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Gaza school strike 'criminal' - UN


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These grubs were alledgedly targeting 3 enemy combatants on a motorcycle. Is it just coincidence that they decided to engage the target in extreme close proximity to a school? The truth is, no. They don"t care.

Ok I see...Hamas can fire its rockets blindly into Israel but when Israel does we scream in outrage.

Double standards....make that triple for good measure!

Schools,mosques and hospitals,because they are perceived to be 'safe' ,are used by Hamas as storage and refuge places for its fighters.

Israel occasionally has to target them.

They know it will be a PR disaster but they have no choice.

Except the IDF is supposed to be highly trained with sophisticated powerful weaponry that they can fire with pinpoint accuracy..and they do, straight at civilian targets completely against the rules of war regarding legitimate military targets


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So Hamas troops never completed the capture....they were killed along with the soldier in the clash. The kidnapping claim was BS.

Then they should not have claimed responsibility for it. Some people actually believe their lies. whistling.gif

Edited by Ulysses G.
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So Hamas troops never completed the capture....they were killed along with the soldier in the clash. The kidnapping claim was BS.

Then they should not have claimed responsibility for it. Some people actually believe their lies.


Look at the quote from the link you posted. Do I have to break down the sentence for you?

"We lost contact with the [Hamas] troops deployed in the ambush and assess that these troops were probably killed by enemy bombardment, including the soldier said to be missing — presuming that our troops took him prisoner during the clash," the statement read."

They lost contact with the ambush squad because they AND THE IDF SOLDIER were killed by "enemy bombardment".

So they say they "presume" he was captured....and that it is likely they were killed during the escape. This corresponds with the widely reported IDF use of the Hannibal Procedure.

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Yes , three hundred kids should take responsibility for Hamas and their actions shouldn't they!!.

No Hamas should take responsibility for placing them in harms way and encouraging their parents to use them as human shields.If they had stopped firing those rockets at Israel all those kids would be alive today.

After a 57 second warning families ran for their lives to Israeli designated safe zones, and they still murdered them.

They had stopped firing rockets despite Israeli provocation with its targeted assassinations of 2 teenagers in Beitunia, a harmless fisherman trying to feed his family, and a Hamas member simply riding his motorcycle .

The rockets had reduced to a trickle ONE each week in preceding 3 weeks that fell harmlessly in open ground 23 May, I June, 11 June. The proof is here that you repeatedly ignore.


Israel started this present round of violence on a pure pretext and you know it....it's a great vote winner.

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If we're talking about the poor Palestinians being killed by the Israelis right? than what about the poor

Palestinians being killed and expelled fro Syria on en mass? some will jump now up and say these

are different Palestinians, are they?

xofftopic.gif.pagespeed.ic.ifZtFTWxj3.pn deflection

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So Hamas troops never completed the capture....they were killed along with the soldier in the clash. The kidnapping claim was BS.

Then they should not have claimed responsibility for it. Some people actually believe their lies. whistling.gif

Most Jewish TV members are just commenting this conflict as entertainment.

For shure, non of you have ever be involved in a conflict from and for Israel.

Thanks anyway for sharing you balcony wisdom and virtual intifada.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

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If we're talking about the poor Palestinians being killed by the Israelis right? than what about the poor

Palestinians being killed and expelled fro Syria on en mass? some will jump now up and say these

are different Palestinians, are they?

xofftopic.gif.pagespeed.ic.ifZtFTWxj3.pn deflection

what you mean is it is OK for Arab to Kill Arab, but not for Israel to kill terrorists. You don't even have the humanity to say it is a tragedy what is happening in Syria for you it is just deflection.

Shame on you.

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So Hamas troops never completed the capture....they were killed along with the soldier in the clash. The kidnapping claim was BS.

Then they should not have claimed responsibility for it. Some people actually believe their lies.

Most Jewish TV members are just commenting this conflict as entertainment.

Yet another anti-Semitic remark.

