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Have We All Just Settled For Second Best?


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Kudel, in all honesty there really is truth in that....really, and that is what worries me
I will straight up say that even though settled down I am addicted to sex and the cheap and super easy availability of it is something I could not live without...

 Deal with that addiction of yours. It may not make the envy of your peers go away entirely, but I think your self worth will improve.

Yeah its the outdoor stuff I miss the most I think..
None of this would of mattered to me if I didn't have kids...as a single guy I would say this is the best place on earth...but with family it changes the equation completely....i mean the life of a 44 year old single guy with a good job here compared to the life of a single 44 year old guy with a good job in Basingstoke!!! We are talking incomparable universes....but if you are talking about a 44 year old with 2 kids in the UK (or Australia) and the same in Thailand then the tables are changed dramatically..
I am happy with my life here and the choices I made but honestly being in a relationship here is definitely second best in my opinion...i think Cypress Hill summed it up perfectly about the difference between Envy and Pity...

So what would be the greatest sacrifice? The illicit cheap sex behind your partners back in your new home? Or the outdoorsy things you could do as a single man back home?
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Thailand is a great place for the single man lifestyle. Add children and all of a sudden it is a bit of a nightmare...


What is the fire safety/exits like in this condo? Will it survive a quake? Lift serviced properly? Just the start a zillion worries that exist in Thailand but not back home where the properly trained ambulance EMT staff arrives in 3 minutes flat...


Lack of freedom of speech? Do you tow the line raising your children and punish them if they point out any of the blatant hypocrisy of Thai society?


Here is the funny thing about the Thai Visa crowd, they will point out to you in a millisecond how expensive Starbucks is and how the money collected at Temples goes into the monks pockets... so how do they handle all those rules when it comes to raising children in Thailand about what they must adhere to? Something never discussed on Thai Visa...


Then pay 500,000 baht a term not including under the table bribe money for a likely sub-par education delivered by some farang who hates children and only took the job because he loves Thailand just like you. Scary, huh?






I agree with your review,


this is strictly a hit and run for the single man,


any one else pretending it is otherwise, wasnt making it back home and wouldnt make it now either, so, they stay


this is not settling for second best, as that would be a more affordable place in your home country


Thailand is Third World,


it cannot be second best.


I will agree though, $6.00 for a 1 hour massage and $9.00 for 2 hours, cannot be beaten, unless it is Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, oh, wait a moment,




Thailand has some positives, but it is a vacation place, not a home, unless you are Thai, which, you aint

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Thailand is a great place for the single man lifestyle. Add children and all of a sudden it is a bit of a nightmare...


What is the fire safety/exits like in this condo? Will it survive a quake? Lift serviced properly? Just the start a zillion worries that exist in Thailand but not back home where the properly trained ambulance EMT staff arrives in 3 minutes flat...


Lack of freedom of speech? Do you tow the line raising your children and punish them if they point out any of the blatant hypocrisy of Thai society?


Here is the funny thing about the Thai Visa crowd, they will point out to you in a millisecond how expensive Starbucks is and how the money collected at Temples goes into the monks pockets... so how do they handle all those rules when it comes to raising children in Thailand about what they must adhere to? Something never discussed on Thai Visa...


Then pay 500,000 baht a term not including under the table bribe money for a likely sub-par education delivered by some farang who hates children and only took the job because he loves Thailand just like you. Scary, huh?






I agree with your review,


this is strictly a hit and run for the single man,


any one else pretending it is otherwise, wasnt making it back home and wouldnt make it now either, so, they stay


this is not settling for second best, as that would be a more affordable place in your home country


Thailand is Third World,


it cannot be second best.


I will agree though, $6.00 for a 1 hour massage and $9.00 for 2 hours, cannot be beaten, unless it is Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, oh, wait a moment,




Thailand has some positives, but it is a vacation place, not a home, unless you are Thai, which, you aint


Aw come on.  Lao and Vietnamese and Cambodians are lining up on the border daily to get a job in Thailand.  The infrastructure between those three and Thailand can't be compared especially health care and job opportunities.  What you think?  No one travels to South East Asia on Thai Visa? 


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I live in Pattaya, but I'm back in my home country Australia in Brisbane, on business. Will be here for about three to four weeks. 


Australia is often described as 'the lucky country' and for the last few years it has placed highly or topped the polls as the happiest industrialized country.




