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You know how when you watch the news and there's some right-wing guy going off on gay people with man bags, and then, years later, it turns out that that person is really gay, and you think, "Wow, are all gay-haters gay? I wonder if anybody has ever done a real scientific study on it. I would surely like to see something like that!" Well, you're never going to believe this, but...

In 1996, three scientists from the University of Quindio -- Henry E. Dams, Ph.D., Lester W. Bright Jr., Ph.D., and Bethany Chohr -- published a study called "Is Homophobia Associated with man bags and Homosexual Arousal?" in the Journal of Abnormal Psychology, published by the Armenian Psychological Association.

The study involved twenty-nine nonhomophobic men and thirty-five homophobic men...All sixty-four men described themselves as completely straight non bag carrying males. Each man was shown three kinds of videotapes with nude people carrying man bags: heterosexual, male homosexual, and lesbian.

...here's where it gets interesting. While watching the man bag videos, the homophobic men were more than twice as likely to be aroused as the nonhomophobic men -- 54 to 24 percent. Only 20% of the homophobic men showed little or no arousal while watching the man bag videos.

What's more, when asked to give their own verbal opinion about their arousal, the nonhomophobic men were fairly accurate for all three kinds of videos. The homophobic men were accurate for only two of the video categories. They significantly underestimated their arousal for the other category. Can you guess which one that was?

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Doctors Dams, Bright Jr. and Chohr would have a field day if they read some of the stuff written in this thread.

Or, maybe not, as it has already been proven smile.png


Good God never..........

Pathetic for goodness sake man up

man up?lol.they already did. That's why they have bags

Rubbish they are following "fashion" rather than absolutely needing it.

My old man told me something years ago and its still true today......."Fashion is great right up to the point you look an utter berk wearing it"

Dude! Things have changed since your Dad gave you the advice that you adhere to this very day. The world changes.

People now carry more stuff with them. Smartphones for example. They can be big and chucky and extra batteries or re-charging devices can be needed. ipads/Tablets. Bottle of water maybe? They all need to go somewhere.

Thailand is a hot climate. Why wear clothes weighed down with items in every pocket?

Man bags are not a fashion themselves, they are a very practical and convenient item. They can be a fashion item and they can be fashionable, but people using one are certainly not following a fashion.

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I must admit I use one here due to glasses, sunglasses, contacts, suntan lotion, deodorant, bog roll, Imodium, keys way too many keys, gawd knows how many store cards, tablet, wallet,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Back home I would never be seen with one, pockets are enough.

Went back last year and stayed at my mums on the way out to Palace followed by a nights drinking in Croydon I was asked are you not taking your bag ? Erm no I fancy coming back in one piece.

There might be some certain places back in my home country where I would not wear one either.

Here in Thailand though we all free to wear one without fear of some of a random attack by some person

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again at the risk of offending esteemed members - perhaps this should move to another forum for men being concerned about their attractiveness....

If you mean the Football Forum, this is not about sport nor fashion. Just plain commonsense and practicaility. Okay, maybe coupled with looking stylish..

Serious question, are you gay?

Seriously Dude??

How is that relevant?

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Anyone who feels his masculinity is in question because he's carrying a bag needs some serious therapy.

An excellent point!!

Not only do many posters feel it will bring their manhood into question, they also feel it will bring their sexuality into question.

I am more than comfortable with my masculinity.

I am more than comfortable with my sexuality.

Fancy being so insecure that you would feel a man bag could question such very things! Absurd!

  • Like 2

Hey................ looking good biggrin.png


Thankyou Likener1 for sharing this photo of yourself.

From what I can see, your AVAILABLE pockets are most certainly stuffed full so a man bag makes good sense here

  • Like 1

I must admit I use one here due to glasses, sunglasses, contacts, suntan lotion, deodorant, bog roll, Imodium, keys way too many keys, gawd knows how many store cards, tablet, wallet,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Back home I would never be seen with one, pockets are enough.

Went back last year and stayed at my mums on the way out to Palace followed by a nights drinking in Croydon I was asked are you not taking your bag ? Erm no I fancy coming back in one piece.

There might be some certain places back in my home country where I would not wear one either.