You don't have the slightest idea who is Jewish and who is not on this forum. There is one guy who keeps claiming to be "Jewish" in almost every post, but he is on the "hates Israel" side.laugh.png

Edited by Ulysses G.
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These grubs were alledgedly targeting 3 enemy combatants on a motorcycle. Is it just coincidence that they decided to engage the target in extreme close proximity to a school? The truth is, no. They don"t care.

Ok I see...Hamas can fire its rockets blindly into Israel but when Israel does we scream in outrage.

Double standards....make that triple for good measure!

Schools,mosques and hospitals,because they are perceived to be 'safe' ,are used by Hamas as storage and refuge places for its fighters.

Israel occasionally has to target them.

They know it will be a PR disaster but they have no choice.


- 3 incidents of UN personnel finding rockets caches at schools that were not being used. The UN found them, reported it publicly, and did what they could to get rid of the rockets. No justification for bombing the schools.


- There were reports from the IDF that they saw militant activity 100 meters from a hospital. There were other reports that hospital's were used by Hamas for interviews and planning. All vague reports, but lets assume true. Does that justify bombing a hospital?

There has not been a single report that rockets were being launched directly from schools or hospitals. So why are they being directly hit?

You obviously haven't been following the news!

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The kindly Terrorists of Hamas working diligently teaching the children of Palestine.

Off topic!

what you mean is that it doesn't suit you that Hamas teach infants to hate jews and Israel. If anyone is off topic it is you with the bile you spout and don't even have the guts to admit you got it wrong on more than one occasion.


No ...I mean..xofftopic.gif.pagespeed.ic.ifZtFTWxj3.pn we are discussing a UN run school currently used as refugee center with coordinates known to IDFdeliberately targeted by the IDF. You are trying to score cheap political points out of children's deaths with an off topic vid.

Edited by dexterm
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If we're talking about the poor Palestinians being killed by the Israelis right? than what about the poor

Palestinians being killed and expelled fro Syria on en mass? some will jump now up and say these

are different Palestinians, are they?

xofftopic.gif.pagespeed.ic.ifZtFTWxj3.pn deflection

what you mean is it is OK for Arab to Kill Arab, but not for Israel to kill terrorists. You don't even have the humanity to say it is a tragedy what is happening in Syria for you it is just deflection.

Shame on you.

Its ok for Israel to kill terrorists.

Its not ok for Israel to kill 8 people to kill 2 terrorists.

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The kindly Terrorists of Hamas working diligently teaching the children of Palestine.

Off topic!

what you mean is that it doesn't suit you that Hamas teach infants to hate jews and Israel. If anyone is off topic it is you with the bile you spout and don't even have the guts to admit you got it wrong on more than one occasion.


No ...I mean...offtopic2.gif.pagespeed.ce.kcjFR6YG46.gi

Which shows you as a person are off topic.

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These grubs were alledgedly targeting 3 enemy combatants on a motorcycle. Is it just coincidence that they decided to engage the target in extreme close proximity to a school? The truth is, no. They don"t care.

Schools,mosques and hospitals,because they are perceived to be 'safe' ,are used by Hamas as storage and refuge places for its fighters.

Absolute dogs <deleted>.
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These grubs were alledgedly targeting 3 enemy combatants on a motorcycle. Is it just coincidence that they decided to engage the target in extreme close proximity to a school? The truth is, no. They don"t care.

Ok I see...Hamas can fire its rockets blindly into Israel but when Israel does we scream in outrage.

Double standards....make that triple for good measure!

Schools,mosques and hospitals,because they are perceived to be 'safe' ,are used by Hamas as storage and refuge places for its fighters.

Israel occasionally has to target them.

They know it will be a PR disaster but they have no choice.

Except the IDF is supposed to be highly trained with sophisticated powerful weaponry that they can fire with pinpoint accuracy..and they do, straight at civilian targets completely against the rules of war regarding legitimate military targets



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Israels enemies are not in truth the Arab states or the Palestinians

The average Israeli would do well to view the rabid Zionists as the greatest threat to Israels and the average Israelis existence.

