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The use of crash helmets will be discouraged in Deep South

Lite Beer

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There is another way around this..... In Colombia, after years of terrorist bombings and assassinations,  all motorbike drivers and riders have to wear safety vests and helmets with decals that match the license tag.  If you are caught without a helmet, vest, or that doesn't match the tag, it is assumed you are up to no good and immediately detained by police. So, it really is a win win. Safer for the bikers, safer for the security forces. 



Or the bad guys could just do what the cops do to hide from dash cams....helmet, surgical mask, big mirror glasses and take off your name tag.

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What pops up In my mind is that it's probably for the same reason that they don't want you to wear your helmet when entering a bank...


But FireMedic did actually have a better idea, with ID markings on the helmets and with no helmet you would automaticly be a suspected insurgent. That way it's a win win situation, people would actually wear helmets and if you do something wrong you are easier to identify and if you don't wear a helmet then expect to be treated as a terrorist!


They must start doing something as there are so many innocent people that have died down in the south. I mean I don't want to do it the American/Israeli way and bomb the crap out of them as they are muslims, I want the Thai army (NCPO) to find a peaceful solution! 

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Clever idea. With the decreased use of crash helmets and the subsequent increase in motorcycle-related deaths, ultimately the problem will solve itself. thumbsup.gif


Reminds me of a solution to the issue of high health care costs proposed by some wack job in the U.S.: Encourage people to smoke!  Smokers die younger and do not run up costs associated with aging and they die quicker, also avoiding lots of care and cost.

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Suggestions such as those made by Col Poonpien only serve to show how hapless and disengaged Thailand is to the problems of the southern region. Basic safety taking a second place to commerce. Drowning men clutching at straws.

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Ideas like this benefit from screening in a parliament


The revison to ban visors veils or other things that disguise identity yet many vehicles have illegible ID,laws are blurred,tea money spins round business as usual in the  best sewer (BS)

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I am trying to get statistics for deaths without helmets and accidents resulting in brain damage in Chiang Mai and also the intersections that have the most accidents as part of a public awareness and education campaign. No wisecracks please, they had an anti-helmet rally in Sturgis and one guy died from not wearing one, if it saves one life it will be worth it. Perhaps the gravity of riding without a helmet will sink in. Too many kids with brain damage and babies riding unprotected.

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