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Yingluck to NCPO: I'll be back


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She will come back because she has done nothing wrong. Poor policy decision, yes. Government all over the world do that. They don't put them in prison for it, They vote them out. Not one iota of corruption has been found on her. like her or not. She has stood with honor and poise throughout this time and never shirked her responsibilities. A fine woman and admire her a great deal.


 " never shirked her responsibilities" clap2.gifcheesy.gif


"She has stood with honor" - so you think its honorable to act illegally, lie repeatedly and not bother to do the job you swore an oath to do?


You can admire her if you want to, that's your choice but interesting to know what criteria you use to classify her as a "fine" woman.

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you can stay with me in the USA,


no need to return to Thailand,


I have a room set up for you now, with servants


give me a call and I will pick you up at the aiport


Why didn't you ask on facebook ??    looking at this post she already has your phone number.  is that JFK--or LA ????



facebook, great idea
Yingluck is a hot thai girl,

with great gov't connections,

I can see it it all now.............

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She will come back because she has done nothing wrong. Poor policy decision, yes. Government all over the world do that. They don't put them in prison for it, They vote them out. Not one iota of corruption has been found on her. like her or not. She has stood with honor and poise throughout this time and never shirked her responsibilities. A fine woman and admire her a great deal.


"and never shirked her responsibilities"


Except for failing to attend the meetings of the Rice Committee, of which she was the chair-person, eh ? wink.png


I agree that she may not be corrupt per se, subject to whatever evidence the NACC produce in court, negligence is however another matter.


And was it really showing "honor and poise throughout", when while still PM she slagged-off her country's treatment of her close-family, in Mongolia ? whistling.gif

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Obviously Yingluck is not a coward and is ready to face anything that the military Junta will say and throw at her well done you will be there to the bitter end not guilty so won’t need to run away like a Thailand bus crash driver   


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Yingluck is visiting France, the UK and the US since July 23


you can stay with me in the USA,
no need to return to Thailand,
I have a room set up for you now, with servants
give me a call and I will pick you up at the airport

Interesting that in addition to your generous personal offer, the press mentions USA in their article as one of the destinations during her "World Tour On Bail 2014" junket, but have not found any media/social media corroboration that she ever did make it to the USA.

Plenty of press photos exist of her other destinations, especially the "Birthday Bash in Paris"... but nothing at all about her, at this point, alleged, trip to the USA. Edited by Mmorris
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"If anyone has a task [that kept them away], they can inform us," Lt.Gen. Kampanart claimed, "The NCPO will give them time, but when time is up we will have to issue arrest warrants."


What kind of TASK could she possibly have in Europe that would keep her from returning on time???

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Good chance she will come back, whatever, she will do what big brother tells her to do, still in the Thaksin thinks mode.
He needs to keep the Shin name in the spotlight, cant let it fade away, what better way to do it than have the lovely Yingluck persecuted by her political opponents, making statements of innocence on a regular basis, wanting more witnesses, even a few tears at times to keep the faithful entranced.


It's interesting about those witnesses. Previously she was stridently whining about not having six witnesses testify in her behalf during the NACC proceedings.
Now its reached the Attorney-General, that number has since grown nearly 10 times...  :blink: :ermm: ohmy.png

Norawit Lalaeng, lawyer for Thailand's former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra, asked the attorney-general to listen to about 50 witnesses to defend her in the case in which she was accused of negligence of duty in her corruption-plagued rice-pledging scheme.

Ms Yingluck would like to present about 50 additional witnesses for her defence.





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She will come back because she has done nothing wrong. Poor policy decision, yes. Government all over the world do that. They don't put them in prison for it, They vote them out. Not one iota of corruption has been found on her. like her or not. She has stood with honor and poise throughout this time and never shirked her responsibilities. A fine woman and admire her a great deal.


coffee1.gif   Yes she had 100 poor polices,---55555 never skirted her responsibilities-- pewk.   You family ???

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She will come back because she has done nothing wrong. Poor policy decision, yes. Government all over the world do that. They don't put them in prison for it, They vote them out. Not one iota of corruption has been found on her. like her or not. She has stood with honor and poise throughout this time and never shirked her responsibilities. A fine woman and admire her a great deal.


coffee1.gif   Yes she had 100 poor polices,---55555 never skirted her responsibilities-- pewk.   You family ???



