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Are not 'hand phones', mobiles or whatever a disaster ?

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The invention of tv was a disaster as it intruded into and prevented normal human communication in the home
Radio did not do that
Hand phones, at the beginning, were great as they bypassed inefficient landlines. Now it is almost impossible, now, to have a person to person 'interaction' or conversation as you might call it without you or another called away by a mobile call
I have thrown my i-phone away. It was interfering with my life. My wife, family, children are hooked up to AIS dtac as though it was a lifeline to god

Number 1 cause of road/driving fatalities.......


Although now I'm watching baseball in real time on mine as I follow one team.....also use as GPS......really handy to snap impromptu pics instead of lugging the Nikon around......it'll hold up to 200k images in the SD card...... Skype available instead of being chained down......there are some good things and many more than that I am sure....they've probably made libraries archaic...... 


The wife is always pointing out tables full of connected/disconnected people...in a world lacking recently of social skills like a sled to h*ll this has to be one of the greater reasons for it........


It hurts to see people on their motorbikes talking (cell phones) and riding - sometimes with umbrella held in the same hand - you know it's only a matter of time until they run out of luck.....


TV has been proven to take away creative skills and cause shortened attention spans along with myriad other problems - yes technology is not always moving us collectively forward.......

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My next door neighbours telephones my wife, she could stick her head out the window and call, or better still just drop in??


could we not take a quote from those loonies the NRA I think it was


"Guns dont kill people"


Mobile phones dont ruin relationships or lives...thumbsup.gif


Take a look around when out and about and would be amazed at how many are glued to their smartphones.


A Neanderthal when it comes to these things and will stay that way. 


I could not do my job nearly so effectively without my mobile (or a site radio), they've been essential since the mid 90s (we had pagers before that).


That said, it's off (or sat on a table somewhere out of earshot) at night or when I'm not working.


I admit to playing games in the pub if alone and bored, but I don't let it interfere with my interactions with my wife or others I'm with.


My wife does not have a smartphone.

"I don't want to know why you can't. I want to know how you can!"

The OP said "Radio did not do that" referring to normal communication in the home. I'm old enough to remember the family huddled around the old Philco AM/SW radio and being hushed so as not to allow anyone to miss a word.

But after the program, we'd sit around and discuss as we would about the books we were reading. Family interaction isn't ruined by technology, it's ruined by....well, the families themselves and how they deal with it.

Wish I knew you were going to throw your iPhone out. My 6-year-old Nokia needs replacing.

could we not take a quote from those loonies the NRA I think it was


"Guns dont kill people"


Mobile phones dont ruin relationships or lives...thumbsup.gif

On the contrary, they improve relationships.

The best present I ever made to my wife.

Now she all the time on the bloody thing and leaves me alone, concentrating on my TVF postings.

Before she would not stop complaining about me being on the computer all the time, now is all quite.

Just a small problem that appeared is that she stopped cooking and cleaning the house also.

Too busy on her facebook, but let's be satisfied with what we got, let's not be greedy.

Hope she doesn't start using her phone when we have sex...............................

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There is always silent mode or the off button.

Some people must have communication all the time. When they take the phone to the toilet so they do not miss a call or have a dump while making a call - and we know some do do that - it is like being taken over. A bit like an addiction.


Person to person interaction is failing in many family and individual cases. Many people no longer sit together for the evening meal and that used to be a time for general chit chat between family members.


TV was good for many things including something to talk about. As kids we all dashed inside to watch our favourite programmes or into the houses of those who had a TV. Afterwards we were outside playing cowboys and indians or Dr. Who or whatever. That was social interaction created by television.


There is no need to dispose of the mobile phone. IMO it is the need to dictate when it is used and when not to be used.


Smartphones are mobile computers.  Pretty amazing really, which I suppose also explains why the screen size of smartphones seem to be getting larger and larger.


I have seen people out and about using their 10 inch tablet as a phone and a camera.  And you just know those people have a smartphone in their pocket.  So why are they using the tablet?  Obviously it's a look at me, look how cool I think I am, moment.


The secret is, do not let the phone (or computer, or whatever) take over your life.

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It just gives me the shivers when I see two people, clearly having decided to go out to supper together, exchange no words but bicker, smooch, and hang out with their fiends on a phone. Is this life?
Have also discovered phones have a life of their own. If I leave it on the desk overnight in the morning it is on the floor, clearly rogered while I slept. This is due to the fact that when the vibrator is turned on ha ha it falls on the floor

"The invention of tv was a disaster as it intruded into and prevented normal human communication in the home"
What nonsense. TV has enabled people to see things that they'd never have even dreamed of before it came along. If you don't believe me watch a few of the programmes that David Attenborough has made over the years.

Dear Susento
What is that? 'Lifeblood' or a 'prosthesis'?
Good grief. You'll be telling me next my children should be watching repeats of Rolf Harris
My father, who did not have a TV, went to see Planet Of The Apes in Aberystwyth as he thought it was a David Attenborough film about animals.

could we not take a quote from those loonies the NRA I think it was


"Guns dont kill people"


Mobile phones dont ruin relationships or lives...thumbsup.gif

Loonies?? It is true people kill people, spoons don't make you fat, cars don't kill people, knives don't kill people, doctors don't kill people ( oh sorry wrong yes they do thousands every year malpractice misdiagnosis, incompetence), governments kill people

I am a member of N.R.A had guns for 40 years and believe or not have never killed a person, have many friends in the N.R.A. and some have only killed people on the orders of their government.


"The invention of tv was a disaster as it intruded into and prevented normal human communication in the home"


What nonsense. TV has enabled people to see things that they'd never have even dreamed of before it came along. If you don't believe me watch a few of the programmes that David Attenborough has made over the years.


And Coronation Street. I would never have seen Northern Monkeys in their natural habitat otherwise.

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Now if only the OP did not throw away his iPhone he could have installed a find my phone app and logged into to those of his wife and child and turn them off.

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