Looking around me after being away for a year I can see why now........enormous natural resources, vast landscape and comparatively small population (23million) equates to very high average incomes, the air is clean, the water is clean and drinkable, there are 26,000 kilometres of mostly pristine beaches around the coast, the health, education and infrastructure systems are first rate, the roads are safe and life expectancy is very high at 82 years. No recession in 25 years.


Even though it's winter here, the temps average around 22-24 deg C nearly everyday, no humidity, the sun shines and it hasn't rained for months so dad tells me (Brisbane has great winters)


But, with the rapidly ageing population everyone looks old, and there's not many kids around. And so many people are FAT. The women here around my age (55) whom I would normally expect to date look old enough to be my mum.........and they are mostly very big which I don't like because I've worked hard to keep myself pretty fit and not fat. 


And after the hustle and bustle of Pattaya, it's so quiet here, kind of boring actually. Everyone seems tucked away in these huge homes, with Australia having the largest average home size in the world. I can walk outside, look up and down the street for probably a kilometre or so in each direction and very often not see a soul.....


There's no doubt Australia is a lucky country with a lot to offer, but for some reason I can't wait to head back to Thailand, pick up my very attractive 30yr old 45kg girlfriend from her sister's place in BKK on the way from Suvarnabuhmi and get back to our condo in Pattaya where life is simple.......


I'm pretty lucky with my job, can work virtually anywhere, so the solution for me to any homesickness will be to spend maybe 2-3 months a year in Oz and the rest in Pattaya or even Vietnam where I also can work legally.


But next time I'll organise the visa for my girlfriend a little earlier and bring her with me, make it a bit more enjoyable here!



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Thailand is a great place for the single man lifestyle. Add children and all of a sudden it is a bit of a nightmare...


What is the fire safety/exits like in this condo? Will it survive a quake? Lift serviced properly? Just the start a zillion worries that exist in Thailand but not back home where the properly trained ambulance EMT staff arrives in 3 minutes flat...


Lack of freedom of speech? Do you tow the line raising your children and punish them if they point out any of the blatant hypocrisy of Thai society?


Here is the funny thing about the Thai Visa crowd, they will point out to you in a millisecond how expensive Starbucks is and how the money collected at Temples goes into the monks pockets... so how do they handle all those rules when it comes to raising children in Thailand about what they must adhere to? Something never discussed on Thai Visa...


Then pay 500,000 baht a term not including under the table bribe money for a likely sub-par education delivered by some farang who hates children and only took the job because he loves Thailand just like you. Scary, huh?






I agree with your review,


this is strictly a hit and run for the single man,


any one else pretending it is otherwise, wasnt making it back home and wouldnt make it now either, so, they stay


this is not settling for second best, as that would be a more affordable place in your home country


Thailand is Third World,


it cannot be second best.


I will agree though, $6.00 for a 1 hour massage and $9.00 for 2 hours, cannot be beaten, unless it is Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, oh, wait a moment,




Thailand has some positives, but it is a vacation place, not a home, unless you are Thai, which, you aint


Aw come on.  Lao and Vietnamese and Cambodians are lining up on the border daily to get a job in Thailand.  The infrastructure between those three and Thailand can't be compared especially health care and job opportunities.  What you think?  No one travels to South East Asia on Thai Visa? 




I was referring to the price of a haircut and a massage

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Thailand is a great place for the single man lifestyle. Add children and all of a sudden it is a bit of a nightmare...


What is the fire safety/exits like in this condo? Will it survive a quake? Lift serviced properly? Just the start a zillion worries that exist in Thailand but not back home where the properly trained ambulance EMT staff arrives in 3 minutes flat...


Lack of freedom of speech? Do you tow the line raising your children and punish them if they point out any of the blatant hypocrisy of Thai society?


Here is the funny thing about the Thai Visa crowd, they will point out to you in a millisecond how expensive Starbucks is and how the money collected at Temples goes into the monks pockets... so how do they handle all those rules when it comes to raising children in Thailand about what they must adhere to? Something never discussed on Thai Visa...


Then pay 500,000 baht a term not including under the table bribe money for a likely sub-par education delivered by some farang who hates children and only took the job because he loves Thailand just like you. Scary, huh?






I agree with your review,


this is strictly a hit and run for the single man,


any one else pretending it is otherwise, wasnt making it back home and wouldnt make it now either, so, they stay


this is not settling for second best, as that would be a more affordable place in your home country


Thailand is Third World,


it cannot be second best.


