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We wanted refund, Gammy's dad says


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What a bunch ow w@nI<ers that Aussie family is. They should be ashamed of themselves. "Our order was delivered damaged, we want refund!", is the message here, isn't it? Any thoughts about the fact that the little boy is a living person, someone who needs love and care? I hope the couple will receive punishment in form of a lightning strike that turns them into vegetables for the rest of their lifes.


Whenever you think you have seen it all....


Disgusting that a convicted child sex offender gets his 5 minutes on telly. Luckily it backfired which is great!!!

Edited by catweazle
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He wanted a refund becuase his child was born with downs.
Never heard anything so extraordinary and horrible in my life. I hope the aussis watch him closely.

Baby Gammy’s parents, David and Wendy Farnell, win no fans after 60 Minutes interview




SOCIAL media has fired up with criticism of the biological parents of baby Gammy following their interview with 60 Minutes, which aired last night.


The interview with convicted child sex offender David Farnell and his wife Wendy did not do the couple any favours, with many Australians expressing outrage and disgust at their decision to leave baby Gammy behind in Thailand.



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the boy will be totally reliant on those Internationally sourced donations to support him for the rst of his life.
His Birth Certificate should show farang mum and dad as the named parties, as he totally has their bloodline. 
The Thai surrogate would back step to be just a witness.
Thai infrastructure will not support him as he is not Thai, and has 100% farang blood
Surrogate would have to adopt him to keep him, otherwise it's off to the Thai institutions anyway, which is what she was using as a major point in not letting him go...
poor kid

Incorrect... Under Thai law the surrogate is the legal parent. She would need to willingly relinquish and sign over custody of Gammy. So in fact, Gammy is considered to be a Thai citizen. The Australian government has reported to be considering dual citizenship with an Australian passport. This is the least they can do considering the Australian government allowed a convicted child sex offending Australian citizen to purchase and import a baby from abroad. 
Yes, that is what i thought that the birth mother has parental rights, but wouldn't the oz father be able to get equal parenting rights through the courts?

In this case? I seriously doubt it.
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Hold on, condemn Farnell because he's a paedaphile, fine.

Right, the agency told him at a late stage that one of the kids had Down's Syndrome. He himself says that if he had of known that the child had Down's Syndrome, well, he would of decided on an abortion. Now, had he of known, and he did insist or put pressure for an abortion, and the abortion was carried out, would we still condemn Farnell's actions ??

Yes, condemn him for the way that he has behaved since finding out about the baby having Down's Syndrome. That still doesn't remove the point of the agency telling him very late.

I'm trying to say that lot's of couples do actually decide on an abortion when or if they find out that the child has Down's Syndrome. Supposedly, back in the 1990s, about 90% of all couples who were told that they've got a Down's Syndrome baby opted for abortion. The percentage is not so high now, but it's still about two-thirds or higher. Are we going to condemn couples who do an abortion when they find out about the child having Down's Syndrome ?



Reports state that they were told four months into the pregnancy it was the surrogate that was told at seven months. The man has admitted to being grossly uneducated regarding surrogacy practices in Thailand. Perhaps if he had researched the practice, had an actual contract that dictated the process in which to follow and each parties options if abortion was needed or requested then he would have been better protected. Perhaps he should have known the surrogates beliefs and position in respect to abortion. The problem the assigned blame to date is that his wife has escaped virtually unmentioned. Although one may believe he is making the decisions I would venture to guess that his wife is the one influencing such decisions. I don't necessarily have an opinion on aborting unborn children identified to have Downs but it is nearly the same as gender selection in my eyes. Oh, we're having twins. Great, they are both healthy. Oh, one is a boy, well we don't want a boy but if both were girls we would be grateful and loving. Please abort the boy as this is our right and we will try for another girl at a later date. Selfish, image driven LUNATICS.....

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I'd like to know how they managed to get all the paperwork done to enable them to return with the baby girl so quickly!

Please phone and thank the Australian Embassy in Bangkok or the immigration department in Australia. 


Apparently,  they had been in Bangkok for nearly two months proceeding the births. They had ample time to complete the paperwork. Who gives a s..t, the question should be "why were they allowed to complete the documentation and return the girl to Australia". A convicted child sex offender is considered by the Australian government as well as most western governments and societies as being a danger to children and society. However, the Australian government is happy to allow a convicted child sex offending Australian citizen to purchase a baby abroad. I suppose those babies from abroad don't deserve the same protection as a baby born within the borders of Australia. If you happen to be a convicted child sex offending Australian citizen planning on purchasing a baby from Thailand, please request an application for citizenship by descent when visiting the Australian Embassy. There will be no need for a criminal background check. Please, don't make the mistake of requesting an application for a lifetime visa for the child. This force the Australian government to complete a criminal background check. Oh, I have forgotten, if confused no need to worry as only one parent needs to sign off on the request for a lifetime visa, so make sure it is the parent that isn't the convicted child sex offender. (www.immi.gov.au) And the Australian government is now asking the Thai government to slow new legislation in order for Australian citizens to remove their purchased babies from Thailand.

