab at $11.


cheesy.gif Bright as a tramp's boot

Edited by denby45
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It would be nice to hear "Nigerian man saves child from burning house" for once.

So he could join the heavily populated ranks of Brits, Americans and Australians who rescue children from burning houses?
p0103100450p1.jpg "Then he rushed into my burning house and saved me ... no wait."
Yeah right. I'm sure that's a legitimate case of child abuse and not the greedy parents and cops conniving to set up a westerner. Of course it is.
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Apart from Thai, the nationality with the most inmates in jail is Nigeria.

BS, the USA has the largest prison population of any nation on earth... Where you getting your stats, the barstool? 
Correct. 1% of us Americans are in jail mainly because of our drug war and secondly because they now serve in place of the mental institutions that we used to have.



     Let's not forget that many Americans are the sons and daughters of horse thieves, highwaymen, religious crazies, and freedom and equality freaks.  So, many of us have a genetic predisposition to flaunt the law.  Some of us more so than others.  On the bright side, the US has pretty nice jails relative to other countries.  smile.png   oc


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It would be nice to hear "Nigerian man saves child from burning house" for once.

As Miguel de Cervantes said in "The Man of La Mancha"  "I have never had the courage to believe in nothing."  Believing or hoping a Nigerian man would do something as heroic as what you describe is very similar.  

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Well, if it's true what they say about these (deleted)  then there will be a few Thai boys not showering in the Monkey House at the same time as this fella. Having said that, the Lady Boys might be queuing up !

(deleted)? I prefer not to pepper my posts with veiled bigotry and innuendo.

Good for you - do as you like but I don't see how calling someone a (deleted ) is offensive "? You should get yourself out more? Are you a vegetarian student by any chance ?




Therein lies your problem. And yes, I'm a vegetarian 


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Thailand, and for that matter, most other countries need to be more careful who they allow into their country. Makes you wonder where they get the money to come here. 

 UK has more than 500,000 Nigerians living in London.

how careful are they?

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What a pity Israel is not adjacent to Nigeria and at war with them
Nigerians seem to be committing a disproportionate number of crimes Worldwide
Apart from what appears as murder here, Nigerians seem to be at the heart of every scam known to man
And now they seem to have spawned an army of Islamic Fundamentalists (i.e murderers, kidnappers, thieves and rapists)
Thank godness we have Putin as a buffer between us and that lawless state
Keep sending the millions in aid though UK - I'm sure it's being put to good use (not)
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Agree, there must be at least one good Nigerian out there. Let me go and refer to all the emails I got from Nigerians offering to pay me large sums to help them get their money out of some country. And too many Thais have been swindled as well by the Nigerian scam artist with promises of wealth. The Nigerian street con artist are some of the worst in BKK. When you spot them, best to cross the road. As far as I am concerned the country ought to try and correct the negative image born by their countrymen. Let's hope there are lots of good Nigerians that will be stepping forward to prove most of us wrong. They can start identifying the criminal element released from their country and take them back. Edited by hawthorne
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It's the 7th largest country in the world. 174 million people.

No wonder it has it's fair share of rotten apples, but I suspect 170 million or so have never run a scam, assaulted anyone or even seen the sea!
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Why is everyone so quick to condemn every Nigerian ?
Nigeria has good and bad people, just like everywhere in the world.  I have known some great Nigerians who were very honest and kind, it's so unfair that so many people are only interested in negative stories.

As it happens, in my European falangland Nigerian asylum seekers have earned themselves a bad name. While being guest in my country for the time their asylum request gets processed (and mostly than not gets denied) they have established themselves as a mafia and control the narcotics market in a section of the country.
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Why is everyone so quick to condemn every Nigerian ?


Nigeria has good and bad people, just like everywhere in the world.  I have known some great Nigerians who were very honest and kind, it's so unfair that so many people are only interested in negative stories.



I never hear any good about them.... EVER! Also i never met any good ones... Did you?


i have come across thousands of nigerians who are normal as you see in any other country.


Having said that, how many westerners are queing up to to nigeria for work? so never lay blanket allegation.



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Why is everyone so quick to condemn every Nigerian ?
Nigeria has good and bad people, just like everywhere in the world.  I have known some great Nigerians who were very honest and kind, it's so unfair that so many people are only interested in negative stories.

the problem is Nigerians seem to be disproportionately criminal in their dealings with other nations, such as housing benefit fraud in London
Shhh! You'll upset the pc brigade if you post facts they disagree with.


I met a very friendly Nigerian in Pantip Plaza once, said he was student, he hung around while I was buying a cheap laptop, in a moment of weakness, I gave him my phone number, very friendly he phoned me every day for a week, trying to arrange a meeting in Bangkok. Eventually, I stopped answering the phone, nothing serious, I just don't really like to be called "Papa". 

