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Hamas vows to continue Gaza battle


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Hamas seem to be the gentlemen in this fight.

Do "gentlemen" kidnap and murder children, fire thousands of rockets at civilians, use their own people as human shields? 

Yes, we understand the instinctive sympathy that many have for underdogs. We understand the visceral reaction that people have to video of bloodshed in a seemingly lopsided conflict.

But there’s not a government on Earth that wouldn’t have responded in similar fashion to 2,000 missiles being rained on its territory. For these reasons and many more, we hope Israel gets the “sustainable quiet” it seeks — and that Hamas’ decision to incite warfare badly backfires on the terror group.





I think both sides have raised the ante so much that both sides need to be able to show something real on the ground for their efforts.


 Hamas: the release of Hamas prisoners imprisoned without charge a month ago, and the lifting of Gaza blockade so that people can lead normal lives. (both achievable with a penstroke)


Israel: guarantee that no more rockets will be fired (achievable through a truce), destruction of Hamas (not so achievable; possible to kill more Hamas militants  and leaders but probably at a more expensive loss of IDF lives, and especially with all the bitterness created, new ones would emerge..it’s very hard to extinguish an idea..only a just peace will achieve that, when one day future generations will read about this in their history books and wonder what the fighting was all about)


It’s up to the diplomats, especially USA since they have the most clout, to do some cajoling and horse-trading.




God save Israelis from Politicians and Diplomats like you. 

They are paying with blood for them now.

Next time the price will go up.  Inflation!

And please do not talk here of 'innocent' people. People are responsible for their Leaders even when Leaders reject responsibility for their People.

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I think both sides have raised the ante so much that both sides need to be able to show something real on the ground for their efforts.


 Hamas: the release of Hamas prisoners imprisoned without charge a month ago, and the lifting of Gaza blockade so that people can lead normal lives. (both achievable with a penstroke)


Israel: guarantee that no more rockets will be fired (achievable through a truce), destruction of Hamas (not so achievable; possible to kill more Hamas militants  and leaders but probably at a more expensive loss of IDF lives, and especially with all the bitterness created, new ones would emerge..it’s very hard to extinguish an idea..only a just peace will achieve that, when one day future generations will read about this in their history books and wonder what the fighting was all about)


It’s up to the diplomats, especially USA since they have the most clout, to do some cajoling and horse-trading.




According to this cunning plan the Hamas gets two birds in hand, in exchange for a promise.

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Why is it so hard for them to lift the blockade?


 How is preventing fishing in Gaza necessary for Israeli security? How is preventing items like cilantro, sage, jam, chocolate, french fries, dried fruit, fabrics, notebooks empty flowerpots and toys from entering Gaza, while allowing cinnamon, plastic buckets and combs necessary for Israeli security?

Israeli blockade of Gaza targets civilian population and not fighters


Because if they lift the blockade they will bring about peace. And that is not what Israel wants or is it in their "best interest". They use conflict as a smoke screen to expand their borders and conduct land grabs from the Arabs.



Peace? When did Hamas ever say anything about peace? The best they offer is a truce, a ceasefire, and that too under duress. Last time that blockade was eased it was used for prompt influx of weapons into the Gaza Strip and bringing over huge amounts of cement - used mainly for non-civilan projects. Hamas routinely rejects inspection of goods before their delivery and monitoring of dual use materials in the Gaza Strip.


How is Israel expanding its borders as a result of applying the blockade? How is the blockade manifested in land grabs?

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Do you understand yet ?

Nope. You are trying to justify the atrocities of Hamas - a terrorist group that purposely targets civilians. Sounds like spin.



Hamas is a democratically elected organization that is resisting occupation and collective punishment , and is trying to end the blockade - sorry Ulysses, your propaganda will be countered and corrected every time you mislead.


Other propaganda terms are "anti semite, human shields, terrorist, international community".

I invite readers to add to this list of Zionist double speak, and call it out ass soon as these tactics are employed

This way, the focus can be kept on the issue, not the labels



Hamas democratically got rid of the opposition, and does not follow most democratic traditions and niceties.

