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Practical solutions to the new rule that foreigners must carry the orginal of the passport

Bulldozer Dawn

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For those that haven't got a DL or a smartphone to store pictures.(or even if you do).
Take your passport to any good printing shop and get them to make a credit card sized colour copy of your passport photo page and then laminate or they may even be able to print it on high quality cardpaper.
Has come in handy quite a few times, when had no other ID on me and also got my wallet returned when i lost it.
I've been carrying one in my wallet for years and still do now, even thou i've got a photo ID Thai DL

That's an awesome idea.

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Have never done so before and I do not intend starting now.

I don't agree with that Law so I won't be obeying it. I do agree with having to carry ID, so I have decided my Thai driving licence will do.

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So Thais carry their passports with them every day? Have you not read that an alien has to carry his/her passort. No other ID is acceptable! See http://www.thaivisa.com/forum/topic/747424-hua-hin-immigration-clarifies-rules-on-foreigners-carrying-id/?utm_source=newsletter-20140730-1647&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=breaking


Yeah I don't care for how Hua Hin has decided to interpret the immigration law.


I have given you a like Mr Spoonman, but please get rid of that dreadful avatar.

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easy tiger, in today's nation  http://www.nationmultimedia.com/national/Heavy-new-penalties-await-visa-overstays-30239870.html  read half way down..


He added that starting from August 29, foreigners who failed to produce their passports would be fined up to Bt20,000 and jailed for up to two years



About bloody time too but this article says nothing about having to produce the original of your passport on the spot.


 I suspect that a large number of 'permanent' overstayers do not have valid passports anymore. These people have no intention or financial means to turn themselves in. These are the people that will be targeted with the above penalties.


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So Thais carry their passports with them every day?

No. Most don't even have one.


All Thais have an ID card and will carry it in their wallet.

And they know they have to do so since ages.


All the fuzz about this "news" makes me yawn.

Absolutely nothing new, just creating some paranoia based upon decade old rules.






ID card against passport...big difference...or don't you know that ?


Apologist much.



Maybe a repetition helps?

I refered to the post of "Arandora"!


No Thai has to present a passport within the country.

Most Thais don't have a passport.

Thais present their ID card for any purpose (at government offices, checkpoints, at the bank and so on).

Seems like. you don't know to much.

Edited by KhunBENQ
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Just 2 questions:

1. Can I make a copy of my passport and carry that with me?

2. Or better yet I have an android smartphone with a huge screen. Can I just take photos of my passport and show the police if I'm asked for my passport?

I don't like to carry my passport with me because I will lose it. I'm very forgetful. I've left my phone in stores and in cabs before.

Yes just take a pic of the front page and your visa and store it in your phone. If they want to see the original a long as you can nip home and get it no probs.
That's fine, but what happens if I'm 20 minutes away from my apartment? A photo of my passport will not suffice? I'm talking a photo of the front, back, insides of my passport. I also have my current NJ drivers license with a photo of me. Could I use that in conjunction with a photo of my passport? Or do I need my actual passport.




You boneheads ever heard of PhotoShop?


I am sure Immigration has.


The man said "passport" for a reason.



'nuff said






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More than a few of the holier-than-thou curtain-twitchers who routinely howl in disgust at digital nomads without work permits and those without the correct visas are now openly advocating breaking the law by not carrying their original passports.


I always wondered if they obeyed every law in the land or just the ones they found convenient


I guess I have my answer


Isn't it wonderful when people's duplicity manifests itself so vividly?


Hi Rolf,

Please do tell us who is now openly advocating breaking the law?

I cannot see the post that you are referring to, so maybe you are just waffling again.


As mentioned in Mr. Toads post, failure to produce your passport is different than presenting it on the spot.

It seems pointless to ask if you have a problem understanding the difference given the level of intelligence shown in your earlier posts.

Maybe you can get your four friends with the fictitious work permits to explain this to you.