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I think some posters forgot to take their medication. These insults of race and nationality, and size of Willy are all a bit much. We should make remarks like "friend to death" seems to be when friendship ended.... or.... they were over here studying Thai conflict resolution techniques and just got carried away. Twice I was approached by Nigerians in BKK wanting to unload counterfeit US dollars. Does this mean all Nigerians are bad? No more than people from country X are all alcoholics because those quality citizens happen to move to Thailand. Nigeria has largest economy in Africa, recently passing South Africa, for whatever that is worth.

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I have been approached numerous times by Nigerians never for casual conversation. It is always can I "loan" (sorry I don't know you to loan) to them 200 or 300 baht, they have large amounts of old US currency they want to exchange at some ridiculously high baht rate, or to sell me drugs. Never met a good Nigerian in Thailand. Maybe there are good people in Nigeria but I must have went there during the wrong season because I met scammers, hustlers and drug dealers. And I will never go back there again. I knew I was in trouble when I stepped off the plane and smelt that foul stench of garbage.
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Why is everyone so quick to condemn every Nigerian ?


Nigeria has good and bad people, just like everywhere in the world.  I have known some great Nigerians who were very honest and kind, it's so unfair that so many people are only interested in negative stories.


Ya,,, there's TONS of, "good ones",, strolling Suk.., "Helloooo my friend, what you want?", (USUALLY under their breath as they pass you on the sidewalk),,,, OBVIOUSLY looking to help the newbie tourist negotiate Bangkok, reccomend a nice place to eat,,, great temple,, etc, etc,, 

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Apart from Thai, the nationality with the most inmates in jail is Nigeria.


That's an interesting statement. I tried to verify this with an internet search but couldn't find figures on % of foreigners in Thai jails.


If you meant countries that throw their own people in jail then Thailand was 17th in the world (340 per 100,000 people) and Nigeria was 149th (33 per 100,000 people). So Thailand locks up a hell of a lot more people per capita than Nigerian prisons do.


Please explain the premise of your statement.




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Why is everyone so quick to condemn every Nigerian ?


Nigeria has good and bad people, just like everywhere in the world.  I have known some great Nigerians who were very honest and kind, it's so unfair that so many people are only interested in negative stories.

dude as far as i can tell,you are the first post to enter race into this thread....

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Apart from Thai, the nationality with the most inmates in jail is Nigeria.


That's an interesting statement. I tried to verify this with an internet search but couldn't find figures on % of foreigners in Thai jails.


If you meant countries that throw their own people in jail then Thailand was 17th in the world (340 per 100,000 people) and Nigeria was 149th (33 per 100,000 people). So Thailand locks up a hell of a lot more people per capita than Nigerian prisons do.


Please explain the premise of your statement.






Perhaps Thai folk don't/cannot go abroad to do stuff. For sure other nationalities do/can........coffee1.gif

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Well, if it's true what they say about these (deleted) then there will be a few Thai boys not showering in the Monkey House at the same time as this fella. Having said that, the Lady Boys might be queuing up !

well well who is a racist then. and living in the land of smiles. american are we?

Another one - yawn ! No I am not American. Who do some people just want to throw a racist label at people who make reference to the color of someone's skin? You really do make yourself look childish. - come back when you have matured!
Some of my friends are from different ethnic backgrounds and we have a good crack with each other about lots of different things relating to color of skin, beliefs, preferences, sexual stamina a etc etc..... No one is left feeling embarrassed, hurt, ostracized or otherwise. It's folk like you that are the problem - find yourself something else to do instead of trying to be either a doogooder or a trouble maker !


You sir are a buffoon.. "I am not racist cause some of my friends are (deleted) and they don't seem to mind my rantings and generalising about them all being gay" ,,,, please.


You belong in the Jurassic period, sooner or later people like you will die out,,, hopefully.


This Nigerian guy has murdered someone, doesn't matter that he is Nigerian, he is a murderer and what colour his skin is makes no difference to the victim or their families,, does not mean that nigerians are murderers though.


I should take my own advice and ignore comments like yours but when you use the word (deleted)" giggle.gif I just couldn't help myself.



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Apart from Thai, the nationality with the most inmates in jail is Nigeria.

No that's not quite true---I used to do a lot of prison visiting for some years--up to 2005-as you go into the prisons, (especially Klong pren Central Prison) they have a large blackboard up stating what numbers of what nationalities are there, Cambodians always outnumber everyone but the Thai's.....  Nigerians, are high on the list though, some Prisons even 3rd in line..... From what I could see they do know how to use the system though, most found God immediately & had a lot of Jehovah Witness missionaries & other God Squad people Visiting them  & running errands.............coffee1.gif

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