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Being Extorted -- 10k for a dead cat.


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I don't like dogs.
I love my cat.
If my cat wanders onto somebody elses property and gets attacked by their dog I accept the consequences.
I wouldn't pay any money if I were in your position.

Congrats, someone who is prepared to accept responsibility for their moggie. We had to be continuously cleaning up catsh*t in the garden from the neighbours cats. The Thai neighbour just shrugged and said they couldn't lock the cats up. Now we have a small dog, wouldn't hurt a fly, but the cats don't come in anymore.


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Tell them you are very happy they came forward because the cat dammeged one of the dog's eyes.

The bill to fix this will be very high because you have to go see a specialist eye vet in Bangkok and it will cost a lot of money.

Also them them you are so very much sorry the cat came into your yard and got attacked,you are also very happy it happened inside your fence line and there was nothing you could do.

I do hope they will not try to get even and take it out on your dogs.

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Think you lost sympathy when you stated you let the dogs finish off the cat.


Think here they call this ….what? …. oh, yeah, karma.


But yes, you're not liable (unless some bizarre Thai law states otherwise, or they give more to the cops than you).


P.S. Who gets undressed for a nap?

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Pot meet kettle.


Learn to read, the cat came onto the dog owners property.

How do you teach dogs not to attack a cat that comes onto your own property.


Really the level of dumb is shooting up rapidly on TVF.crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif


Yes so what if the cat came into his property. Doesn't mean you do not teach your dog not to savage it regardless of where it is. If a child walked into his garden is it OK for the dog to savage it? Of course not you clown. Dogs should not savage any animal and should be taught right from wrong.

Sent from my IQ9.1 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Edited by ryanhull
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Truly incredible !!!

I hope neighbors take it all the way and make you pay and after you pay , make your life a miserable nightmare.

One thing is not seeing or knowing, another "letting one dog finish it"

Huh?  Well, what would you have done?  Scared the dogs off, took the cat inside, put it on a towel, and let it twitch in agonizing pain & suffering while gasping for air for the next 30 - 60 minutes before it finally died?  By the time I got to it, it was way past the point of no return, so when I decided to let my dog "finish it", it probably stopped breathing within 2 - 3 minutes.  I'd say that was the most humane thing to do.
Then it's not like I left it there for my dogs to use as a chew toy / meal.  I was back out right away, after I knew it was dead.  Honestly though, that was mainly because I was worried about what diseases the cat may be carrying.

I would have rushed my ass without getting "dressed" got the dogs off and taken cat to a Vet, but that's just me, I am not a compassionate person like yourself


No way would I handle a panicked cat while nude.

I doubt if you would get a good reception from the vet either, turning up naked.

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1 cat cut into roast
1 can of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup
1 cube of beef bouillon
1 clove of garlic
1 Can of Beer Chang.


Cover and soak cat roast in salt water for 24 hours. Drain water and then cover and soak in beer for 6 hours.

Drain and place in crock pot with your cans of soup.

Add a clove of garlic, and a cube of beef bouillon. If you start to slow cook your cat in the morning you'll have finely cooked feline in time for supper.

If a slow cooker is not available, a cat can be baked at 350f degrees for 2-3 hours in a conventional oven and still come out pretty good.

Beer Roasted Cat is fantastic served with mashed potatoes, collard greens, and fresh, homemade egg rolls. When planning a full meal just remember- cat is a course best served hot!




When cooked take to the owner and present the meal as a peace offering.



Edited by Spoonman
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Although I have no sympathy for a cat that goes onto another property, and I can see Nautilus's point of letting it finish the moggy off, I think he did make a mistake there.

I see no legal or moral reason to pay compensation.

I see a practical imperative to pay, to keep the situation from escalating to revenge....and the best suggestion has been to offer to buy a replacement kitty...and sweeten the pot with some cat food. But do it in a way that you are not compensating when they don't deserve it, do it in the vein of, "I'm sorry your cat was stupid to go where it knew it would get hurt. You must be sad. Will a kitten make you happier?"

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Well, I taught mine just that.  I also taught them not to eat anything until I gave the command so they could not be poisoned. I taught them many things, because I'm responsible.


Frankly, I think they are smarter than, well, take a guess …..


