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Getting Fed Up Of Thailand


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It's Thailand and you are a guest which means you have to abide by their rules with no question. Of course you can rebel occasionally by demanding a proper fine instead of giving a bribe of £4 but in the big picture you are a farang and tolerated because you spend money. If you don't like it then find another job that enables you to spend time in Thailand, learn a trade that is in demand or just moan about it. Thailand is very very different to the west and they aren't going to let us change it. Good luck in your quest but look for the positives instead of the negatives.

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I have lived here 4 years now and I am starting to look for another place. I am simply feed up with the trouble of doing business here, visa, work-permit etc. and of course also now having to report to the police, when we go and visit friends and family here. It is just too much and I have become really sick of it.

Our company here could e.g. grow and easily hire 2-3 skilled foreigners, but since we need hire 4 Thai-employees to get one work-permit, then it is simply not worth staying here. And we can not find the skilled local staff, so it is impossible to grow the business here. It is simply stupid and frustrating as well. Can not find local staff, but need them to be able to hire skilled foreign staff.

Will visit both Cambodia and Philippines during the next couple of weeks and then decide where to move. One thing is for sure... I am out of here. I was hoping for better conditions for foreigners here, but have seen nothing else that more and more restrictions. It seems as Thailand is only a place for older people with their pensions to spend.

A shame really...

Very big pensions in some cases

Get yourself a Cambodian passport, only 500,000 us dollars, peanuts realy

I don't really need a passport, since I already have one.

I just need a place to have a business, where I do not need to hire 4 local staff, when I want to hire a foreigner who can do the job. Besides that would be nice to be able to own 100% of the business, I invest 100% in and not only 49%. Have until now stayed here for personal reasons and because I hoped things would change to the better. Since this does not seem to be the case, then luckily I have other options.

There are actually countries out there, who actually value foreign investment and skills and who will not make things as complicated as possible for me. The current situation here does not attract or value foreign investors and entrepreneurs. It might take some time for Thailand to see that, but when they do it might also hurt the people living on their pensions here.

I heard if one has a Cambodian passport, one can work in Thailand without a work permit from 2015

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I have lived here 4 years now and I am starting to look for another place. I am simply feed up with the trouble of doing business here, visa, work-permit etc. and of course also now having to report to the police, when we go and visit friends and family here. It is just too much and I have become really sick of it.

Our company here could e.g. grow and easily hire 2-3 skilled foreigners, but since we need hire 4 Thai-employees to get one work-permit, then it is simply not worth staying here. And we can not find the skilled local staff, so it is impossible to grow the business here. It is simply stupid and frustrating as well. Can not find local staff, but need them to be able to hire skilled foreign staff.

Will visit both Cambodia and Philippines during the next couple of weeks and then decide where to move. One thing is for sure... I am out of here. I was hoping for better conditions for foreigners here, but have seen nothing else that more and more restrictions. It seems as Thailand is only a place for older people with their pensions to spend.

A shame really...

Very big pensions in some cases

Get yourself a Cambodian passport, only 500,000 us dollars, peanuts realy

I don't really need a passport, since I already have one.

I just need a place to have a business, where I do not need to hire 4 local staff, when I want to hire a foreigner who can do the job. Besides that would be nice to be able to own 100% of the business, I invest 100% in and not only 49%. Have until now stayed here for personal reasons and because I hoped things would change to the better. Since this does not seem to be the case, then luckily I have other options.

There are actually countries out there, who actually value foreign investment and skills and who will not make things as complicated as possible for me. The current situation here does not attract or value foreign investors and entrepreneurs. It might take some time for Thailand to see that, but when they do it might also hurt the people living on their pensions here.

You're clueless about foreign investment

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I have lived here 4 years now and I am starting to look for another place. I am simply feed up with the trouble of doing business here, visa, work-permit etc. and of course also now having to report to the police, when we go and visit friends and family here. It is just too much and I have become really sick of it.

Our company here could e.g. grow and easily hire 2-3 skilled foreigners, but since we need hire 4 Thai-employees to get one work-permit, then it is simply not worth staying here. And we can not find the skilled local staff, so it is impossible to grow the business here. It is simply stupid and frustrating as well. Can not find local staff, but need them to be able to hire skilled foreign staff.

Will visit both Cambodia and Philippines during the next couple of weeks and then decide where to move. One thing is for sure... I am out of here. I was hoping for better conditions for foreigners here, but have seen nothing else that more and more restrictions. It seems as Thailand is only a place for older people with their pensions to spend.

A shame really...

Very big pensions in some cases

Get yourself a Cambodian passport, only 500,000 us dollars, peanuts realy

I don't really need a passport, since I already have one.