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More than a few of the holier-than-thou curtain-twitchers who routinely howl in disgust at digital nomads without work permits and those without the correct visas are now openly advocating breaking the law by not carrying their original passports.


I always wondered if they obeyed every law in the land or just the ones they found convenient


I guess I have my answer


Isn't it wonderful when people's duplicity manifests itself so vividly?


Hi Rolf,

Please do tell us who is now openly advocating breaking the law?

I cannot see the post that you are referring to, so maybe you are just waffling again.


As mentioned in Mr. Toads post, failure to produce your passport is different than presenting it on the spot.

It seems pointless to ask if you have a problem understanding the difference given the level of intelligence shown in your earlier posts.

Maybe you can get your four friends with the fictitious work permits to explain this to you.



Rolf? Is that supposed to be injurious to me?


What a berk cheesy.gif



You're obviously spoiling for a fight but your feeble intellect means you're hopelessly ill-equipped to do battle here.


To answer to your idiotic question, it is those who say they will NOT carry their original passports that are openly preparing to break the law 




1. By law, all tourists and expats nationwide are required to carry their original passports with them at all times. There is no exception to this. Failure to carry your original passport may result in a 2,000 THB fine. The reason behind this is that Immigration needs to keep track of overstayers and foreign criminals who may be staying illegally in the country.


. . . or are you unable to get your remaining synapses to fire consistently enough to grasp that?

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Have never done so before and I do not intend starting now.

I don't agree with that Law so I won't be obeying it. I do agree with having to carry ID, so I have decided my Thai driving licence will do.

What an attitude! Asking for trouble then will moan about it because, "because I dont agree I wont obey it" ....lolololololol.....the "hardman" strikes again ....yeaaahhhhhh!
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More than a few of the holier-than-thou curtain-twitchers who routinely howl in disgust at digital nomads without work permits and those without the correct visas are now openly advocating breaking the law by not carrying their original passports.


I always wondered if they obeyed every law in the land or just the ones they found convenient


I guess I have my answer


Isn't it wonderful when people's duplicity manifests itself so vividly?


Hi Rolf,

Please do tell us who is now openly advocating breaking the law?

I cannot see the post that you are referring to, so maybe you are just waffling again.


As mentioned in Mr. Toads post, failure to produce your passport is different than presenting it on the spot.

It seems pointless to ask if you have a problem understanding the difference given the level of intelligence shown in your earlier posts.

Maybe you can get your four friends with the fictitious work permits to explain this to you.



Rolf? Is that supposed to be injurious to me?


What a berk cheesy.gif



You're obviously spoiling for a fight but your feeble intellect means you're hopelessly ill-equipped to do battle here.


To answer to your idiotic question, it is those who say they will NOT carry their original passports that are openly preparing to break the law 




1. By law, all tourists and expats nationwide are required to carry their original passports with them at all times. There is no exception to this. Failure to carry your original passport may result in a 2,000 THB fine. The reason behind this is that Immigration needs to keep track of overstayers and foreign criminals who may be staying illegally in the country.


. . . or are you unable to get your remaining synapses to fire consistently enough to grasp that?



Gosh Rolf,

Don't get your knickers in a twist.


I'm sure when the law is reported correctly all TVF members will comply with it.


At the moment there is no consistency to the reports, with some sources quoting a 2,000 Baht fine while others quote a 20,000 Baht fine.

If you read the Nation link which is posted on this thread then you will see that the Immigration Division spokesman Colonel Worawat Amornwiwat stated that starting from August 29, foreigners who failed to produce their passports would be fined up to Bt20,000 and jailed for up to two years.


As previously mentioned, you seem to have problems grasping the simplest of concepts, so it would probably be better if you didn't play with the big boys until you have learned the rules of the game.

Now, toddle along Sonny.




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Have never done so before and I do not intend starting now.

I don't agree with that Law so I won't be obeying it. I do agree with having to carry ID, so I have decided my Thai driving licence will do.



No way??!! Mr. Squeaky Clean, whiter-than-white will disobey a law??!!


Because he doesn't agree with it??


