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Have We All Just Settled For Second Best?


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Are Western women really that big? Never been to America but they looked alright on Baywatch.


could say the same for brazil, there not all as seen on TV,


me and my mate used to walk along the beach every sunday morning and there was some right sights,,lol,,

50inch ass in thong, not a nice sight,


but they seamed to be happy.



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i left over 30 years ago and do miss a few things like skiing in alps weather is better in UK but most of all i much prefer to be here although I do miss money i used to earn and had before so i now have to restrict trips skiing a lot. 


Ive been with my wife here for over 30 years and 2 great kids so count my blessings. Most of money i had went to my first 4 kids and ex wife and bringing up my 2 kids here but reduced financial freedom is more than compensated by a wonderful This wife and great 30+ years. 


I f I could afford it id spend 4m months in europe and rest here but can't complain I still love it here 


UK no way. I recently went back for 2m months visit last year full of migrants which is OK by me but rules for e everything and totally no real freedom. My generation had it all or m oat of us did but these days my UK children have little opportunity and all 4 have good degrees are hard working but without my help only one could afford a house. Huge parts of country are almost destitute and most seem very unhappy. UK is great of a holiday if you have a lot of money but to live unless your really loaded little chance these days for a decent life style. Their are exceptions of course and south east and even other parts are full of bankers and those totally blind to whats around them.


ill stay here not that i have much those at my age. A decedent house where i lived is now around 2 million pounds and i bought mine (now my ex wives) on a normal mid manager salary. These days I could just about afford a small semi well outside London and south east. Of course if id stayed id be a lot richer but nowhere as happy. 


Apart from all that my wife and children would hate living in UK even though my 2 children here are now finishing their education and are totally western 



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On Facebook no one ever posts photos of the boring endless nights stuck in the house, or the really cold depressing mornings, or going to work in the pitch black whilst coming home in it, the fact that they've got to work all the hours to make ends meat to afford one night out a month, the fact that property prices are enough to fund a small country etc. 


I could go on but you get the idea. If Thailand has become boring for you move on to pastures new.  Home will always be there, but I think you are almost certainly looking at it through rose tinted glasses, something Facebook allows people to specialise in. 


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I certainly think that SOME people have settled for less.

In my view, many have been drawn here by the women. Not necessarily to run around availing themselves of everything that's up for it but for the fact they can get a very attractive woman here without having the kind of personality and/or income they would need to land a woman on the same scale back home.

While their friends back home might "confess" to being "envious", in reality, what they feel is more akin to PITY

1. Is it envy or pity they feel when they meet the wife/GF he's thrown his lot in with who can barely string a sentence together in English?
2. Is it envy or pity they feel when they realise that he can barely string a sentence together in Thai?
3. Is it envy or pity they feel when they hear about the immigration hoops he has to jump through to stay in Thailand?
4. Is it envy or pity they feel when they hear that the business, the house, the car and the motorbike he claims to own is actually held in his wife/GF's name?
5.Is it envy or pity they feel when his health acts up and he's got no insurance to pay for major treatment and he has to beg steal or borrow

There's no doubt that there are guys who've carved out truly enviable lives here but they're the ones who've dodged the marry-a-local bullet and used the lower cost of living to save/invest more of what they earn.

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I hate to be a cynic, but in this case it's warranted.


How many of those Facebook happy marriages are really happy?




I for one don't believe anyone who posts on facebook is really that happy. People just want to show off.... kinda like keeping up with the joneses.






 So why do you believe anyone who posts on TVF, but not on Facebook ?  Do you think a young Thai wife /old farang husband is a really happy marriage ?.

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bowerboy, I can understand your feeling but come untruths in your OP.

  • and the kids going to free and good education
  • and the clean streets and
  • free very good healthcare
  • and the retirement funds

None of that is free ... all paid for by our taxes or rates.


We pay income tax, the Medicare levy, GST, rates and levies.


Even a pension is paid by the taxes of your children as they come from recurrent revenue.


Remember 'Government Money' is/was your money.


Actually, I'm not overly convinced the so called "free education" is the raving success people claim it is. 30 children per class is the first problem. With that size it's impossible to offer the same kind of education offered by private schools where class size is half or even a third of the state alternative. My oldest is in a private school and it is anything but free, but scary good.


Clean streets? You're not talking West Bromwich and Peckham now, I presume?'