It has to be sarcasm............doesn't it?

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It seems like there is more adamant dislike for the Shinawatras by posters here on Thai Visa than in the Thai population at large.  

At the last valid election a minority of those who voted cast in favour of PT. a large minority, enough to win the most seats, but by no means a majority.

So maybe they aren't as popular as you'd like to believe.

You may be right, but the voting percentages don't support your view. Edited by Bluespunk
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It seems like there is more adamant dislike for the Shinawatras by posters here on Thai Visa than in the Thai population at large.  

Possibly probably because Westerners are more interested in politics and are, therefore, better informed than the Thai population at large. Any informed person will know what a narcissist, manipulator, crook, and user that Thaksin is. I, for one, certainly dislike narcissists, manipulators, crooks, and users. Don't you?

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Yingluck is visiting France, the UK and the US since July 23


you can stay with me in the USA,
no need to return to Thailand,
I have a room set up for you now, with servants
give me a call and I will pick you up at the airport

Interesting that in addition to your generous personal offer, the press mentions USA in their article as one of the destinations during her "World Tour On Bail 2014" junket, but have not found any media/social media corroboration that she ever did make it to the USA.

Plenty of press photos exist of her other destinations, especially the "Birthday Bash in Paris"... but nothing at all about her, at this point, alleged, trip to the USA.





There are several places in the Palm Beaches that will suit Yingluck's weather preferences and a warm south breeze to run thru her long pretty hair


We will send pictures of our lair when the time comes...........or she does..........whichever comes first...................

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Quote from khaosod: " Mr. Thaksin was also deposed in a military coup "

No he wasn't.



Agree, Was he not at the UN in New York representing Thailand when the coup took place. In other words, they waited until he was out of the country in his role as PM. Maybe I'm wrong, but that is my memory of it.

I still cannot se how the accusations that he fled the country stand up. He just didn't come back.



At that time he had called for an Election,and stood down as PM,and then took on the role of "Caretaker PM" before he went to America to a UN meeting. As I recall he never made a speech at the UN,and indeed it was never clear if he was ever booked to speak or not? or even if he was representing Thailand!

He came back to Thailand,and went to China supposedly to view the Olympic games,and never came back,by this time the arrest warrants and court cases were piling up,alledgedly, prompting Thaksins decision not to return!


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And all the rice stocks have been checked. Everybody hoped and prayed for evidence of huge corruption. So barely any corruption was found.about 5% expected loss was. Found, and a few cases that individuals had scammed, (not luck. doing) . Now is quiet about the rice. The money saved,will now pay for the increase of pay to civil servants and judges.the farmers once again have nothing, considered some of the poorest people on earth. Everybody is happy with the coup and what is done done.they should leave yingluck and her family alone. Edited by greenchair
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And all the rice stocks have been checked. Everybody hoped and prayed for evidence of huge corruption. So barely any corruption was found.about 5% expected loss was. Found, and a few cases that individuals had scammed, (not luck. doing) . Now is quiet about the rice. The money saved,will now pay for the increase of pay to civil servants and judges.the farmers once again have nothing, considered some of the poorest people on earth. Everybody is happy with the coup and what is done done.they should leave yingluck and her family alone.


Nothing to do with the OP of course but you haven't been keeping up.


The rice inspection is almost complete and to date they have found 80% is in good condition.


10% is spoiled and the other 10% is presumable unaccounted for.


Now back to the OP :


I see some are trying to compare Yingluck with Thaksin when it comes to absconding but there is no comparison.


Yingluck has only been investigated for negligence and the results of that investigation passed on to the OAG for scrutiny, should they find there is a case to answer then the process of laying charges will begin.


Whereas Thaksin was charged, had his day in court, found guilty and sentenced. He was then freed on bail pending appeal but rather than appeal chose to run.


At this point Yingluck has not got a lot to worry about, her lawyers have now upped the number of witnesses she wants to present to the OAG on her behalf to 50, the OAG has said they will hear them.