Your spot on, if your dog is capable of savaging another animal regardless of whos property its on, its capable of savaging a human. The first thing he should have done is made sure the dog learnt a lesson that it is WRONG to kill/bite anything. If it is on your land, or on someone else's land is not a factor that should come into play in this. I stick to what I said, the OP has shown his dog being a savage is ok. It is your responsibility to show your animal right from wrong and dogs especially look up to the owner as a leader.


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Your an idiot, you've just basically shown your dog its OK to savage other animals by letting them kill it.


You've taught your dog nothing and shown no discipline , also I assume you are not a vet? was you able to diagnose the condition of the cat? I doubt it. Anyway if you had any sense you would have taken the cat to the vets and immediately shown the dogs it was wrong to do that so they wont do it again, now your dogs think its ok to savage other animals and possibly humans. It`s people like you that make dogs into savages.


Get rid of your dogs and give them to a responsible owner, when you learn how to look after and teach your animals right from wrong you could look at getting a pet.




Pot meet kettle.


Learn to read, the cat came onto the dog owners property.

How do you teach dogs not to attack a cat that comes onto your own property.


Really the level of dumb is shooting up rapidly on TVF.crazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gifcrazy.gif.pagespeed.ce.dzDUUqYcHZ.gif




I have had dogs all my life and various breeds. I have never had a dog that would rip to pieces another animal whatever it was. They were taught from an early age that this wasn't acceptable behaviour. If you need to ask how to teach a dog to not attack a cat you can't have had much to do with dogs

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Truly incredible !!!

I hope neighbors take it all the way and make you pay and after you pay , make your life a miserable nightmare.

One thing is not seeing or knowing, another "letting one dog finish it"

Huh?  Well, what would you have done?  Scared the dogs off, took the cat inside, put it on a towel, and let it twitch in agonizing pain & suffering while gasping for air for the next 30 - 60 minutes before it finally died?  By the time I got to it, it was way past the point of no return, so when I decided to let my dog "finish it", it probably stopped breathing within 2 - 3 minutes.  I'd say that was the most humane thing to do.
Then it's not like I left it there for my dogs to use as a chew toy / meal.  I was back out right away, after I knew it was dead.  Honestly though, that was mainly because I was worried about what diseases the cat may be carrying.
I would have rushed my ass without getting "dressed" got the dogs off and taken cat to a Vet, but that's just me, I am not a compassionate person like yourself
No way would I handle a panicked cat while nude.
I doubt if you would get a good reception from the vet either, turning up naked.

Unless vet was gay and I was a sexy man ,

But joking aside, according to mr compassion OP cat was almost dead, so handling it would not be a problem , nor would getting dressed in 5 mins after rescuing the cat
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1 cat cut into roast
1 can of Campbell's Cream of Mushroom soup
1 cube of beef bouillon
1 clove of garlic
1 Can of Beer Chang.


Cover and soak cat roast in salt water for 24 hours. Drain water and then cover and soak in beer for 6 hours.

Drain and place in crock pot with your cans of soup.

Add a clove of garlic, and a cube of beef bouillon. If you start to slow cook your cat in the morning you'll have finely cooked feline in time for supper.

If a slow cooker is not available, a cat can be baked at 350f degrees for 2-3 hours in a conventional oven and still come out pretty good.

Beer Roasted Cat is fantastic served with mashed potatoes, collard greens, and fresh, homemade egg rolls. When planning a full meal just remember- cat is a course best served hot!




When cooked take to the owner and present the meal as a peace offering.



Sounds delish.

But there are morons out there.....skin and gut the cat first, and for heavens sake make sure it is dead first.

Same recipe for badger, only cook slower and longer.

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And, there's always the possibility the person who saw you dispose of the cat, also watched you shrug and walk away, giving  the dogs a few minutes alone with it to finish it.


What's this called here? …. oh, yeah, karma.


Well again, what was I supposed to do?  I've gotten two suggestions so far.


1.) Jump out of bed like an alert fireman, and run outside butt naked to get to the cat.  I highly doubt that extra 20 seconds would have mattered though.


2.) Take the cat inside, and chop its head off with a kitchen knife.


Gotta say, neither of those sound very appealing.  The cat was already gone, so I let it die a quick death instead of suffering, and not sure why you guys see that as inhumane.