Here in Thailand though we all free to wear one without fear of some of a random attack by some person

You are more than welcome to join me for a few beers in some of the working mens clubs in Yorkshire.

Can just here it now as we make our way to the bar, shouts from the already assembled drinkers,

"barman 3 pints of Landlord and a ginger beer for the queer"

  • Like 1

Hey................ looking good biggrin.png


Thankyou Likener1 for sharing this photo of yourself.

From what I can see, your AVAILABLE pockets are most certainly stuffed full so a man bag makes good sense here

Either that or there is no room in his Man Bag for his socks whistling.gif


I must admit I use one here due to glasses, sunglasses, contacts, suntan lotion, deodorant, bog roll, Imodium, keys way too many keys, gawd knows how many store cards, tablet, wallet,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Back home I would never be seen with one, pockets are enough.

Went back last year and stayed at my mums on the way out to Palace followed by a nights drinking in Croydon I was asked are you not taking your bag ? Erm no I fancy coming back in one piece.

There might be some certain places back in my home country where I would not wear one either.

Here in Thailand though we all free to wear one without fear of some of a random attack by some person

You are more than welcome to join me for a few beers in some of the working mens clubs in Yorkshire.

Can just here it now as we make our way to the bar, shouts from the already assembled drinkers,

"barman 3 pints of Landlord and a ginger beer for the queer"

Can Gareth Thomas come too?

  • Like 1

I must admit I use one here due to glasses, sunglasses, contacts, suntan lotion, deodorant, bog roll, Imodium, keys way too many keys, gawd knows how many store cards, tablet, wallet,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Back home I would never be seen with one, pockets are enough.

Went back last year and stayed at my mums on the way out to Palace followed by a nights drinking in Croydon I was asked are you not taking your bag ? Erm no I fancy coming back in one piece.

There might be some certain places back in my home country where I would not wear one either.

Here in Thailand though we all free to wear one without fear of some of a random attack by some person

You are more than welcome to join me for a few beers in some of the working mens clubs in Yorkshire.

Can just here it now as we make our way to the bar, shouts from the already assembled drinkers,

"barman 3 pints of Landlord and a ginger beer for the queer"

Can Gareth Thomas come too?

Is he league or union?

Looks as if he could shift a few pints on an afternoon session, more than welcome.


You are more than welcome to join me for a few beers in some of the working mens clubs in Yorkshire.

Can just here it now as we make our way to the bar, shouts from the already assembled drinkers,

"barman 3 pints of Landlord and a ginger beer for the queer"

Can Gareth Thomas come too?

Is he league or union?

Looks as if he could shift a few pints on an afternoon session, more than welcome.

Apparently he's only allowed to drink ginger beer...


Hey................ looking good biggrin.png


Thankyou Likener1 for sharing this photo of yourself.

From what I can see, your AVAILABLE pockets are most certainly stuffed full so a man bag makes good sense here

Not a self portrait but a very man baggish photo I think.

Laptop bag and briefcase excluded most guys with "Man Bags" often seem to have a hint of foppishness about them.

Its either pockets or a plastic carrier bag for day to day transportation of bulky essential items but then again I only carry what I actually need, not what I possibly, perhaps might find useful in "what if" situations.

I don't think like that at all, if I really need something I buy it when I'm out. My huge collection of umbrellas is testament to this.

Guys who carry MBs feel they either need them or have them as a fashion accessory most likely a combination of the two.


Hey................ looking good biggrin.png


Thankyou Likener1 for sharing this photo of yourself.

From what I can see, your AVAILABLE pockets are most certainly stuffed full so a man bag makes good sense here

Not a self portrait but a very man baggish photo I think.

Laptop bag and briefcase excluded most guys with "Man Bags" often seem to have a hint of foppishness about them.

Its either pockets or a plastic carrier bag for day to day transportation of bulky essential items

tr_zps80fc30ce.jpg laugh.png

  • Like 2

You are more than welcome to join me for a few beers in some of the working mens clubs in Yorkshire.

Can just here it now as we make our way to the bar, shouts from the already assembled drinkers,

"barman 3 pints of Landlord and a ginger beer for the queer"

Can Gareth Thomas come too?