Does that now mean that it's OK for a web designer or online copywriter to thumb his nose at the legal requirement for a work permit because "he doesn't agree with it"?

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Have never done so before and I do not intend starting now.

I don't agree with that Law so I won't be obeying it. I do agree with having to carry ID, so I have decided my Thai driving licence will do.



No way??!! Mr. Squeaky Clean, whiter-than-white will disobey a law??!!


Because he doesn't agree with it??


Does that now mean that it's OK for a web designer or online copywriter to thumb his nose at the legal requirement for a work permit because "he doesn't agree with it"?


That's up to him, but I agree with work permits.


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Gosh Rolf,
Don't get your knickers in a twist.
I'm sure when the law is reported correctly all TVF members will comply with it.
At the moment there is no consistency to the reports, with some sources quoting a 2,000 Baht fine while others quote a 20,000 Baht fine.
If you read the Nation link which is posted on this thread then you will see that the Immigration Division spokesman Colonel Worawat Amornwiwat stated that starting from August 29, foreigners who failed to produce their passports would be fined up to Bt20,000 and jailed for up to two years.
As previously mentioned, you seem to have problems grasping the simplest of concepts, so it would probably be better if you didn't play with the big boys until you have learned the rules of the game.
Now, toddle along Sonny.

OK well as I'm loathe to lower myself to engaging in the conversational equivalent of playing with an abacus, I'll allow you the "triumph" of having the last word.



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1. By law, all tourists and expats nationwide are required to carry their original passports with them at all times. There is no exception to this. Failure to carry your original passport may result in a 2,000 THB fine. The reason behind this is that Immigration needs to keep track of overstayers and foreign criminals who may be staying illegally in the country.


. . . or are you unable to get your remaining synapses to fire consistently enough to grasp that?


Didn't they close that thread (2000 baht idea and stamped copy and Thais notify immigration of Farang movement)

For the new thread, (20,000 baht fine, 2 yrs in jail and Thais don't tell immigration nothing) thread? 

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The 20k/2y is for not being able to produce any kind of valid travel document, residence certificate or alien registration book, meaning you've entered Thailand illegally. Immigration Act Section 62. Still no requirement to be glued to the passport 24/7.

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The 20k/2y is for not being able to produce any kind of valid travel document, residence certificate or alien registration book, meaning you've entered Thailand illegally. Immigration Act Section 62. Still no requirement to be glued to the passport 24/7.

I see your point.  That other thread says Thai Visa talked to a supervisor of Immigration.  Why wouldn't Thai Visa (whoever that is) ask immigration about the new law he was quoting from? 

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1. By law, all tourists and expats nationwide are required to carry their original passports with them at all times. There is no exception to this. Failure to carry your original passport may result in a 2,000 THB fine. The reason behind this is that Immigration needs to keep track of overstayers and foreign criminals who may be staying illegally in the country.


. . . or are you unable to get your remaining synapses to fire consistently enough to grasp that?


Didn't they close that thread (2000 baht idea and stamped copy and Thais notify immigration of Farang movement)

For the new thread, (20,000 baht fine, 2 yrs in jail and Thais don't tell immigration nothing) thread? 



To be honest, I haven't followed the story that closely because I think it's almost inevitable that immigration will back off the original passport stipulation once they get wind of the opposition to it.


I think they'll just make it mandatory that copies of the main and visa pages showing stamps etc are carried.


I'm guessing a lot of people do that already so hopefully, it'll end up being a non-issue

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People avoid carrying their passports on a daily basis because of fear of losing them.


This is, of course, stating the obvious but the thought of the trouble and expense involved in replacing a lost passport with a return trip imminent is quite awful.


A lot of passports are lost as it is. Some are stolen as they can be useful in the wrong hands.


Additionally, as a man, I would usually have to carry my passport in my trouser pocket. The state of it after a few weeks of this treatment defies belief.


Ladies can often put it in their handbag, men cannot. I have no intention of converting to wearing cargo trousers, or whatever, or even amending my style of dress in any way to conform.


