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Lite Beer I am sorry!!


But why publish yet ANOTHER newspaper-story, for what reason?? This will only fuel once again all the people that have a hardtime to understand

and value the present situation.


Plse plse enlighten me so that I understand for what reason you took the work to publish already to 100% known facts...



Well, it seems quite clear that TV has been 'selected' by The General to put the wind up farangs who are on overstay and the retired/wealthy legal farangs are doing a good job enforcing this message. I wonder how many 20k's have been collected the last few weeks wink.png

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I know someone awhile back posted a disclaimer that even the elite card was subject to visa regulations. I don't have the link but it's burried somewhere here. However, I do agree that ppl with money will find a way.


Yes, it is subject to the regulations in the sense that gives anyone with the money a five years, unlimited entries visa, plus some perks.


The title of the article should read "Holiday in Thailand could end for expats who VIOLATE Visa laws" clap2.gif   I say more power to the government in enforcing its visa laws, those expats who do not abide by them should be kicked out of the country thumbsup.gif  I just wish that the U.S. had leadership that would enforce our visa/immigration laws whistling.gif

Yes, as usual "sensational" headlines from thaivisa.

Keeping wishing the US will enforce its immigration laws.... not gonna happen though. Barry's importing voters guaranteed to be Democrat loyal.

Now as to your enthusiasm for the enforcement of visa laws in Thailand, I'm always curious about such sentiments. Do you have some kind of stake in the game? Are visa abusing expats trying to shag your Mrs? or are they somehow ruining your business? Do they offend your gentlemanly sensibilities? Normally I'd expect such a strength of opinion to indicate some incentive, personal benefit for holding such a strong view. So what's yours?

On the surface of it, I can't see how the lives of random expats in any way intersect with your own upward trajectory.

I could say "I say more power to ISIS for enforcing Sharia law, those Christians who don't abide by it should be beheaded." Of course that's an extreme example, and I'd be a hell of an ass for saying it, but in both cases I can't see any connection between the "I say"er, the enforcer, and the "I say"er and the enforced against. In both cases its a negative outcome for the enforced against and doesn't affect the "I say"er. So how exactly does this bring you joy?

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the people with loads of dosh can get a visa - at a hefty price - quite legally

it is the people without loads of dosh or another legitimate reason to get a visa that have a problem



There is nothing in this article that anyone with a modicum of intelligence should worry about, those that read the relevant laws and abide no problems, those that think because they either have loads of dosh or can do whatever they like, bye-bye. I have no sympathy for any of you, the writing has been on the walls for a while and yet they still think they can stay, one wonders how these peole whom seem to ;lack not on;y intelligence but commonsense have stayed for so long. 


He that uses random syllables instead of letters and cannot spell "people" should forgo casting aspersions reference the intelligence of others.



Sent from my iPigeon using a note tied to it's leg and wings app





SO what is the real story? We own a condo and come for 4 months a year ( winter holiday) on double and /or triple entry tourist visas.

Is thailand now saying we can only stay 6months in 2 years? Kind of shooting themsleves in the foot arent they? Why would you force people to spend their money in other countries?

I  suspect there will be some real deals on condos etc, both for sale and to rent. And  a lot of bars and restaurants for sale... anyone who believes this visa crackdown isnt going affect tourism and the thai economy, has their head up their petooot...


How can they not see this is going to affect the economy big time.  The USA says that every dollar brought into an economy moves through the economy 17 times. The dollars or bahts spent at the hotel or bar don't just stop there. The bars and hotels they also buy goods and pay salaries of workers who then pay their bills and buy goods and then those people also spend the money and so on over and over....the stopping of tourism has to be a long term economic problem for Thailand.



The ONLY time a Thai reacts is when their cash flow is diminished.

For the past 10 years I have watched this land "self destruct".

This regime has to be seen to doing "something" to justify their existence!

They are "using a sledgehammer to crack a nut"

Their actions will cost JOBS!

"Light blue touch paper, and stand back"


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Well, we don't accept it either when immigration rules are abused or exploited in our home countries, there's no reasons Thailand should be more lax.

speak for yourself I would like to see all immigration rules scrapped worldwide - that way populations could migrate to areas better able to support them - and it would level out the disparity of wealth between people in different countries.   I dont believe that any government should have the right to tell anyone where they can or cannot live - I would rather consider myself a citizen of the world
Absolutly. I demand also the free world. We live in times of globalisation, a smaller world were one can say something on the internet and the whole world can read and answer instantly. The internet is 2014, but the whole visa bs worldwide is absolutly stoneage. I hope we free and independent thinkers in the world win one day against the visa nazis.
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Well, we don't accept it either when immigration rules are abused or exploited in our home countries, there's no reasons Thailand should be more lax.