I just need a place to have a business, where I do not need to hire 4 local staff, when I want to hire a foreigner who can do the job. Besides that would be nice to be able to own 100% of the business, I invest 100% in and not only 49%. Have until now stayed here for personal reasons and because I hoped things would change to the better. Since this does not seem to be the case, then luckily I have other options.

There are actually countries out there, who actually value foreign investment and skills and who will not make things as complicated as possible for me. The current situation here does not attract or value foreign investors and entrepreneurs. It might take some time for Thailand to see that, but when they do it might also hurt the people living on their pensions here.

I agree with this sentiment.. its crazy to have 4 local staff and that you cant own 100% of your company if your not a Yank.

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So who ever got a fine for not carrying your passport in Thailand? Besides I know the brother of some bloke who has a friend......

one suspects this will be coming very soon to lots of people, if you read the post in the immigration forum....wink.png

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OP, if its any consolation whatsoever, I know two Thai women who have been thrown in jail for riding their motorbikes from Walking St after a few drinks. Both claim to have been treated 'like shit' by Pattaya BiB and both were subjected to extortionate demands for money. I would also note that many Thais cheered when the General fired the police chiefs - unfortunately his crackdown on tea money appears to have made them even keener to find new revenue streams.

I know a couple of brits who were arrested for drink driving,thrown in jail too, maybe deportation. having only a few drinks is still over the limit,they should have 6 months in jail,plenty of mb taxis,and baht buses.

No argument that its a serious crime, but the BiB made it clear to both that they would be released as soon as they paid the 'fine' - no receipt, no paperwork, just pay the money. Not sure if that happens in Britain.

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Yes very funny, you know TV posters for the most part one some of the coldest and inhuman people on the internet, I have known this for a while so it is to be expected. Most of you are just old men with pensions looking for a nice Thai bride who will probably screw you over eventually. I posted this as a matter of opinion to discuss, and as you can see I am not alone with thinking that this place, Thailand, is becoming less and less welcoming as time goes on. I would like to see how you felt after your bike was stolen and then you get severely beaten to the point you cannot eat for a few days, and put into a cell.

You offered a slur to a policeman in your poor Thai. Then fought with him. You got what you would have got in most countries.

Wasn't there a notorious troll banned recently who could never stop exhibiting his resentment of older, more successful retired chaps?

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I can't imagine why you motorbike was thrown into a cell.

I think you're just having a bad day or are a troll. Someone will test your claim to fluency, and that might dispel troll accusations.

Sorry, anyone that states they can speak Thai fluently after 5 years, is a fluent Thai speaker in their own mind only.......................wink.png

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Yes very funny, you know TV posters for the most part one some of the coldest and inhuman people on the internet, I have known this for a while so it is to be expected. Most of you are just old men with pensions looking for a nice Thai bride who will probably screw you over eventually. I posted this as a matter of opinion to discuss, and as you can see I am not alone with thinking that this place, Thailand, is becoming less and less welcoming as time goes on. I would like to see how you felt after your bike was stolen and then you get severely beaten to the point you cannot eat for a few days, and put into a cell.

You offered a slur to a policeman in your poor Thai. Then fought with him. You got what you would have got in most countries.

Exactomundo! thumbsup.gif

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Getting stroppy with The Police in any country is not exactly advisable.

and very ill advised in Thailand as the coppers here carry guns and have been known to use them with little provacation...

Yep, I rememberer the one in Kanchanburi some years back, then there was Pai.... Edited by mrtoad
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Getting stroppy with The Police in any country is not exactly advisable.

Yes it would of worked out well for him in the pre royal commission days in a Australua too, we got taught special tricks for dealing with troublemakers like this. Lol

The OP only has himself to blame

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<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>

I don't work here I am a student, I am not trolling no and I can speak Thai fluently but I am not so hot on writing just yet. I can write how I would speak if you want proof. Sam wan ti-leow rot kon pom hi laow, mai rue krai ow der donee mai mee rot. Ja tam yang nai mai reu, der pom naa bua maak. Mee banha kerab tukwan. Anyway enough of that, basically my bike was parked outside of a police station, a tourist police station for that matter, and when I got back it was gone. So I went over to them and they were playing cards at the time, go figure, they seemed very disinterested and so I spoke a Thai slur and that was enough to warrant one of them to come up to me. We argued and then got into a scuffle, then I was cuffed and whilst cuffed beaten around the head and face sat down, and then kicked. I got put in a cell and was not charged with anything and released the next day. I do have things to offer like I said, I graduated with a diploma in graphic design but starting a business here is beyond my means. This is the first time I have ever had an encounter with the police in this fashion and I am a quite kind of guy, prefer to read a book than go to a bar. I am thinking maybe Laos or Cambodia, the languages will be easy enough to pick up.