It is a thoroughly silly, stupid and badly thought out law in this day and age.


If the Thai authorities consider that steps in this direction are necessary due to some security considerations, then they should make some sort of alternative official.


Some have already mentioned the laminated photo-copy idea, which I use and which is a good compromise. Apparently this is not strictly acceptable though.


If an official facility were to be provided at airports or immigration offices, whereby such a duplicate was manufactured and then sealed with some sort of official stamp for say,1000 baht, then everybody would be happier.


I see this as the problem being solved, both ways and, as usual, the Thai coffers would be healthier ...... remember the exit surcharge? I suppose this could be viewed as the opposite, but at least you will have something for your money, along with peace of mind.   



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1. By law, all tourists and expats nationwide are required to carry their original passports with them at all times. There is no exception to this. Failure to carry your original passport may result in a 2,000 THB fine. The reason behind this is that Immigration needs to keep track of overstayers and foreign criminals who may be staying illegally in the country.


. . . or are you unable to get your remaining synapses to fire consistently enough to grasp that?


Didn't they close that thread (2000 baht idea and stamped copy and Thais notify immigration of Farang movement)

For the new thread, (20,000 baht fine, 2 yrs in jail and Thais don't tell immigration nothing) thread? 



To be honest, I haven't followed the story that closely because I think it's almost inevitable that immigration will back off the original passport stipulation once they get wind of the opposition to it.


I think they'll just make it mandatory that copies of the main and visa pages showing stamps etc are carried.


I'm guessing a lot of people do that already so hopefully, it'll end up being a non-issue



I don't think they should let people in short pants decide things. 

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1. By law, all tourists and expats nationwide are required to carry their original passports with them at all times. There is no exception to this. Failure to carry your original passport may result in a 2,000 THB fine. The reason behind this is that Immigration needs to keep track of overstayers and foreign criminals who may be staying illegally in the country.


. . . or are you unable to get your remaining synapses to fire consistently enough to grasp that?


Didn't they close that thread (2000 baht idea and stamped copy and Thais notify immigration of Farang movement)

For the new thread, (20,000 baht fine, 2 yrs in jail and Thais don't tell immigration nothing) thread? 




I think you'll find its 2000 baht for NOT carrying it, 20,000 etc for not being able to produce it to the authorities ( a police station as an example). Totally different.


Example situation, you are walking , get stopped and dont have it, 2000 fine, asked to produce it later at the station and you dont/cant, then potentially 20,000 fine and up to 2yrs in jail.


Thats how I understand it.

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1. By law, all tourists and expats nationwide are required to carry their original passports with them at all times. There is no exception to this. Failure to carry your original passport may result in a 2,000 THB fine. The reason behind this is that Immigration needs to keep track of overstayers and foreign criminals who may be staying illegally in the country.


. . . or are you unable to get your remaining synapses to fire consistently enough to grasp that?


Didn't they close that thread (2000 baht idea and stamped copy and Thais notify immigration of Farang movement)

For the new thread, (20,000 baht fine, 2 yrs in jail and Thais don't tell immigration nothing) thread? 




I think you'll find its 2000 baht for NOT carrying it, 20,000 etc for not being able to produce it at to the authorities ( a police station as an example). Totally different.



Thanks for clarifying that point Charlie.

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I think you'll find its 2000 baht for NOT carrying it, 20,000 etc for not being able to produce it to the authorities ( a police station as an example). Totally different.


Example situation, you are walking , get stopped and dont have it, 2000 fine, asked to produce it later at the station and you dont/cant, then potentially 20,000 fine and up to 2yrs in jail.


Thats how I understand it.


Yeah, the 20k is in the Immigration Act, Section 62.


But I still haven't seen anything mentioning the 2000 baht and am still guessing it might be in the elusive National Identity Card Act, which likely concerns any one in the Kingdom. Since the text of that act is somewhere in the ether where I can't find it, it's hard to say what kinds of IDs are mentioned there.

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