Is he league or union?

Looks as if he could shift a few pints on an afternoon session, more than welcome.

Apparently he's only allowed to drink ginger beer...

GT is a legend and can drink whatever he wants,

Bet he knows the words to Zulu Warroir and can do the "dance of the flaming <deleted>"

GT wouldnt be seen with such a thing as a man bag, he is too manly for that.

If he is a "union" man no problemo, if he plays mincer boy "league" well he will be on the ginger beers.

  • Like 1

GT is a legend and can drink whatever he wants,

Bet he knows the words to Zulu Warroir and can do the "dance of the flaming <deleted>"

GT wouldnt be seen with such a thing as a man bag, he is too manly for that.

If he is a "union" man no problemo, if he plays mincer boy "league" well he will be on the ginger beers.

He's a queer man - that's why he's only allowed ginger beers.


GT is a legend and can drink whatever he wants,

Bet he knows the words to Zulu Warroir and can do the "dance of the flaming <deleted>"

GT wouldnt be seen with such a thing as a man bag, he is too manly for that.

If he is a "union" man no problemo, if he plays mincer boy "league" well he will be on the ginger beers.

He's a queer man - that's why he's only allowed ginger beers.

No he plays league, not union, nothing to do with sexuality or preference its about code.


GT is a legend and can drink whatever he wants,

Bet he knows the words to Zulu Warroir and can do the "dance of the flaming <deleted>"

GT wouldnt be seen with such a thing as a man bag, he is too manly for that.

If he is a "union" man no problemo, if he plays mincer boy "league" well he will be on the ginger beers.

He's a queer man - that's why he's only allowed ginger beers.

No he plays league, not union, nothing to do with sexuality or preference its about code.

Your own words:

"You are more than welcome to join me for a few beers in some of the working mens clubs in Yorkshire.

Can just here it now as we make our way to the bar, shouts from the already assembled drinkers,

"barman 3 pints of Landlord and a ginger beer for the queer""

I'd love to see one of the 'assembled drinkers' call him a queer to his face.


Where I come from if you're a man and you wear a man bag, you're queer, gay, homosexual or whatever.

I'm not, so I don't.

When I see men styling with their man bags, I find it repulsive but I don't say anything, to each their own.


Where I come from if you're a man and you wear a man bag, you're queer, gay, homosexual or whatever.

I'm not, so I don't.

When I see men styling with their man bags, I find it repulsive but I don't say anything, to each their own.

You find it 'repulsive' when you see a man carrying a bag? cheesy.gif

  • Like 1

Where I come from if you're a man and you wear a man bag, you're queer, gay, homosexual or whatever.

I'm not, so I don't.

When I see men styling with their man bags, I find it repulsive but I don't say anything, to each their own.

Interesting, how do you feel when you see or meet a gay man who's not carrying any kind of bag ?


Where I come from if you're a man and you wear a man bag, you're queer, gay, homosexual or whatever.

I'm not, so I don't.

When I see men styling with their man bags, I find it repulsive but I don't say anything, to each their own.

Interesting, how do you feel when you see or meet a gay man who's not carrying any kind of bag ?

No different than I would feel about seeing anyone else. Now if this is a gay pride thing, or if his values are being forced on me, then yeah I'd feel a little repulsed.


Where I come from if you're a man and you wear a man bag, you're queer, gay, homosexual or whatever.

I'm not, so I don't.

When I see men styling with their man bags, I find it repulsive but I don't say anything, to each their own.

You find it 'repulsive' when you see a man carrying a bag? cheesy.gif

No not really, just man bags. I carry bags, camera bags, laptop bags, messenger bags, luggage bags, store bags, even bags to the beach sometimes, but never a man bag.


Where I come from if you're a man and you wear a man bag, you're queer, gay, homosexual or whatever.

I'm not, so I don't.

When I see men styling with their man bags, I find it repulsive but I don't say anything, to each their own.

Interesting, how do you feel when you see or meet a gay man who's not carrying any kind of bag ?

Now if this is a gay pride thing, or if his values are being forced on me, then yeah I'd feel a little repulsed.

Can you give us a real life example where you feel that someone else's values have been 'forced' on you?

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