Israel withdrew from the Gaza Strip before Hamas was elected, how does Hamas resist occupation, then?

The blockade on the Gaza Strip is not unrelated to Hamas's actions and Hamas repeatedly rejected option

which could have alleviated some of the hardship for civilians (cargo inspections, monitoring of dual use

materials, PA officials involvement). 


Conveniently forgot the destruction of Israel on the Hamas things-to-do-list.

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For those interested in further reading, his autobiography is Son of Hamas.

There is also a documentary film based on the book - The Green Prince (I seem to recall there was a feature film in

the works as well).

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Yes Israel faces the long term problem of Palestinians (and others) never accepting their right to even EXIST on ANY land in that region ... but for now it's more about shorter term problems ... such as the tunnels going into Israel. 

Indeed. I wonder whether Obama or Kerry would tolerate constant missile fire from Mexico with a network of tunnels running under the border facilitating kidnapping and terrorist attacks. No guarantee from the current U.S administration and certainly none from the U.N will suffice so Israel needs to get on and finish the job.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand



Not sure if it's tolerated, but it's there:



Two drug tunnels, with rail systems, found at U.S.-Mexico border

(Reuters) - U.S. federal agents have uncovered two drug-smuggling tunnels underneath the U.S.-Mexico border, both surfacing in San Diego-area warehouses and equipped with rail systems for moving contraband, officials said on Friday.


The discovery led to the arrest of a 73-year-old woman accused of running one of the warehouses connected to a drug smuggling operation, according to a joint news release by four federal agencies.


The tunnels were discovered as part of a five-month investigation by the so-called San Diego Tunnel Task Force.


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Hamas stop firing rockets and Israel won't retaliate !


Yet the world's luvvies can't stop blaming the Israelis. You keep kicking a bigger boy, expect a beating in return !


You acknowledge that Israel is the "Bigger Boy". And you imply satisfaction at this "Bigger Boy" inflicting "a beating" on Hamas.  Most of the rest of the world (the "luvvies") has a more extensive vocabulary than you exhibit, and would refer to such as behaviour as bullying.

So, did you cheer on the bullies in the schoolyard as well when you were a child? Or is this a recent moral principle you have adopted to show your support for Netanyahu?






However to answer your question YES I take great satisfaction that a country tired of having rockets launched at them has decided to take a direct route to stamp it out without the need to go through 500 various commitees/quangos to seek permission. Hamas are manipulative thugs - and thugs need taking out ! However their greatest weapon is the bleeding heart liberals who bizarrely see them as some oppressed little orphan !



Again for the hard of thinking - if Hamas stop firing rockets into Israel not a single rocket will go into Palestine. No rocket science or extensive vocabularies required !




Yes, and if monks stopped burning themselves to death, then China would not have to impose military rule on Tibetan civilians. Get your power relationships into perspective - you were the one gloating two moments ago about Israel the "Big Boy". Many people - and nations, and  international agencies -are far more are of the perfidy of Israel than they were two weeks ago.

And in further news today, we find that the World Health Organisation (WHO - an unaligned body in case you don't know) has reported that essential drugs in Gaza are at zero or near zero. This means drugs for mums and bubs, not wounded soldiers. Israel will not allow these drugs entry into Gaza during the "lulls". In fact, they have destroyed 23 medical facilities that were involved in providing care to civilians. More reasons to launch an inquiry into Crimes Against Humanity  - with or without Israeli participation. So much for the Big Boy.







Latest Dubai Airlift carries medical supplies to Gaza


The airlift of emergency aid to the displaced and injured in Gaza ordered by Vice President and Prime Minister and Ruler of Dubai, His Highness Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, entered its fifth day yesterday as a Boeing 747 and two C130s rushed 22 tons of medical supplies for the World Health Organisation, and 35,000 blankets for UNWRA to Amman for onward shipment by truck into Gaza.



Turkey delivers medical aid to Gaza amid shortage of supplies


Three Turkish shipments of supplies – which include antibiotics and surgery requirements - enter Gaza through Karam Abu Salem crossing

GAZA CITY - The Turkish Red Crescent on Tuesday delivered three shipments of medical supplies to the Gaza Strip, which has been suffering incessant Israeli attacks since July 7.