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the boy will be totally reliant on those Internationally sourced donations to support him for the rst of his life.
His Birth Certificate should show farang mum and dad as the named parties, as he totally has their bloodline. 
The Thai surrogate would back step to be just a witness.
Thai infrastructure will not support him as he is not Thai, and has 100% farang blood
Surrogate would have to adopt him to keep him, otherwise it's off to the Thai institutions anyway, which is what she was using as a major point in not letting him go...
poor kid

Incorrect... Under Thai law the surrogate is the legal parent. She would need to willingly relinquish and sign over custody of Gammy. So in fact, Gammy is considered to be a Thai citizen. The Australian government has reported to be considering dual citizenship with an Australian passport. This is the least they can do considering the Australian government allowed a convicted child sex offending Australian citizen to purchase and import a baby from abroad. 
Yes, that is what i thought that the birth mother has parental rights, but wouldn't the oz father be able to get equal parenting rights through the courts?

In this case? I seriously doubt it.


I feel the couple wouldn't have a chance in hell at parental rights in either a Thai court or Australian court. However, I have been wrong before.

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This might be one of the most disgusting things I have ever seen (the whole story - not just the video). This entire affair is a complete cock-up.


The way that surrogacy is run in this country is nothing short of prostitution.

Prostitution... Human trafficking disguised as prostitution. Perhaps the case with the Japanese man and the fourteen babies will help determine the difference. 

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This man talks as if he really believed that he was a party to a legal contract and that commercial surrogacy and abortion were legal inThailand. A moment's reflection would clarify that no country would allow a convicted sex offender to be a party to a legal transaction of this nature. A moment's research would reveal that the whole set ip was illegal in Thailand even for parents who are not sex offenders and that abortion is only legal in extenuating circumstances which do not cover this case.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I agree.. However, the Australian government did allow an Australian citizen to engage in the illegal purchase of a baby and legally register and import the baby to Australia. One would be foolish to believe that the Australian government has remained clueless, for years, regarding the legality of upwards of 150 annual surrogacy arrangements in recent years. In regards to the surrogacy industry, the Australia government can claim no moral high ground.  

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Just curious. How many paedophiles have ever been totally cured of their addiction?

I don't think it is classed as an addiction nor can it be "cured".

Paedophiles who have therapy and a realisation their desires are wrong keep themselves away from areas where there will be children. However the desires remain.

I'm no expert, don't claim to be, this is only what I've been led to believe is the case. I could be very wrong.
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This man talks as if he really believed that he was a party to a legal contract and that commercial surrogacy and abortion were legal inThailand. A moment's reflection would clarify that no country would allow a convicted sex offender to be a party to a legal transaction of this nature. A moment's research would reveal that the whole set ip was illegal in Thailand even for parents who are not sex offenders and that abortion is only legal in extenuating circumstances which do not cover this case.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I agree.. However, the Australian government did allow an Australian citizen to engage in the illegal purchase of a baby and legally register and import the baby to Australia. One would be foolish to believe that the Australian government has remained clueless, for years, regarding the legality of upwards of 150 annual surrogacy arrangements in recent years. In regards to the surrogacy industry, the Australia government can claim no moral high ground.  

This is where I am confused.

The Thai certificate would have the Thai surrogate name on it. What name for the mother gets put on the Australian certificate?

A man turns up at the embassy asking to register a child without the mother present? How the hell does that work?
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Risk for fetus down syndrome can be identified between 10 and 12 weeks of pregnancy by a simple ultrasonic or maternal serum test.  A blood test on the mother/surrogate can be done between the 15th and the 20th weeks of pregnancy to further screen for down syndrome. If either tests indicate risk then a diagnostoc amniocentesis test can be performed to determine if the fetus in fact has down syndrome. So there was more than adequate time for detection in Gammy's case for both the parents and surrogate mother to plan a course of action.


What is at fault in the larger picture if surrogacy is going to be allowed in Thailand :


1) lack of professional prenatal care

2) lack of a comprehensive surrogate contract

3) lack of regulatory oversight

4) licensing of surrogates

5) immigration control


If Thailand is going to allow continued surrogacy access to foreigners, it needs to legitimize the service in a way that meets international norms. Otherwise it will be potentially contributing to crimes against humanity.