Edited by Nautilus05
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What about cat owners accepting some responsibility for their furry felines? Bloody things sh*tting everwhere, breeding indiscriminately, screeching and fighting all night, killing any wildlife they can, that's all OK is it?


Teach your cat not to sh*t everywhere? Agree`d it is not easy to get cats to sh*t where you require but having owned many cats I know it is possible. No animal deserves to die regardless of where it sh*ts or goes.

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Well again, what was I supposed to do?  I've gotten two suggestions so far.


1.) Jump out of bed like an alert fireman, and run outside butt naked to get to the cat.  I highly doubt that extra 20 seconds would have mattered though.


2.) Take the cat inside, and chop its head off with a kitchen night.


Gotta say, neither of those sound very appealing.


Take it to the vets, sure it may have died but at-least you tried to do the right thing.

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What about cat owners accepting some responsibility for their furry felines? Bloody things sh*tting everwhere, breeding indiscriminately, screeching and fighting all night, killing any wildlife they can, that's all OK is it?


Teach your cat not to sh*t everywhere? Agree`d it is not easy to get cats to sh*t where you require but having owned many cats I know it is possible. No animal deserves to die regardless of where it sh*ts or goes.


Do you really think the Thais care where their cat shits or be bothered to train it? As long as it shits in someone else's garden, not theirs. Unless you've just stepped off a plane you'd realise that Thais accept very little responsibility for anything.

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Huh?  Well, what would you have done?  Scared the dogs off, took the cat inside, put it on a towel, and let it twitch in agonizing pain & suffering while gasping for air for the next 30 - 60 minutes before it finally died?  By the time I got to it, it was way past the point of no return, so when I decided to let my dog "finish it", it probably stopped breathing within 2 - 3 minutes.  I'd say that was the most humane thing to do.
Then it's not like I left it there for my dogs to use as a chew toy / meal.  I was back out right away, after I knew it was dead.  Honestly though, that was mainly because I was worried about what diseases the cat may be carrying.
I would have rushed my ass without getting "dressed" got the dogs off and taken cat to a Vet, but that's just me, I am not a compassionate person like yourself
No way would I handle a panicked cat while nude.
I doubt if you would get a good reception from the vet either, turning up naked.

Unless vet was gay and I was a sexy man ,

But joking aside, according to mr compassion OP cat was almost dead, so handling it would not be a problem , nor would getting dressed in 5 mins after rescuing the cat


Mate, I've dealt with many feral cats and the nine lives things is eerily true. They can appear to be dead and as soon as you go near or touch them, they spring alive with claws flying everywhere and teeth gnashing at anything...truly scary.

I've got a particular story about one, both hilarious and sad...but I won't derail the thread just now. Perhaps when the thread has descended into bitter fighting between cat lovers and those that are more feline-nonchalant.

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Do you really think the Thais care where their cat shits or be bothered to train it? As long as it shits in someone else's garden, not theirs. Unless you've just stepped off a plane you'd realise that Thais accept very little responsibility for anything.


I agree with you, but it still does not mean they should be savaged for taking a dump in the wrong place, I agree its annoying but that is life. Hey, us humans are not exactly perfect, I had several bags of rubbish left in my garden last week.... doesn't mean I am going to allow my dog to savage them does it.

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Do you really think the Thais care where their cat shits or be bothered to train it? As long as it shits in someone else's garden, not theirs. Unless you've just stepped off a plane you'd realise that Thais accept very little responsibility for anything.


I agree with you, but it still does not mean they should be savaged for taking a dump in the wrong place, I agree its annoying but that is life. Hey, us humans are not exactly perfect, I had several bags of rubbish left in my garden last week.... doesn't mean I am going to allow my dog to savage them does it.


If you want a cat, make a cat run for it and keep it in your garden. That way you don't piss off your neighbours and the cat is protected. If you let it run wild and it gets injured or killed. Som nom na. Is the motorist to blame when he runs the cat over?

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If you want a cat, make a cat run for it and keep it in your garden. That way you don't piss off your neighbours and the cat is protected. If you let it run wild and it gets injured or killed. Som nom na. Is the motorist to blame when he runs the cat over?


It depends, if the motorist ran it over on purpose then yes, if it was an accident then no. Maybe your correct on keeping the cat in a run, some cat owners keep them in-doors but really that is not the point of this topic.

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