When they reached Gaza, the three shipments were received by the Palestinian Red Crescent.


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I think both sides have raised the ante so much that both sides need to be able to show something real on the ground for their efforts.


 Hamas: the release of Hamas prisoners imprisoned without charge a month ago, and the lifting of Gaza blockade so that people can lead normal lives. (both achievable with a penstroke)


Israel: guarantee that no more rockets will be fired (achievable through a truce), destruction of Hamas (not so achievable; possible to kill more Hamas militants  and leaders but probably at a more expensive loss of IDF lives, and especially with all the bitterness created, new ones would emerge..it’s very hard to extinguish an idea..only a just peace will achieve that, when one day future generations will read about this in their history books and wonder what the fighting was all about)


It’s up to the diplomats, especially USA since they have the most clout, to do some cajoling and horse-trading.




According to this cunning plan the Hamas gets two birds in hand, in exchange for a promise.



The desired end result is peace are we agreed. Got to be an element of trust...I'm sure Israel is capable of shuffling the cards.


If we are talking about broken  promises. Israel promised to release 100s of Palestinian prisoners in return for the release of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. They did but a month ago Israel promptly rearrested them all without charge and they are still being held hostage. So it's really a one for one deal     no blockade = no rockets.

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I think both sides have raised the ante so much that both sides need to be able to show something real on the ground for their efforts.


 Hamas: the release of Hamas prisoners imprisoned without charge a month ago, and the lifting of Gaza blockade so that people can lead normal lives. (both achievable with a penstroke)


Israel: guarantee that no more rockets will be fired (achievable through a truce), destruction of Hamas (not so achievable; possible to kill more Hamas militants  and leaders but probably at a more expensive loss of IDF lives, and especially with all the bitterness created, new ones would emerge..it’s very hard to extinguish an idea..only a just peace will achieve that, when one day future generations will read about this in their history books and wonder what the fighting was all about)


It’s up to the diplomats, especially USA since they have the most clout, to do some cajoling and horse-trading.




According to this cunning plan the Hamas gets two birds in hand, in exchange for a promise.



The desired end result is peace are we agreed. Got to be an element of trust...I'm sure Israel is capable of shuffling the cards.


If we are talking about broken  promises. Israel promised to release 100s of Palestinian prisoners in return for the release of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. They did but a month ago Israel promptly rearrested them all without charge and they are still being held hostage. So it's really a one for one deal     no blockade = no rockets.



Trust is earned, not given. Hamas has not shown itself to be very trustworthy (even during the last 24 hours).

I am sure Hamas feels the same about Israel. The point is that something for nothing is a no go.


Even discounting the release of the Hamas people, it is still something for nothing. Hamas gets a blockade lifted

while Israel gets a promise.

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Too many times in the past Israel has been cheated of their victories.

Victories achieved by sacrifices. Victories paid by blood.


Ceasefire for promises - NO!

Peace for land - NO!

Peace for peace - YES! 


But it is clear as day that Hamas does not want peace.  They want war, death and destruction.  Let them have it.

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I think both sides have raised the ante so much that both sides need to be able to show something real on the ground for their efforts.


 Hamas: the release of Hamas prisoners imprisoned without charge a month ago, and the lifting of Gaza blockade so that people can lead normal lives. (both achievable with a penstroke)


Israel: guarantee that no more rockets will be fired (achievable through a truce), destruction of Hamas (not so achievable; possible to kill more Hamas militants  and leaders but probably at a more expensive loss of IDF lives, and especially with all the bitterness created, new ones would emerge..it’s very hard to extinguish an idea..only a just peace will achieve that, when one day future generations will read about this in their history books and wonder what the fighting was all about)


It’s up to the diplomats, especially USA since they have the most clout, to do some cajoling and horse-trading.




According to this cunning plan the Hamas gets two birds in hand, in exchange for a promise.



The desired end result is peace are we agreed. Got to be an element of trust...I'm sure Israel is capable of shuffling the cards.