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This man talks as if he really believed that he was a party to a legal contract and that commercial surrogacy and abortion were legal inThailand. A moment's reflection would clarify that no country would allow a convicted sex offender to be a party to a legal transaction of this nature. A moment's research would reveal that the whole set ip was illegal in Thailand even for parents who are not sex offenders and that abortion is only legal in extenuating circumstances which do not cover this case.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I agree.. However, the Australian government did allow an Australian citizen to engage in the illegal purchase of a baby and legally register and import the baby to Australia. One would be foolish to believe that the Australian government has remained clueless, for years, regarding the legality of upwards of 150 annual surrogacy arrangements in recent years. In regards to the surrogacy industry, the Australia government can claim no moral high ground.  

This is where I am confused.

The Thai certificate would have the Thai surrogate name on it. What name for the mother gets put on the Australian certificate?

A man turns up at the embassy asking to register a child without the mother present? How the hell does that work?


I am confident in saying the information you are requesting may be found at (www.immi.gov.au) in the country specific (Thailand) surrogacy rules and regulations regarding application for citizenship. Well, that is if the Australian government hadn't removed the pages from it's website earlier this week.

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Risk for fetus down syndrome can be identified between 10 and 12 weeks of pregnancy by a simple ultrasonic or maternal serum test.  A blood test on the mother/surrogate can be done between the 15th and the 20th weeks of pregnancy to further screen for down syndrome. If either tests indicate risk then a diagnostoc amniocentesis test can be performed to determine if the fetus in fact has down syndrome. So there was more than adequate time for detection in Gammy's case for both the parents and surrogate mother to plan a course of action.


What is at fault in the larger picture if surrogacy is going to be allowed in Thailand :


1) lack of professional prenatal care

2) lack of a comprehensive surrogate contract

3) lack of regulatory oversight

4) licensing of surrogates

5) immigration control


If Thailand is going to allow continued surrogacy access to foreigners, it needs to legitimize the service in a way that meets international norms. Otherwise it will be potentially contributing to crimes against humanity.


I addition to the above they should have a document from their country of nationality acknowledging the surrogate legitimacy and guaranteeing citizenship to the baby(s) at birth. 

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This man talks as if he really believed that he was a party to a legal contract and that commercial surrogacy and abortion were legal inThailand. A moment's reflection would clarify that no country would allow a convicted sex offender to be a party to a legal transaction of this nature. A moment's research would reveal that the whole set ip was illegal in Thailand even for parents who are not sex offenders and that abortion is only legal in extenuating circumstances which do not cover this case.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I agree.. However, the Australian government did allow an Australian citizen to engage in the illegal purchase of a baby and legally register and import the baby to Australia. One would be foolish to believe that the Australian government has remained clueless, for years, regarding the legality of upwards of 150 annual surrogacy arrangements in recent years. In regards to the surrogacy industry, the Australia government can claim no moral high ground.  
This is where I am confused.

The Thai certificate would have the Thai surrogate name on it. What name for the mother gets put on the Australian certificate?

A man turns up at the embassy asking to register a child without the mother present? How the hell does that work?
I am confident in saying the information you are requesting may be found at (www.immi.gov.au) in the country specific (Thailand) surrogacy rules and regulations regarding application for citizenship. Well, that is if the Australian government hadn't removed the pages from it's website earlier this week.

Someone must have told a porkie somewhere because I cannot believe that the embassy just registers a surrogate birth at the drop of a hat when knowing that commercial surrogacy is illegal in Thailand.

Or did the Thai mother sign a legal waiver to custody of the child.
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This man talks as if he really believed that he was a party to a legal contract and that commercial surrogacy and abortion were legal inThailand. A moment's reflection would clarify that no country would allow a convicted sex offender to be a party to a legal transaction of this nature. A moment's research would reveal that the whole set ip was illegal in Thailand even for parents who are not sex offenders and that abortion is only legal in extenuating circumstances which do not cover this case.

Sent from my iPhone using Thaivisa Connect Thailand

I agree.. However, the Australian government did allow an Australian citizen to engage in the illegal purchase of a baby and legally register and import the baby to Australia. One would be foolish to believe that the Australian government has remained clueless, for years, regarding the legality of upwards of 150 annual surrogacy arrangements in recent years. In regards to the surrogacy industry, the Australia government can claim no moral high ground.  


The Australian Government should develop its own surrogacy industry at home rather than be a part of this human trafficking activities.

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the boy will be totally reliant on those Internationally sourced donations to support him for the rst of his life.