You obviously aren't in touch with events on the Southern United States border.  Educate yourself before making statements like that.

  • Like 2

Alternative headline "Expats using Tourist Visas could be refused". Whaddaya say? Hits the nail on the head if you've got a hammer. Got any part-time work writing sensational headlines there at Thaivisa? I'm a man of letters with experience in voluntary contributions on the message board. I'm sure I can up the tone of things. 


Yours sincerely, 


toooa (hug)


<script type='text/javascript'>window.mod_pagespeed_start = Number(new Date());</script>


reckon you could come to Thailand 12 times a year if you stayed a week

Reckon is anything but official, and I think at this point that is what we would all like to see...

Something Official. 

As it is, people are already being required to sign a document, 

when entering showing what the penalties will be for overstay, 

when nothing is Official. 


Immigration was all to happy to jump on this band wagon, 

as are so many expats on this site.

Who were probably the same expats last year complaining about having problems playing in a band at their local bar in Chiang Mai, 

without a work permit. Anybody remember all the chatter about that?

It hardly seems to be something a tourist would try to do;

especially since you'd have to know the bar owner pretty good to have him let you before his customers.


We are certain to hear more from these so called visa activist when DSI comes after all the illegally obtained villas, 

and land obtained from expats under a fraudulent company.


As for the U.S. & U.K. giving it foreigners a hard time when they overstay...really?

In these countries they don't even come looking, they just wait for you to screw up, 

and then they send you back, expenses paid.

More importantly though,

their fellow immigrants don't sit around slamming all the local aliens sneaking through the boarder daily, 

without ever having any sort of documents to begin with.


The problem that has always been just below the surface here is we enjoy turning on each other, 

and so do the Thai's. While the Thai's stick together through thick & thin, 

we can't seem to find our way with our own.


It's amazing how strong the Thai sovereignty is,

and not so much on how weak ours is,

even when we are in our homeland,

it's nothing compared to the Thai's strength to stick together.


Yet here we are in a foreign country, 

cheering the Government to crack down more on people from our own countries...


So we can gain something?

Perhaps more selection at your local bar?

When I take my friends visiting to local sites and we stop at a bar for a few cold ones, 

there's always a table or two of old expats slapping the ladies around, 

taking a number for whose going to be next.

It's actually embarrassing.

But we also manage to get a good laugh watching some long term expat figuring he's got the location locked down,

and then some tourist comes in,

and scoops up his mate in less than five minutes,

knowing she can't wait to get away from looking at the same old faces she has seen each day during her time on the job,

which hopefully wasn't long as that could certainly get old quick.


All of it is going to back fire on each of us, 

as we should know already,

as being the root of why most of us left our homeland.


When the Government gets serious about cracking down on things, 

they rarely set limits on what those things are, 

they just decide they aren't going to take it anymore, 

and it's across the board for all illegal activities.


I read a lot about how Thailand would like to draw in more high value tourism, 

and of course I read our loyal members here rant how that's a good thing too.

How does Thailand go about doing that,

when they fail at most levels to provide anything that would be considered at a high level value?


This isn't slander against Thailand either,

I liked it just the way it was, 

and not so much the way it's becoming.

With the grit you knew where you stood, 

and if not you could pay to learn or make up for any mistakes, 

just learn quickly and don't try it again; type of thing.


Today it's becoming another lawyers paradise, 

as more people are certain to get snagged up in some law or the other, 

that they forgot they too were breaking while standing on their soap box, 

cheering about the all new reform taking hold.









  • Like 1



Well, we don't accept it either when immigration rules are abused or exploited in our home countries, there's no reasons Thailand should be more lax.

speak for yourself I would like to see all immigration rules scrapped worldwide - that way populations could migrate to areas better able to support them - and it would level out the disparity of wealth between people in different countries.   I dont believe that any government should have the right to tell anyone where they can or cannot live - I would rather consider myself a citizen of the world
Absolutly. I demand also the free world. We live in times of globalisation, a smaller world were one can say something on the internet and the whole world can read and answer instantly. The internet is 2014, but the whole visa bs worldwide is absolutly stoneage. I hope we free and independent thinkers in the world win one day against the visa nazis.