If we are talking about broken  promises. Israel promised to release 100s of Palestinian prisoners in return for the release of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. They did but a month ago Israel promptly rearrested them all without charge and they are still being held hostage. So it's really a one for one deal     no blockade = no rockets.



Sorry, I think there should be a question mark there.


The desired end result is peace, - are we agreed?  No!  We may agree. Does Hamas agree? No!

Got to be an element of trust...  There is none.  On both sides.

No blockade = no rockets.  But the blockade is a direct result of rockets raining on Israel for years.


Something is wrong with your logic, mate. Afraid this little something lyes in the fact that your compassion is misplaced... Keep up the good work.

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If we are talking about broken  promises. Israel promised to release 100s of Palestinian prisoners in return for the release of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. They did but a month ago Israel promptly rearrested them all

This is another example of distorting the truth. Do you ever provide accurate information? 1,027 prisoners were released three years ago in return for Gilad Shalit. 51 of them were recently rearrested for belonging to a terror group and thereby violating the terms of their release. Do the allegations of these criminals going back to terrorism really shock anyone?



Ulisses, mate, your 36,800+ posts command respect.

But you are wasting your time.  Most people here are blind and deaf.  They don't hear and don't see.  They KNOW what somebody put in their cavity where the brain should have been. 

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Check this out. The first rocket fired in is meant to be a warning shot fired from Israel. It is meant to be a minute later until the real rocket lands.



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If we are talking about broken  promises. Israel promised to release 100s of Palestinian prisoners in return for the release of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. They did but a month ago Israel promptly rearrested them all

This is another example of distorting the truth. Do you ever provide accurate information? 1,027 prisoners were released three years ago in return for Gilad Shalit. 51 of them were recently rearrested for belonging to a terror group and thereby violating the terms of their release. Do the allegations of these criminals going back to terrorism really shock anyone?
Ulisses, mate, your 36,800+ posts command respect.
But you are wasting your time.  Most people here are blind and deaf.  They don't hear and don't see.  They KNOW what somebody put in their cavity where the brain should have been. 
ah... The belief you know it all . What **** for brains do you have? UG parrots, to coin a Thai phrase "same same".Quantity never equals quality.
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If we are talking about broken  promises. Israel promised to release 100s of Palestinian prisoners in return for the release of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. They did but a month ago Israel promptly rearrested them all

This is another example of distorting the truth. Do you ever provide accurate information? 1,027 prisoners were released three years ago in return for Gilad Shalit. 51 of them were recently rearrested for belonging to a terror group and thereby violating the terms of their release. Do the allegations of these criminals going back to terrorism really shock anyone?



If they have done something wrong, other than having a label "terrorist' pinned on them by a biased labeller, then charge them, otherwise release them.


Slow connection in Thailand today and I have to go out. Please support your claim with a link.

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Hamas is similar to N.Korea. Both lost ability to reason long ago. Both attract self-affliction in order to get sympathy from their own cadres and from int'l opinion. It's like a little kid in a big family. Every day he's got a bruise or a bloody cut with which to gain attention and sympathy.

What's the alternative? Dialogue and acknowledging Israel is stronger militarily. If the Mexicans thought like the Palestinians, there would be military skirmishing on the borders of Arizona and New Mexico (and Texas and California), with Mexicans continually getting bloodied, while trying to gain territory back - that they lost nearly 200 years ago. How long have the Palestinian/Israeli conflicts been going on? One third the time since Mexico lost its northern territories, ....and it will probably be going on longer than 200 years.


If you want to go for a Mexican analogy, try this:


The USA gets tired of the drugs and violence that cross over the border, incited by a Tijuana drug cartel which is allowed to exist (If not led) by the Mayor of Tijuana and factions in the Mexican Federal Police, and the Mexican Army.  


So they bomb Tijuana.  And then Mexico City, because the Mexican government should stop their politicians and Federales and Military from doing such things.  That's just about the equivalent of Israeli's canned response to any threat, real or perceived from anyone in Palestinian Territory.  


Problem is, the vast majority of those who would be killed in bombing Tijuana have nothing to do with the drugs and violence.  They're just living their lives the best they can, trying to keep from getting in the crosshairs of the bad guys themselves.


