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"Our wifes come along as well".

A Farang gathering in the Thai-Province and the wifes have to be part of it? What can Thai-Wifes contribute to a Farang-Gathering? Possibly only a one-time a year event?

If not being let loose from the leash at lest once a year, me (a Farang) would start to think about certain fundamental things concerning my relationship with my Thai-Wife. Amen.


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Welshboy, that's a very dangerously overbroad invitation. Some people don't bathe, or have you forgotten?

Edit: If you do come to the lunch, we ask that you please bathe within 6 hours before your arrival - 8 if you use a good deodorant..

Edited by noendtoit
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Welshboy, that's a very dangerously overbroad invitation. Some people don't bathe, or have you forgotten?

Edit: If you do come to the lunch, we ask that you please bathe within 6 hours before your arrival - 8 if you use a good deodorant..

lol I know who you are and who you are thinking of lol

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"Our wifes come along as well".

A Farang gathering in the Thai-Province and the wifes have to be part of it? What can Thai-Wifes contribute to a Farang-Gathering? Possibly only a one-time a year event?

If not being let loose from the leash at lest once a year, me (a Farang) would start to think about certain fundamental things concerning my relationship with my Thai-Wife. Amen.


We are a very happy group getting along very well with each other and our wives do too.

Americans Brits Scandanavians etc with Thai wives so only types that will fit in and keep the harmony are welcome !

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Welshboy, that's a very dangerously overbroad invitation. Some people don't bathe, or have you forgotten?

Edit: If you do come to the lunch, we ask that you please bathe within 6 hours before your arrival - 8 if you use a good deodorant..

lol I know who you are and who you are thinking of lol

Well that just leaves me TongueThaied. What would BigBabyJesus think? Would TicketMaster care? There's just no end to it, is there?

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Anyone who has never been to the Topland buffet should go at least once. Absolutely incredible what you can find there with cuisine from all corners of Thailand. Especially bring your Thai family members as they will probably love and appreciate the spread even more. And not even 200 baht a head.

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Anyone who has never been to the Topland buffet should go at least once. Absolutely incredible what you can find there with cuisine from all corners of Thailand. Especially bring your Thai family members as they will probably love and appreciate the spread even more. And not even 200 baht a head.

Question. Do they do the buffet everyday? not always available mid week but if it's any good will pop in next time I'm about.
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Was there in Feb,there's nowhere to sit, or any Buffet left when the Tour Buses arrive. No Bar handy , so where do you chat,its so cluttered up.?. Pats Ex Pats don't have Wives,so that's nice, no Gold Flashing and My Husband was.wub.png

Depends what time you arrive I suppose. We aim to be there around 11.30 and are usually first in the queue for the buffet and seats.As in everything planning is important and a lot also depends on who and where you met your wife - mine has a very good job so the " money" is not an issue and the other wives are all contented non golddiggers as far as I can tell.

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It is about 180 km each way trip for me living next to the Mae Wong national park in KPP province.

It is a shame as it has been years since I last had a decent Italian meal.

Don't worry you aren't missing anything special.

I tried the place once and never returned.

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Anyone who has never been to the Topland buffet should go at least once. Absolutely incredible what you can find there with cuisine from all corners of Thailand. Especially bring your Thai family members as they will probably love and appreciate the spread even more. And not even 200 baht a head.

It is a good buffet, but after you've grazed it 50 times or so, it starts to get old. I switched to the best cheeseburger and fries combo I've found in Phit'lok for 140 baht.

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Was there in Feb,there's nowhere to sit, or any Buffet left when the Tour Buses arrive. No Bar handy , so where do you chat,its so cluttered up.?. Pats Ex Pats don't have Wives,so that's nice, no Gold Flashing and My Husband was.wub.png

None of this has ever been an issue for us.

What is "Pats Ex Pats"?

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I believe the topland buffet is open everyday; I've been there on different days of the week. Only problem is the bad traffic getting downtown Phitsanulok which takes a long time, especially if the police are funneling the traffic to one lane and checking everyone like they often do.

I always wondered how topland could afford to have such a lavish spread and all those servers and not so many customers. Tour buses coming later, that would explain it. I guess I've always been in and out before them. Another nice thing about the buffet is free desserts. Mainly Thai style like tapioca plus some bakery tidbits.

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I understand You.Organizing is Hell. Most of my friends are here Norwigan. .Im Portuguese, but once they start" Ugle Dubleeing" togeter just give up.thumbsup.gif

Perhaps our group is not for you. We all get a long great with our wives and each other, We have no issues about who you "used to be," how much money you have, your sexual orientation, where you came from, how big your house is, how much gold she has or what you think about global warming. We just have a good time talking and networking. Our wives all seem to get a long great. Remarkably, I have never noticed any of the one upmanship so often played by Thai women. The only thing we ask is that you bathe before coming, and, perhaps, slather on a little deodorant.

I've met a lot of ex-pats in Thailand, and there are all kinds. I feel lucky to be part of this group as everybody just seems to be a "regular guy" out having lunch with his friends.

As for networking, If you are looking for that special electrical connector, certain building supplies, the decent and honest Thai shops in town, English sausages, some land, a contractor, etc., somebody in the group has usually had the experience or knows where to find the thing. It beats the hell out of driving around searching for things and beating your head against the wall.

I agree the networking is great. I mentioned a particular author i wanted some free ebooks and could not get them off the web- Next time we met a fellow expat handed me a memory stick with 34 of that authors books !

Just can't beat networking in a great expat club

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I believe the topland buffet is open everyday; I've been there on different days of the week. Only problem is the bad traffic getting downtown Phitsanulok which takes a long time, especially if the police are funneling the traffic to one lane and checking everyone like they often do.

I always wondered how topland could afford to have such a lavish spread and all those servers and not so many customers. Tour buses coming later, that would explain it. I guess I've always been in and out before them. Another nice thing about the buffet is free desserts. Mainly Thai style like tapioca plus some bakery tidbits.

Thanks for that bit of info. Yes I know about the traffic that's why I try and give Pitso a big miss daytime if I can, if I am ever that way on a Wednesday will try and pop in with the Mr's.
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The food went downhill but the main reason was on the last day we went we were moved from our usual seating area .The choice of food was particularly bad and the chairman ( god bless him dead now) got angry with the management of AL and threw a plate or plates on the floor breaking them. I'm afraid that was it no more Amarin Lagoon until a few of us started meeting in Topland on a regular basis and the group has grown in mumbers.

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We used to have gatherings like that some 20 years ago in eastern Kansas. The next Sunday, the Reverend mentioned with a strong voice that "wife -swapping " is not part of the christian way that will lead to paradise.

But since us Farangs already live in paradise.......................smile.png


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  • 4 weeks later...

where the hell is that topland, as I will be driving from bkk?

If you come into Phitsanulok on Highway 117, turn right on Highway 12. It will be some 4 or 5 five km down on the left. If you come into Phitsanulok (through Wong Thong) on Highway 11, you will turn left on Highway 12. It will be some 10 or 15 km down on your right.

Anybody in Phit'lok will know where Topland is. There is also a big parking garage which is convenient.

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