Love and peace bro

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There is nothing in this article that anyone with a modicum of intelligence should worry about, those that read the relevant laws and abide no problems, those that think because they either have loads of dosh or can do whatever they like, bye-bye. I have no sympathy for any of you, the writing has been on the walls for a while and yet they still think they can stay, one wonders how these peole whom seem to ;lack not on;y intelligence but commonsense have stayed for so long. 

rolleyes.gif.pagespeed.ce.hZ59UWKk-s.gif Got news for you, those with loads of dosh will be staying, no problem as ever. That's called Thai Elite card.
Get over your hate, save yourself aggravation. 

its pay to play in thailand, always has been. the winners (through fair means or foul) will be paying not leaving

i'm not condoning, it is as it is, this is the loophole they have left us

And yet again, another topic on the proposed visa situation, albeit a differing subject, which again is purely speculation apart from comments on visa experiences past and present.


134 posts and counting.  Unbelievable.



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Well, we don't accept it either when immigration rules are abused or exploited in our home countries, there's no reasons Thailand should be more lax.


The large Russian community running business's in Phuket was a prime example of tourist visa abuse.

Thailand has tens of thousands of Farangs working under the radar and using so called visa runs.

For them the end is near and they do not have my sympathy.

Get the correct visa and you will have no problem with immigration.

Then rather than abolish entry stamps for the majority of people who are simply frequent visitors who like come to Thailand and stay in hotels and spend money and contribute to the economy and do nothing that isn't good for the country, why not just pay a visit to Russian businesses and demand to see work permits? Same goes for other illegal workers.

Talk about throwing out the baby with the bath water, but this crackdown is just plain dumb. Most people are perfectly legitimate, I know lots of people who visit many times a year and do nothing wrong. If they don't stay long enough to need a tourist visa, I.e., entry stamps are appropriate, then what exactly is the problem with that? I wish somebody would just say something half way sensible as an answer...just partially intelligent would do.

These people who visit several times a year on entry stamps didn't force the immigration officer to stamp their passport, that's what Thailand provides to short term visitors and there is no rule or guideline that says you can only have a certain number of these before you become branded as some kind of undesirable.

And by the way on the entry card that you fill out on the plane, tourism is the only appropriate answer I can see. I don't come on business, to work, to attend meetings, to get married. I stay in hotels, I go to restaurants, I go to bars, I go shopping. I do that several times a year in Thailand. So what is it that makes doing that once great, twice great, three times fine, four times fantastic, but suddenly, at five, say, or six, it becomes a terrible abuse?

How is it that if I visit, say, four times a year for 4 weeks each time I'm a tourist contributing to Thai GDP, but as soon as it becomes 5 or 6 times I'm no longer a contribution to the Thai economy's and instead am an abusive and undesirable criminal? Can someone answer that....in an intelligent way....by the way "just get the correct visa" isn't intelligent, before another dim wit says it.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand



Where does it say that if you visit 5 or 6 times you become an undesirable?


As long as your visits are clearly not back to back and you have some evidence that your visit is for tourism, you should not have a problem.

If you have some unusual circumstances, get them notarised in Thai script. Be prepared for the questions that they have told you that they will be asking. Stop whining, as it will do you no good.


The problem is if you stay the whole period of the visa/visa exemption and then try to leave and return soon after.


If you stay for just two weeks each time.....you are more likely to be a tourist in their eyes. Doing that five or six times a year is unlikely to be a problem. But have some paperwork with you just in case. You'll have your departure ticket, so what is the issue?


You are making a mountain out of a molehill. 



fly back after just two weeks - that is hellish expensive - even as a genuine tourist I woudlnt consider  a 14 hour flight each way for less than a month's stay.  If  someone wants to take 40 week holidays, have two weeks at home and then take another 40 week holiday - why shouldnt they.   What makes you a holiday maker is what you do while you are there, not how long you stay or how you travel.


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Take away the sex tourists and long timers - and the story would be Rock bottom...


..."the times they are a chagin"


Bangkok was ranked the world's most visited city with nearly 16 million people travelling to the Thai capital, ahead of London and Paris



sorry but London had 28 millions visitors and Paris 26 millions ..... I wonder where they got their information .


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Bangkok was ranked the world's most visited city with nearly 16 million people travelling to the Thai capital, ahead of London and Paris



sorry but London had 28 millions visitors and Paris 26 millions ..... I wonder where they got their information .

From here maybe?     