Retirement funds? There be non left when I feel like retiring. I've sorted myself out. You should too.


NHS, on the other hand, is a feature UK must never rid off.


Doesn't matter if it's Australia or UK, it all depends on what you seek in life (wherever you lay your hat) ...


schools good for some but for most second rate unless you live n right area


Pensions forget it make your own or you will regret it most in next few years will see their pension pots raided to save country 


NHS again good for some depending on area i much prefer to pay here and its not that expensive


clean streets again in some places


same colour face only in countryside but main problem IMO is muslim extremists not others


and worst of all rules regulations up to your eye balls you can't fart in Uk without filling in a form or getting a permit of permission give me Thailand anyday 

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I certainly think that SOME people have settled for less.

In my view, many have been drawn here by the women. Not necessarily to run around availing themselves of everything that's up for it but for the fact they can get a very attractive woman here without having the kind of personality and/or income they would need to land a woman on the same scale back home.

While their friends back home might "confess" to being "envious", in reality, what they feel is more akin to PITY

1. Is it envy or pity they feel when they meet the wife/GF he's thrown his lot in with who can barely string a sentence together in English?
2. Is it envy or pity they feel when they realise that he can barely string a sentence together in Thai?
3. Is it envy or pity they feel when they hear about the immigration hoops he has to jump through to stay in Thailand?
4. Is it envy or pity they feel when they hear that the business, the house, the car and the motorbike he claims to own is actually held in his wife/GF's name?
5.Is it envy or pity they feel when his health acts up and he's got no insurance to pay for major treatment and he has to beg steal or borrow to cover the expenses?
There's no doubt that there are guys who've carved out truly enviable lives here but they're the ones who've dodged the marry-a-local bullet and used the lower cost of living to save/invest more of what they earn.


Thank you.  Speak not fluent but certainly adequate Thai; GF speaks no English. Not married. Don't own any property. Thai health insurance. Don't work., etc. ... and I don't trust you.
... as for sh***ing a very much younger, drop-dead gorgeous Thai girl, don't knock it 'til you try it. Edited by CharlieH
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I go back where I grew up and visit family every few years. So little has changed except for everyone getting older and fatter. They are doing the same things for the last 40 years, same conversations, same bitching, same same everything. It is really nice to go back but after two weeks the stories begin to repeat and it is time to say good bye.
Everyone has a millions questions for me and they find it difficult to understand why and how I live in Thailand. Everyone wants to know when I will be coming back for good. 19 years now here so I think I am here to stay.....
I enjoy the adventure here and traveling around the world and that would be limited living in my home country. I know what I have given up and I am fine with my decision.
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Thank you.  Speak not fluent but certainly adequate Thai; GF speaks no English. Not married. Don't own any property. Thai health insurance. Don't work., etc. ... and I don't trust you.




Eloquent as always. I would as soon trust someone like yourself as I would the 3-card Monte huckster.

Edited by JLCrab
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Whenever i experience a cold wet weekend in Doncaster, surrounded by immigrants who can't speak English and taxed to the hilt for everything i buy i am sooooo grateful i live in Thailand.


I'd be grateful living in Barnsley if i come from Doncaster.

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Thank you.  Speak not fluent but certainly adequate Thai; GF speaks no English. Not married. Don't own any property. Thai health insurance. Don't work., etc. ... and I don't trust you.




Eloquent as always. I would as soon trust someone like yourself as I would the 3-card Monte huckster.



Sorry but am I supposed to give a toss?cheesy.gif


Honestly, some of the tangents your posts head of in justify the suspicion among several members that you spend at least PART of your life in some kind of alternate reality or nether-verse populated by pixies, elves and goblins


Good job you've got that medical cover - how else would you cover your psychiatric consultations? 

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They can't fart over there before they have to pay. Every month they plan how to pay their nice house . car etc. When they go vacation they have to plan how much debts they have when they return.
The value of money have disappeared.
Maybe Thailand isn't the best but it sure is better. Think of a family of four who have to buy winter and summer cloth etc.
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I live amongst a very nice family in a village setting. I could afford a very nice condo somewhere and sometimes think that is where i should be, hanging around a pool socializing… then I remember a visit to a friend in a condo - all the guys sitting around chatting. After an hour, they were mostly pretty boring - - I returned a year later and the few there were sitting by themselves, nobody was talking to anyone due to conflicts. 