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If we're talking about the poor Palestinians being killed by the Israelis right? than what about the poor

Palestinians being killed and expelled fro Syria on en mass? some will jump now up and say these

are different Palestinians, are they?

xofftopic.gif.pagespeed.ic.ifZtFTWxj3.pn deflection

what you mean is it is OK for Arab to Kill Arab, but not for Israel to kill terrorists. You don't even have the humanity to say it is a tragedy what is happening in Syria for you it is just deflection.

Shame on you.

Its ok for Israel to kill terrorists.

Its not ok for Israel to kill 8 people to kill 2 terrorists.

Absolutely spot on. Unfortunately, Netanyahu doesn't care how many arabs die. He's an extremist fanatic no different to the terrorists that he's hunting.

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Off course, as long the USA is supporting that Zionist State, nothing will ever change.

Now, not quite sure what the BBC's correspondents report but CH4 in the UK had a very short but

pretty enlightening report.


Yes sadly the USA ...no matter under what president.... continues to back what most any American citizen

would not. The USA has basically vetoed/blocked any UN sanctions against Israel since the 1950's

But this type of support of such actions is not what the USA once stood for.

Nor would the US tolerate it from any other country. I believe if put to a vote of its citizens the USA

government would not be allowed to continue this unjustified support.

That was a heart wrenching video you linked.

I also did not realize the average age there was so young.

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xofftopic.gif.pagespeed.ic.ifZtFTWxj3.pn deflection

what you mean is it is OK for Arab to Kill Arab, but not for Israel to kill terrorists. You don't even have the humanity to say it is a tragedy what is happening in Syria for you it is just deflection.

Shame on you.

Its ok for Israel to kill terrorists.

Its not ok for Israel to kill 8 people to kill 2 terrorists.

Absolutely spot on. Unfortunately, Netanyahu doesn't care how many arabs die. He's an extremist fanatic no different to the terrorists that he's hunting.

You don't know what you are talking about either.

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The picture was taken in 2013 and there is no 'appears to be' about it. It is NOT Hamas.

Your willingness to accept and spread lies enables Israel's genocide and colonization to continue. Shame on you.

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Israels enemies are not in truth the Arab states or the Palestinians

The average Israeli would do well to view the rabid Zionists as the greatest threat to Israels and the average Israelis existence.

Yes. The day will come when they bring themselves undone. I just hope I am still around to witness it and join in the Palestinian's celebrations.

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The picture was taken in 2013 and there is no 'appears to be' about it. It is NOT Hamas.

Who is it? Please provide some evidence then. The article that I responded to does not say anything about when it was taken or that it is from the current conflict - only that it is Hamas.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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When you use women and children as human shields, civilians die. No more criminal than Friendly Fire. Stuff happens. Get over it. Israel has the right to defend itself against Hamas, a terrorist organization. OK, you can attack me now.

Of course. When a terrorist group shoots thousands of rockets at civilian areas in a sovereign country they are going to be stopped. Any country on earth would be doing the same thing.

Still using images directly from the IDF Spokesperson's twitter eh?

Yep. Most people realize that Hamas are a terrorist group and that the IDF are soldiers protecting their country. I'm not too worried about what people like you think.

Afraid not - Hamas are democratically elected, and the IDF are terrorists who use chemical weapon like phosphorus. While you may not worry about what the civilized world thinks, its is clear that you don't think full stop, as its easier to reach for IDF propaganda.

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If we're talking about the poor Palestinians being killed by the Israelis right? than what about the poor

Palestinians being killed and expelled fro Syria on en mass? some will jump now up and say these

are different Palestinians, are they?

The value of a dead Palestinian rises exponentially if their death can be blamed on Israel, otherwise they are ten a penny, for example the Jordanians killed 10,000 when they expelled the PLO from Jordan.

Sent from my iPad using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

The numbers are certainly high, but that figure doesn't seem likely as far as I've read on wiki;

"Estimates of the number of the people killed in the ten days of Black September range from three thousand to more than five thousand, although exact numbers are unknown. The Palestinian death toll in 11 days of fighting was estimated by Jordan at 3,400, while Palestinian sources often cite the number 5,000, mainly civilians, killed. Arafat at some point claimed that 10,000 had been killed."

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