A friend of mine is a writer type, contracts to all different companies, magazines etc. ALL of his work is done via the internet and as such can work anywhere with a fast connection - theoretically, He came to Thailand and decided on Cambodia because of the visa laws here. This is a guy who makes a lot of money and doesn't mind spending it. Thailand could have been in receipt of the money he fritters away on rent, cars, holidays and restaurants etc. No harm, no foul. Ridiculous.

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Bangkok was ranked the world's most visited city with nearly 16 million people travelling to the Thai capital, ahead of London and Paris



sorry but London had 28 millions visitors and Paris 26 millions ..... I wonder where they got their information .

Never understood the draw to Bangkok anyway (well, for certain people, kitty and beer is all they think about) Personally I would MUCH rather spend my time visiting London or Paris than Bangkok anyday of the week, regardless of how much more expensive those cities are....I don't really find Bangkok has a whole lot of history either, the city is younger than New York, Philadelphia and even Boston....1782...I hate the smog, I hate the rush, I hate mostly everything about the godforsaken city, yet so many people love it....



Many of the people who love it actually live and work there - cant say its my cup of tea either, but then I live in a Thai city that cops a whole lot more scorn on this board than BKK - some of it justified and some of it complete bollocks from uninformed twats who've spent ten minutes in town before deciding its a modern day Sodom.


Sod 'em, I say  ;)


"The crackdown is meant for those foreign visitors who abuse the visa exemption scheme for working illegally in Thailand,"


I did not, could not read past that , YES there are farangs working ONE man/woman businesses because Thailand does NOT give this.

A VISA and WORKPERMIT = 2 Million baht + 4 Thai workers (whom are useless)


Most one man/woman businesses do NOT need 2 MB or 4 Thai useless people.


MORE IMPORTANT and REALITY, MOST FARANGS just want to live in Thailand and spend their money.

Most pensions are NOT enough to get to 800.000Baht, but most are nice old people who live here, in Thailand, off maybe 300.000 baht a year.

Get a married visa and you only need 400.000baht, REALLY????

Having a Thai woman is more expensive and should be 4.000.000 (an extra zero)


I am single and have a legal visa, but I ONLY spend about 25.000Baht a month for living (accommodation, food, drink, fun).

Sometimes extra for other stuff, but that is where the savings come in, because I make more then 25.000baht a month (NOT working in Thailand, just commission from sold previous business back home of which I get %%%%%%

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You DO NOT need to work in a country to make money while you stay there


MANY PEOPLE make money from the internet


But 90% of this forum is old people that have just learned the term "troll" so they think they are internet wise and can make comments based on a small minority of tourists that abuse the system


here is a new term for you OLD FARTS - its called a DIGITAL NOMAD - it is people that make money from the internet and enjoy traveling around the world. There is no available VISA for someone that makes money on the internet and enjoys Thailand - so either get married (NO THANKS), teach english for 600 dollars a month (NO THANKS) or leave the country


Great thinking 

don't tell us, tell the immigration police.

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Well, we don't accept it either when immigration rules are abused or exploited in our home countries, there's no reasons Thailand should be more lax.


You obviously aren't in touch with events on the Southern United States border.  Educate yourself before making statements like that.



and he definately hasnt come from the UK-or not visited there for the last 10 years.......

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One question that has yet to be asked.

Why would expats living in Thailand be taking holidays that need a visa in Thailand?.

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Thailand's travel industry represents 20 percent of the country's total economic output. Thailand's medical tourism industry accounts for about 40 percent of the global market. Anything that restricts the free movement of foreigners into and out of the country is likely to impact Thailand's economy.


Above is from the OP article.


We were always told tourists were 6% of GDP, which we all knew was incorrect.


So Hey presto, it is now 20% ---- playing with the figures never changes --- Well,well.




Bangkok was ranked the world's most visited city with nearly 16 million people travelling to the Thai capital, ahead of London and Paris



sorry but London had 28 millions visitors and Paris 26 millions ..... I wonder where they got their information .

They may have got it from Forbes http://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewbender/2013/06/07/bangkok-tops-the-worlds-10-most-visited-cities/



Ha Ha. The source data quoted in Forbes comes from MasterCard and is quoted by numerous news providers. I couldn't find mention of the 28 million mentioned in laurentbkk's post anywhere on the net. Even London's own advertising agency only claims 16 million. It seems that the OP is correct (or at least verifiable) unlike certain TV poster's claims:-)

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