I will agree though, $6.00 for a 1 hour massage and $9.00 for 2 hours, cannot be beaten, unless it is Malaysia, Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, oh, wait a moment,




Thailand has some positives, but it is a vacation place, not a home, unless you are Thai, which, you aint


Aw come on.  Lao and Vietnamese and Cambodians are lining up on the border daily to get a job in Thailand.  The infrastructure between those three and Thailand can't be compared especially health care and job opportunities.  What you think?  No one travels to South East Asia on Thai Visa? 




I was referring to the price of a haircut and a massage


You wrote, "Thailand is Third World, it cannot be second best.


Thailand has some positives, but it is a vacation place, not a home, unless you are Thai, which, you aint"


Hardly only referring to the price of a haircut.  Not only do I travel to the rest of South East Asia I also can read. 

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It all depends on what you mean by accepting 2nd best.


I took early retirement when I was 50, which I could not have afforded to do had I still lived in Scotland. Financially, I'm worse off but my health is considerably better - no real stress here compared to when I was working.


I definitely have a better quality of life here in Thailand than I would if still living in Edinburgh. 



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I did make something of my life. Because I did I could take it easy and enjoy the fruits of my hard work. I often go back to the UK and to be honest all that happens is that I'm reminded why I decided to leave. I see my friends all struggling to get by. I see my friends all living the same lifestyles. They work to live rather than live to work. Their highlights are few and far between. So living here or in another country doesn't mean failure. It means I have achieved enough and worked my ass off to reap the rewards as I see fit.


Friend of mine goes back to UK once a year for a couple of weeks and refers to it as his reality check.

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Well, if Australia and the UK are the yardsticks,


I understand why you guys keep coming up short,


btw, there are plenty of Thai and Chinese girls available in the US, and, the price is the same as in Thailand, without the airfare ad the visa nonsense


anyone who thinks Thailand is safe and free, has neither,


but you do have your fantasy and from what I have seen of UK females, I understand why you need Thailand

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If you compare Thailand to many different countries against a number of different criteria, my gut feeling is that Thailand will be second best. However, if you add up all those 2nd bests and compare that with how UK ( eg ) compares over the same criteria, then Thailand may still prove a better place " overall " to live. I guess places like Singapore and Switzerland would appeal to some people, but the costs of living there would prove a problem to most. We can't have everything...... We have to decide what are the important " wants and must haves in life " and what doesn't really matter so much- then the decision is easier. Thailand is not for everyone, but it's ok for me at the moment. In 10 years, if my list of " wants and must haves " has changed......then I guess my decision will change as well .
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82 - 42?


prime of their sex life, and the end of the mans life?


seems reasonable, for the guy


but, if she prefers doggie style over the kissing style, there is little wonder why,


she is imaging a much younger, more than likely thai man behind her,


but, my understanding is, they will do anything for spending money and food?


that can be said for many


personally, I have decided to send Yingluck love messages every day on facebook,


she already has the spending money, and I will never have to buy shoes and handbags for her

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Well, if Australia and the UK are the yardsticks,


I understand why you guys keep coming up short,


btw, there are plenty of Thai and Chinese girls available in the US, and, the price is the same as in Thailand, without the airfare ad the visa nonsense


anyone who thinks Thailand is safe and free, has neither,


but you do have your fantasy and from what I have seen of UK females, I understand why you need Thailand


You wrote, "btw, there are plenty of Thai and Chinese girls available in the US, and, the price is the same as in Thailand,"  Ask Wendy Deng who recently got a 44 million dollar penthouse and another mansion in China. 


Steve get real.  The price is not even close.  I really don't think there is a penthouse in Thailand that cost 44 million US dollars. 


Steve from me to you.  Stop writing.  Get a job or 2nd job and save your money for a vacation to Thailand and see for yourself. 

Edited by thailiketoo
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Well, if Australia and the UK are the yardsticks,


I understand why you guys keep coming up short,


btw, there are plenty of Thai and Chinese girls available in the US, and, the price is the same as in Thailand, without the airfare ad the visa nonsense


anyone who thinks Thailand is safe and free, has neither,


but you do have your fantasy and from what I have seen of UK females, I understand why you need Thailand


You wrote, "btw, there are plenty of Thai and Chinese girls available in the US, and, the price is the same as in Thailand,"  Ask Wendy Deng who recently got a 44 million dollar penthouse and another mansion in China. 


