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Central Pattaya knife attack leaves American seriously injured

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How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???

I know a few things annoy us here, but it ain't worth confronting any of them, you just never know.....

Hope the guy makes a full recovery....

I carry a knife with me everyday. Have done for the last 40 odd years. Obviously don't take it on planes with me, but will have one available at my destination place of work. Habitual I suppose.

He is a butcher after all, but the question would be what would he want with one doing massages?

To be clear, I don't carry a knife for self protection or to cause injury to others.

Who doesn't carry a knife. Those of you who rest your family's or your own safety on the police have your head buried in the sand. What is the number for the police here anyway? When asked by the authorities I say I'm a retired rescue personnel and that seems to do the trick. Got to be able to cut people out of seat-belts when they have been involved in an accident. Common sense. You also have to be able to open the rescue tool with one hand while you're multitasking.

Is it just kidding around when the poster from the UK blame everything on the American. Are they really saying we were all brought up with a sense of entitlement and all went terribly wrong in the manners department. When I lived in Pattaya years ago wondered why the police, bar owners and staff, and everyone from Europe seemed to beat random, drunken poorly outfitted English people almost every night. Someone told me once that it had something to do with "comprehensive school" or some such thing. Never followed up on that.

I think it's high time the English get over the whole Revolutionary Way thing. America bailed you out of several world conflicts and was glad to do it. My grandfather fought in WW1. My father was torpedoed in the Atlantic on his way to assist the starving and out manned Brits. My uncle's bomber was shot down over Germany while trying to help the British survive as a people and was a prisoner of war for a coupe of years.

All this anti-American sentiment hurled at fellow expats is a bit tiring. Speaking of knives earlier this year didn't a taxi driving slash a longtime resident here to death over a small fare dispute on Sukhumvit using a samurai sword? I hope he wasn't an augmentative American.


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Don't know if the exchange of angry words included threats of violence. If they did, then it puts a different twist to this story. In that was it an attack or a defensive move,


"How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???"

A chef or a butcher would carry a knife, which is what he did for his full time job

No he wouldn't.


The average Thai and traffic law, traffic courtesy and common sense on the road have a long way to go. There needs to be a strong public service campaign on television sponsored by the government to educate and civilize drivers. Other countries do it.

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How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???

I know a few things annoy us here, but it ain't worth confronting any of them, you just never know.....

Hope the guy makes a full recovery....

tHIS is very bad. why oh why dont the thais act like americans, brits, italians

are you making an attempt at a very bad joke? if so, don't quit your day job!

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This is a thread concerning an incident between two men. One caused an accident, then took a knife and attacked another.

This is not about school shootings in the USA, wars, Muslims, or Thai corruption. Please keep your posts at least slightly on topic and in line with ThaiVisa posting rules.

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I'm am American and in America and Americans are prone to wanting to get pissed off and in a fighting mood. It's really weird and we watch out step here. Like the sleeping dog. This guy very likely got pissed at getting clipped by the attacker and things went from there.

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Well it happened at 10:30pm and it looks like Daniel still has his shades on there in ER, so maybe he didn't see Prasit coming?

The shades were in his shirt pocket. His shirt was cut off and thrown into the garbage. Where you want him to keep his shades when on the sewing up your arms table ? If he didn't keep them on they would be 'lost' more than likely.

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Another typical example in life where anger never solves anything.

Like the saying goes,

"Before you speak let your words pass through 3 gates:

At the first gate ask yourself: Is it true?

At the second ask: Is it necessary?

At the third gate ask: Is it kind?

In this case:

Bicyclists says to motorcyclist: "Your a <deleted> retard running into me!!"

Gate no. 1: The truth; Does our level of intelligence correlate with making correct decisions 100% of the time?

Gate no. 2: Is it necessary when your an angry confrontative person, need to let off some steam and being physically larger think you will be safe?

Gate no. 3: Must our kindness always be mistaken for weakness such that we fear loss of face?

Ever since I've watched "Frozen" the theme song "Let it go" has been stuck in my head.

Maybe we should sing it to ourselves when we're angry.


I'm am American and in America and Americans are prone to wanting to get pissed off and in a fighting mood. It's really weird and we watch out step here. Like the sleeping dog. This guy very likely got pissed at getting clipped by the attacker and things went from there.

I've yet to meet, interview and collect the data from the 330+ million USA citizens so I am unable to comment.

Many times anger is a byproduct of the ingestion of foreign substances, much like wayward posts.

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Well it happened at 10:30pm and it looks like Daniel still has his shades on there in ER, so maybe he didn't see Prasit coming?