I'm 100% in support of Israel taking out the bad guys.  But I wouldn't condone the US bombing Tijuana and killing women and children because there's some bad guys there that are a threat to US peace and security.


And if you look at a map of Mexico, you'll see they had somewhere else to go when they lost Texas, et al.  Palestinians don't. 

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The desired end result is peace are we agreed. Got to be an element of trust...I'm sure Israel is capable of shuffling the cards.


If we are talking about broken  promises. Israel promised to release 100s of Palestinian prisoners in return for the release of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. They did but a month ago Israel promptly rearrested them all without charge and they are still being held hostage. So it's really a one for one deal     no blockade = no rockets.


Israel promptly rearrested them all without charge and they are still being held




An Israel Defense Forces Spokesman said Wednesday morning that, as part of the large-scale intelligence and operational activities undertaken in order to locate three abducted teens, security forces have arrested about 65 wanted men. Of these, 51 were among those freed in 2011 in the exchange of 1,027 terror prisoners for IDF soldier Gilad Shalit

dexterm, maybe you would like to apologise for continually spreading misinformation or would that be deliberate?



Look at the dateline ...18 June! Old news at the start of the roundup.


But your link does provide 4 interesting facts

1.     Even though police and Netanyahu on day 1 knew the boys were dead, he still tortured their poor parents with his phony search for them

2.     He accused Hamas of directly ordering the kidnaps, which he knew was lies too, but his pretext for starting this conflict

3.     He was prepared to break promises at the drop of a hat, which was my original point

4.     Netanyahu  is no better than his accusations against Hamas, kidnapping people and holding them hostage.

"The operation overnight in which Hamas terrorists were arrested, including those released in the prisoner swap for Gilad Shalit, is an element that carries with it an important message," Prime Minister Netanyahu wrote on his Twitter account. 

"This is all part of a series of many operations that will continue, and their goal is to retrieve the kidnapped youngsters and strike a blow to Hamas in Judea and Samaria."

The message to Hamas also appears to be that kidnappings with the goal of freeing additional prisoners will have the opposite effect, causing the re-arrest of previously released prisoners.


Isn’t it a bummer when your own links can be used against you.

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The desired end result is peace are we agreed. Got to be an element of trust...I'm sure Israel is capable of shuffling the cards.
If we are talking about broken  promises. Israel promised to release 100s of Palestinian prisoners in return for the release of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. They did but a month ago Israel promptly rearrested them all without charge and they are still being held hostage. So it's really a one for one deal     no blockade = no rockets.

Israel promptly rearrested them all without charge and they are still being held
An Israel Defense Forces Spokesman said Wednesday morning that, as part of the large-scale intelligence and operational activities undertaken in order to locate three abducted teens, security forces have arrested about 65 wanted men. Of these, 51 were among those freed in 2011 in the exchange of 1,027 terror prisoners for IDF soldier Gilad Shalit
dexterm, maybe you would like to apologise for continually spreading misinformation or would that be deliberate?


Isn’t it a bummer when your own links can be used against you.


Only one problem. His link does not mention even one of your imaginary points and anyone can look at it for proof that you - once again - are making things up out of thin air. Four Pinocchios.



Edited by Ulysses G.
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The desired end result is peace are we agreed. Got to be an element of trust...I'm sure Israel is capable of shuffling the cards.
If we are talking about broken  promises. Israel promised to release 100s of Palestinian prisoners in return for the release of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. They did but a month ago Israel promptly rearrested them all without charge and they are still being held hostage. So it's really a one for one deal     no blockade = no rockets.

Israel promptly rearrested them all without charge and they are still being held
An Israel Defense Forces Spokesman said Wednesday morning that, as part of the large-scale intelligence and operational activities undertaken in order to locate three abducted teens, security forces have arrested about 65 wanted men. Of these, 51 were among those freed in 2011 in the exchange of 1,027 terror prisoners for IDF soldier Gilad Shalit
dexterm, maybe you would like to apologise for continually spreading misinformation or would that be deliberate?


Isn’t it a bummer when your own links can be used against you.