Steve get real.  The price is not even close.  I really don't think there is a penthouse in Thailand that cost 44 million US dollars. 


Steve from me to you.  Stop writing.  Get a job or 2nd job and save your money for a vacation to Thailand and see for yourself. 



One Chinese woman married to one of the wealthiest men on the planet, is your comparison?




go to independentgirls . com and you will see, the rates are the same as the farange price for a soapy, for the same hour, and they are young and beautiful,



add to that, many are also from South America and Cuba and between them and the Asian girls, its enough

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Well, if Australia and the UK are the yardsticks,
I understand why you guys keep coming up short,
btw, there are plenty of Thai and Chinese girls available in the US, and, the price is the same as in Thailand, without the airfare ad the visa nonsense
anyone who thinks Thailand is safe and free, has neither,
but you do have your fantasy and from what I have seen of UK females, I understand why you need Thailand

You wrote, "btw, there are plenty of Thai and Chinese girls available in the US, and, the price is the same as in Thailand,"  Ask Wendy Deng who recently got a 44 million dollar penthouse and another mansion in China. 
Steve get real.  The price is not even close.  I really don't think there is a penthouse in Thailand that cost 44 million US dollars. 
Steve from me to you.  Stop writing.  Get a job or 2nd job and save your money for a vacation to Thailand and see for yourself. 

At $1000 per foot, for a penthouse in an AAA rated building in the river, or Suk area of BKK, a 400 meter penthouse condo is only $4 million US. A pretty good deal. I would buy one if I had the cash. Private pool, on the 40th floor. Same unit in HK is $20 million. Singapore $15 million. You can still get a great 2000 sf, non penthouse condo for a million bucks.
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I had all of that for over 60 years and now I want something different. Here my generosity has some real affect. Here I have a different experience. I may well return there one day because the infrastructure is more conducive to the physically challenged elderly. For now I am content to experience different food, different weather, different people and an entirely different culture. 

Yes, I get more gratitude from a 40 baht tip here, than I get from a $20 tip in the US. I have gotten attitude from a $20 tip in Los Angeles. You got to be kidding. Your service was not all that. Very little in the way of true gratitude in the West. Very poor quality of life, overall.
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I did make something of my life. Because I did I could take it easy and enjoy the fruits of my hard work. I often go back to the UK and to be honest all that happens is that I'm reminded why I decided to leave. I see my friends all struggling to get by. I see my friends all living the same lifestyles. They work to live rather than live to work. Their highlights are few and far between. So living here or in another country doesn't mean failure. It means I have achieved enough and worked my ass off to reap the rewards as I see fit.

I'm the same & find myself playing down my lifestyle when talking to mates in the UK as by comparison theirs is working to live with a couple of trips to Benidorm a year if they're lucky.
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Well, if Australia and the UK are the yardsticks,


I understand why you guys keep coming up short,


btw, there are plenty of Thai and Chinese girls available in the US, and, the price is the same as in Thailand, without the airfare ad the visa nonsense


anyone who thinks Thailand is safe and free, has neither,


but you do have your fantasy and from what I have seen of UK females, I understand why you need Thailand


You wrote, "btw, there are plenty of Thai and Chinese girls available in the US, and, the price is the same as in Thailand,"  Ask Wendy Deng who recently got a 44 million dollar penthouse and another mansion in China. 


Steve get real.  The price is not even close.  I really don't think there is a penthouse in Thailand that cost 44 million US dollars. 


Steve from me to you.  Stop writing.  Get a job or 2nd job and save your money for a vacation to Thailand and see for yourself. 



havent worked in 15 years thanks to the tech stocks boom, so, no thanks,


and, did Thailand for 6 months last year, and glad I did,


but wont return,


not a glutton for punishment


i can get everything thailand has to offer here

plus clean beaches, safe food and ambulances with life saving gear in them, rather than just yellow body bags,

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Well, if Australia and the UK are the yardsticks,


I understand why you guys keep coming up short,


btw, there are plenty of Thai and Chinese girls available in the US, and, the price is the same as in Thailand, without the airfare ad the visa nonsense


anyone who thinks Thailand is safe and free, has neither,


but you do have your fantasy and from what I have seen of UK females, I understand why you need Thailand


You wrote, "btw, there are plenty of Thai and Chinese girls available in the US, and, the price is the same as in Thailand,"  Ask Wendy Deng who recently got a 44 million dollar penthouse and another mansion in China. 