His Birth Certificate should show farang mum and dad as the named parties, as he totally has their bloodline. 

The Thai surrogate would back step to be just a witness.

Thai infrastructure will not support him as he is not Thai, and has 100% farang blood

Surrogate would have to adopt him to keep him, otherwise it's off to the Thai institutions anyway, which is what she was using as a major point in not letting him go...


poor kid

Sorry but you are wrong more than once. Under Thai law, the surrogate mother is the only legal parent, with no need for adoption. 


The twins were the product of donated eggs from an unidentified Thai woman ( not the surrogate) and sperm from the Australian man. This has been made very clear many times. Therefore both twins are only half farang.

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Just curious. How many paedophiles have ever been totally cured of their addiction?

I don't think it is classed as an addiction nor can it be "cured".

Paedophiles who have therapy and a realisation their desires are wrong keep themselves away from areas where there will be children. However the desires remain.

I'm no expert, don't claim to be, this is only what I've been led to believe is the case. I could be very wrong.



I am no expert either but, from what I have read so far, paedophiles appear to have a 100% relapse rate. Which basically means that a convicted paedophile (meaning someone proven beyond reasonable doubt to be a paedophile) should never be allowed to come into close proximity with young girls. Which makes me wonder why he is allowed to have a daughter in the first place? Maybe the Australian authorities didn't know before but now they do. So what are they waiting for? Another victim of child abuse before they take action?

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This man should just shut the **** up. The more he talks, the less credible he becomes. Now I seen his face, reminds me he has an underground attic, with his chainsaw grinding bodies up.


Refund?! It's people's lives we are talking about here, when you make the first step, you commit through it all your life. What is this? A product? "I'm sorry, there is a defect on my baby, it's not working properly. I'm still in the 30 day trial. I want a refund." bah.gif

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Thai at Heart-


It has been reported that the surrogate signed documents for Pipah and Gammy. I am unable to locate the report but I clearly recall that the surrogates married name was documented for one baby then her maiden name documented for the other. There was talk, and I believe an admission on the part of the surrogate that she lied to the Australian Embassy representative in order for the couple to acquire citizenship for Pipah. With that said, I haven't seen any recent updates in regards to this specific matter. A "porkie" was told, but statistically speaking, per reports, there are hundreds of these purchases made by Australian citizens on an annual bases. Not just this year but for many years back. Sir, It is now time to realize that the Australian government does indeed register and grant citizenship, "at the drop of a hat", to babies that are purchased through illegal surrogacy practices in Thailand. 

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the boy will be totally reliant on those Internationally sourced donations to support him for the rst of his life.

His Birth Certificate should show farang mum and dad as the named parties, as he totally has their bloodline. 

The Thai surrogate would back step to be just a witness.

Thai infrastructure will not support him as he is not Thai, and has 100% farang blood

Surrogate would have to adopt him to keep him, otherwise it's off to the Thai institutions anyway, which is what she was using as a major point in not letting him go...


poor kid

Sorry but you are wrong more than once. Under Thai law, the surrogate mother is the only legal parent, with no need for adoption. 


The twins were the product of donated eggs from an unidentified Thai woman ( not the surrogate) and sperm from the Australian man. This has been made very clear many times. Therefore both twins are only half farang.



I think some Australians would prefer you not to mention the fact he is an Australian. whistling.gif

Edited by Basil B
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This man should just shut the **** up. The more he talks, the less credible he becomes. Now I seen his face, reminds me he has an underground attic, with his chainsaw grinding bodies up.


Refund?! It's people's lives we are talking about here, when you make the first step, you commit through it all your life. What is this? A product? "I'm sorry, there is a defect on my baby, it's not working properly. I'm still in the 30 day trial. I want a refund." bah.gif

Perhaps the option of surrogacy brings loads of happiness to deserving couples but on the other hand the indudstry as a whole and those that willingly participate are responsible for commoditization of these babies lives.

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More 'news' of a story that IMO is far from complete. All this article does is demonstrate that the father is not even capable of recognising the babies as children to be loved no matter how 'ill' they are.


He obviously only wanted the healthy baby as he regarded the whole matter as a 'transaction' when he wanted a refund when things didn't go perfectly well & to hell with the humans being born.


It is a sad reflection on the Australian authorities that they have allowed this to continue without any apparent effort to stop this pr-ick from claiming either child.

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how high are the donations right now ? anyone ?

$241,620 of 200k
Raised by 6,070 people in 20 days

Donate Now


Aussies are wonderfully kind folk - that is why they have been generous, and why they are so horrified that a fellow countryman has been so heartless.  Good on yer, mates!

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