Only one problem. His link does not mention even one of your imaginary points and anyone can look at it for proof that you - once again - are making things up out of thin air. Four Pinocchios.


Try reading the link 

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The desired end result is peace are we agreed. Got to be an element of trust...I'm sure Israel is capable of shuffling the cards.


If we are talking about broken  promises. Israel promised to release 100s of Palestinian prisoners in return for the release of the Israeli soldier Gilad Shalit. They did but a month ago Israel promptly rearrested them all without charge and they are still being held hostage. So it's really a one for one deal     no blockade = no rockets.


Israel promptly rearrested them all without charge and they are still being held




An Israel Defense Forces Spokesman said Wednesday morning that, as part of the large-scale intelligence and operational activities undertaken in order to locate three abducted teens, security forces have arrested about 65 wanted men. Of these, 51 were among those freed in 2011 in the exchange of 1,027 terror prisoners for IDF soldier Gilad Shalit

dexterm, maybe you would like to apologise for continually spreading misinformation or would that be deliberate?



Look at the dateline ...18 June! Old news at the start of the roundup.


But your link does provide 4 interesting facts

1.     Even though police and Netanyahu on day 1 knew the boys were dead, he still tortured their poor parents with his phony search for them

2.     He accused Hamas of directly ordering the kidnaps, which he knew was lies too, but his pretext for starting this conflict

3.     He was prepared to break promises at the drop of a hat, which was my original point

4.     Netanyahu  is no better than his accusations against Hamas, kidnapping people and holding them hostage.

"The operation overnight in which Hamas terrorists were arrested, including those released in the prisoner swap for Gilad Shalit, is an element that carries with it an important message," Prime Minister Netanyahu wrote on his Twitter account. 

"This is all part of a series of many operations that will continue, and their goal is to retrieve the kidnapped youngsters and strike a blow to Hamas in Judea and Samaria."

The message to Hamas also appears to be that kidnappings with the goal of freeing additional prisoners will have the opposite effect, causing the re-arrest of previously released prisoners.


Isn’t it a bummer when your own links can be used against you.



The link provided by ggold does not touch the points you mentioned.


Regardless, even if the knowledge that the boys were dead was available on day 1 (as far as I understand this has not been

officially substantiated, just that it was known early on) - the search had to be carried out in order to retrieve the bodies and

apprehend the killers. So, no "phony" search. As far as I am aware, other saying parents were tortured, you have not actually

provided anything to support this claim.


Unless much mistaken, Netanyahu indeed blamed the Hamas, but I do not recall him saying the the orders came directly

from Gaza or anything as specific. You may either produce a clear quote to this effect or continue with repeating this claim.


The assertion that Hamas people in the West Bank were kidnapped and held hostage is based on your claim that there

was no proof for any wrongdoing. The link itself says a different thing. One may claim that these allegations (which are not

necessarily to do with the kidnapping case) are bogus, but other than saying that - again, no actual support other than your




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Too many times in the past Israel has been cheated of their victories.
Victories achieved by sacrifices. Victories paid by blood.
Ceasefire for promises - NO!
Peace for land - NO!
Peace for peace - YES! 
But it is clear as day that Hamas does not want peace.  They want war, death and destruction.  Let them have it.

Exactly summarizes the attitudes of so many Israelis. They are just looking for any excuse to keep the hostility alive. Allows more opportunities to keep stealing Palestinian land on the West Bank and in East Jerusalem.
Of course, if Palestine had the nukes and the F16s and the drones and the missiles and the tanks, Israelis would not be so keen.
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Too many times in the past Israel has been cheated of their victories.
Victories achieved by sacrifices. Victories paid by blood.
Ceasefire for promises - NO!
Peace for land - NO!
Peace for peace - YES! 
But it is clear as day that Hamas does not want peace.  They want war, death and destruction.  Let them have it.

Exactly summarizes the attitudes of so many Israelis.


For good reason. Hamas have made it obvious that they don't want peace.
Israel beat the Palestinians badly when they had 5 huge Arab armies to support them and much superior armaments. Any suggestion that Israel only won all those wars because of better weapons, is ridiculous.

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