I think we all miss aspects of other places, real or imagined. 

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Always second guessing ourselves is a trait guaranteed to make us unhappy. My advice: just stop it and make the best of the choices you've made. Know that the grass on the other side of the fence is almost never as green as you think.

Besides, do you think anyone posts vids of their family arguments and pics of their genital warts on FB?

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They can't fart over there before they have to pay. Every month they plan how to pay their nice house . car etc. When they go vacation they have to plan how much debts they have when they return.
The value of money have disappeared.
Maybe Thailand isn't the best but it sure is better. Think of a family of four who have to buy winter and summer cloth etc.

So Thai people don't have huge household debt then?Are you a stand up comedian by any chance?

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Thank you.  Speak not fluent but certainly adequate Thai; GF speaks no English. Not married. Don't own any property. Thai health insurance. Don't work., etc. ... and I don't trust you.




Eloquent as always. I would as soon trust someone like yourself as I would the 3-card Monte huckster.



Sorry but am I supposed to give a toss?cheesy.gif


Honestly, some of the tangents your posts head of in justify the suspicion among several members that you spend at least PART of your life in some kind of alternate reality or nether-verse populated by pixies, elves and goblins


Good job you've got that medical cover - how else would you cover your psychiatric consultations? 


If you don't give a toss why do you even bother replying? Besides -- I'm disappointed you and the hoi polloi only think I spend part of life in an alternate sphere. I guess I'll have to try harder.

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total crap their speaks a bitter man IMO my thai wife and kids have all in their names and have had for over 15 years Im not stupid but many think I am. However once i was sure my Thai wife was honest faithful and trustworthy I decided to start putting everything in her name and then when children came in theirs. That also applied to our (hers now) UK and USA assets. Sure their a lot of very sad stories by people who let their dicks rule their heads but theirs also a lot of very happy long term successful marriages here and age has little to do with it. Im over 80 and my wife is 40 years younger and while we've had ups and downs their is no doubt in my mind that like my first wife if we ever parted she would make sure i was ok. 




I feel sorry for people like you who never trust and always think everyone is bad normally just because they stupidly fell for a bad one who was after all only with them for money and so become totally bitter and twisted all their lives. Ive seen lots of them over 30 years and they probably liker you are all IMO sad sad beings. 


I decided to put all here and in UK USA in my wife and thai children's names simply because it was easier for them when i go but then i did not really expect to last this long. 


I also know a lot of forang scared @#$#@ in case their wives take what they have and try all sorts of things to protect against that such as buying in company name and rest. Thats sad as well since i could never ever be with someone i could not trust 100% on at least financially. I was bitten done twice before  met my wife but not by huge amounts and it was worth it to see if they were honest or just gold diggers. Its simple really just first give small house and car and then wait a while the wrong ones will soon get bored and leave and thats a cheap price to pay (less than 5k gbp in my case twice but that was 30 year + ago). 


Then theirs those who try to give as little as they can and surprise surprise the wife feels he does not trust me very well ill take what i can. After all nearly all women need some financial security which does not mean they are gold diggers.


Anyway good luck to you with your bitter twisted views which will repay you greatly I'm sure. Better to die happy with someone who really cares for you than with huge millions. 


I also know many like you who boast about how many girls they have had and how great it is yet when drunk admit they would swap all that for one who they could love and who loved them. But they will never find that one since they are so afraid ofd being done again.



Mate, after being bitten by gold-diggers for the last 30 years, you married a woman more than 40 years your junior who is WAITING FOR YOU TO DIE and you've got the cheek to preach to others about life choices? 


You're making out that it's normal and "simple" to hand over a "small house and a car" to test if someone's not a gold-digger cheesy.gif 


Perhaps it's normal for you but maybe that's because you're an idiot when it comes to women.



As for my being "bitter", please let me know what - exactly - you think I'm bitter about?


The fact that I haven't gotten married to a local woman?


The fact that I've chosen to keep my investments and assets in my own name in jurisdictions benefiting from transparent and efficient corporate governance?


Perhaps the fact that I don't have to sign over everything I own for someone to give a toss about me?


You should spend what time you have left enjoying your delusion; not calling people bitter and twisted.