The OAG was supposed to make some sort of a decision within 30 days but with the evidence from the NACC and all these extra witnesses it will no doubt be extended, perhaps into oblivion.


Some of the witnesses will be unable to appear on the set dates (busy, sick) and will have to be rescheduled. There is a good chance even more witness will be added, so more time. 


And this is only the start, should charges be forthcoming the whole thing will start again with evidence from one side and the other with the list of witnesses probably rising into the hundreds. Even then if a guilty verdict is given there are appeals.


It will be several years before she has anything to worry about and all the time the Shin name will be in the news as the dastardly rich elite ammart continue their vicious smear campaign against the lovely lady who was only doing her best to help the poor people of the country.


Meanwhile the inspection of the rice stockpile will be complete and a report written which will lead to a complete accounting of the scheme the result of which would seem to be unlikely to help Yingluck in her defense of a negligence charge.

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you can stay with me in the USA,


no need to return to Thailand,


I have a room set up for you now, with servants


give me a call and I will pick you up at the aiport


Why didn't you ask on facebook ??    looking at this post she already has your phone number.  is that JFK--or LA ????



facebook, great idea
Yingluck is a hot thai girl,

with great gov't connections,

I can see it it all now.............


hhmmm,, whatever floats your boat fella.

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It's amazing! how many posts here are nothing but vile, hateful personal slur on a former PM. Ranging from 'ugly' to blaming for non-specified sins and ending with dirty insinuations. I am not Yingluck supporter. Being a Farang I know my place. But the wave of nauseating hatred from most posts here is truly amazing! The overall tone the language and total blame for anything and everything is disgusting. Maybe she was not a good PM. Maybe Thais could have had a better one. But they voted her. And she should have been removed by a re-election. As to the characters here exercising their free speech rights - don't the rules of decency exist any more?
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It's amazing! how many posts here are nothing but vile, hateful personal slur on a former PM. Ranging from 'ugly' to blaming for non-specified sins and ending with dirty insinuations. I am not Yingluck supporter. Being a Farang I know my place. But the wave of nauseating hatred from most posts here is truly amazing! The overall tone the language and total blame for anything and everything is disgusting. Maybe she was not a good PM. Maybe Thais could have had a better one. But they voted her. And she should have been removed by a re-election. As to the characters here exercising their free speech rights - don't the rules of decency exist any more?

She was appointed to the PM post by her brother ??    she was not elected.


Your OTT post re HATE, is ridiculous most posters despise her type of governing--or lack of it--  and you will always get the odd fanatic that will post ugly insinuating, dirty posts.  Now I can play your game of defending her by adding some things you omitted about the comments re-Suthep-Abhisit, Army,  slurs-ugly-nauseating-language.  


Maybe if the PM hadn't concentrated on photo ops, shopping for expensive goods, 50 trips away, supposedly doing 2 jobs + in government when she was not capable to do any, giving the "people love me"  I do my best for the people, refusing interviews, question time with opposition. 

It is the things here mentioned that put the backs up most posters.


Now on the other hand the very minority will not agree with my summing up as it is not in their agenda--true.

I personally dislike the lady because of her lousy governing and failure to oversee PTP corrupt agenda. On the other hand her returning---well we see so many will she won't she topics, wait till Sunday seeing is believing.

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The France Embassy must have expected her to return, otherwise she wouldn't have got a Schengen visa. Unless they are corrupt, like many EU politicians, and gave her a visa when they knew there was a good chance she wouldn't return. One law for the rich and politician friends, and another for the rest of us. 

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It's amazing! how many posts here are nothing but vile, hateful personal slur on a former PM. Ranging from 'ugly' to blaming for non-specified sins and ending with dirty insinuations. I am not Yingluck supporter. Being a Farang I know my place. But the wave of nauseating hatred from most posts here is truly amazing! The overall tone the language and total blame for anything and everything is disgusting. Maybe she was not a good PM. Maybe Thais could have had a better one. But they voted her. And she should have been removed by a re-election. As to the characters here exercising their free speech rights - don't the rules of decency exist any more?


not sure what you mean my son,


I am in love with Yingluck, and, from what I can see,


I wont have to buy her shoes or handbags for a decade,


do you have any idea what a bonanza that is for a man?

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