You should definitely spruce up on your Thai writing and reading skills.

So the next time before you badmouth a Thai policeman, you can write down and read what you are going to say before you say it.

Give yourself time to rethink so to speak..................thumbsup.gif

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As someone who has lived in Asia for the past 8 years it has become very clear to me that no matter where I go now, I'm always going to be thinking the grass is greener on the other side. It sounds like you have the freedom to live where you want so I suggest checking out some of the other places available and being ready to come back to Thailand when you realize there is BS everywhere.... I don't know if other developing countries are really your answer to corruption and incompetence though.

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@OP, clearly Thailand is far easier to live if you are here working under a company umbrella or are retired. I've done both. Trying to set up your own business is challenging and a lot of work and may not economically feasible.

As for your misfortune, While none of us know what the situation was surrounding your motorbike incident, not of all of Thailand is like that. In fact most is not at all. If you happen to live in high foreigner visibility areas like Pattaya, Phuket, Krabi, certain parts of BKK and maybe even Chiang Mai you are subject to extra scrutiny being the focus is to rid Thailand of the corrupt / illegal folks. For those of us that live outside those areas there are no issues to even speak of.

Maybe you should move to another part of Thailand and give it go. Just a thought.

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I just need a place to have a business, where I do not need to hire 4 local staff, when I want to hire a foreigner who can do the job. Besides that would be nice to be able to own 100% of the business, I invest 100% in and not only 49%. Have until now stayed here for personal reasons and because I hoped things would change to the better. Since this does not seem to be the case, then luckily I have other options.

There are actually countries out there, who actually value foreign investment and skills and who will not make things as complicated as possible for me. The current situation here does not attract or value foreign investors and entrepreneurs. It might take some time for Thailand to see that, but when they do it might also hurt the people living on their pensions here.

You make it sound as if Thailand owes you a living. It doesn't. And don't make it sound as if you're doing or wanting to do Thailand any favors. You're only in it for yourself. You are not what Thailand considers "valuable foreign investment." But as you say, you have other options. Take it. When you are gone, it will be as if you were never here. Same as the OP. Why people try to overstate their self-importance is beyond me. You mean as much to Thailand as you did to your home country...which is why you left in the first place.

Well, can you then tell me what benefit Thailand has from chasing an IT-entrepreneur away from Thailand? We have actually over a very short time, built a profitable company here that could grow even further - if only it was possible to find proper local skilled staff (which we can not find).

So if we want to hire a foreigner or two instead, then we have to hire 4 local staff more to get work-permits for them (2 foreigners = 8 local staff and so on...) What point is there to hire e.g. 8 people who can only make coffee? (We already have trouble enough with the 4 Thai-people we have.) Our other staff is currently based in other surrounding countries and jobs outsourced to sub-suppliers outside Thailand, because we can not find skilled enough staff here.

What does Thailand benefit from us moving our company to another place? Thailand does not owe me anything, but I do not see chasing away good companies (no matter big or small) as something smart to do. Could you please explain how this benefits Thailand in the long run? Would it not be smarter of Thailand to make it possible for us to hire more foreigners here and then slowly over time hire and train more local staff? At least the revenue would flow into the country and would be spent here, by the employees and costs related to that.

You see, the thing is that I actually like this country and would like to contribute to it - if only it would let me. But how is that possible, if the rules make no sense? As I see if Thailand is living in a bubble of illusion, by thinking it in the long run will be able to manage everything on its own.

The fact is that the educational system in this place sucks and it will for sure not benefit anyone, by pushing out foreigners who can contribute. Does Thailand benefit from us now leaving the country and firing 4 local employees?

About 6 months ago, I had a meeting here with 2 foreigners from my home country, who wanted to invest here. But they ended up moving to another country, simply because of the rules here. Who wants to e.g. own only 49% of a 100% investment? It is crazy and will hurt the country in the long run. It is already hurting the country.

This country can not survive mainly on GoGo bars and Russian tourists...

Edited by khunpa
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I do not understand why people have to announce to everyone when they want to leave a room.

Just go, we didn't know you until 5 minutes ago, so rest assured that we won't miss you.

Yep, it's like Mozart's operas, where people stand around singing "I'm leaving, I'm leaving" whilst standing in place for 10 minutes, then they all stop singing at once and walk off the stage. 'Tis a strange custom.

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OP I can definitely see where your coming from. I also feel like Thailand is a hoer house for retirees thumbsup.gif

I've always wanted one of those tools, with a flat blade attached approximately at a right angle to a long handle.

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