Steve get real.  The price is not even close.  I really don't think there is a penthouse in Thailand that cost 44 million US dollars. 


Steve from me to you.  Stop writing.  Get a job or 2nd job and save your money for a vacation to Thailand and see for yourself. 



One Chinese woman married to one of the wealthiest men on the planet, is your comparison?




go to independentgirls . com and you will see, the rates are the same as the farange price for a soapy, for the same hour, and they are young and beautiful,



add to that, many are also from South America and Cuba and between them and the Asian girls, its enough


Your info has been debunked by another poster I was referring to divorce laws here as opposed to the USA.


At any rate, if you knew anything about living here you would be aware that many men choose a village wedding as opposed to the registered wedding anyway.  Yingluck did.  If one is not too dumb it is still a man's world here. 


I can't understand why men would bash Thailand and make untrue comparisons without ever having been to the country to see for themselves.  Why?  Why not come take a look for yourself. 


I was riding on a song tau and a lady asked me to come to her home for lunch.  There are those who have bad experiences on song taus and people like me who have good experiences. 


I meet women at the market and grocery store and take them home (crash pad actually) and that is hardly possible in the West for an old guy like me. 


In Thailand even for old men like myself I still get offers any day I go out in public.  It used to happen to me in the States when I was a young man in college but after that I don't remember having to fight them off anymore. 


The eyes have it.  Eye contact in Thailand everywhere.  The West eye contact leads to disgusting looks in Thailand it leads to smiles and conversation.  

Edited by thailiketoo
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Well, if Australia and the UK are the yardsticks,


I understand why you guys keep coming up short,


btw, there are plenty of Thai and Chinese girls available in the US, and, the price is the same as in Thailand, without the airfare ad the visa nonsense


anyone who thinks Thailand is safe and free, has neither,


but you do have your fantasy and from what I have seen of UK females, I understand why you need Thailand


You wrote, "btw, there are plenty of Thai and Chinese girls available in the US, and, the price is the same as in Thailand,"  Ask Wendy Deng who recently got a 44 million dollar penthouse and another mansion in China. 


Steve get real.  The price is not even close.  I really don't think there is a penthouse in Thailand that cost 44 million US dollars. 


Steve from me to you.  Stop writing.  Get a job or 2nd job and save your money for a vacation to Thailand and see for yourself. 



One Chinese woman married to one of the wealthiest men on the planet, is your comparison?




go to independentgirls . com and you will see, the rates are the same as the farange price for a soapy, for the same hour, and they are young and beautiful,



add to that, many are also from South America and Cuba and between them and the Asian girls, its enough


Your info has been debunked by another poster I was referring to divorce laws here as opposed to the USA.


At any rate, if you knew anything about living here you would be aware that many men choose a village wedding as opposed to the registered wedding anyway.  Yingluck did.  If one is not too dumb it is still a man's world here. 


I can't understand why men would bash Thailand and make untrue comparisons without ever having been to the country to see for themselves.  Why?  Why not come take a look for yourself. 


I was riding on a song tau and a lady asked me to come to her home for lunch.  There are those who have bad experiences on song taus and people like me who have good experiences. 


I meet women at the market and grocery store and take them home (crash pad actually) and that is hardly possible in the West for an old guy like me. 


In Thailand even for old men like myself I still get offers any day I go out in public.  It used to happen to me in the States when I was a young man in college but after that I don't remember having to fight them off anymore. 


The eyes have it.  Eye contact in Thailand everywhere.  The West eye contact leads to disgusting looks in Thailand it leads to smiles and conversation.  



That's what makes Thailand so special, the fact that females are desperate there?


so what, I was in Thailand 6 months, and had 10 different women, not counting the one's I didn't want, ie., every time I went for a massage, in what I thought was a non sex shop, they still attacked me, BFD,


this is not enough to give up all the other comforts of the USA sorry

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Its all subjective, ive lived in the USA, Australia, NZ and Thailand and they all have their advantages and disadvantages


just gotta find the place that suits you best




Dont read too much into relative's and friend's picture perfect lives on their fakebooks

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That's what makes Thailand so special, the fact that females are desperate there?


so what, I was in Thailand 6 months, and had 10 different women, not counting the one's I didn't want, ie., every time I went for a massage, in what I thought was a non sex shop, they still attacked me, BFD,


this is not enough to give up all the other comforts of the USA sorry


You wrote, "btw, there are plenty of Thai and Chinese girls available in the US, and, the price is the same as in Thailand, without the airfare ad the visa nonsense."  That was not true.  That is the statement I was pointing out was in error. 