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There is no ideal place. There are places you thrive at certain times in your life.
Right now, I'm excited about Thailand. I love sharing my experiences here with people back home. But they are thriving there, with family, art, beautiful scenery, and outdoor adventures.

My creativity has opened up since coming here, but I admire my artistic friends back home who can find inspiration there.

Life's really not that complicated. Go where you thrive.
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I certainly think that SOME people have settled for less.

In my view, many have been drawn here by the women. Not necessarily to run around availing themselves of everything that's up for it but for the fact they can get a very attractive woman here without having the kind of personality and/or income they would need to land a woman on the same scale back home.

While their friends back home might "confess" to being "envious", in reality, what they feel is more akin to PITY

1. Is it envy or pity they feel when they meet the wife/GF he's thrown his lot in with who can barely string a sentence together in English?
2. Is it envy or pity they feel when they realise that he can barely string a sentence together in Thai?
3. Is it envy or pity they feel when they hear about the immigration hoops he has to jump through to stay in Thailand?
4. Is it envy or pity they feel when they hear that the business, the house, the car and the motorbike he claims to own is actually held in his wife/GF's name?
5.Is it envy or pity they feel when his health acts up and he's got no insurance to pay for major treatment and he has to beg steal or borrow to cover the expenses?
There's no doubt that there are guys who've carved out truly enviable lives here but they're the ones who've dodged the marry-a-local bullet and used the lower cost of living to save/invest more of what they earn.


total crap their speaks a bitter man IMO my thai wife and kids have all in their names and have had for over 15 years Im not stupid but many think I am. However once i was sure my Thai wife was honest faithful and trustworthy I decided to start putting everything in her name and then when children came in theirs. That also applied to our (hers now) UK and USA assets. Sure their a lot of very sad stories by people who let their dicks rule their heads but theirs also a lot of very happy long term successful marriages here and age has little to do with it. Im over 80 and my wife is 40 years younger and while we've had ups and downs their is no doubt in my mind that like my first wife if we ever parted she would make sure i was ok. 
I feel sorry for people like you who never trust and always think everyone is bad normally just because they stupidly fell for a bad one who was after all only with them for money and so become totally bitter and twisted all their lives. Ive seen lots of them over 30 years and they probably liker you are all IMO sad sad beings. 
I decided to put all here and in UK USA in my wife and thai children's names simply because it was easier for them when i go but then i did not really expect to last this long. 
I also know a lot of forang scared @#$#@ in case their wives take what they have and try all sorts of things to protect against that such as buying in company name and rest. Thats sad as well since i could never ever be with someone i could not trust 100% on at least financially. I was bitten done twice before  met my wife but not by huge amounts and it was worth it to see if they were honest or just gold diggers. Its simple really just first give small house and car and then wait a while the wrong ones will soon get bored and leave and thats a cheap price to pay (less than 5k gbp in my case twice but that was 30 year + ago). 
Then theirs those who try to give as little as they can and surprise surprise the wife feels he does not trust me very well ill take what i can. After all nearly all women need some financial security which does not mean they are gold diggers.
Anyway good luck to you with your bitter twisted views which will repay you greatly I'm sure. Better to die happy with someone who really cares for you than with huge millions. 
I also know many like you who boast about how many girls they have had and how great it is yet when drunk admit they would swap all that for one who they could love and who loved them. But they will never find that one since they are so afraid ofd being done again.


My now ex Thai wife owns a house in Thailand and just bought her first property in my home country where she live's. when we got married i got her a job in wich she still works and i did not pay a dime for both i pay alimony for my kids and already had property before we got married i tought her how to take care of herself.

I dont see the logic or commen sense in buying property wich i can not own  or via some very dodgy construction.

Very simple i pay it's mine if not i don't pay.

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the thing with this life of ours,


we all have our own choices some like me want to be married have a nice family, and i very happy one i might add,


that was my choice, yes i built our home,note home not house,

my wife works bloody hard when im not there doing the farm, its hard work but she graffs , 


yes i work hard too, but i do 35 days on and off, so i get time to relax, in the home that my wife makes for me with my children,


if some dont want to spend money and buy a house in the wifes name, up to them everyone to there own,


i just look at some on here calling each other stupid for what they are doing or arnt doing,

why cant people just get along,

yes i too would say to someone dont dive in head first, take your time, 


but its not for me to tell people what to do with THERE money or THERE lives,




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