Funny no mention whether or not the American was drunk on his cycle.That could have been a cause for frustration if wandering on the road------- just a point

Doesn't mention if he was on the correct side of the road, doesn't mention if he had a light on the bike, I'd bet that he was being very silent and was hard to see for the Thai guy. Thai guy didn't see him or hear him coming and then gets a big shouting at by the bicyclist. Big American ranting at a small Thai guy, makes sense to me that he'd pull a knife.


The American chap was extremely lucky he was only cut and not shot, there will be just as many people carrying guns beneath the seat of their bikes as there are carrying knives!

Aye, but hey' I thought the knifes were left to all the NED'S for these less important jobs before moving up to the ammo category cheesy.gif


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How bad is this, the guy was carrying. A knife, ??? Who in there right mind would carry a knife ???

I know a few things annoy us here, but it ain't worth confronting any of them, you just never know.....

Hope the guy makes a full recovery....

I carry a knife with me everyday. Have done for the last 40 odd years. Obviously don't take it on planes with me, but will have one available at my destination place of work. Habitual I suppose.

He is a butcher after all, but the question would be what would he want with one doing massages?

To be clear, I don't carry a knife for self protection or to cause injury to others.

Peeling apples? cleaning your toenails?


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What bothers me is the number of posters who seem to be implying the Thai was somehow justified in his actions. Whilst we may not know all the facts anybody who pulls a knife and inflicts that kind of damage is guilty of attempted murder and should spend a very long time behind bars.

If you or your loved ones are in danger then this may be acceptable, but this ridiculous bullshit Thai idea of loss of face is not sufficient justification for trying to kill someone.

Thais are 'CHILDREN WITH GUNS'. They are mostly dim and unable to process their emotions, they will never be able to compete with the other ASEAN nations, I worry for the future of this country.

Have to agrree, about the attempted murder bit, but rest of the post is quite frankly ridiculous

So pleased you have to agree with part of my post but perhaps you should have concluded by saying 'in your opinion' blah,blah,blah.

I am happy to call Thailand home and enjoy living here, however, my post is based on many, many years of interacting with Thais, it is an opinion shared by many people I know, including some Thais who are often embarrassed and exasperated by the behaviour and stupidity of their countrymen. Yes we may all be sad, bitter, twisted individuals (but I don't think we are). Perhaps your experiences of Thailand have all been of the wonderful 'come share my somtam' type. Or maybe you just believe the Thai smile!

Just because one chooses to live in a country does not mean one has to staunchly defend it or even like everything about it or its people. Maybe I just need to move to your Soi!

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Well it happened at 10:30pm and it looks like Daniel still has his shades on there in ER, so maybe he didn't see Prasit coming?

Could that possibly because he is laying beneth a huge surgical lamp that is quite possibly as bright as the sun. " hmm i wonder"

"When in Rome"... people make mistakes, nothing bad happened and because of this the Thai would have thought it a personal attack from the American. If the opposite had happened and the American had been at fault and put his hands together and said ka toot kap the Thai very most likely would have given the same "polite" gesture and moved on. When in a country that has a "polite particle" in their language for both male and female, even if you are in the right a display of anger is considered very impolite.

I quite agree.

As an American living in Asia many years, I have come to realize that Americans are prone to quick anger and

vulgarities. Americans seem to think this is normal behavior, but in Asia if you get nasty and call people dirty

names as a result of some minor incident, it is not taken lightly.

As this case demonstrates, Americans who plan to visit or live in Asia would do well to learn a bit of manners

and civility. Otherwise they would be better off to stay in America.

Well, I am not sure Americans are any more reactionary than many others. Maybe. But, the reaction was over the top. When you get in an accident here, politeness is the best policy. Most Thai people react to politeness in a positive way. A fighting spirit usually does not go over well here. Nor anywhere, for that matter. Of course this clown overreacted. Who stabs someone over a perceived insult? Only an incredibly small man, with an enormous inferiority complex. Regardless, why test the man? It does not sound like it was a serious accident. I realize there are a lot of careless drivers here, and it can be infuriating. But, it is always best to be polite, and respectful. It goes a long way toward solving problems.


"When in Rome"... people make mistakes, nothing bad happened and because of this the Thai would have thought it a personal attack from the American. If the opposite had happened and the American had been at fault and put his hands together and said ka toot kap the Thai very most likely would have given the same "polite" gesture and moved on. When in a country that has a "polite particle" in their language for both male and female, even if you are in the right a display of anger is considered very impolite.

So impolite it warranted attempted murder right?

(In Thailand) Not warranted no, but "asking for" ... coffee1.gif

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