I have lived in Thailand for the last decade and before that in the USA among other places.  I don't find the USA comfortable.  I don't like needing a doctor to tell me what kind of simple medications I need from the Pharmacy.  I can google just fine.  I don't like paying the exorbitant rates for housing that I paid in the USA.  I get my medicine and health care free in the USA but I'd rather pay for it in Thailand because IMO it is better in Thailand. I like people wanting me and being happy to see me even if it is an act.  I like, "hello handsome man" better than, "What are you looking at you dirty old pervert?"


I felt living in the USA I was second best.  Not here.  I have leather furniture and a big screen TV.  I have a dog who is a good friend.  There are people who complain when the power goes out and others who buy a UPS.


Edited by thailiketoo
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That's what makes Thailand so special, the fact that females are desperate there?


so what, I was in Thailand 6 months, and had 10 different women, not counting the one's I didn't want, ie., every time I went for a massage, in what I thought was a non sex shop, they still attacked me, BFD,


this is not enough to give up all the other comforts of the USA sorry


You wrote, "btw, there are plenty of Thai and Chinese girls available in the US, and, the price is the same as in Thailand, without the airfare ad the visa nonsense."  That was not true.  That is the statement I was pointing out was in error. 


I have lived in Thailand for the last decade and before that in the USA among other places.  I don't find the USA comfortable.  I don't like needing a doctor to tell me what kind of simple medications I need from the Pharmacy.  I can google just fine.  I don't like paying the exorbitant rates for housing that I paid in the USA.  I get my medicine and health care free in the USA but I'd rather pay for it in Thailand because IMO it is better in Thailand. I like people wanting me and being happy to see me even if it is an act.  I like, "hello handsome man" better than, "What are you looking at you dirty old pervert?"


I felt living in the USA I was second best.  Not here.  I have leather furniture and a big screen TV.  I have a dog who is a good friend.  There are people who complain when the power goes out and others who buy a UPS.




no one is disputing that the age ratio to the females is favorable to the western male in Thailand


and if that is the criteria, then I agree, and at 54, had a string of girls in their early 30's in Thailand, and stayed with a 32 year old for a few months myself,


but, is that what we are using as the measure of why Thailand is superior to other places?


fine is that is the criteria, I agree hands down, Thailand beats the USA and probably every western country, for younger, available, and willing women 20 years and more, younger than us,


but that cant be the criteria

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You wrote, "btw, there are plenty of Thai and Chinese girls available in the US, and, the price is the same as in Thailand, without the airfare ad the visa nonsense."  That was not true.  That is the statement I was pointing out was in error. 


I have lived in Thailand for the last decade and before that in the USA among other places.  I don't find the USA comfortable.  I don't like needing a doctor to tell me what kind of simple medications I need from the Pharmacy.  I can google just fine.  I don't like paying the exorbitant rates for housing that I paid in the USA.  I get my medicine and health care free in the USA but I'd rather pay for it in Thailand because IMO it is better in Thailand. I like people wanting me and being happy to see me even if it is an act.  I like, "hello handsome man" better than, "What are you looking at you dirty old pervert?"


I felt living in the USA I was second best.  Not here.  I have leather furniture and a big screen TV.  I have a dog who is a good friend.  There are people who complain when the power goes out and others who buy a UPS.


no one is disputing that the age ratio to the females is favorable to the western male in Thailand


and if that is the criteria, then I agree, and at 54, had a string of girls in their early 30's in Thailand, and stayed with a 32 year old for a few months myself,


but, is that what we are using as the measure of why Thailand is superior to other places?


fine is that is the criteria, I agree hands down, Thailand beats the USA and probably every western country, for younger, available, and willing women 20 years and more, younger than us,


but that cant be the criteria


I gave you three criteria.  1.  Cost of housing.  2.  Cost of women.  3.  Expert readily available medical care.  I can add a few.  4.  Respect for age.  5.  Cheap restaurant prices.  6.  Free beer and liquor (family are moonshiners)

Edited by thailiketoo
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